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„�ya' . '� _ .sl��,�..'`.. � r y _ , - .. <br /> / <br /> '��SJ�� :�;�T;'fl, I�I' ' �y' ' , <br /> :��Mi �T�t;., A �_�__�. <br /> ......_ .__ <br /> Si•�l'.e��:�. �a� ^ •— <br /> � <br /> - ...._----.u-� ,93- �.oR�!�� �- <br /> - -� �ri-�'�`—.z: - -- 'i'aQL'7HER Wt'171 aU liee impravemcnts now or herceQar�roctal��n�he p►WkMY.and all c�semcmts.opp�hmwncex. --- <br /> _=— --- - - u�d�xtw+es now or heraRer a part of the property. All rcplacemcnls anJ uddi�ionF sh�ll ale�o be caveral by tbic Se�udty <br /> ” l�dumrnt. All of'the fongoing is r�cferncd lo in thia Secwity InRuument us thc"Propeny." <br /> �' ��: • BOItROWHR C'OVENANTS tltat Batrnwer is lawfully rcired of thc cslatc hrreby rnnvoycd and hus the righl la gt�nt <br /> ���� nnd convey the Properry ond that the Property ic unencumbered,except far encumbrAncea of recad. Ncxmwer warrantu and � <br /> wfll defend generally the tiQe to the Propeny agalnst all claims and demands,subject�o any encumlxancea at'rec��rcl. <br /> THIS S�CIJRITY INSTRUMENT rnmbines uoiform cavenants for nalional use anci non•rniiarm covenantK wilh `=' <br /> .`� limiled voriwfons by jurisdiction to constiiu�e a uniform securi�y instNment cavering real propeny. <br /> " ,,,y UN(FORM COVENAN7'S. Bomawer and l.ende�covenant pnd ngrec us follows: _ <br /> 1. P��111lIIR 0�PI'I11CI�IYI iN1A Ip1M+Cb1i Pf@�1t1y111l111 Alld I.A�ft CI1p�QE8. Bortuwe�stwll pramptly pay when due 1he <br /> _- �•. ;' , principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by lhe Note and any prcpAyment und IAte chn�es due under�he Note. �- <br /> `�.: . �±'a�'t-�:� , 2. Ftitads tor'ib�aes�ud I�surance. Subject to appliraWe law or to a wrilten waiver by l.ender.Brnmwer xhall pay lo <br /> �'"�' "x���°`�°�� I.ender on tbe da�r monthly pay.rems are due under ihe Nae,until the Nnte is paid In full.n sum PFunds"1 for.la1 yearly --� <br /> -;ar:��•'"r'7,,:,�v��:.- c.- <br />.�;�a. �... <br /> -��.�--,'.!tt�::,�'.�,ii. luaes and a�ssessments which m�y a¢tmin priarity over�his Secutily Instrument us a I�en on ihe Propeny:lb1 yearly leaseho <br />=.,_F - .: ;;�•:r,�, �aymems a g�vuad rents on the «��pcny. ii'ang:lcl yeady hazsud or pnopeny i�uu�a�e premiums: (d► yeurly Oaod = <br /> �= � � ''•�''�-�=��i4 msutancc iumx, if an (e) earl�mort aer insuraix�e iums, if any:and Itl any sums payuble by Borrower to <br /> �.;.,.•'�� �i�•- ��':` { L.ender.�accwrls�nr� wiU�ihe provisions of para�r;�h I�u af the payaccaa of mortgage insuronce premiums. These =,- <br /> +d uJ;' �i%�i; � :'�ii items are ealled"6s�rm��r ltems." l.ender may,�t uetiy dme,collect and hold Flmcls in�n amaunt not lo exceed the maximum - <br />'w'"•"�t-��roi�.� amoumt a lendxr far a fedemlly related mortgnge laan muy reyuire far Bomower�s escrow dccount uader Ihe federal Real -��� <br /> _=- --- ° Estate 5e�crlemerae Procedurex Act of 1974 as amentkd from timr t�n 7ime.12 U.S.C.�2601 e�sey.C'RESPA"),unle»�uxxl�r -- <br /> °f�.��`-�"� law thut a;t'�iiec¢m the Fands sets a lesser umuunl. iG so.Lender may,vt any Iin�e,collect and hdd�unds io an amount ao�to -- <br />`,ti';;rs f exceecs.l:4e les�e� aae��um. Lender may estim;uc :he amount of Ponds dus c�r+ �he basis of curmnt data and reawnable '_-_ <br />:.�ts,.