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<br /> , COVCfI!/9NT8 ��a �V��� :r::::''
<br /> 1. Pcymsna. Borrowot ogrc�ea to maxe ati aysneme � the ¢aeurod d bt wron duo. Untesa Bmrowor and Landor agrao otharvut3o, nny ��:��2�
<br /> pnym9nto Londat rocolvos irom Qorr07rpr.at�r ftaut�Pa�b�ssiflt w'J).b8 eppI.sd first to eny amounto Borrower owee on 4�v aewred dabt �y==".
<br /> exntwlvo of Interast or principal,second td ffiteres,en n prlrt�!p�If pnrtinl Rropaymont o!4ho oocurod dobt occura tor ony rooson,it v�iil .,,_
<br /> , not roduce cr exeui�my taMduted p�ym Kl�e��e��ebt l�;pi�td in fup. �-_
<br /> ��. .� ��R,
<br /> R,C!�!rn�Q��m!YIQe.Bonower wllt pa�-uU toxos,a000namanla,ond othat ahorpoo attdbutablo to tho proporty whnn duo and wN�doTond tIt►o � �.,.:
<br /> to the propertya�teinit eny ola►ms wMoh woutd lmpatr tho Ilon of thts decsd of truat.Lander ney rceyulro Oarra�r�cr fa oaclgn cny riphtc.claima nr �.___
<br /> • • defenfas whtch Banower mey heve epalnst perdes who suppty labor or mate�isls to lmprovo or maintein the prope►ty
<br /> � 3, tnfurane�.0orrovlor will keep the proparty inauresd under terms tccoptablo to Lendor at 8orrowe►'s expenao and tor lertder's bunefit.All =:_
<br /> insurenee poltotes shoU tnetude e atandard mort9age ctauso tn fova of lortder.Lender witl Ce nomnd es lose peyao or as tho Inau�ed on any suoP�
<br /> '' 'y � oi�to�the secured Qeht�If LenndIIerpequt�res�mortgege ins,u�rencWO�,hBorrowaz ag eas to maintnt�auch insueran�tor as tong ae I.e��er8reputes roDo�1l �_
<br /> ,,,;;�,��� 4.Properiy.BoROwar wUl keop tho property In goed conditlon end mako aQ repatru toasonabty rtecessary. —_--
<br /> ��"'""�"�� 6.F.�poma.Banowa►a�reea to pay aU Lsndor'sexpensea ineluding roasonabte attornaya'taeo,it Borrower breaks any covenante in thts daed °-
<br /> " 4., o!truat or In arry oblip�tton aeeurod by this deed o!truat.�orcower wYi pay these amou�s to Lortder os provided in CoveneM 9 of this deed o! —
<br /> � j W8t.
<br /> � g, pitor gt�u�y(rKenatt.Unteas 8orrowar flret obtetn�Lende�'s wrktc�n consent.Borrowar will nat mako or permh aml ehanges to any prlor
<br /> � `> secutity(rrtermata Bsrrower wfU perPorm ali of BottoweYs obltgetlons utMet er►Y prEor mortgage,desd of trust ot othep socuritY e8reemen�
<br /> Inctudirtg 8orcower's covenaMe to ma&e paymenM when due.
