' � ..1��l'��JHf1M�7� lol�'K�'���� '
<br /> .- J� ',TtV'� I .
<br /> �AY r�»
<br /> � � �93- �.�x��st� --
<br /> - -�� '�c. • A�l{KiNMBFiT OF RHNYS RIOHR
<br /> _-��,�:�������'.��..A.. _n,J .
<br /> � � THIB A8910NMHNT OF RENTS RID6R 1�mMN�nd�x�aut�d thlR�---�Y of JA111UR� ,t��...._,�nd 1�
<br /> -- inoprporahd Into�Ml�hall!�dNm�d to amMd and suppl�r�nt th�Mortp�p�or Wsd of Trud.Mr�lndt�r nl�rnd to w tlM
<br /> _ �_.. _ �-----
<br /> . _�,,�,����__ 8�udty Indrun�nl� of tlt�t�m�dah piwn b�►tM undKSlOn�d�h�t�InliN�r r�ba�d to a�ttN"Barow�►", to s�aur�
<br /> - — ,Ror�qw�y�nd�bt�dn�s�,h�trinaft�t at�tnd to 1is tlw"Not�",to HOME FHDERAL SAVINOS AND LOAN R880CIATICiiV OF ___�
<br /> - „ - ---�--_*=�.�,.—�-� :_
<br /> ,;.� OfiAND 18LAND.MrNnafta nfKnd to W th�"L+�nd�e"�af tho Mm�dd�aod Qowtlnp ths p►op�ty d�scrlbed in li�S�cutily .�
<br /> Im1n�M�nd loaibd a� . .
<br /> {� ` 206 SOUTH LINCOLN. GRANU ISLAND AI�9R{tSKA 1 �-
<br /> : , . .� �_._., �prop�ny Addnsq e:=°:
<br /> _ �� .;�,;� WITNE88ETM: G _
<br /> [•...<<
<br /> WHEqEA$,Borrowsr�nd I.and�r haw apn�d thd any ronis and proflu atlrlbutabl� to the property should constltut� �
<br /> _- �-: - :� ,.� �ddltlon�l Mcuyry to tM Lsnd�r fa tM p�Ym�nt of tM Notr, "'"`
<br /> ys �— .;� . �`,N.."��
<br />°��, TH�REFORE.It b�e�d that tM S�cudry Inst►um�nt shdl be anwnded @�nby and de�d to Includ�ths IW4owinp `-1 ~
<br /> — �'f'"v< NOW. Ee:=�
<br />_ ���wi�ar��;;.0' :,.�.'_.`_ proyulor�
<br /> � — M1 ;y;,._.. .,-... �"�:
<br /> �n.�', >a�t`� J,•'�',_, !f�-
<br /> .•,�� �•;' L S�pa�nt of Rants and L�±!�er Rantal �lectlon �eMe_�orrow�r Mreblr abaolutoly a�d u�condNionNlr assEQns all
<br /> I�.�:•
<br /> ��:r=a��:-:���.. r�nta. Is�u� u�d protlb of ths Prope�t�r to 8snsfrclary. l�tndor sludl tuvs the rlpht, power and authaify durtnp the
<br />_ '- �.fY.T `__.
