. '� " ,
<br /> . � � _
<br /> ..,,. �
<br /> ,-
<br /> , <__ � , ,... �' > :� .
<br /> :_..__._-_:.:-:.�1�y-y.._.—�...___....____---__... . ---------�--�--.-----.___—__. - .___.___.._.._.:..__ -
<br /> ���
<br />. o W�`.,._ .
<br /> �_
<br /> �, . � gg-i�z��� ��T�:_
<br /> f re deli uent aU tnxes,sPgcinl us�ssments and ell other churg�s agninst �'--'_.
<br /> 3.Tex�-Aac�smez�ta. Topoybe o �9 f,�=--
<br /> •.. the Propeny reow or henafter levled.
<br /> insured egainst dama88 by �ro iaaznrdl�includ�vvith the temi E.. -
<br /> ' , � q. �n r��. To keep the ProPertY le to =
<br /> •acteadad cavecago"ead such ather hamrds as Lender asay re4uire in amaunts aaed�v►4I�companies acceptab _-_
<br /> Leua4er�nam�n8�der as aa eddldonal name�inawed adth loss Qayable w the Lender. In case of loss under such �`
<br /> _ �;1G� romise alt claima thereuadu Esnd atwU have the option of :
<br /> _-�,i ti Ao1ides. the I.ender is authoiizeti w adjust.coll�ead iadebtedaess secured hereby aad in wcb ord�r as I.ender inay ...
<br /> � °'"'� i BPPh�B+�as pait of the Insurance prosxeds(i) eQY -
<br /> r''••�►, det�mine,(ii)to the Tn�swr to be ur.$d for tt�e repair or restoradon of the Pco�e»y,or('iii)for e�ry other gurpose or c
<br /> � ohjer�sa��Y to Lender without uff�in8 the Uea af tbis Dced ogTiust for the full aueoum secund ehereby�befo� -
<br /> such pa�mens�ver took place. A�ry aPPllcabion of proa�eds w indebtedness shall nat extemd or posb�o
<br /> `� nta under tho Note,or cure anY defauh thereuuder or hereuades. _
<br /> of any psyme
<br /> E
<br /> r'" S. €�• Upon wiiaea demaad by Lender,Tn�tor shall pay w L.eader,in such macaer as I.eader maY
<br /> � desigoat�,�fficiem sums to eaabl�I.ender to pay es they he�ome due one or more of�h���(h��' —
<br /> ��a sad attcr chsrges ageias4 the Property:(ii)the Prem�on the P�P�Y
<br /> . � aad(�dro premi�s on any mortBaSe insu�ance requ�red bl►Lender.
<br /> Tmswr shall loaeP ths Pc�periy i�B�coadition aad
<br /> ' :.�-.'t 6. w�=r�tpnarSOB.Reaa?+�+attd C� Haacs�• d���not aommit or
<br /> �: . :'>i: ent wtdch maY be�S�ar � �y of the
<br /> ���;1:::<,- , ���si�ll pmmptly repair,or replacR�!►�+em
<br /> �",'• genait eny weste or deterioration of th�Pc+upeitY. sha11 not remove. danolish or ssnbs�►
<br /> � 4����`"• @Ct LO b0 d0� lA OT UQOA 1LL�P[O�C11Y�II
<br /> impmwementa oa the Pro�teztY.eLall not oammit,suffer or pemdt a�Y �Trustor's oost and�all liens.
<br /> - � � .,, vtoluionof auy lAw,ordinaacx er reguladon:and sh�1 Pmmgtly discharBe
<br /> ��;�;�� �nbranus ead char8ea levied,imposed or assessed ttSa�ast the A'°PertY or any part tlzereof.
<br /> - '�`•.,�,[��s 7, Fmin�nt DOt��. LCadE[lS flCDCCW�1�tGd 811 CO����������O!
<br /> .c'-� r� �'„-p,'"pr°°eeds")in comta�ton wlth condemnation or othrr ��.�'�a��uosecute ln
<br />;�_.;,�.�;�,t convayanoe in tI�u of oondemnation. Leader at�11 be e�titted at ica o�uon
<br /> - . ,�r.� and shaU also be eatitled to nealce eaY eom�°�°r s� �
<br /> ��.�;�.�•;;;; its awa�me unY edioa ur rtion of the Pno is��t� d�1°�•��r
<br /> "-:-•=;^;;� 4 oe�nnecdon wtttih such tnki�B as�e�Be. In the aveat eaY Po � �m all costa
<br /> _.;'�,;,_:•�n.
<br /> �� it its sole und absolute discredon.to eAPtY aU sut�Proc�eods,after �ed�°8
<br />_�:"��,�� shallha�rotlieoption. n iadebtedaas�s2caual t�bY+t�in sucb
<br /> ",:,:,��.:_ snd e�cptnses incumed bY it in connecdon cuMh such Pruoeeds.upo �i+
<br /> _Y n, ��'� oida aa Lerder maY d� or w ap,�afl suds Proceeds. �e�tton of�Proceeda Yo the�deb'�����
<br /> .i!-,i.��x P�Y� d�. Aal+ePP�
<br /> ._ =t.a,- pro a sudi caaditioms as Le�nder+naS► �er thE Note.oz caa�e anY defautt tfieramder or lter+amdar. AaS►
<br /> `,s���;t.
<br />=-�'°�trat;:� e�sctmd ot poscpc+ne the due date of anY P��
<br />____�s;�:;� �ppl'ud 5mds shb1I be ptd�Bo TnisWr.
