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<br /> J � 661586! Oe�/19/19�9 r,�
<br /> ��.�l S�11CY J Hxb�Btl�L�3lN� K�tlS'SI218 K 1;ILD�RSRAND �
<br /> YS. IIa,.�„t,'�It�3'�i 8o ft�a-.:�icEe. Nnn�lfltst�+ns�a� Ixrtder's gsseleratt�n of th�sunas secue�!by thls B.xd of �-�_
<br /> . . .•f� • Ttust.dus w Bom��xr�r'b breash.Bortovutr slwll have the dght to have anY P�8$�8�by Lender to enforce tWa
<br /> �x
<br /> Decd t?f'l'cust dl�ondn.utd as a�y dme priar to th�earlier to uocur of(i)tRe tiRh day befoc�Hie sale af tk$Prop�c�y �`�'-
<br /> , Vlfgt 0�&dIC 601lf��I�tD�B EZ�iA OY TNS!OY(�)CIIh'Y 6Y II jlt�ilt 6U�OICSA$tI1�8 I?CP.Q OY�tUo"4 IE(II) °'-,_—
<br /> • �putai�t ta tlt�po
<br /> -._-:-:::;��� Boacower ptys U.n&t rall sums vfilch wanld t��ti�en due w�der thia Deed of Trust aud the Nate hAd ao ucceleradon � ��.,
<br /> ..,.I oocu�l; N) �omo��r cures aU b�aches of a�y other covenanta or egreem�ats of�orrower oon�ired in this Aced of
<br /> B� f?3i60ii�tfl CR�i�a"'Z,�+`" fasntc�fl by I���!er naA '['ez!saee in e�orclqg the coveasut�► c�tfl o �: :
<br /> Ttas� (c) Eo7mwer psY `
<br /> T�`"'�`�'_'� agretmeuss of Bonower contetned fn thls Dced of Tn�st end In enforciag Lender's and Tcustee's remedie,�as provided ia `'i' `_
<br /> - ,� psragr�ph 17 hezeof,includln8. tut aot Ilmited to. t+e2smnable attorneys' fets:a�(d) �omower wk�s such acdon as �
<br /> _= Lender may ntsonstbly ce�uite co �s.suc'a thttt the Ilon�f tbis Deed of Tn�st. Lender's Inierest ia We Ptaperty s�d
<br /> ;� �ornnwer's obltgation to p�y ttrt sums�d by tbiu De�!of Tcust shall co�ue unimpai�•Upon such paymsnt end `Q -
<br /> ----- �.ure bY Somower. thls Dced uf Tenst and the obligadons secuced hereby sLa1t remai�+�i�n tieU force�d effect as If no
<br /> -� _ , acceleration had occucred. � ap g�o�v� I�ender tn Pbssession. As Addidonal�alty hemumder� -- -
<br /> ' 19. Ass�o!Re�tsi �PPo� ded d�st Bomnwer sLall. P�ior w acceler�don uuder
<br /> -:�`.•.:� Bosnwer hereby assi8�� Lender che reafs of th�Pmgerty.Pmv� ccel
<br /> :.}. :�
<br /> .�.,,. ,•� paragraph 1�Bereof or abwdonment of the Peo�ty.have the right to collect a�d t+etain su6h rem�as thsy bocome dae --
<br />-:;�;�';:, payable. h 17 heneuf ar abAadonment of the Prnpeny.Lerader, in pe�son.by ageni or by
<br /> :: �;i«,:F Upon acceleratioa us�ter garaB�P
<br /> `� `•��t' .iudlcin]1Y�P���ver sht►1116e eadded om euoer�on.talce possessloa of and manage the Property and w collect the
<br /> s
<br />',;,:,:�''i`*`:' renss of the Propeatq i�clwdi�g � P�Q�. Atl n�tus cQllected by Lender or the e�ceiver stealt 1� sspplled fusi to
<br />�:,'Y `:` aud collecdon of nms.including,but n4t limited w.receiver's fees.
<br /> '� � payment of the wsua oT mana8�ent of the F��ta+
<br /> �`-`�� • nabla e�2tornt s'ff�es,and then w the sums s�A by tWs Deecl of Tnut.landez
<br /> �,r:�,�•� pr��u�ass on r�ceivec's bonds�ntd�aso Y _
<br />..; ,�,�>;.,,
<br /> �� `'��``"� aac�a�e secdva sYa�1i b�Ua4r�Q�accaum enly ffor chmse c�as aca�aUy received.