<br /> �:.:° . =w ' ,' ., „�•�; cantinwnea of th�S�cwiry Imtrurrant to collect th�r�nta.Issu�s and Profils of the property and ol ony�rsonal prope -
<br />:�;;�:'. r''': '_• - �r�y, IocaUd tl��with or without Wclnp possesslon of ths�op�rly�fieet�d herebY. Lendar, howav�r.henb�r conssnts to
<br />-,:;�r`�' r��^^�:�+x,�-' Bonower's coll�etioe aod nt�ntion of such�ents,Isaues and profUa As they accrus aod becoew WY�Ie.ao lonp as 8ov��r ��„,
<br />:,�:s;, ' � h not,a1 a�R�ns,ln d�hWl with rqpact to paym�nt of�ny IrwNbt�dn�as s�cur�d ha��b1a a in tlw performanea of a�ry --
<br />,.Y�s;? ipr11M�1�ae�aMd�r,
<br /> __- ;`i;`r, .�.y.`.;, ��
<br /> +'�r' i �,`rd?�;r,.••,�: 2. A�j��nt of l�ora��°.�er. If any event of deiauii in rospect to the SwcuenEr inaUw��eni sf�a8 t��va ucu�rsd arsd bc
<br /> r:1�E4`� �,�• coMlnui ls�r,�s�maitsr of ripht and wNhout notics to 8arower or anyone claiminp unde�BonaMUer,and without � ���
<br /> �:,?• b,. �"�; i i ; ��
<br />::'�,,�� ;.:i•:, '����•��' rpard to tha��us of the lnisf sst�te or the intsrost oi ihe Bonoww thereln,shall havo the�IOht to apply t�au�y couR havinp �,�
<br /> ' '" x..��l,t;�;±�f lexisdlction ta��►ppolnt a r�eelrsr of ths propWty.
<br /> :��� _� ;,. Y:. ...�,,
<br /> .. . .,�-h.�:;w .�;!• �^�.`., 3. Biaht��„�oaeeasion.In caas of dsfault U the paymeM of the said principal Note or Interest.a any�a�thereot,as It �:�s`
<br /> -• � • shall matue�e,or In the caes of fallure to kesp or pe�fom�any of the covenanta or apreemsnts contained ia the Sncurity Instru-
<br />- " �.4; ,,�`. mehf,thM ths Lsndsr. Its auccsssoro a aadpns,ahall be and ta hereby authorized aod empowered t�take immedlate �'���'
<br /> '�T �� .�aqssesalon of the aald pranlws th�raln dsscrib�d and to colloct tha r�nts iMrefrom,and to�pply tha proaeeds th�r�of to tho _.._
<br /> ;•r�,r�j� �;-
<br /> .Y '^��,�,��hAr,r.�,i' �
<br /> .. � :ty- r.3• • �� P�Y111�ntOt th9 NOtA. —
<br /> :,,,,�r�>:��:.•: �
<br /> ' , � �,<<;�,�,y� , .4. Aoolioatlon of Rents.lewes�ed�'mmAlte AO rents coflnated by Lender or the recelver ahall be applled Nrot to payment �_
<br /> - —�,,,9 "' I:; • �" �i?�e cests af ss:arsapsss�st a!!!uf pr�x!;s.�c0liect!on of rente,i�us��d��g,but awt Ilmited to,recelvePs feas,premiums on �, _
<br /> �� ��;�,'�' �j,,. �• ��? �, a+er.�lve►'�bonda a�d r+easw�a�ble attomey's fees,a�cd't!hen to the aums aecu�a!br nuw Security I�strum�nt.Londer and tfw �`,r�
<br /> �;�*'" ` , �� rec61ver aAall be Ilable to a��count only fw those�vuer��atually�ocalved. �t� '�
<br /> �;. ,b �^!� , 11��+�, � "
<br /> ' �" "•' • � 6. �,Q,n9�1on of Provislons.Each ai the provisions coMainecl in this Aesi�r�m��t ot Hents Rider a�d the 5eou�ify Onstear �,_,
<br /> � •. .
<br /> ���-. ��,•'� :�' rrWnt ahal�, oni�a otherwise epeeiflcally required,l�e construed in accordanoe with Nebraske l ew, a n d t a�t h e d v a�e a�y �
<br /> =,` � -, y,!`�-� ��+rp ,� y�ravlslon hereln or therein coniained shaii be detene���d 4y a court of compotont Jarisdiction to be unentewstabte,tNe sarra �"-'
<br /> e ;,Z•�-� - �.i�
<br /> . �? ..,)'p� � j/} � ahall be cond►ued��thouph sueh unenforaeable FQ�e�s�oe were�ot a paA tneveof ar thereof. �
<br />' `' 4 ..',�� ,�I.����L� , � � ^
<br /> ' �''o`s.;;;t(;:'.•.:��� 6. EHeet of Rider.Except As apeclfically modified b�or Inconalstent with tmu�Aealpnment of Rents Hider or by any other
<br /> I ontinua In full brce and oNaot. �-��'?