<br /> .,�,� 7.At�i�of Rarts�nd Proflb.Bonower asslgns to Lsnder the rorKs artd proRta of tRe pmperq►.Unlese Bor►ower artd loaeder have aflreed -�
<br /> othe se tn wrlttng,8orrowe�may colteat and rota[n the rents es lon�as Borrovirer is rtot to detauR.H Borrower defaults, Lender,Lsndor's
<br /> °� = , egort,or e eourt eppointed recetver nay take passesctan and manaQ� ths propartV and croltect the rerna.Any re�ns lendar eolteeto ahail De `
<br /> appliad fltat to e oosts of inenepir�g the property.inehcdtng caurt costs end attomeYs' tees. commlastons to rentel egt�rtts,and any other
<br /> ^ �,� aseessary rel�expe�ses.The remaTntng amount of�enta wi11 tAen eppiy to poymeMS on tho seeured debt ea provided tn Covenant 1. _
<br /> "��_ •,• p.L�as�dts Condwntni�cros;R;om�d Un[t Devalap�mrtte.Bor►ower agreea to compty wkh tha provtsions of any leaso if th!s deed o*.trusst is on ��
<br /> a teesehotd.If thts deed of ttust ta on a anft in a eortdomfnium or a qannad unit davetopment,Botrower wHl perform aLf af Banower's duties
<br /> �• undu Me eovenaMa,by-tawA,or reputaUons of the condominNrm or planrted unk devetopment.
<br /> 9. Autlw�q ot I.ender to pMotm to�BoROwa.if Bottower tails to perto►m any of 8orrowor's dutles under this deed of uust, Lender may
<br />_ , �ns�tr�uodon�tl�i oyr ro�r�ql i�d s��tx�8d o a°'�ea on n e roe�°RUdl�anner,I.e� er may do whe�tover� ene�ra�to prote�ct�L�endefs
<br />• , ��, security Irterast[n tl»propertY.Thl�m�y inctuda coenptettny the constncction.
<br /> � Lender's teiluro to peitorm wi0 rrri prealude lendar irom exetdsicg any ot ha other N�jhts under ttee!a►v or this daed of trust.
<br /> �• �'
<br /> �'` a�nd�v lt bearu[ne�rdest�tmm tfie dste�o�tl►erop�ert ur�itit paid i�n t�ull a�t�t si�std�'u�i�efideo�t on the�secured d mbtD.ur►ts will6e due on demand
<br /> i,-; '�';.
<br /> :�: -.� : ,�r, , iv.i�i�ii and w ' _..'_ t.'8csra�r t�Et&ta sn:k:�s; �st W3�s�!+r l+rpet�c any covenants under this Eeed of wst ere�►
<br />-' . �inIIa�md dnme�dlem pay�eM end m��ke d»powemof�satao and am o�e�romedtesdpermitto0cbcete�lf�ble lew�of fne seareo aeuc ena
<br />-?�;s:.?:: . �S,:. � 91.R�quos4 4or Notic�of O�tautt it fs F�ereby ro4uested ths¢ cropiea M the no8ces of defs�?t u�d eale be aert to eaeh pa-��n who ia e Pd�'�Y -
<br /> ,}�'�,:.��'� henm.at the nddraas of eaeh suefi Porson.as set torth here!n.
<br />'-�''� . � 12.Pown of Sate.If the Lendar tmrokes the power of eate,the Trustee shail ftret reeord in the office of the registar of deec4a ot each coariy
<br />_�-� , . . . wheretn the trust prepertN or some part or pereel thereof is altueted e�wttee ot default cornafntng tho Intomtation�equited by law.71►e Truatee
<br />�•""' `' '`• `: 8hali elso matl copiea of the noti¢e of defau►t oo the Borrowar,to each person wtw fa a perty fiereto,cr�s ta other pareons aep�eacribed by
<br />=�x�^:�.(*�syq:.�+ ; apAiicabte law.Not Iose then cne rttoath aftsr ttro Ttuslee recorda the notice of detau}�,or two momhs ff the trust propertY is not(n my
<br /> '�;.;°�.. '' tnantporated ctty or vitlape snd[�usad(n fartnfn�opueticns cartied on by the vustor.the 7rusteo shaii give puMia eottce of sab to the Per�onc
<br /> mrofl in the enannnr prasaiDed bY ayppiicsbte law.Ttastee.�a'SBCezut demand on Barrower.eAsfl seQ the propertY M pubiic eecSton to the hiyhest
<br /> ;H.f:�.,.,,�-��• O�tJder.It raquUed by the FeTm Hamestosd ProteotEon Ac4 Tr�^Ke ehaU offer the propertY in two eeparate saisa es requ`re�Usy applt¢abte lew. -
<br />----=-�• T�stee m y postpone sale of all or arry parcet of the properib by publio ennouncemetrt af the tinrte nrtd plaoe of any previos�lY scheduted sele.
