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<br /> ,. � coveNa�are ..
<br /> 1, pey;7tstltp, Borrowtr oprpes to mako oll poymonto on thn soeurod dobt whon duo. Un�ouo 8orrowor and Londor agroo othorwino, nny `
<br /> ppymonta Lertdot�ecelvae from Cortorlar or fo�OottoaJOr'e banotit wlli bo appltod firot to any amounto Borrowor owon on tho ooeurod dobt =-
<br /> oxatuehro of Intorost o�prinolpul�eecond to tnte7oa4,urtd tRan to prineipoi.if pertinl propnymont ot tho oocurad dobt occure for nny roanon,It wl�l 4
<br /> no4 redue�or�xcuts�rtry taMd�itid��Y1►�ent untll the sncumd d�6t ls pald ia futi.
<br /> a.�sim�Agrin�t Tittv.Eorlo�rCr r�t?1 paV QU tmaoo,aaasasment ,artd othoe ehnrfloa ataiEutablo to thn property vuhen due ond wlit doffind titto _
<br /> 8sii�ii�wnt��goriowar�mey hiw waitn,t piRiei who eu�p�ta�or m t�orials io tmp ove orin�atnte�ineth°e propnrtyaesifln any ri�hm,ctntma or ,=
<br /> ' 8. f�wsattcsa Uorrowa wlil kaep tAe progorty tnsurnA urtder terme aceopta6le to londer et Boreower's expenae end!or Londsr'e bom�tit.All
<br /> InYUra�ti�potict�s shtil irtclude��tandard morta�Qe ataua�[n tevar of�ender.lender wtU De named as to�s peyeo or as tho tnaured on any such
<br /> f;? , InsurtatCS poflel►.Any insur�nee proca�de m�y 6��ppifed.withfn I.�nder'e dtaeretton,to Nther tho reatu►aUon or repetr o}the Qameped propeny
<br /> .�, .�, ar to tha es�ured dabt.l4 lemder requtro�mortpsae lnaur�rtee,Bottovrar agrema to metMnin euoh Inauranee for na long ss Lender�eautrea. =
<br /> ;�� 4.Prop�rt�r.Bottowu uubU kvop the property in Qood condhton and mnka atl repnirs reasonebty nacessarl►. -•-.
<br /> '"��� B.F.zpmtos.Borro�asr agreos to pay all Lende►'s expenees fnctuding roasombte attomoya'4eea,It 6orrower breoks any covonertte in this dead ��
<br /> �'" ' of trust ar tn nny obttpstton aeeured by thh deed of trust.�ottorrer wUi psy theae errtounte to Londm aa ptovtdod In CovanaM 8 04 4hte dead of _.
<br /> � trust. "-
<br /> ,. `?. -
<br /> , t � Ved�ujt�y81�eats�rrownrt�witl pe�i�oorm ail of Bonower e obitgattowns undei any pnor mo�ape,�deed of�truet or oettiot�sacur�agreemen� �
<br /> lnctud:ng Borrowe�'o covanants to maho paymente whon duo. __;
<br /> '� ���{�o}R�b�nd Prollts.Borrowar asaigns to Lendor the rerrce artd proflto of the property.Unless Bonower and lsnder hava tlgreed
<br /> ' �': otherw se in wridn0.Hnttowar mey coUeet ond reutn the roMS es to�g as Borrower ts not In detauR.If Bortowor dofaulte.Lender,Lender's
<br /> . . � egent,ar a eourt tpyaletted rocelver ma1l t p op� Inchidi n�g emoure co�and�ett�om°y'�feoa c�ommiss�ot nAsmto�rsn e1 ange�nis�an��ar►y o�� •
<br /> applted Nret to the costa ot maneging tf�e
<br /> necasgE�ry tetatod expensee.Tha romafning emount of rcMS will tAen appty to poymes►ts on tha securad dobt as ptovided In CovoneM 7.
<br /> ;• g,�y��t�;Pt�d Urdt Qo�opr�.Borrower aQrees to comF!y wtth the proviator+a o4 e lease k thEs deed of Wst b o�
<br /> � a Ieaselwld.M thia dead of vust is on a unk ln s corutomUtum or a piartned unit developmeM,Borrove�er wfU�crform alf ot Bortower's dutles
<br /> under the covenaM�,by-taws,or rcgulriior�s of ths condominium or pUnned unit davatopmem.
<br />,I . 9.Autt�o�l p}L+�td�tp pa�form t�r Bonowse•tf Borrower fatu topattorm any of Bottower'a duttea under tMs dead of trus� Lender may
<br /> ,;h,;r� -: per{c�m ths dutiss ar oauss them to be perfom►ed.Lender may efpn Borcower's name or psy any amouM H�►eeeasnrY fot Pe+rtormnncs.It ai►y -
<br /> �a��ln°ters t i�nethe Prop�erty�iThts mey[ne�ude�mp!Nnp the�n�at�uncBonmant�r.Lande►rrtaY do whatevu fs necestuY to Proteet Lendar's
<br /> r ' Lender'a feituro to perto�n wfii not preclude Lender from exordsing arry of its otlter�fghts undar the�ew or thts decd of Vust.
