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<br /> •� 2115980 Q2/11/1999 � ' '�•r'
<br /> L�UIS F�'SCHIPMI�T JRNF3 A SCEiI9MllN ',�':�'`'";--
<br /> • '' �! •UNIFORM COVENANT3. Horrower and LenRler wven.auY eud agree as fallows: ���.� �°"
<br /> when due the rtucipai ansl interest
<br /> • 1: �uyro►ent nf Fein�ipal and Int�t. �orrov�er chAll pmmpdy paY P i`A
<br /> •- litdebtedness�vldenceli by th�Nute und late chur8es ns provIded in the Note. '_;�;;_�`_
<br /> 2.Fund3 for Tnx�arcd lnsurn�ce. Subject to applicable law or a vur[tten welver by Lender,�orcawer sh�ll pay to .,�.s..,,:
<br /> ��::���.:.
<br /> .. Lender on che day mouthly paynunts of prtncfp2l and interest ace payable undet the Note.un�l the Nate ie puid in fuU.a C� _
<br /> m
<br /> sum(heeein 'Fuads°) r9u:�1 to nne•cwelfth of the yearly wxes nud assessraents(iucluding condominiam aud pltmue�unit � ��;.�,.__
<br /> � . � �!�s�l�pmPnt assessntents,if aay)wliich may netain priority over cWs Deecl of Trust.aud gr�aacf ren¢s on the 1 eopErty.if �,._,�-
<br />� „ , lus one•twelflh of earl nmium insmllmenta 1�
<br /> auy.plus one-twelRh uf yearly premium iastallments for harard tnsurance.p Y Y P � �"��
<br /> �" for mongage insucauce,if any. nll as reasouablY enimaeed iaitiallY au� �°� dme to drae by Lender on the basis of � �_�r.
<br /> ' ._N�,,�;� assessments and bills an�d reasonable esdmates thereof. Borrower sdall not be obligated to make sucH payments of Funda � _--=
<br /> . ':,.,,,�x to Lender to the exteut thr.c Borrower makes such paYme��s�a�e holder of a pdor mortgage ar deed of m�st if such holder � _
<br /> = z is an institudonal tender. -_
<br /> �t. If Borrower pays Fuuds to Lender. the Fw�ds sha111�held in an iusdtudon the deposlts or�ccounts of wYich are
<br /> ' . �', insured or guacanteed by a Federal or state agencl+(including Lender if L,ender is such an insdtudon).Leader shall aPF1Y -
<br /> ' the Funds to pay satd taxes.assessments.insurance Premiums and ground rems.L.ender may not charge for so 8olding and __
<br /> .,. applying the Funds. analyz3ng said accoum or vedfying and compilin8 said ass�nts aad b1Us. unless I.�nder Pays �;__-
<br /> . �` Borrower interesc on the F�mds aud applicable law gern�its Lender to malce such a cdurge.Borrower and Lx�atdes mny a8c�ee �;rt
<br /> � in writing ac ttbe dme of execudon of this Deed of Tmst tl�at interest on the Funds shall be Paid w Bon'°"'er. Borrower
<br /> +�'• such agreeme�is made or appHcable law reyuires such iateresi to be paid. Lender sBaU not be required to ixty -
<br />. �`. any interesc ur eamings on the Funds.Ixnder shaU give to Borrower.without c6arge.an aannai accouatiu8 of the Funds
<br /> � show�ng credits and debies to the Funds aud the putpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Fw�ds are • •-
<br /> '!'` led ed as add'adonal secudty for the sums secured by ttns Deed of Tcust. �;=:-
<br /> � �, P I f the�unrnun of the Fuuds held by E.ender. cogecher with the fuwre monthly instaUments of Fwxls PaYable prlor to --
<br /> � ' ".�,;�::; th�due dates af taxes,n���nts. ia�.x�uice Preminms aad gtouad rents. sh6t�ll excced the amount required to PaY said -
<br /> • �s��'>:`� taxes, assessments� ia�uance Premiums and ground cents as they fall due.such ea�cess st�eU be. at Borrower's opdon, -
<br /> either pmmptly repaid to Bort°`"'er or credited to Borrower on montbly inst�ments of Funds. If the amount af the Funds