<br /> a�� =�:.'�.,.. Lender ar�desipnee mey purchese the propeny et amr aete.
<br /> ;��_�-�;,.. . ..,
<br /> -�.;�,�--�--.�'
<br /> -�--��°�',�_•�'�. Upon roeei�ot Ra et►t of tho priee btd,Trustee shall deliver to the picreRsso7 Trustee's dead cornelring the proparq►.The reciUais eoMained tn
<br /> v s.°.b� Tnutea's deed be prFina fade ev[dteace af tl►e Vutl�of the atetemerns e��rcu►ned therein.Trustee shatl apAN�P��S���e in the
<br />,_€,�=,ti;^,;� fouowing order: el to alt expanses of the sate, tncludtng. but not f�mite�ta. roesonabte Tn�stae'a tsea. �euoneWe atLOmet�s�a� a�
<br />_ _ :-z-.=_:-�� roiMtetemeM feoa;lb)to aU sums seciued by this deed of trust,and tol tl►e baiance,M any.m the persons teqatiy emitteA to recehre h.
<br /> --�..-,n��,a 13.For�dosun.At Lender's o�tion,thts deed of trust may be toredosed tn the menner provide by epplieable Iaw for toredosuro of mortaspea
<br /> - —=_--�--� on real proparty.
<br />- -.�=v::1y i�►.:-- -.:s.:.,.-:�.,Y tn,.'y anter ths p�o�enY to tnspeet k if landaz gtves Borrowor notice 6etorehend.The notice must etate tlss roesonab7e
<br /> �c �c�E d�' cause t�or�LendeY�i�Aactlon.
<br /> �-,,.�,t�K��l;�flt
<br /> u;:_ R � 16,Cadwrr�adon.Bortowsr ussl�ns to Lender the�roceada of ar9y eward or elnim for dametqaa connea[ed witl�a eonEorrmctton or other taking -
<br /> ^a!;�'�; of an or anY DER of tl14 DroRan11.5ueh P�oeeods will bo aPPUod as provided in CovenaM 9.Yhis assignme�K is subJect to the temis ot enY P►ior
<br /> • ,���'� smdtrity L�raem»trt. -
<br /> ���---�_��-°�-� �_
<br /> 15.:':�.8;.sxar�lnB e�remec�Y�UeDte to Lender.Lender does not glve up eny�fghte to tatet use any other remeay. Cs1r rwt e�inH
<br />�-,- -ti " � any remedy ugan.8otrowere defauh,Lendor does not waive any RgM to 4�tar consiaer the evem e defeuft ff it hapye�6d'aul.
<br /> _�.�.--'���`� 17.Jokrt�nd�v�al���r. Coot�vs:8ucc�sson artd Ass�s Baur�fl.AG duties undor ffits deed of trust ere jaint end ceWeral.Arry
<br /> "°---�. :z..��� l3nrrowar who ff�signs thte deed of uust but doos not co��ign Ure undnr1yy� debt isutrumern(a) does so or�ty to Qnnt u�d comrey that
<br /> _-�-�..�,��„ ;`°.� Banower's tnte►aat(n the proparry to the T�uatse under the�am�s�ot thfa deed of�tnist.in eddiNon,such s Bomwer a9►ees thet ths Lend�r and
<br /> _ �--� ~ debt w�1U os�+t t�haW2�Bor�row�s�co�rt�ertd�i'�o�ut ret�ea�sing�uitBemowve irom U�iee�at Qhis de�ed of vus�deed of vust or the seaued
<br /> `:.�.; •�';.:' .