<br /> '. ` ;��`. .,+,ti:t,{,' applicaba�Ida►.all of th�torms and Rrovislona contalned In the Securfty InaIIcumant shal c �
<br /> _. . �i+�$�;' ,�.};1�:��c����:?� • ,
<br /> � 1'; -•,�-.(F. IS� ��,�•;•j�r..s.t��,`j� -. �r`
<br /> k � 3 �1:�:Si�t,�y�: ., �.�;�. IN WITNFSS 1NHEREOF.Bor�oweQ P+as axecuted this Aasipn � of Rents�i�de►on the date flret not�d abova. �;,,t
<br /> , :a;�, _ . . r�m,,_...
<br /> �t,P . c••P "o y'.�t.ti. ��, � trt,s—� .:
<br /> .�+ ,a`'!�s�"p-r:: i. ��.' . 4� �
<br /> �„�' �:a:�,�pr;s, :•'��' . RUSSEL �. OAU S Bo�rower , :};�i;�
<br /> ' y ? � `�, ,1fct"%
<br /> � �y,.' ,• j.:� ` /`�-�I�-t `� ..
<br /> ►t {l,{� t. /�_ L _ .
<br /> ,t2' ��ti�N� 'rT/l.�f='�l-�L- � -r•
<br />.-„�;f` •'�' �� ;�i'`� CN4VTH A H. DAVIS eorrowar te'."'i�
<br /> � � r� •� fi, nl;;.
<br /> , ' � ;�,�� .�..
<br /> �' ' �,��''•�� STATH OF NEBRASKA) �
<br /> __-t�. . . -br" �,f�ltl;E tr,;i,.
<br /> � ILI'. �` �
<br /> .,�,.,:.1 (e8: �
<br /> "': •�i�`�� � `'""'*;:,� COUtdTY OF NAU. )
<br /> ., t >` iF � ;,:.,-_
<br /> - ?`" ' ' ,�' p� ' On thle 22� day�o'► JAfJUARY 1� �.',before me,the underoigned,a Notary Public duly commiaatoned ond �:.��
<br /> _ �� ;'�°.';,. ':� � quaNfledforfYldCOWlty.{G»��IIyC�I1N RLSS�LL L DAIITS QI�D CYIITNTA H IIALITS NIISRfl1t1 AIUII I�ITFF
<br /> '.;�:,:t_
<br /> r� N �i .
<br /> "'- A ., ° • °E , ,t0 be the Identical personl8)Whose name(S)islare 8ubsCHbed •�t;4i'
<br /> �'� ' V .. � to th�fo►epoiap Inetrurtwnt.and hW�lwfthey aeknowlodye th4 exe�cvllon thereof to be hlelherHholr voluntary�Ct And deed.
<br />:;1:. � —I
<br /> �..
<br />;���_ '�_.�•��:.��_ '_
<br />- - • � Witnps my hrnd arKi t�iiatatial Seat at GRANC ISL ANG. NEBRASKA •Y.z
<br /> ` ; ����" " . °.� , 1n d nt ,thedate esoid•� '�,�'`
<br /> ,'', y�2iJ�.,�, ., •' '•'`�;; �.� ��.� y` ' ~� � �.._. ��
<br /> '�L`� r• �
<br /> �`��'- - ,�;}`,i-1r�Yi't�'�i,{r':• �.
<br /> ` ���:� t�. ,�. NOtary Pt1p{IC
<br /> `� , `.� ;r• Z c� I:' .
<br /> - j . � • ` ' ;: ,��� My Commisslon expirea: /� �i� 1,
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