�lt�s . - <br />--=-:,� ,�F� y,,,,x .:,: esdmate�a�texpenAilures af future Escrow Items ur wherwise in accordunce with applicable law. W <br />- ' u, , �.• � '4tie IFunds sholl be held in an instilution whosc deposits are insured by A federal uAency. instrumenlulity, or entiry ���. <br /> "�-�,. _, ;t,.•..-� .-� , (includinx lender.if Lender is such an instiwtion)ar in any Federnl Home l.oAn Bank. l,e��d�:�shall uPpIY the Funds�o Qay '�`'�'� <br />-- +,,;,,:•.,�.,e.��•. .;:., �u:�-�= <br />'.:=:t�° .*' • , �Y the�.�;��raw Items. I.ender may not charge Bartower for holding and Applying the Fuaxls, a.�nuully nnelyzing tbe escn�w ��- <br />___�'� accau»,or verifyiog the Escrow 1i�Rns,unlrRa�.¢nder pays Borrower interesa o�i thc Funds�nd upplks►ble Inw p�:mtfts .�- <br />'=���'' � Lender to make such w charge. Haw�ver,Lem3ec mny rcquirc Borrower to��c a ane-�ime charge for an independent real <br /> �'�__ <br />_-�;�{� �}�,` , :eatate tax eeporting scrvke used 6y Lender in co�+m�r�ion with this loan,unless npplicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an "�""`` <br />:_;-,r:���•� ;..� ,�;- agreeanent is made ot applicAble law requircs interest�o bc paid,Lendcr shall not i+e requircd to pay Borrower�ny inter�es�or �;;�. <br />,_�.SX� �, ,;, " eami�ags�.n�he FLnds. Borrower a�ci�.�ndcr may ogree in w�itin¢.however,thnt interest shull6e paid on the Funds. Lender �_�- <br /> shall�i��r to Borrower,without churg�a.on annual accounting af the FuodF,showing credits nnd debils to the Funds and Ihe C:.°_° <br /> �;:,��,��� _ purpoce for which eucfi dabit to Iha FLnds was made. 7'he Fund:+are pledgciJ as additionul security for all sums secured by <br /> ire�• ,�;���. - �'� ; this Securiry Instrumcr�t. <br /> " rt� '�'`�}•" � If the Funds held by Lender exceed �he auerunts permitled to be held b� applicable law, Lender shull accaum to <br /> n ;�'q�;.,•M <br />``•''"'�� '��' " '�`' Bom�wet tor the eacess Funds in accardance wi�h the re uirements ot a licablr law. If Ihe amount of the Funds held b <br />:::.?�ifr�. ���i°•;,�'1�`•�,j;�ii,�.3:;,� � y = <br /> ��`�''��,�.,.., 9 pp <br />.•� . .�?�„�;vt�.,i . ,',��,��, I Lemkr su: any time is not sufficieat ta pay the Escrow Items when duc.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,und,in _ <br /> �•t�•'�' su¢h �:us� Bomower shull puy to i.end�r thc amounl nrcessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shull muke up�he �_.� <br /> •i � Jeficiainy in na morc thnn twelv�muntidy pay��w�ti�,aI Lenderz sole discrelio�a. <br /> •, ,�_�-,o-_� .— - <br /> , �'�•,����.�a.�. ,�'+�' I � Upon payr►�ent in full oi all sums secured by �his Security Instn�ment.L�nder,hall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> . ' •�•v��-=- ' �� ' Funds held by I.ender.,If,under paragroph 21,Le r.der shall ncyuire or sell the Propeny.Lender, prior to the acquisi�ion or -' <br /> • �•b:•>. �.' j sale of Ihe Property,shall Apply:u�y Funds held by Lende�ut the time of ucquisition or sAle ax a credit ugainst the sums "'-�.� <br /> _► �" ��:. .�• • ' � secured by this Sccunty Instrument. E,"� <br /> . ,t...,. ...., <br /> 3. Applicatlon ot P�ymenls. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, ull payment� rt�cei�ed by Lender under �'�`� <br /> .r�,:- ' �.�•'•_: <br /> �`� .