<br />- " held by I,ender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes. ��make p�th��c�ency►inn e or mo�Pa]rme°ffi as �L�r may �`'.�
<br /> � '! Borrower sbaU paY to Lender any amount necessarY
<br /> � 4 5 �r a mn;t tefund to BotrowCt Auy Funds
<br /> re4uire• ,_-__ -
<br /> ,'�,,'�- Upon payment in fnll of all sums secured by d�D�ct af.�.Ixud�r stt�!!FTM�--� Y by Ixader.Lender
<br /> :.`'• 1' b e l d b y L e a d e r.If under g�a r a g c a Ph 17 hereof the PropertY is sold or the Properiy is othecwtse acquimd ,�:,
<br /> ::��;h,;:.� ��;<�: . or its acq u i s i don by L e n d a r.a n Y�k i'n d s h e ld b y ���•
<br /> !`;',.�y�, ;��::'�: '- shall aPP1Y.no later thnci ira�ediste1Y Prlor ro the snle of the PropettY
<br />�,�:�,,�''.,..:,:... ihe sums securod by tLis Dced of Tn�st.
<br /> T•�,.. ,r��y;,; Lendsr at the dme of applicadon as a credit aga�nst teceived by Lender under the
<br />`� � `��'� 3.Applisa3ton of P�yiu�tents. UNess applicable law pmvtdes otheiwise.all Papmenss
<br />-�j�ra:-:;.,�;-
<br /> Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 heroof shall be appl�ed by Lender fust in payment of amounis payable.to L.ender by Barrower
<br />_°'"•�'�°=`'�•''"� under pardgiaph 2 heieof.then to imerest paYable on the Note.a�l then co th.e PriasiP�of the Note.
<br /> �'"� .:. . 4. Prior Mort�end Deedg of Trust3 CharBest ��• H0�'0W������of Bormwer's obligadong
<br />-«..,r ...r meat wlth a lien which has prlorlty over this D2ed of Trust,
<br />--�.��..� �.��� uuder any mnrtgage.deed of uust or other securtty ag�
<br />�'�,::,. �'.� iucludinB Bormwer�s covenants to make payments when due.Borrower shall Pay or c�mse to be paid ell ta�ces.a�
<br />�:��•�_�:,
<br /> and other chazges. �ines and impo�dons eurtbutable to the P[opectY Which�Y�n a Priority over tWs Deed of Ttust.
<br />'r�,'�t"'�t���� sud leasehold paymems�ground rents.if any.
<br />'�'���� S. Hazard Lisuraait�. Borrower sball keep the impmvements n�uw exisdn8 or hereaRer erected on the Pmperty
<br /> " and such other barards as Lender may
<br />-=-_^_�^•` insured against loss by�ne,haTards iucluded wittnn the term'extendod covetage ,
<br />�'--�':`���"':� require aud in such amoums and for such periods as Lender may re�lu�.
<br /> =�'�'r`�'� The In�rance catxiec Praviding the insurance shall lse chosen by Borrower subject to appmval by LendEr:Pr�vided.
<br />���� lIcies and nnewals thcreoff sheli bx in a form _
<br />�;�' ` that such appmval shalII not be unreasonablY witbheld All insinance po
<br />`', acceptable w 1.ender anc3 shaU include a standard mort8a8e clae�se in favor of aud in u form asaeptable w Lender. Lender
<br />��.���� shall have the right to hold the policies aad remewals thereof.sub3ect to the terms of a�►mortgage,deed of tn�st or other
<br />'��ii�.rr,� saau�ItY a8ceement wit�a lieu wiush tu�s prlarTtp at�er this Deed of Trast. P,,,nd Lemder. I.ender ma mraice p�►i'
<br /> ----=�z,.�� ve m ,�sti�t�z ihc lasur..�e�nl_- - y _
<br /> -- In the event of loss.Bo�mwer sLall g� p �
<br /> of loss if�t made pmm�tlY bY Borro�• �__:
<br />�-'�': If the PcopertY�S abando�d by Bomower.or if Borrower fails w respond to Lend�r�dthin 30 days 4om the date �:_
<br />�..�-�- -.:��," not�ce is msiled by Leuder to Borrowec that the Insurance canier offeis to seule a elaim far in�uance ben�efits.Irender is -
<br /> --���'�''�" mc.eeds at Leader's opdon either w restoiadon or repair of the Property or
<br />_�.r`�'-:-_.`: , authorizecl to collect aud apply the insutan,�e P
<br />,;;...,..- ....
