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<br /> �� B.USE OF PAOFEIt1'Y;COMPLYAN�E�{►I1`ii�I.AW.Homower sha11 aot seetc.agree to or make
<br /> � a chan�e in the uwe of the Propeny or tts muYng classificatlon.unless Lsnder ha9 agreed in wdcinE to the
<br />.T��'�'� change. Borrower sliall comply wi�h ai laws, ordinances. re�ulations and requiremeats of any .
<br />- s� govemmental bodY aPPlicable w the Prop�aty.
<br />-�.��.� C.SUBOPtDIl�TATC Y.�NS. Bxcept as pemaitted bY federal law.Bon+ower shall not allow any lien
<br />-:�?::�a inferlor to the Secvrity Insnvmeat m be perfected a,,+�aiass dte Propeny without Leuder's prior wriaea
<br /> _------= peranission. rent loss in a�ddidon co
<br /> -_-__-�� D.R�NT I.OSS INS[JRAIYCE.�mtrowu sbaU maintaia insuraace against
<br />=,-,��"� ahe osher ha�erds for whtch insmaace is c�ai�s�by Uniform Coven�nt S. _
<br />_- _-�_; �."BORROW�it'S IBgQ's�l'TO L�€�?5TA�'lE"���.ETED.Uniforat Covenaac 18 is deteted.
<br /> -:;,u=�,��� F.1�OliKOW�3'S Q�CUIPI#I�TC1�.Usdas i.�ro�z9�r and Borrower otheiv�+i��,ree in arcidag. the
<br /> __ , fust s�entence in Unifona C�aeaant 6 o�ao�aidn�Boxr�mes's occupaucS+of th��tc�rtY ir.deleted. All
<br /> -�;� Kmaining covenants and agreemmts sa�COtth in tJn[form Covenaat 6 shall reanaia in effect. ._
<br /> - G.A3SIGNIV�NT O�'LEASFS.[Jpon Lender's reques[.Borrawer sh�li assip,n w LeaderU n che
<br /> _� of the Prope�iy and all s�r�:riry dep�osits mada in connecdoa with leases of tt�e 1Pmgerty. po -
<br /> —_-s'- assignment.Leader shalt ik1��the dght io�vdify.eMend or teradaace che exisc'�,,.r i..ases and to exeaute
<br /> _ ,� new leases. In Leader's sote discredoa. As used in this paragaPh G. the wor� 'lease' ska11 mean .
<br /> — "sublease°if the Securiry Iasuvm�ent is on a leasehold.
<br /> ° - Bor�vw� �ri�t� �s.3 ut��caditien��.�..y � �+R and cransfers to Lender all [he rents and revmues
<br /> _ _ _ (•Re�ts') of tlte Prop�ttSt. �e8ardless of to whom t�E Renu of the Pt+operty an payable. �orrower
<br /> authorues Lender or Leadat's agenu to collect the Rents.and agc�s tuat each tenant of the Ptoperty s�11
<br /> — pay the l�ents 2�Leader or Lender's agcnts. How�ver.Borrower shaU receive the Rents untll(i)Leader
<br /> h3s given&or.r�o'wzr aotice of defa�lt puasuant t� paragraph 21 of the Secudty Jnsuumeat aad(ii)Lender '�,:._;:
<br /> has given nodce to the te��is)that the Rents at+e to be paid W Leader or Len.der's a$eat.Thi�assi�nt . -
<br /> �� of Rents coasricuus an a'�i�:assignme�c and not aa assi�nmenc for a�ddidonal s�rlty only.
<br /> �,�= If Leader$ives no'�c:of breach to Borrovarer: (i)all Reats neaived by Baaxower shali be lield by
<br /> _ - gQ�W� �s�ustee for the beaefit of Ixnder only. to b e�s l i e d w t h a s u m s s x u r e d b y the Securi t 3+
<br /> _ Iasnumeat: Cu) Leuder shall be endd�to collat and i+eceive a�l of tlue Rents of the Pcapett}+: (iiI)
<br /> Boneower agnes that each tensnt of the Propeny shall pay all ltents due and unpaid to I.�ntt,�r Qa�adar's
<br /> �;eats upoa Leader's ariaen demand w the teaanr,(�v)�atess ePPl�cabte law pzovides ottteiwlse.atl Rents
<br /> callec7od by Lrendcr or Leader's ageats�hhall be appUed Bsst to the casts of taking controI of and manaSin$ ,�.. .
<br /> , �iu.pcopeny.aad oolleaing the Rents. ineludtn8, but not limited co. attomeys' fees. reaiver's fas. � _
<br /> _ — — premiun►s an.socdver's boads.cegait and maintenanoe oosts,insuranoe premiums.taxes.as�smenr.s aad
<br /> s t�n the Pm and thtn to t�e sums ses�tred by the S2au'iry Inst�um�nt: (v) Leadel•
<br /> othsr chatg��. �' inYed a�aetver shal!be liable to acoount for only those Reats actuallY •. .,
<br /> .i�nder�s agr,tics or any iudiciallY agpo
<br /> - ' ret'�ived: and(vi)Leadar shalt be entit�p co have a ra�,ivec�'gointal to��S��showing ag co�t�.ec ..
<br /> _ - --- - the ptopeny and oollect¢�2 Rents and rofits d�ived from the Propetty .
<br /> iva�lequs4y oY the Propeity as sec�trlty. �nitia�s:
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