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<br /> �- ?r.(q; ature at IRdebtodnesa Lcen Amotu�t 8.250
<br /> �':°�: Consumo�Loan 31,186.50 02/17/03
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<br />::.�.# -r:`. � hanby 91va Commerotei Fedeni B�nk a Federal Sevinga Bank('Commorotal Fedmot').whoae addreas la�
<br /> . . :. �0 1�' 68101 a mortpeQe,with powor of ae��,af the toilov►inp proPnrtY toQether vuNh nl14nprowmsnu aow or
<br />-'':":`•;:, enait�r e»ot�d an the pro�ty end�tt as�m�nta.dphts�nd�ppurt�mncw thrrsta
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<br /> �'?�';��� If mon then ons peraon�{gna this Mortp+�ne,the word•I•mesni'�.•
<br /> -'�"��:�_s��
<br /> This MoRpap�seaures�loan m�d�bY Commer�dal Fedaral evidenced
<br /> � �'�� A nots dit�d ths eame dets ns this Mortpqs in tho emount oi� 3 �-1 A�_5A .with intensat at the initi�f reU at $a�.._�
<br /> =:.-,s�:,,�� per annum,ea+teina ths tertna tor ropaYm�+t d that lonn.lf that note Is�ver chengad or replecad by�new note,it wEll Ite seeurod bq thb Mart4+�pa
<br />.�yr.s�_r�,:��
<br /> _ — t pramise thetdlawfngthingx
<br /> ="s����;:`nt�i� �, qp psy�nta on nny rtote ar othar debt aeture�by thia MortgeBe wiU be paid whan daa
<br /> —'�`"""���'�� 2 M inauranee paliny for firo end e�cended covatago wlli bo kept in torce on the proportN ln en ert�oant at teast oq�caf W the debte aeaured bY thta
<br />�•�'Y,�•--`-'`�`'� MortO�ge PAm any other mortCeBea Ilated in paregraph 8 belaw 71to irtmusnce comPany muat ho eatiafacwry to�ommerciel Federa6 and
<br />`"-'�`'�'"'���� Car►rnerdai fedenl wili be a namad tnaurvd on tho poiloy.
<br /> ..___' --�..� _ 9. All taxea and ansessmente an the OropeKY wtll be peid botnro 1heY beeome deGrtquent
<br /> _ 4: No waece wiff bs committed on the PropertY.and it vuill be kept in good repair.
<br /> -__�;:.�;� 6. Tho proyorly wi1!not be aotd(inciuding�l land contreot).let�iad,artd�o interert in h w611 be usigned in ony wey.
<br /> --::z� � N �R7CtLm� 8�iv.IIT3 H�1LZC
<br /> -��- .:--•� 8. i avn tha pcoperry treB end cloar ot any othor mort�ages or erteumbron�as FXCEPi
<br /> - _-- 7. No other ettoRgago or ifen on the ProP�Y�++11 evor ba eltowad ta b�in dcf�sdt or be torcnlo�od. . _
<br /> -�„�� �}airy of thase•prmmkes ars rtot kepL lhen Cammerciai Federot ean dectore ell ot thadebt immedieteid due end peyabie v�ithout advanee notice.
<br /> --�- 6cce�tlona�nty be►nW�quired by lew The intere�t rate wiil increase to 19.0096 or er►y la�aar pt the maximum rete ailowable hy�ewat thattim�.p d��$
<br /> - �-_--.--� n,.;K�eas c9n lu.i�lesed in axordencs wid�ePAltcebts Iew Ii the debt Is eccoUs¢alod.then 1 atao essian sny rent a othar incortN tran th� to
<br /> -_ _-__- C�M�dd Foderei.THE PARTIES AGHEE 1 nA� i nia wNSii i u i�i.Wi3.F'fCP.AI.R:.':L ESTQTE t�^.4t�.�'�A�co�vena�tt herdn.thb MartII�e�Y�
<br /> � � (FOR$0.DAKOTA R6IDFNIS t�idl'r'j. in tite evsti of�niy o'-ofouli in ittc�of�n:i-`-�.'rtt"-'nt c+r in k�^9 anY -
<br /> •:_ tqe�o�ed by�ation,or bY advertisement as provided by statute or tho ndes ot praatiee retnttng therotu and thi�parap�ph shsif tre damed ae au�oriunp and
<br /> ,,,-�.,..■..,��� constitudnp a powsr ot ade es mentia+ad in�aid etatute or ndes and at�y artiendrrtemt tharoto end n�a1►tete[n statutaY cosOS snd�ttomefl�tSD.NtY.MN.
