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<br /> � 1. D�ymautU. Fiorrowot aprees to meke att peymonto on tho ooeutod dobt whon duo. Unlooa 8ono�vor ond Londor sproo othorvulso, ony ---
<br /> poymonte Londm rocolvoa from Boaowcr m ior E3otrower's bortotit wiil ba appltad tirnt to ony amounta Bonovior owes on tho naaurod dnbt �'-��._
<br /> �_
<br /> ' quclualvo of intcroot or pdnalpn,socond to fntorest,e�then to princlpal.It p rtiml Dropay�nont of tho socurcd debt oacure tor any rooson,k v�il1 �`_
<br /> not redueo or oxcuao ony saha�utad paymont untli ths Qocmad dobt lo potd ln�ull. €`:''
<br /> 3,C��Ims Ag�in�t?(8s.Bonower w1i1 p�y ali texQS,essea�mente,��other oh�r e�attrlbutsbte to the property when due and wlll dofond tlUo
<br /> to tho propa►tv ayuino4 any e�aimo v�hloh�voutd I��sU tP�o Ilon of thio Qaod of truo�.Wnder may tequfre Bortower to aeeipn any riahte,o�eima or
<br /> dofonaos whieh Borrowor mey have e8efnst pertla�who cu�ply tabor or mntcrlsta M�mprovo or mnintoin tho proparty �`_`
<br /> F 9.kuurana�.Borrowor wlii koop the propany inaured under terms aecepteb�e to Lertder et Borrower'n oxpensa end fo�londar's benefit.Atl `
<br /> � insutoneo potietea shali Inotudo a etandnrd mortgage�cpipuao In levot ot Lender.Lander wlli ba named ea Ioss peyos or b tho tnauted on enY eueh �_
<br /> � �� or to tha Be�;oe aen��iii.`one poquEieaemortp ge Ins'ur anee�8orrower�apretee toimetMa/ntsuoh Inaurencotor ne lortg es Londer�equ/oo roparty _
<br /> �
<br /> ...--°. °
<br /> ��.�`_ 4.P►op�rty.Borrowor wIA koop tho property In geod eondltton a�nl make alt rnpatrs rass�onebty necesoery. ^_
<br /> `-W"''^�' 6.Ettpenaea.Borrower aqroea to pay etl Londar's exponooa Includinp�eeoonebto uttprnays'fees,It 8orrower breaka any covonaMs fn thla deed
<br /> - �' � of trust ar in any obligation seaurod by thta dned of trust.�onower wU{pay thoeo omaunte to Lender as provldod io CovonnM 9 of thlo doed of �
<br /> � truet
<br /> � 8,Prter Sseu�(�y Inurostt• Untesa Bortawer flret obtatne LendoPe written eonsent.Borcower will rtot maka o►petmtt any ehangoa to any prior
<br /> , � inctudi�B�Borrowet's�covenarne�ta meke paymeMa wh ned e biEgatlona under any prior mortgepe, deed ot wuat or other aeeurity agreement,
<br /> �,paimunsnt o}R�rts and Protito.Boaowar ass{gna to Lendet tho reMa end proflts of tha property.Unteas Borrower and Lsnder have egroed
<br /> . ��� agen�ora eoutt eypo�hfted oealvor m�eey�tak dpoa�aesalon andmannge tho pTOpertyTend eoUeot t�he re�e�y ren�Le deiLcol eeota shall be
<br /> � apptied flrst to tP►a� of manegfnp the property,inciudt�tA eourt coate and attorneys'teee,commtssions to rentela�er�ts,and any othor
<br /> neeeseary ro�ated expenses.The remafnirtg amount of rents wlll then eDDh��PBYme^�°�►���urod dabt as provided in Covenam 1.
<br /> „ ,� 8.��}��•�o�domMfurtu:plann�d Unit D�v�topt�nts.Bonower a8reea to aompIY with u►e provislons of ony tanse if this deod ot wst le on
<br /> � a ieasefiofd.I�this dead of tn�st is on e unit in e wndomintum or a plenned unh devetopment,Bortower wip par�rorm aIi of Bonowor's duttes
<br /> under the covenaMe,bY-Iawe,or reguladona of the eondominium or pianned unk devetopmer►t.
<br /> � . , ,,• p rtc�d�e d�udes�oreca se U�em t�be per�tormed�L.8oen0er mf y(ot�n8arroweYs�nnrtie orrcp�any nmou�rt if ne es8earU to►Derfmna^cs�lf a y
<br /> '`A" �� 4=�� construatlon on tha Dropertp is dtseoMlnued or not carrtad en in a roa�oneble mannar,lendar mey do whatevet ia necessarl►to Proteat LendoYe
<br />- ' sacurity ir�tereat in t he{uapertY.Th�a mey In du de wmp le tl n g t h e c oasvuctian.
