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<br /> 99 ��}�r��`I D T� 0 C NVEYANCE N � n ��
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<br /> THIS DEED, made this _� day of March, 1999, betwee� .7ohn �
<br /> 8. rleDescmott, Trustee; Donald L. Madieon ancl Marie D. Madiaon, n c�
<br /> Heneficiazy; and Timothy L. t3randon and Ezel l Luen Z. Fox, Truetor. ��M
<br /> WHE S, Truator, for valuable consideration and in order to
<br /> �� L�
<br /> secure to Beneficiary the payment of said valuable coneideration,
<br /> did execute a Trust D�ed, which was filed on February 26, 1998,
<br /> recorded in the of f ice of the Clerk of tYze Caunty of Hall, and
<br /> identified ae Document No. 98-1d1637, conv�yc to Truatee, Jehn B• .-
<br /> McDermott, suc:cesaors or assigns, a certairg garcel of real estate
<br />- described in said Deed a� followe, to-wit:
<br /> A cer�ain p�xt of the Southeast Quartex (SE�,t} of Section
<br /> �n� (1) , Tozvaish.ip 8leven (11) North, Itange Ten (10) , West
<br /> of tkxe dth P.M. , Hal� County, Nebx�slca, more particularly
<br /> de��ribed a� fOlI0U7�: Beginning at a paint oxi the �ast
<br /> line of the Soutlaea�t Quarter (SFi;D o� said Sectian One
<br /> ti) , which po3nt i'� 1340 feet IJorth of the Southeaet
<br /> corner of said Sau�.heast ¢uarter f SE�)j thence running
<br /> along and ��a� �ma� aast 3izts in a PT�r+�her11. directiQn a
<br /> distan�e of 7C1 �e�:'tA thence turning and runni�ng in a.
<br /> Westerly di��ction .g�aral�:�l to the Sauth line of said
<br /> Sautheast Quarter�:f�S$�f) . � distaance of 264 feet; thence
<br /> turning and ��rtxnning S�uth parallel to the �ast line of
<br /> said 8outheaet 4uar�e�c �SE�f) , a distance of 70 geet; then
<br /> ruac�ag in an Eas�ce�7y direction an:a3:��vnaing parallel to ;-�;_
<br /> - th� South line of said Southvast Qu��ter (SE�) a disL-ance �' `����`=
<br /> � �_�.-
<br /> of ��64 feet to the point o£ beginni�lg,
<br /> and the �aid sum of money has been fully paid to Bene£iciary, and
<br /> • Benef iciary hae requested that the estate conveyed by the said Deed
<br /> of Trust to Trustee in t� sai� propexty hereinbefore mentioned and
<br />' de�cribed lt�e nt��� released �c sa�d Trustor.
<br /> , THEREF�RE, �he undersigned 'r`rrustee dges her�by release, con�r��
<br /> and quitclaim unto �aid Trustor alI rig3-�t, tiscle, iz�e.�est. cl��,m
<br /> and demand whatsoever svhich he had act�ixed in an.d tk��4vtgh Che . ,, .
<br /> above-described Deed of Trust, togatrier.with all appurten�tac�:s �c� '
<br /> privilegea thereunto belonging ax app�rtainirag. , .
<br /> -
<br /> � � .
<br /> J B: cDexm
<br /> ) ss:
<br /> COUNTY qF HALL )
<br /> Tk�ae foregoing Deed of Reconveyance v�ras acknowledged before me
<br /> on March �_,, 1999, by John 8 McDermott, Trustee.
<br /> _ ,@BI�N�7illti�d01�■d '�---�"� ��`�
<br /> ��� Nntax�r Public
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