<br />;i�"° - " to the sums secured by ttds Deed of Trust. �oldsi Condominimmsi � Unft Deveiopmeats. _
<br />;. 6. PreservatHmn €�ad 1�lai�ance of Pro�tYi ��or d�tetarnadon of the -.
<br /> �` � Borrower sLali ke�the Progerty in�ood repair ancl shall nat commit waste or germtt imP -.,.,
<br />' � pc+uperty and s h a t l comg�lY with the plovisions of any lease if this Deed of Tn�st is oa a leasehold.If this E�rxd of Tnut is '.,��_,`-',��'��.'-,:..
<br />_ �, on a unie in a condominium or a planned twit developme�.Bormwer shatl Pedorm sU of Bormwer's ob l i g a t ions under the
<br />- • } . declaradon or covenaats creatin8 or gover�ng the condomimum or planued�nnit developme�,ttte by-laws aad regulatdun.s --
<br />' �. of che condominium or�+lann�d u�t development.acd oonstiacem docwnems. �s��ined in this .
<br />� • � 7. A+utedton o? D�tder's Sectu'[tY• If Born��rer fails to perfotm the covenams a�l 8gre��
<br />'. ---3� .,._.:..c T...�. �:sm,v acdon or oroceedin8 is com�ne�ced wtdch materIallY affocts Lender's inte�est isa e9i��roperty.then K�,_�
<br /> •••...m en,•1� st.ms. �I1C112�IIIQ
<br /> ---- — air►v... .��.._ - - - vwn.os .wow.�. �._ --'•
<br />_ --"'y-' i� IlOIICC �O BOI[OWCf� in3y ID�e SuW aYl�°i -��.
<br />- . • ,. L,eader, at I.eader's opdon. ugon to miect Irender's intet�tt.If I.ender ceclui�ed mor�,'�
<br /> '- ceaso�ble attUtueys' fees.and take such acdon as is uecessarN P � remiwms nequiKd to -R-
<br /> - iasvrance as a coudiaon of making the 1��b�����eat for such �insnrat�e temmnates in a�xordauee wtth !
<br />- ' maintain such ins�uance in effect�mdl �cabt�law. -
<br /> - � Borrower's aad L.ender's wriaen agreEmonc or app h 7.wtth interest t6ereon, at the Note taoe,shall become �-
<br /> - , l�ny amoyu*.s disbwsed by Lemier pursuant to tMs paraBraP w other eerms of =
<br />- addidonal indebtedness of Bocrower secu�red by ti3s Dced of Tzust. UWess Borcower nnd Ixnder agcee�f. Nothiog `-.
<br /> � payatens. such amonuts shail be paYable upon noitce from Leuder to Hamow2r c�qu�nng PaY� �
<br />= cantaiQed in tLis pacaSeaPh'�shall mcluice Ixnder to incur any espea�e or cake anY acdoa hereunder. �.
<br /> - - -----_ �. ir.�;,�s. r pmter may make or c�use to be made rea�nable ensries upon aad inspecdons of the PcopeccY. �
<br /> � ve Barrower notice p�or to any such impecdan spa:'u'yic�r•�a�s�te��tar related tu -
<br /> ..�,.,
<br />-.. provided tlu�t Leadet siiall 8l �
<br /> Ixader's intetesc in the PmpenY• =
<br /> �-
<br />=,s 2of3 `
<br /> ° Henmas�u zbs��-a uea originai tRsaozQe�) CopY�ssanab�) Co�y(�atemes) � �'
<br /> . _. _ _ �-.
<br />