<br /> --------- OK.ertd Mt re�idenU ot►hr�• . g
<br /> -- ----- Cartnfn una+nts can be paid by Comrtemeial Foderat and added to the debtsashuad DY tl+�s eM�y legaf aotIrneD�ot�pht b1►«someoc�e elsehca�i�si�np the
<br /> ;--"T�"°"'�'�� pey butf�if ta ami attomell feea ot courtu�sea Commercfei Foderat pays"rf it ia mede e pgrtY
<br /> �°»:"='±''`"`„ end eny attoreeeyfeea a eourt exFenaos wfiich tha Ww might atlow ff Commardal Federal has to go to courtogainat ms to aolteat tho deb2 w
<br /> �,_.-=��;;'--:�5.-e f'_ t I�Cla�se this mort9a8a If any ot th�e thin9shappen.then the eddittonal debt will aeorue interost at the eamo reto os the rost of Usedebt and mu�t be psid `
<br /> �e.�� r:.
<br /> -A"--.-�'�� fmmadietsty. -
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<br /> -t �,..2�.���.. tt thia proporty ta orer condemnod undor tho powor of emtnent domain or r.ny dmitar mothod oi takin8 P�n1►for pu0itc use.aml proceada of tho tekinp
<br /> _ �-,..,�::�t".,. wfli be p�id to Comrtoorciai Federal up to the fidf emount of the debt securad.
<br /> � �a,-�p�_ .
<br /> �- r��r+ES-'^}`0.
<br /> .S-sn. Bortower wr�Nes all rEgfit ot homeatesd exemPBon in tho propedY and future waivea ell�iphta ot�edemption.wcemption.dislribWve shar�and dotivor.
<br /> -=;�":�:'• Nofto�Lo Barow�►Ifor ODd�homs .A �r o4 ul�ha M�n r�d tnthis �.A wu at uM ees aflorn tl�e � to tein the
<br /> - - - � ura a ~
<br /> -:. ... ;�; oa 99 r��. n � �
<br /> �---` aa.,i.aatn Borrow�ersTVP�� �sas�� ln 1_"_ ..
<br /> � . 41Y�� � '• ��vir
<br /> `�".1°��^ Borravwfo Typod me a Sfyn
<br /> � . .•, i' 1004 8CQII3 C�ICB� L4[�ilLID. I�, 68A01
<br /> , Borcowere rosa -
<br /> +'�t STATEOF T�A� .
<br /> ';,;:" � ss, _
<br />- CdUiVTY Of H�+T+ =
<br /> On B�ia 3.1� day oi �� .19 9� .beforo me.a notary Pub�lo in and far sa{d eounry.peraont�Uy came
<br /> ML�+D �a�CAl�� � u me knawn to ba ffio identfcoi persa�a pcna�e vfiose
<br /> name is or me attixed to the ebovo mmt8o8e,and tAsy,h�/ahe/they amreraily oeknatiledged the safd iaauumoM end tMo oxecudan therooi to ba thofr _.
<br />_ ;«=-;--_-= t' �x;�:t ettd tk+� n
<br />- wITNESB Mv han � wrinon above. 01�._ ?il��/1�Q D�.!/�i.�l��
<br /> • My commiasion eapire Homry Pubtio'a 8[enaturo
<br /> �- ::'' '� NE-IN-WY-IL- C�IN ta�DOb DN-1077 (07/971 .,
<br /> i
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