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<br /> • ^.�,,ti � L�U1`S R'SCH]CPMAN J�ItJB A 8t�iIDMAtd a11598D Oa/il/1999 �
<br /> ° °�� ' � 18. Borraw�r'e Itfght to Relm�ate. Nutwtthstai�i��g Le�der's¢scelcration of the cwas ��ured by ttila D€ed of '_
<br /> ma
<br /> •� " � Teu�t,due tn Bon�ower'a bre�ch.Bonnwer shuU h�ve eha dght to have any procegd�ugs begun�y 1.euder to e�rfi�rce tiila '��
<br /> �� �Dce�A�f Tnict discominued at any time priar to thc�:urltcr to�u:cur of(i)thc t i ft U d ny t�c fora�ie s�te a Y t�o pmpc n y � =-�
<br /> ° �• pnrsu�ne co tiie powee of e,ale contatned in tl�fs Dred af T�u�t or(ii)cutry uf n Judgment ecifercing thlo Qe�d af TFUSt tf:(n) �
<br /> B�rruwer paya Len�r all sums which wavld be titen �tue u�tder thls D�xc! of Tn�t aa� che NaiQ kad ao nsceleradon � --.
<br />�-_ .,'��"""�� nerurc�d: (b) Barcuwer ce►res all breaches ai any othsr crneannts or agceements af I�onower eantAtued (n thia D�ed of —
<br /> .. � '; Truss: (c) Boraoti�rer p�ys Pll rc�!�on�{+ie eap��ues ir�uned f►y L.ender aud Teustee in enfo�claB thd cavenants nnd � ;.--
<br />_;.:��:;A;.:; agreements of 8orrower contatned ln this Deed of Tcust and in eafoniu,g Lender's and.Tn�stee's recaedies as PraviQ.ed ia �
<br /> ""' para�raph 1T hereaf. iuc[uding. but noi limited to. reasonable attorneys' f�s; and (d) Borrowgr takes such�don as �
<br />- Lender may reasonably mqulte ro assare tLat the lien of this Deed of Trust, Lcnder's interest in the Property nud �
<br />.�.-����� Borr�wer's obiigatian to pay tke sums socuced by tWs Deed of Tcust shaU condaue unimpaired. Upon suth paycnent aad N
<br /> cure by Borrower. tWs Deed of Tnist nnd the obligat�ons secured hereby sha11 remein in fuU force sud effert as if no
<br />--=;,:i-•;.:.";� ucceleradon had occuned. •-
<br /> �.;�;?�;;,� 19. Asslgam�t of Rea►ts; Appaint�ae� of Reociven Leade�r iaa Possesslon. As addIdonal securlty heReunder. _
<br /> �":,;„;:ri Hormwer hereby ass3gus ro I,ender the rents of the Property. Provtded that �ormwer shall,P�Ior to acceleradan under
<br />.°=�,�_� '{�" P�b'�P�17 hereof or a6aadonment of the Pcoperty,have the right M callect and remtn such re�as they bocome due and
<br />:�:,�;�... a blc.
<br />_,.;�;;��;:: . P Ya
<br />-,;;;�,�n;';- Upon acceleradon under pacagcaph 1'hereof or a6andoament of th;PrnpeYty. Lender.in person.by agent or by
<br />'"'`•:a����� judiciaily appointed receiver shall be entided to enter upon.take possession of and maoage the Property and to collect the
<br /> .;.,�u
<br /> __.���� aents of the Pmperty iacludun,g those past due. Aii rems caUectect by I.euder or the receiver sb�l! be applie� w .
<br /> pAypxent of the oosts of management of the�ropertY and collecdoa of rents.including.but uot limited w.receiver's fees.
<br />_..'`���.'"� }�reaaaiiiums on�reoetver's lbonds aud masonable aaorneys' fees.and then 4o the sums sacured by tWs Deed of Trust.Lender
<br /> �";-'���=�— and the c+e�eiver shaU be liabte to accouut only for tlwse rents actually rer�eive�.
<br /> '� �2Q. Reonnve�rs�nce. Upou paymeni of all sums secur�d by this Deed of'�'n�st. Lender shall reguest T�actee to
<br /> '�".,.�' � rec;o�iyey thp Property aud shaU surceader tWs Deed of Teust aad a11 notea evide�img indebtedness seruced by Wis meed oF
<br />::�=,:.�:ra,�� Ttust to Tcustee.Tnistee shFttl reconvey the PropertS+wlthont warr�uy and wlthoaH c'�asSe to the p�rson or persons legally
<br /> �.��.,�.�� emitled thereto.Such pezsott or pe�sons sball pay all cosls of recoraadon,if�ny.
<br /> _,� 21. Sulsst3tu4e'Cn�steo.Lender.at I..endet's option,maY fcom�r�e W dme remove Tn�aa�d appolut a successor �
<br /> s l� t�ruustee to any �'nascee sp��ted he�+e�utder bY an insm�ruent resorded in the oannty In which this Deed of T�ust is
<br /> ���``�{• re�arded. R'ithout c:oaveyaaace of the Froperty. the successor uvstee shall suocee�cl to all the dde. pu�'er and dudes
<br />