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<br /> a�as aa��sxT
<br /> THI3 AC3REEMENT made and ent�red into by and between Pau�a J.
<br /> Altns and LaVern� N. Alms, wif e and husbajnd ("Al.ms"? and Jerry D.
<br /> Rains, a aingle person, . and Bobbie J. .Andrews, a c�ingle per�on
<br /> (°Raina-Andrewa") .
<br /> RECITALS:
<br /> �'WHEREA,g, Alms ovu�s the real estate legally desaribed as the
<br /> Island6 H 11 County,�N b aska B he e fterG�referred to as �'A7.ms Real
<br /> Estat�e"; and
<br /> �'�REAS, Rains-�'sdrews ewn the xeal es�ate leg�i�.y d�ecribed
<br /> as the North 68 1/2 Fse� of Lot 1, Bl�cic 13, t3ilbex�'�� Addi.tion, .
<br /> Grand Ialand, Hall County, Nebraska, hereafter re�erred to as � �,_
<br /> "Raine-Andrews Real �state"; arcd � . _=:
<br /> � WHEgEAS, the parties' real esta�e ie, adjoining and the parties � ,
<br />_ ehaie a garage loaated generally o�i tlne boundary of the real :,:'�: :
<br /> estate; and
<br /> . ', .WHEREAS, the g$xties desire to ezzter into th,�.s agreement � :,
<br /> - . . sc�t�ing forth their:i."�aepective right� and obligations;.�►ith reepect :
<br /> . � to fiYie garage. • ;;�:,
<br /> � IT IS TtiEREFORE AGREED kay and betwe�n tih$ pgxties as followa s • __
<br /> - � 1. Th� poz'��:oi1 c�f r_.he garag� ��oc ated on e�tt�t3: Rccol L�tatE
<br /> �� including all wall�, 3oors and raof ahal]. b� maintaiin�ec� and kept 3i�
<br /> gaod repair by Alms at Alms' aole expense.�' .
<br />_�,: 2, The portion of the garage located�on Rains-Andrewe Real
<br /> � keptteinn good�r pairra by �Raine-Arldrewr fat aRa ns-Andrewa'edsole
<br />- , expense.
<br /> 3. 1�.3 ahared or party wa�.1e of � the garage ah��.l be _
<br />�;�.yq maintained joint].�r 1ay the partiea, rai�h each party responaible for �_
<br />=v payment of one-haiL of the repair �nd maintenance expenses.
<br /> -= _., �_�,.e..w ..�. aosrrnv their resDective . -
<br />-= . 4. NeS.tner pariy SI1r111 ua�.�..=•o.. __ ____ -
<br />���= portioaz of the garage without the written consent of the other .
<br />.� party.
<br /> - 5. This agreement ehall be binding upon the parties, their
<br />- hei�s, aucceesora in interesti and assigns and ah�ll run with the
<br /> --- land.
<br /> �
<br />