<br />~ . :`� Lender's fallure to por7mm wiii not preciudo Lender from eXercistn8 eny of ite other dghts under the Iow or thts daed of trust.
<br /> 'r �. � Any amouMS petd by lsndor 4o proteot Lender's sew►ItY I^tsrest wll�be eecured by thte deed of wat. Such arnourrts wt��be due on demand
<br /> ':,,:;t;•%' and wlit bear interest trom the date of Yne payment urnil patd in fuli et the iMereat nrce tn eHeat on the aecured debt.
<br /> �{ ;r .` �Q.p��� a���, �}gQnower feils u make any palrmeM when due or brealc�any coveneMs under thts dsad of aust ar any
<br />-. ,l.y�: . ��fl�ai�an�sax�d�i�'+�a�^f*rust or nnY orlor mortgage or dead of trust,Lender ma�ya�cceterete the maturitlr of the seeured debt end
<br /> 21a tiiSG h`;�l��law. .
<br /> �-• � • demand immedtate paymeM and may invoke the power of eafe artd any mher rammflne i�arr► �
<br />�' �;. .�- ��,Rsq�tpt{a ppt}ap o}@�tault.It ia heteby��puosted tfiet coPles of the n°ti°ea of defauft and eale be BeM 4a each person who to a p9r4V
<br />�":::: ; .
<br /> �•'" hereto,at the edQress of each such pnrson,as set�orth herefn.
<br />�,�i�r°' "':., '
<br />��;,�.--��;;:r: 12 Pow�r o4 Sab.It the Lender invokea the powor of sa1e,tles t�e shall flret reeord in the otftce of the register of deeds ot each cour�t�r
<br /> .�':�%'•::•• • wherein tha wst proPertl►or eome pert ot parcel thereof ta ehuatod a notice ot detauh coMaintn�getAee�tn�rtd t�o�ie�PQ aor s�as p����c•nbad bY
<br /> .r�,�..���.:;�:, shaU a4so maU copieo of tho noUce of defauR so the Bonowcr,to each petaon who fa e partV 0� not in any -
<br />=�`!�4-=':�-:°.� ePPOanble taw. Not tsea then one moeth efter tha Tnietee recurda tho notice ot defa�ult{��e nhnD give Public�ceporof e�ele m u►e po�O^a
<br /> =��,.��..,::�:w:�� irtc9rparated eitY ar viilege and ta used in farming aperaUor+s carrted on by the Vustor, blia auation to the highest
<br /> :�.r"P:. snd in ths manner pro�aibed by�aPPPlicaelo law.Truatae,wlthout demnnd on Bor!ower.ehnli�ell e�P�ea es Asroqutred bY cpAqcabta Iaw.
<br />`? -�.--�-�. bidder.if required 6y tha Farm Homeatead Ptotection Aot,TrusWe shail oHer the prope�►
<br />_ _M�r_.�,�,t,�. Trus►t0e may postpOV�o sale of eil or any parcet of tha properiY bY Wbllo announcement the tima end ptace of any previously saheduted oolo.
<br />-'�" lendor or fts designee mey purchase ffie propenll et anY anie.
<br />��i=„;.;.,�n' The recitiats cor�teirred in
<br /> -�-tiw+;:r�tu Upon recai of paym ent of the pftce bid.Ttuatee shatl d91Wer to U�e putchasar Trostes's deed eonvoyi the proP�Y.
<br />��. _.
<br /> �-�-��.�r.a�� f U�owin9 ���a(e1 �pa1me�°�i°}����inc dtng but�^ot ttM�itednt�o,rees�onabte Twa�tee s feesa oasonable�ttome�sefeesnand
<br />��1-�;r�-}_,��� reinsta�temerit fees:tb)to eli suma secured by this daeQ af vust,end(e)the batanee,tf any,to the persons lepatty errtitied to reeelvo R.
<br /> ------�•..r•T"� 13,Fo»Nosun.At Lende►'s opttan,this desd ot trust may be foreelosed In the mennee provide by applioti6le taw for forectosuro ot mortga9��
<br /> � �-..� on rea1 propenY•
<br />�—-�+`1�' causp r Lenders l�i�apecdon�r the PtoPeM �InsPeai it ff Lender gives Bottower notice betorehend.The notiee must state the reasonnWo
<br /> ���,:i���
<br /> ��y,y�� �g.Condtmn�lon,@crcovuer assig�� to LeMer the p�ocaeds o4 any av+ard or ctelm tor damoges aopneated J�ith e condemnetion or other teking
<br />�-:���-_���� of n!I or any part of the property.Such proceeda wlll bo app�ted ea provtded in Covenant 1.Thia asalpnm�rra ia subleat to the ierms of erry�lrlor -
<br /> .=3:� aecurky epreemeM. '
<br />_-=:r�has�7 �8.�Alofver.Bv exerdsfn�any reme available to Lender.Lender does not give up any dgMs to later use any other remedy.By not exercisEng
<br /> __ -.._._-.• anq remedV upon 8orrower's datauit,��we+does+wt watv::any rtght to latn���na Aer Ma event n dnfauk if R haAaens segin.