<br /> : ,,.',. � this Aeed af'I'cast I.e�er sball re4uest Tmstee to
<br />'":�,``�,;�,°i�.,q';( � erse.'�.U��� o£� �3 se�maed bY �
<br /> t�.::�,,�. �. a�con�ves9
<br /> �_:;�;��,,•� . �ecomey ths Peo�,:.ary and slhal���t1�as&�ee8 0�T�t sud alt nni�.c evldeudn8 inclebtedness secused by this Deed of
<br /> ,.."`°"w� , Tn�st oo Tcvstee.'li'�ascee�il�cbn�vey r,�Prrs�without warn�ntY anfl withaut cUatge to the peison or peisons loB�Y
<br />^''' emitlal thereto.Stach Pe�so�ar persuns s�nLd l�a�t u93 casts of reoor�tion,if any.
<br /> 21. Sei6�T��Lender.st a.�ef's optton,maY fc�om tlme w time mmove Tnistee aad appoi�a successor
<br /> 1 uusta W�y Tnutce �poia�herennder by un iuspniment rxorded in the c�nutY in which thls Deed of Tnist is
<br /> "=- �;�, uy��,v.coaveyaace of tke I'mFe�►, � �r nusta a�hall suc�ceod w aU the titl�, Power aud duties
<br /> �� �����'fsuscee Ixref�ud by tigplieable lsw.
<br /> —_ �'L. Raguak tor Nadcea. Homuwer r�uests that oopies of t�e noYioe of dsfautt and notice of sale he sent w
<br /> Borrow�et's address wtdch is the ProPenY Addr�• � ��,or rele�se of�ayt
<br /> �3.Baardov��uAet�oa�•8oieowtr sball�os ctuse or permit tbe prese�e.use• • �
<br /> H��y�baw�xa an or in tho PmpenY. 8oroawer sh�ll aot do,nor wllow unyone else to do.ar�nriia8�focan�
<br /> p�,�ert�►t6�4 is ln vlsladon of tny�miroam�nnl Ltw. The ptcced�aB two senunses st�U mt app�y w tLe preseace.use.
<br /> or scon�e on the Piop�nY ot emiU qu�atides oi Hu�rduua Substu�es dut an genecallY resognittd w 1�e gFPi'oDr�a to
<br /> -� aorma!asidendal�use��nd to maiutenaace of the Propen}I.
<br /> ___-�._ �nuwer shall Paon�Y 8;ve Lender waiuen nodoe of smy iavesdg►.doa,clnim.den�and,lsws�it or otber wxion by
<br /> �Y 8�'��°! n8�=9 aS�l► ar Qrlvate paaty involving t�e PcopertY a�od a�►Y H�r�us S�bst�cx or
<br /> Smi�nmem�l Isa of wbich Bocc+owec has actusl icnuwledge. If BornavNer leam�,or is not}Hed by anp Bovemaaemnl or
<br /> ��ry ���y� t�t.�ny n�qxqval or othec mm�diedoa of swy H�zatdons Substa�e affxd�8 t�e pmp�rtY �
<br /> Botruwet stroll�prampdy�mke all necessary��a1 actto�in axor��e wltL Bnvironmental Law.
<br /> ------ �used ln t�is ptc�►gD�'a3�."kJu�Ious Sub�ne��an tt�ese subsmnxs ds8neti ss�oiiC ot haz�tdo�us substAaoes
<br /> � by gnvlmmmental Law auui�e�allau�ttg subsau�s:Saso�ins•irEmsene.ofhc�r fiAmmablt oz to�3.c peaoteum pmdu�ts.
<br /> -_� mxic pesd�&s irsd�-ibtc�,vcL�te sfllvr���'.te�ia���S��or fo�mal�ehYds,amd�oxdve musrials.
<br /> . -------- As ased in dds��23. "�vimanmental Law•mean�federal lstws�lews of the jurtsdictton wl►exe t3u PmgettY is
<br /> — locaud that nlate ro 4ialtb,�Y or emvlconmema�Pmtecdon.
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