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., ��i . <br /> . ' .. „ . ,. '� p.. - ., <br /> n • � � .. . , , .. . <br /> _ . „ .. -�rr�rs9?killtll7��. . <br /> , , _ .. .. .. . . . <br /> .... .._ <br /> _ -- f3'PACY J NI&9Bl2g1E�?1D KYtEBTEt7B K HELDSRSRblND 6613864 02/19/1999 ' ,. . <br /> , � • UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Bomowtr and l�ender oovenant And a8��s folloe�s: _. <br /> n , <br /> fl. Finy�temt of I�clpAl �d In4�?. Horrowar shall promptly Fay w6en due the prirtclpal aud inter�st <br /> .iudebtedness evidenced by tk$Note and late char8es ns ProvEded in�e Nore. � :�� <br /> ,� � a.Fttnds fer�'axcs and 1�uurtutoe. Subject to applicable la�r or a written�aniver by Leuder. Barrower stsall pay co :; - '.: <br /> r� oe <br /> ' Lender on the duy maashlY PAYment�of P�P��iatemst are paYsble wzder the Note.undl t6e Note is paid in fiili.a � ,;,,k�4;_. <br /> . siun(horeln°Funds°)�m oA�-s�velfth of the yeurly wxe.s aad assessaaents(including cor�dominlum agd p4�nued unit ,: �, <br /> , development��.��Y)��may attain Prlurlty ovEr this Deeti of'I'n�st.and gcound rents on�e P�operty, if � ��: . .. <br /> anY.Plus ons-twelfth of yearly preminm installm�uts for barard Insuraace.Plus oae-twelfth of yesuly premium 1�staU�nts � R °�:.`'� <br /> ,�.:: ::_. <br /> , � . for mnrtgage Insurance, if any. all as reasombly es�mated in�dallY and fmm dme to dms by Leader on tta�obas3s�of `, -�,,,. <br /> ,�._i�-,;i assess�ents an+d bills and reasonable esdmazes thereof. �orrower sLaU nat be obligated w make such paym�ets �.�;�,:`:' <br /> _ � w I.ender w the extent that Bomower m�lces suct►PaYmmesnYs to dte holder of a prtor moatgage or deed of uusc lf s�ch holder � ;. .•-: <br /> ' � is an Insdtudoml leu,der. Es or�ceouuas of which are %!;.�•;; � <br /> s Funds to Lender. th�Funds sball be held in ao�titudon the deposl �.•_y<�="' <br /> � If Borrower paY includin$Leu�ter if bremder is suctd an insdtudam).I.e�dsr shall apply <br /> insured or guarnnte�d by a Fodetal or state agem�Y( for so l�mldfi�mg a� �`� <br /> :: the Funds to pay said taxes.assess�euts.insuraace Premiums and Srousd Te°ts•�a�y a°t cha�gP ,;,`;,¢�� <br /> , ``;'�: . applytng the Fands,analYai�43 snid axonnt or verifylag and compilin8 said a��s and bilis. unless I.��der paYs �.•;_:_- <br /> ::',�r, r w make such a cbar8e.Borrower a+nd Lender n�Y a�ree ,,;��:_ <br /> �•��i�::::ti' Borrawer interest on ttee Funds and applicable law permits I�ende =_-- <br /> �����'�y� in wrlting at the dme of exerudon of tbis Deed of Trust tLat intet�st on the Fuads shall be paid rum�3�towet. and uutess �— <br /> ..,-,�.� , <br /> �;�.�; such agc�nt ts made or appllcable law cequires such i�uerest to bs gatd,Leader shail not be rei,gu;aed topaY Bflsrower `„:- <br /> �::�f on the Fwids. Le�er s6a11 give to 8orenwer,wtthout amu�ai sccoundmII o�t�Fwmds �l��,u� <br /> . , � any imeresc or earnln$s e for which each debit to the Fu�s was�ade. '15e �� ace ' <br /> showi�g credits aad debits for the sums s�used by this Deed of Tmst. <br /> � led ed as edd'adonal secudtY �.�°T�. <br /> . � �� P 8 le or to _ <br /> ' ;:� If the aanoant of ehe Funds held by lxmder,�toge�di��re monthly ins�ts aff�u�s t�Y� Pn �..,�.