<br />--�j�� 17. daint emd Swanl U�Coal�mn:Sueasson �nd At�iDnt Bound. AII duttea under thia dee3 of buat eue Jo{ni snd savar^�!. ^ap
<br /> =-� Bortower who eo�aigns thie deed of Vust bu8 does not arsign the undmiy�ng debt Insuumentta) dooa eo onhl�9�^Y�^d �nvay tbat
<br /> �.-�,:;,:,�;,,��-- Borro�yePs irKaTesa in the proportll m�e T�ae under tha terms of thio deed ofvust.in nddldort auah ar 8orrower egrees thdt the let�der ured
<br /> a�►y other BoROwer undor thts deed of trust maY e�er+d,modiW or meke eny.other ehan oa in t�e terms of this deed of trust or the secu�od
<br /> V�a,.,e;_�:� debt wHhout that Borrower's conseM and wRhout releastng that�orrower trom the terms o�This deed of Vusi.
<br /> ° '��1;�� Tha dutiea and baneNte of this deed of trust shsll b(nd and beneflt the suceasaoro nnd easi8ns oY Lender and Botrower•
<br /> -r�i':,.1�.,:�":..
<br /> ---- - '.„:� 10.��s.Uniees otherwise requUed by Inw,anq notfee to Borrawer shatl be given by deilvering k or by malling it bY cerdfled mall addrossed to _
<br /> __ ;�-.�:� ' .� •_ Borrower et the Droyorty eddress or any othor addreas thet BoROwar has given to lead6r.eomower wm��YO arnr no�ce coyender bY4re rtlHed
<br /> matl to Lendefs 8di rc1 as8 on pe8e 1 of this deed of Ws4 or to nny other ad�ss which Lender has designated.AMr other aotiae to Lender�Aail
<br /> . �. , � ;:�;';� be sent to lendar's addreas es smted on page 7 of thia doed of vus�
<br />_ .'.�,,;�;••_ ;" Any noUce shali Oe deemed to have been g(ven to Bonower ot Le�er when given tn tho mennar cmted n6ove. �
<br /> - � 19.T�st�of tho Orop�a o�11d�1 in4erat!n t1e�Bortaw�.if aU or arry part of the Dro�arty or enY IrKerest[n i4 ia antd or treiinsferred
<br /> witteout Lende�e R�i� ��n��� �^�er may demand immndiete paymeM of the secur�d debt• lende�me1►81so d�+�end immediate
<br /> _ � da
<br /> - -�. ' dpem nd pay neM in the above situaUo sfeif tt'�i.s�grohibidted by t�ederat law as of�e d�ot thie deed ot Mt t8���8d. However. Lender may not
<br />- :...
<br /> - •
<br /> _-'---_y�- 20.Re�Ya�•When the obligatton see���a W.thts de�i.°.f.��h��amo sAt�iL euudon w�rmen re4 e�.bY U�e Legn�dei t�u�mroY tlie� -
<br /> . . ...�;:r.,k-� - ttflQOt t11@ ifl8[�ltmerrt6 vr a oomrn�w oow.a.. ..�....��--• ----. � _
<br /> `:�:. E � proporiy.Tho Len�ler ehatl�elhrer to tho Bottower,or to Borrower's sueeessor In fMeres4 tho erust aeea arro m°""�°'°°�'°'°"""'"�. -•- _
<br />� ' obligatFan eo eaUotied.�ottower shall paY enV�o*dation costs.
<br /> • � ° ��, g�ccceasor T�ustes.LenAer, at Lendor's o�tlon,may remove Trustee end ep�f�Mf e��cece�,r����b9 of����ie re8lst�epo4 daeds
<br /> substiwtlon of truatoe as required by app�ieebto law,and thon, ftling tha subaUtutl
<br /> -- • • su ecceed m el�the pouve.r d�utles�sutheri�artd 'roid�e of kw���nm aert�etlta deod oa Uus�t an�dao�fBarry�su�ssot tr�ustee.of tho P�Darh►.shNl
<br /> - (psy��of 81
<br /> - � p/�DtKgt,q gY97fM8.tNC..ST.Cl0LD.1AN 6630t 1/�800S9J4a411 FOALt OCP��/T6NF 6/tfl181
<br /> �
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<br /> �
<br />