<br /> -..°""�-�" . Upon the��of mt Evant o£De�u1t Laeundes'•ot if nny act is takan or
<br /> ----�- g- �,which mat�iallY a�s Ltada's intaeat in the Propesty, I.m�la maY in i�o�m .
<br /> _�-�.s� !�'a� butan,�obNgation to do so,etd whhout nottoe w or demand upaa'E�s�°T and withaut ret�m6 '
<br /> "",^ '�nutmr�am am�oblig�tion.do aaY ac�which Tn�stor has agtecd birt S�a to do an�may elso do a�r other aet it
<br /> - --1�:'i" haoo£ Trustos sha11,immediate�Y ugon dwa+n�a�aaefor hY Laider,psY�
<br /> _ - dearss naxss�p to Pnotecx the a�� �er in conuection wIth the exerdse by L¢nder of
<br /> --- - I.a�dzreri aosts end expa�.'se�jnwn"°d aad sums�ed bY
<br /> _—= ihe f�ngoin8�ig�.���t�st shereon at the defaWt rate provided in the Note.which s�a31 be added to -
<br /> --_;;_`� Laader st�all nst eaau rmy liab3litY be�us�of my�iaB it msY do or omit to do
<br /> --- '��,� 4!ha iadebtedncss saaatad herd►9•
<br /> ,�,� �iere�ader•
<br /> � _'�; g_ ' Trusior�ssll�g t��'�Y in complianoe���°�°�0a � -
<br /> _ -----_�- --�-.d F�'.____� (- •dl, to haam es •
<br /> and cegutadons �S to indusuiai �me ar a�•u d��be hazardous or toata
<br /> ��'�"''���°� "B¢vao�l Laws7• 'ftttstor sbs111caP the ProP�Y$ee&�em all substencos
<br /> �= --,j ��y��1 Yerovs(c�Lec�velY re�'a�w heran as"I�Iezerdoua Mata�sds')- Tcwtor hereby watr�s
<br /> ----�_, � to E.wder tLat there are no Hezardous Matertels on or wder dte ProPatY. Ttustor he�ebY�tD
<br /> —��.-.t.r:�9 Si�OpE35p18 LO I.EU�CfB
<br /> _ � �� 8IId BDj�
<br /> -�`�"a.r��— IDdC��' �101d�187m�CS4�dCt.Iffi�OT9r OffiC!!8,������'
<br /> tOSSG4 tIId�8.�idES���IIILC1iOD WLGh t118 pi�C�.
<br /> ._;��� ffiGS JC�f,."�1ffi�r ��84}��OttB lyjIIDC[jgig�1.IlIIdBf.�Of Bb011t�C p[0�1y. '���O�Q
<br /> .- ::..��:��=_ {Y7�1a�a� A'TIONS. 1^►I`m TRUSl'OR'S OBLICiA1I�NS PURSUANf TO TI�
<br /> -:�:��T�;:�;�`° ��ENIIQ11'Y�,�VNERF-CaNVE1CANCEOFTHISDE��FTL��.
<br /> -_ .'tE:.w�_�
<br /> - •. _..,. ��s,issue,y end pmf�a of the P�apertS►
<br /> ' ,�,t of Re�s. Tnaswr herebY essiBns to L�er '
<br /> - •� 10. � to collocL a��
<br /> .. _ _ .. ; �ded tLat Tn�swr sball,uattl the oocurc+enca of an Evert of Defsult h�ainder.hac�►8 the cig�
<br /> �r�.rmts issues ar�i ProSta+�s d�► Payable. U n t�e ooauna�of aa Svens of De&u1t,l.eader
<br /> . . �.�, beoome due aad _g° � .v tYV a neneiver anaoi�d f►Y a
<br /> ' • .I �:.�{"a. Wlth OT vYiffiOI3I CSI�$�7�"°"'�""""'� "�-•
<br /> ''"�` . i Z t0�y�!lS�E[t[l�OII OI LO��Qq8�y �tLpOII 81�f81S8 j1085E�0II Qf t�lC p[+OpOT�y,�_�►�
<br /> ' COIEttLIIdtiYlL�011t fC� Of lt8 SE�11Y. Of�10 LO
<br /> ' �' ��f t�lCY+60�. iII It8 OLY��l@0 Og�II t�18 A3m0 Of ttiE 1�NSiCQ.811�QO BTIY 8�8 WhLC�It�EP�S A�
<br /> � �. p�e tt�e valua mukdab�ity►or rmtab�it}►ef the Propedy,et a�►Part therco� or intaest therein�i�x the
<br /> t ° ��aad.with or wlthout ta3en8 Poss�s�bn of the PfoPectY•aue far.er
<br /> • iacoa�tmae8om.or protax tha saauitY ���mid yn?aid�d�PP�Y��te�
<br /> ' ctkawise aollax.the reats.issu�and ps�fita th�o�iactudin8 u iasd�dness sa�u+ed ha'd�Y•aU la
<br /> , aosta m�d expw.�es of ogeration anfl oollecSon inchcdin8�� Po�on of the ProPertY•tke colleci�en of auch
<br /> surfi order es Lender may determine. The mtesia8 u� shaU aot cure o;waivo naY def�tt or not�ae of
<br /> _ , ceaRS,issuas aad preSts and the epplicadon thereof as aSoses�dd, ro suc�aoSco of ds�t ana,
<br /> dcFault henamder or invalidate uaY aet dmie�n nsponso m sueh d�f'nult or pursuant c�aa of rems.
<br /> , - -. ' nosaithsffinding the coatmuaacx in Po�oa of the PropertY or the collecaio4 reoeiPt ead aPi�
<br /> : � Paga Z of S
<br />