�. • I paragraphs I und 2 shall be npplied:fint,to uny prepayment charges due under Ihe Note:se.cond,to umaunts payable under <br />= i: �• , � .`' paragruph 2;third,to 9nterext due:founh,to principul due;und lau,to uny late charges due under the Note. <br /> � 4. Cha eA; i.iens. Born►wer shull u all tuxes, ussessments, chur•<< fines und im �itionz attribuwble to the "°-� <br /> �.. ; �.,..%;' ,.. .. ., _ � P Y b'•� P°•� ��,,.. <br />-��1 �°"-'''?k"°"•"';•-�•'' ' Propeny whkh mau unoin prionty over�h�s�ecurity In�uumcm,und Icaschold payments or sround rents,if any. Borrower ��({\ <br />�—�.\_ �:�1��..�. f..rv. <br /> . �.., . shall�+a9 these oblagu2ions in�he m:u�ner provided in parogrnph 2,or if not paid in thut mar+n�r,Borrowcr shall ppy them on �, <br />-`��� _�,::r,�"�`��'''. #�•` ' time�lirec tly to Ihe,person oweil�uyn�ent. Bormwer xhall prompUy furni�h�o Lender n01 noiices of amoums to be paid under �a.r• <br /> " .,;.. �.,� ;�.�u� P� F Ph p'Y Y P P Y P � �� <br /> 3v _ this am ra . 16 8orrower mukes ihexe .� menls direcll . Borrower shaU rom U fumish to Lender recei ts evidencin t <br /> ; � ��. �he paymenu. i <br /> ° '.,-�'��,� '; :��:: Borrower shn11 promptly dischar�e any lien.�hich has priority ovcr�his 5��urity Ins�rumen�unless Horrower.(a)agrees - ' <br /> f ��� ' � in wri�i��to the p�►yment of the obligation secured by Ihe lien ia a manner acceptublc to Lender.(61 canteMs in good faith the <br />,_,, �•:,' <br /> ^���• ��' .' , lien by,c�,r defends Against enforccment of the licn in.Icgal proccedings which in thc LenJeri opiniun opernte to prevent Ihe - <br /> '�"��4�t "` enfarcemem of Ihe lien;or Ic)secures from the holder af thc lien an agreement sa�isfactory�o Lender subordin�ting the lien <br />'�•'r� "` ` .. - to this Securiry I�strumem. If Lender determirns that uny purt af the Pro�n}•ix,ubject to r lien which muy uttain priarity <br /> �'. �y ^ over tbis Sceurity Un;2�rument,Lender may give Borrawcr u notice i�kntifying ahe lien. Borrowcr xhall satisfy the lien or take •,., <br /> � � � �� ;� � one o7 r►�re of the uc�ions set forth Above within 10 duys of the giving of notire. `*+ <br /> , :�a•^`f�'•'."�; '"� `�. �lau�rd or Property losurance. Borrowcr shall kcep thr improvements now exi�ting or hercaf'tcr ercctcd on�l�c <br /> " > � , r ProMc:a�:} insured ngainst loss by fire,huzurcl+includeJ wi�hin^.°:c tenn"extended caveraFw"and uny othcr huzunis,in�lu�l�ng <br />_ ,, :...� ':����. floods or flaaling,Por whlch Lenc3cc requircs insurance. 'Q'Q+is insurunce shall be maint:�iacd in the amounts and for the f.,�a:• <br /> � �.� ��,'.+',!�'~ Hiorm J�28 '19ii uwR�:e Jn puetsl �y`: <br /> �*. , . ' i , .�1 <br /> i <br /> - :��� � i � .s: <br /> . t#• • .�a�ni�•T•'�i;�ial:SrS;;���[�{;�:::,������:r5u,+csv�Rcy.ti.,�.r,�,.i.,�:.,,. _ . .. .,.,., . ,��.._d.•:r'i..t;: .. 'rfi�1�'vM7n�S��d"I�"'b1��'4i�•'/. <br />-�e`p.�� ��t. ",��ii� .M ` • - . • �.�. r�� , � • „ . . . . . <br /> _ ��__ _., _ .:. _. . .. <br />--- . _ �, 7 - - ---------�--- '--.:� _ ..'. . '--' , . . . .. . . . <br /> 1 a , t:' , 1�1,^ • <br /> ��' .. . `, , . � , • . <br /> �,' `,,�. ' . ., j " <br /> � <br /> KF . ' . <br /> � , ' <br /> ��'-Ln��',��� ' . � <br />` . :. -,4.�;��_ . . . - <br /> ► . <w�� + �� � , . .. - <br /> � , � <br /> . . <br /> • �. <br /> — - - � <br />