<br /> - . .�`... . —
<br /> •-;�r° '�� 'fM dutlea a��anef�s ot thfis deed of wst shali Eind and bonoflt tho euccortsore and esstpns of Lender and Bonower.
<br /> _ �. . . ,�;tis,,., ---
<br /> ` '''�'' Y 8.I�aUcs.Untass othenaise reputred by Iaw,�ery notice to Bflrtower etwli ba given by delivaring R or by mailing it Dy certifled mail addreased to _._
<br /> � '` `_`•"� ,�-�
<br /> Bartowot at tAa pro rM adctress or eny other addresa that Bcrrower has g�iven to lemtor.BoROwer will gnre any notfce to Leeder bY�od '
<br /> � .= �'. ReaU Lo lender's�ss on p3g�t of tF�Is daed of vust,or t�eny ad►er ediiresa whieh Lendur has designated.Any o4hcsir n�Etce to Lendar sfiall � y
<br />-:Y:•;�, 'I Pse serst to Lender's uddress ao�?aizd on paga 1 of thia d:.�.d�4 trixrt. �,�
<br /> '�'; ,Flti:i:
<br /> _ � • � Any nottrs shaS1�e deemed to U�ave Ossen glvan to Borrower or 4ender whe�g i v e n i n t h e m e n n a r s t a t c d a b a v o. =
<br /> 18.Tpnsfa�c'�u"�a�cop�rt�►or�BanHic6�19rltarat in ths B�+ronr�r.iSf eU¢o any part of ffie pro�erty or erry IMerest in it b sofd or tra:s�C�d __
<br /> ,; � ; v a t t h o u t L e�s d�r'¢6�t o r w r i t t e n c o n s e M. l e n der ma y demand tmmc��p a y m e M of ehe seaued debt lander may afso domand i:r�hs�l:nnte �_
<br /> � demand pajr�M tl��a EO�ae a3tuallo�ns ff R Ia juohib�d b fedeet�w a�s o�e da e o�f�ai a a o aws°.nsrerr e a. Ha�rever.L nn dar may n o t
<br /> ��
<br /> ,. --
<br /> --�.- --- - -
<br /> - - - ' Z0.R�eonv�ya�ee�.When the obfigation seacred by mis etsea ot wst nas been paio,anu i.endar non rw�v�o.e��+`..:�.M.:...�..---.-�--- ft`.�,..
<br /> under the t�trumerns or egreemotris secured by thia deed of Utest,the Trttatee shell,upon written request by the Lender. �ecorney the truet �-_
<br /> -� proper�.The Lender shsti detiver to the 8arrower,or to Baaowe►'e successor in intereat,ttte ttust deed a�me note or ather ovtdertco of the �•�•
<br /> obligatton so satisfEed.Borrower shap pay eny eocordatEon costa. `�'
<br /> �-� -
<br /> 21,Su� Tww. Lcsrtdor,at lender's o�on, may romove T�ustee a�nd�aypoint a successor trusrise by fi►at, maittng a cogy of the
<br /> _ � subs4itution of tru�ute as requIred bY apPtleeble iaw.and tRon.bv fifi�tho subatitut�on of Vustee tor record tn ihe oH€eo of tls9 regtstet of da!u!s �,�'
<br /> ot oaoh caumy in whtch tho trust property,ar some psrt tiu�ctof, is ahuated.Tho etix�cOr Wstds,wiN►out conveyance of the proparty.chap
<br /> — , suceeed to eU the power.dutles,authority ertd title oi tho Tnisroo named in the deed of lsuft NneE i6t am►successor trustee. ✓
<br /> -_ .. -� . .
<br />-- —--__— fA+D�2o!?i ��r�":
<br />�. earic�+s avsrEUS,auc..sr.cwuo.MH aaso�a aooass�asan Fo�+ocvverc�ru sneist �:':'
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