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<br /> ------- [SI'ACE ABOVE THIS L.INE FUR RECORDING l)ATA]-------- _
<br /> ntn�rr['�OF D �
<br /> TO�MlHOIvd I'f MAY CONC�RN: 4� .
<br /> You are hereby aotified thai Dallas C.ffiem�ett and Patricia K. Bennett,as husband ancl wife,as
<br /> Trustors,d'ac�on or about March 13, 19�7, �make,execute �nd deliver unto Unit�d Nebraska Banlc.
<br /> Tiustee.a IDee�l of Trust whcrein said Trustors conveyed th�e fvUowing-described real pml�ertY:
<br /> Lot�ine(9),in Block Sevea�CI�,of Koshles Place, in the City of
<br /> Grnnzi Island, Hall Couuty, N�braska �
<br /> � as s�curiry i�bt re'PaY�ettt of a loan which the Trustors ob� from United Nelsraska B�►�n�s o�
<br /> o�said Deed af Trust wh{ch was recorde�on i�r?arob I7, 1�37, m.�e�gf'ice af s,._:_?� .
<br /> Hall Countyy Nebraska, as Instr�ment No.97-1Ob�75. _
<br /> On nY about March 13, 19�7, United Nebraslca Baai�;BeneficsarY,assigned aA of its right,title :.
<br /> .�d beaeficial interest i�a tX►e Decd of Trust to Pri�cipal Rc�kdential Mo�t$age,Iac. Th�Assi�naent was .�. '.
<br /> Yecorded Ma�ch 17, 14y1�,in the office of the}'�egist�er of Deeds of H�41��ounty,Nebraska,as Ia�u�ent
<br /> Nn.97-1U18?6. • •
<br /> Michael E. C�u7ans, Attomey at Law+,has been appointed Successor Trustee, pursuaut to a
<br /> Substitudon of Trustee fileai for record with t�he Register of Ue�s of H�11 Coaaty.Nebraska..
<br /> You are further notified that there 1�as°��bxeach of an obligation of the Tniswrs for wtuch
<br /> ��n�st pxope�ty was conveyed as security,tawit,that the Tiustors have failed to pay the Beneficiary
<br /> ., . �rayments which vyere�ontracbaally due. , _.
<br /> You are fiirther notified that the �eneficiary has elected to declase the entire unpaid princiP�
<br /> balance,together with i�rest thereon, at onuce due a���p�y�ble, aad the Truste�h�s slected w sell or�.:��.
<br /> cause w be soid tiie�xi�i�v�riy d�ocri�d�►s�d n�ct rtif'�'mst to satisfj+said'abligat�on. -_
<br /> _.:: DATE�D;�� Match 13, 1999.
<br /> �. Michael E.�urrans, Attorney at La:�v;Suc�essor Trustee.
<br /> ��: .
<br /> Mictad&CV�rero
<br /> �u,;etaiq,Scborr laa Rim .
<br /> �uoowooamea saiwu • ,�
<br /> , OmalwNGks�+`� B _
<br /> . Y
<br /> . . Michaei E.Currans(t12146�) • -
<br /> BRENNAN,P.C.
<br />'�� 110D Woodmen Tower
<br /> _'_�,� Om�a, Nebraska 68102
<br /> - (402) 342-1000
<br /> - ) ss.
<br />-- _ Ths foregoing�n�rument was acknotvledged before me, a notary public by M�cl�el E. Currans
<br /> � on March 13, 1999.
<br />—_ ��^
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