<br /> � " �- Anv amour►ta paid by Lender to proteat t�endor's securtty intereat wUi be seeured by tRis daed of truat.SucA emourros wiU be due an demand
<br /> ' and wFil bear interest from the date of the psymeM umfl paid i�tult et the trnereat rate tn efteot on the sacured dobt
<br /> r,_i�:. y_._ • iw���,!f���wr t�uy m make amr oavment when due o� breaka ar►y covanarte under this dead of trust ar an
<br /> oblina�ian socwed by thls deed of truet or any prEor mortgage or deed of bust.Lender may eecet�rate the mawriiy v!"u`��.'�3�L�
<br />,_ '� ,�.��k damare�d imrr►ddiMe Pa1m1eM and mey Mvoke the power of eate and any other remedtes Aermitted by epplEaabie Inw. �
<br />_ "-`--:r`;�;� 91.RaW�st to►l�u�e�of OrhdG�t a heroby►equest�ed that eoptes of the nottcns oi defauR n�sale be soM to each person who fa a panY
<br /> _'•�: � �; heroto,at the addrosa of each sueh parson.ae net iorth heroin.
<br /> -X ��r�'�'.7 tZ.pqMrR of SaN.it tho Lender tnvokea the power of sats,the Truatee ehetl flret tecoM fn the otfEee of the re8ister of deeds of eath coumll
<br />-- �:..,:, 's �rRor�3n the trust Propnrty o�some part or percet thereof is situated a nodca of defauft coMain[ng tho information required by tnw.The Trustea
<br /> _;.y��..r�i-� sheii�1ao mnil eoptea of tha nmtce of detau(t to the Borrower.to mach pemon who ia e party heroto,and to other persw�s asprn:cri�ed by
<br /> not n any
<br /> ��,v e�'ri^ epp1iaAb1e law. Nof less than one mom1�efter the Trustoe�ecords the no$ce o4 detauh,or two mot►ths it tho trust Propnrtp is i
<br /> -�° Ineorporaced clty or v[tiaQe and ta uaed in farmtng o�parationa caniod on by the trustor,the Trustese ahett give publta notice of sal�to tne persons
<br /> �"• �r��� and tn the menner presaibed b�apppiteabia lew.T e,without demafM on Borrowerr,t yshall se11 the property M publla auettan to tho hi8hest
<br />_ ...,�.�• bfdder.If►oquired bn esala$ot ati oTr arry par�l��e propertY bY Publle an�no�nan►ent at d�►e�me and p e�o�ony�plsvlousbty scph�etluted sa e.
<br /> - ����; Trustee maY Pos4�
<br /> �-_— I.�ondet or k s des i S n e e msy p u r c h e s e t h e p ro p e rt y a t a n y a a l e.
<br /> .�`"�%�..�;'`�s, The recittals conuitned in
<br /> Up�n aecnipt ot psvment of the prtco bid,Tn►atee ehntt delivar to the Wrchaser Tn►stee'a deed comeytng the properiY.
<br /> Tnutbe'.e qeed ehau be pdma tade evidience of the truth of the etatemerrta contetmsd theretn.Trastae shap apply the procaeda o4 the tate(n the
<br /> i,����.�. follawiri8 w'der. fa) to ep expanses of the eele, induding. but not timfted to. reasonaDte Truatoe's ter,a, roasonnble attomal/a tces and
<br /> �Nnstetemern feea;lb)to elt auma eewred by thl�dand of wst.end to)tho balance.if arry,to the peraons IeBaity eMitled to roceive it
<br /> .._-_-:��'�A[ '
<br /> --- 13,Fonc{oMU�.At LendeYe option,thia deed of trust may be foreclosed in the mpnner provide by appltoabte taw tor torecloaure of mortyanos
<br /> -- ---°-==--"'�'° on reat ProPeKt►•
<br /> ��� 74.hes�edan.Lender may enter t�im Inuperty to izopact k it iasu3ar gtvw Bosror.�r notice�torsher+d.Tl�e not4ca must etetn rhe reesnne6i�
<br /> -=_��,� cauav 4ar Lender's inapeatlon.
<br />__- '_-__-- 16.Ca�d�n�tlon.Borrower aasf 5 di�p o�eeda wlllrbe�a p ted�pro�ded tn�AC�omvena�tt 1 aThis e�i�einrt n�m MM�s bJroACt�to the terms of any prtoT
<br /> - �°- of sn or ar►y part of the p�opertY.
<br /> _- -�-=_� securiqr uproement.