�.. <br /> nts�1as�P rencs. shatl exc,eed the amo�mz mY9ulred w paY said -- <br /> . ;�,;,Va, the due dates of taRes. rendums and gmund rems as they fall due. such racaESS shall be, at Bormwer's option. �m*:` <br /> _ :;;.��".:;�yt� ,�� taxes. as�ents. �ura� � of Fwds. If the amount of the Fuuds .t��;� <br /> .�,�'i., either prompdy cepaid to�arr�wer or credited w Borm�rer on moraWy iastallments _ <br />-. '�'��t�,' held by I�end�r steall not be sufficient to pAy taxes� assessmems.ius����ce Pre�iums and Sronnd rems as tteey faU due. -- <br /> U <br /> , � '" to I.ender anyr amount aec�►w malce�the de�c3e�cy in oae or more payments as Lender may <br /> Barrower s1�a11 pay <br /> �- t: ��• in full of all sua�stcuted by mis�ac�I ir�Tu�t.l.�ler°.�5--°��-��F'�)y refund to Borrowes an�r Funds ��'-_ <br /> a;�'�` <br /> ,. .,,�.,..;. ,, - U n payment is sold or the Property is ot�he:vulse aaluired bY Le�er,Lender �■■f� <br /> . .�r�,.,a��:• � 17 heteof the PmpenY v 1 <br /> : � :r•>:,� , . : held by Lender.If under Par�P� don by Leader.anY Fmuds held by <br />- ' �c`:"� � sUatl apply. ao later tLan imnoodiatelY P�tor w the sele of the P�+oPertY or its� <br /> Lender at the time of a�plicadon as a credit against the sums socured by tLis Dced of nts rooeival by Leuder under the <br /> 3.A Itadton oS PaJmao�. Uniess appllcable law pmvides othenvise.all PaYme <br /> � . � Note and p�a�pbs I and 2�f sball 6e appuod by Lender 6rsc in payment of amonnts payuble to Lenda by Borcower <br /> . wider Dae�gceph 2 hereof�d�ea to interest PzY�le on the Note.aad ttren w the priadPal of the Note. <br /> - � 4. 4etor Mort��nd Deab of Tnstt Caar�t L�• Borcower st�all Perform ull of Borrowu's obligationg <br />� ���,:. - e. deed of ticcnst or othsr sxaultY a�a��wlth a lien which bas priorIty over this D�d of Tn�st. <br />=—t�•,. .... , woder tmy mnrtBaB �n due.Susower shal!DaY or cause to be lwid all taxes. assessments <br />:'�:,�t, , :°� ivc l u d i n g B o x ro w e r's c o v e ra n t s t o make P�Y� whlch msy a t a�i n a p r to r i t y a v e r t h i s D e s d o f T e u s� <br />�'��•="�-- snd wher cLsrBes•8aes and impostdoffi atteibutable w the PcopertY <br /> .M.{,;, <br />`�""�":--r� and leasehold ptYme�s or gi���'�����w exi�xi�v8 or hereaRer� an t4ts PmpertY <br />„�.y�-�.,-: _��� �. Ba�asd Imw'+wo� • <br />=�`�``�'�`�- Insured againsc toss iri►9re.luusrds inc�u�wlthin tLc teim'a�anded oavern8e .and s�icL other harard4 as Lender maY <br /> cequite and in sweh amovats and for such perlods as I.ender maY[�eq�re. <br /> -��:���i�:f due in�iraaos sball be choscn by Bflrrower snbjat w aPPlowal by Leuder;pmvided, <br /> __._ _ T�t i���T P��B 1 wlth�efd. All imuranoe Poiides auu iw�rato�.-r.�f�al! �in s fom� `__. <br /> v� �`:�a,. that s�ch apProwal shall noY be uaceasomtb Y <br />'�;�-'�,..~�~ I� acoepqtble to l�ender and shall inclvde a standard mortg�8e clause in favar of and in a fomn acceptable�o Lradtt. Lender �:r.� <br /> :...���. deed of tcust or other <br /> -_-= shall have ttae r�ght to huld the polides and reneaals t6eceof.sub3at w the amos of sup mortgage. -- <br /> _ __,;"°�;`_�� -„�„�..�,..,-.��meet�id�a lie�u1!tch l�as prIarin►over this Dced of 1Yust. �i,;_; <br /> - In t�eveui oi tass,Sarm�r�°'° �e�gr�s�n►d�e iasvcmoce caaler and t�mer.t.ender w,.y�;.�:ca€ <br /> -,.���.�-:�,._, of losa if nnt made pmmptlY bY l�n�cow�• nd to I.ender wltbia 30 days fmm the date <br /> : _�,...._..._._;.�.: is abando�d by Bomower.or if Bormwer fails to�e.spo <br /> ;;..�.:-1i:..•.: ;.,; If the ProPertY offe�s to seute a ci�im for in�imnce be�Sts,I+en�is <br /> _ - .�.._..�i;�.:,i� nOtiOe is mailed bY Lender t0 BoilOVVer that the insura�lce Catde'r <br /> i <br /> y''''�. .. awtwr�Zed w colloct and apply the insuiance pru�ls at L�er's opSon either w restoradon or r�epair of th�e °r -- <br /> :;};°;';;, '�'; to d►e snms secused bY this Deed of Tsu,ct. �Q;� C�n�7�: � Untt Aevdopme�ts• - _ <br /> . �`.�;',- . 6. P�+esarvat�on anfl Matffie�noe of Propert9i �n daedolatton of the ._ <br /> ., ��_�. Bonower s4�111cs�P tbe Prop�rtY in 8��P��shall aot oo�mie waste or permit impaic�eat � _ <br />- �u�'- property a�l s'�ill comply r�Ith ths pmv�sions of a�r lease if this ID�of Trust is on a IeaseholQ If this Deed of Tmst is ` <br /> � on a unie ia a condo��a planaed unit development.Ba:rower shaU perfoim sU of Boaower's obligatioas wtder the =_ <br /> � _ �' declaradoa or oovenaats cceadn8 or Savemin8 die�ad°n°im°m°r Planned u�t development.the by-taws and reguladons __ <br /> - of the coada�or plaw�ed uatt developm�nt.and coasdituent documents• wmAined in tWs = <br />_ � 7.Pirotec�ton of Leada's Seanity If Botc�ower fails w perfoim the covenau�and� °�_ <br /> .. ,-� �,�a.s T.�,�er if amr aaion or D�fl8�0°�°��ch�a11Y affa�L�ndea's interesa in ths Pcoperty.taen -= <br /> •-�- ------- -= dielnnra mtclf stim4. �IIC�tl�ll� ` <br />— ��---__��-� L�CI, 8t LCIIdCf�B Ogi�011► �n IIOt�CC LO BOIiOWCIs �Y �� DECL�Bf�S�ffiCTeb't.If��Q�'��� ��= <br /> � reasonaUle auoraeYs' fees.affi take snsh acdon as is n0oessn�Y P � <br />_ ;: . ;ns�n�as a�don of�aldng the loan secuted bY tWs Dced of 1�st,Baam�vec shall pay the P�w[th �' <br /> �Y,;�,�.� maiumin sttch insurance in effect u�dl snc� tlme as the req�d�e�fot snCh i�vram� � �;;: <br /> ' �� K.. <br /> . :�;��� Bornower's and I.end�c's wrlaen agseem�t��3i�° �" a. at thc No�e rate,s6a11 bec�� �, <br /> — ` f.+�:�� ����by Lender p�usuant to this ParnB�Fb�• wlth interesc the�eon. t@ oil�r tetms of <br /> _ � s,,,, .. . <br /> `.4i S� additional iadebted�ess o f B o r r o w e r s e c u r e d b y t�»eed of Tmst. Unless Borrower antl Iauder agree t�rtof. Nothing �;� <br /> - �� PaY� � � � ���le�°II �flce from I,endec to Horrawer roquestinB PaY�� ;,:': <br /> 7 sball�egu�e L�er to ic�cur any expense or talce anY acdon heteunder• ons of ffie PropertY. <br /> � contained in ttus paragraPh �ke or c�nse w be made r�onable enndes upon a�ed ins�d <br /> � 8. Ia�pedton. Ixnder may A ,�h i don reasonable cause tLeretor retated to <br /> o -- - - -_-- provtded tbtu�ader siisii gtve aorntw.r�iCe g=ior ts►�y&!- �IT� ��� <br /> I.euder's interest in the PcopertY• <br /> q; 2otS <br /> — Neumaka26876-4 tros Origiaai(RnaosQed) Co�►(sranah) CopytCufltoaier) � �.. <br /> ., - — <br />