<br /> -n��,,,� io.lfitaiv�r•oV wc�rcbt:s8 anY 8`-'�e�Y°!e^�e��!wnder doea not give up arrv r1gMs to later use anY other remedy.BY not exerctsing "
<br /> -°�:.:;, amt rmmedy upon BorroweYs data�nder doea not watve any rtght to 18ter cons3dar the eueM a default if it happens again.
<br /> `�"`��� 17.�9aUtt�nd S�rew/U Co�ol�n�ns Su c c e s s o n�n d A u l�ta B o u n d. A I I d u t E e s u n d e r t hle deed of trust are jot�rt and several.Aery
<br /> _�,,,_,�� Borrovret who co-s10ng���d ot truat but does�ot co-slgn ihe undsrl � debt In=trumer�t(s1 does ao onh►to prarrt:and eomrey that
<br /> Bortowot's interest in tDe propeM to the Trustee under the terms of thia dea�oftrust.In additlon,such a Bortower agrees that the LerMot and
<br /> ---=-""'-- amr otAer pot��mier�mder�hia deed ot trust may oxtend.mod�y or make anv other chanfles in the terms ot this deed of trust or the socurod
<br /> ��1°'� debt witfidw t�at Qorrower'e conaerR and whhout reteastng tRat Bonovrer iror�o the terms of thts daed of trust. _
<br /> �:1:..�-�� ���
<br /> -'?��'-�'�'�"""• Tho vvUea and boneflts of this deed of truat shell Wnd a�bana�ii the successors and aseigns of Londor nr�Barrower•
<br /> ---'n'�-'��',
<br /> �''-':%:w'r ` 16.9fWtics.Untesa otherwlse re4ufred by taw,any ttotfee to Borrower shs!!be ghren by deiivedng it or Ey mafling k by certtth�II mait addressad to -
<br /> `'s=;•.'�..-�s:�" Bortower M the propart1►addtess or any other eddross that Bonowar has gtvan to Lendor.Borrowar w81 give any notice to Lendar by certlfteA
<br /> :_•�;,`:'�'��`. msil to Lendet's adCr�aa on pape 1 ot this deed ot trusL ot to anY other address whfeh Ler►dar has deaEg►tated.AnY�et notioe to lender shall
<br /> be cent to Lcndcr'o cddress as steted on PaIIe 109 tAb dead ot trust. _
<br /> .:-:... p�r notice ahaS1 be dsomed to heve bsen gfven to 8ortower or Lenda when givan in tRa manner statod i+bova.
<br />-� �g,lTeuns{er o}tM Prcp�at m Ban�fidal IMe»st[n 4hs 8aeower.if all or any part ot the property or any intetest in it is sold or transferred _
<br /> ' v,rhhout lender's priot n eonseM. Lender may demand imrr�eEfotepe ymem of the secured debt. Lender may also demond Emmediate =
<br /> �� paymont if the 8ortowar is not a rtaturalpersan end a benefidal IMerest in the Bortower is soid or transferred. Howevar, Londer maq not _
<br /> � demand paymem in the atiovo ekuaUons H ft is prohibtted Dy foderat taw as of tho dato of this deed of trust. -
<br /> � ------ .-- - •° -• ---..__......,_�__���...���...,.L. ..,.��e...�e,w�.,.�r�ar�r cbtiaaUon to make a6vanc�s _
<br /> - ---------- T0.R�c01�Y��•wRen me oougawi�sow.w vy w..o..uo..... ....o.......�...�
<br /> �„-- ' under the instrumoMa or e emerna secured by this daed of trust,the Trustee shat(,upon wrttten mquest b1r the Lender,recomey crte�t =
<br /> pro ,Tho Lender ahaQ eliref to the Barrower,or to BottaweYs successor in fMereat.the uust deed and me note or other ovidence ot tho _
<br /> . ob atEon so saosfted.Borraaret shall pay nml�ordation eoste. =
<br /> ' � Z�, gauss�or TrustN, Lender, et Lende►'o optton, me1I �emove Trustee and apAofM a euccessor trustee by BraL mailtng a oopy of the
<br /> � sub541tuGan o!bvste3 as reauire�bY 8AF1lcable Iaw.and than.p�r fil!ng the euIDaUridtan of Vustee for roeord in the oHtee of the reeister ot deeds :
<br /> -- -• - of eaeh couMy in whSeh tho tn�st P�P�Y.or some DaR thereof.la sftuated.T1�e&ue tCrp�a�o wltttout Comreyenee of the property.shgii _
<br /> �� succee6 to ail the powet,duttea,authority and titte of the Trustae nemed In the desd e�und o'f'eny succetsor tnistee. ,
<br /> ,. ,.
<br /> o . .
<br /> —- • (ptpo 2 ef?1
<br /> g/W%61g g�IgTEMB,WC..8T.CLOUD.MN 68101 11dOQ397•23ti1 FOAM OCRMTG�M 8118191
<br />