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. . _._ � ,S;rAfG:;�'-., _� _ :i�.:t� `�51� <br /> . ':� --- -r ---- ------ . � - - . <br /> .�. 1f. '� . . ��•�+ai�,- „ <br /> � - ., e. �✓'..,'�y� ..:i•:', . � U <br /> . �� K� .±�v• �• <br /> i�` .�" <br /> �a..' <br /> .._Ct. } '. . <br /> "`:��k51fi��� <br /> --- <br /> . _�,_ + a,Q�lR:�3 ._ <br /> — _: 1e,�...�:,,:_..,�� �'rx?FT1�IR1! WrrN rli Ihe impmvrmmi�row a herrylFler etYxted m�hc�Ay.wwf�II cascmrnls.aAPuhenanee�� ---- <br /> ;ss �. <br /> — pnd fixlunes naw a hercafkr a p�A of�he p�aperty. All replacemenis and additiex�s shaU alw 6e covercd by thiw Securi�y �_' <br /> _.`a° Ia�pumem. All of U�e targaing is rcferrcd to in this Sccurily Insaumenl as thc"Pmpeny." <br /> 'e� 1 " gpKR�W�R CpV�NpN7'S Ihat Barrawer is lawfully seised of the es�atc hcrchy ranvcyeJ am11w.ihc right�o gram <br /> _r�__.._n:y" � oM cmvey U�e Property sutid that the P�apeny is unencumt�ered,except Gx encun�brance�of n�cuN. B�rrower wurranls und �._,:� <br /> -- - - will detend generally the Utie to the PropeAy againu all claimc and demwKis.wbject to any encuml+ranre�of record. ■_».=:: <br /> ...;, �': <br /> .+�� .���j THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMENT cambinry unUorm cavrnant. far naticxwl u5e und non•unifarm cavenanta wilh W_ <br /> ° limited vurialiunR by jurir:di�hian w cans�iwte a uniform secu�iry instroment covenng rral propeny. `` <br /> � g,.��j:� <br /> �'•+�;; UNiFORM COVENAfY'fS. Bartower and Lende�covcnant a�d ugrce as fallaw.: �::__ <br /> �f�,. • <br /> '� :�,• �� 1. Payment ot Priacipal�ad Iotenst=P�'epsYment aad 4Ate Cbwrges. Rorrc►wer shull pmmptly pay when due the = - <br /> �'-^-- �+;� � � ptinci af and iMeresl on Ihe delu evidence+l by�he Nate u�d uny prepuyment And late churge�due under the Nole. �_° <br /> "'��� '�..".;"i:.� (�b � �nde for'li�ues�nd la�unace. Subject to applicable Inw nr to u wri�teo wAiver by l.ender,Bnnower shull pny la —_:_. <br /> �`��� '�„!:�.'�•."_::.�.;' l.endcr on 1he duy mon�hly puymems ure due undrr�he Nate,until ihe Nme ix paid in full,u+um 1"Fundr"1 for.lal yeady �,-- <br /> . Y . . Q�a. <br /> - ' -;�;�%-� taxes and ossessmemu which mny at�nin priixily over this Security In�trument us a lien an�he Propeny:lbl yesuly lensehold �__ <br /> ���s`�,� ' ' ments or round rents on U�e Pro n if un . (c► yeurl hu�ard or n innur.ince mium,; (d) earl Ilood <br /> ���, • .�;;,t.�•.•`� PaY B Pe Y• Y' Y P� Y Prc Y Y <br />__ _ ,.,,+���!�•;,.;h� insurance p�emiums, if any: (el yearly mong�ge insurnnce premium�.if any: And ifl any sums puyable by Han�wer to <br />— „y.:,;,:=:•,'2. xcadance with tt�e proviciort+of pumgrnph lieu of the puymcnt of mongaFr inwra�kY premmm�. Thrse �-° <br />—.. . ��� ��' '-a,;:��: ; items sue calirvf"Escrow Itema:' Ixncler m� Any lime.collect�ad Fatd Funds in un umouat rtnt�a exceed the maaimum K�. <br />__ A . • �•�,' nnwwW a lender far a f��der.ully reloted mortgage lo�n may reyuire t'wr Bortowe�'s esc�w an�uae :.:r�r Ihe fcdcral Real - <br />_ ' �*�!'� . Eslate Seplement Rardaoe+Act c►f 1974 a�ameaded from�ime to lime.9�U.S.C.$Zb01 er s.•q.l"1�����"►,unless anott�r <br /> ' s o�he Fundx�et.u le��:r amount. If w.�eoder may,at an}�time,collect:ud hdd Fuads im ao ac�rrwee tpt to �_ <br /> - law that�ppl�e � <br /> exceed the (e�ser arrxwnt. Lender may estima�e d�e uunwai ui iL:�:..iuc :�n i t�.: b a:,is a f rsssrert t ds ts �� ���M� <br /> ;. ,� esGmates of expe�ditwes of 1'uture Esc�ow'Items or aherwise in urcadaaee with applicuble I•rw. , <br /> • ' �"�'.. - .+ The Fu�d. Jiall be hcld in an in,titut+on whosc deposits�u�e invw:��by A fedcrul agcncy.ins�rumentality.or en�ot;� <br /> : , a• � <br />.,,•, ��� •�i,. ,, (including Lendea�.ii txnder is such an in>titutionl or in any Fedeml tY,� l.oan Bank. Lender.hall apply Ihe Funds to pay �,f: <br /> t:,.,.;�'� n ;F�°;.; � � � the Escrow Item:�. LencGzr may nrn charg�Borrower for holding and ap��plying 1he Funds,unnuaUp analyzing�he eurow ,.... <br /> � r,�..h,. <br /> ;�r,�,) r;.y,.;� accouN, or verifj�ia�ihe Esrn�w I�ems, unlecs Lender pays Borrower inierest on the Fundti and �pplicable law pertnits ,:,. <br /> .. �!�<<:. . �:. . , 1��� <br /> J�` - 4 I.ender ta mal:e such a c�a�f�e. However, L.ender moy require Bortower to pay a�ne-time charge for an independent reAl <br /> ,"��''�t +, '• `" 4' ` , estate wx re �tin service uxed b l.ender in connection wilh thls�oan,unlc�as upplicable law provldeg otherwise. Unless an �}a�`'�� <br /> s..�.. : ,:. ,, P� S• Y <br /> Y�y,<<:,f•.;,; ► { ..,.. � , . , '``, agreement is nz�de ar applicable law require�interest to be paid.Lende�yhall not be requircd to pup��anawer uny interest or ,°w;: <br />°a. �'• , � '-*�x'�. catnings on�h��Fwnds. Borrower und l.ender may s►grec in wri�ing,howe��er,that intecest shall be�:���z an the Funds. Lender �;�: � <br /> �,�,�`.. <br /> � ° ��._��;.�� •'�� '�'�'�' � shall give to Borrower,without charge,an pnnuul accounting of the Funds,showing credits nnd debits to the Funda and�he <br /> � � - ,.'';��:��;=' '�'�, purpose for which cach debit to the Funds was madc. The Funds are pledged As additianal sccurity i'or all huma��ured by <br /> "¢4.. �4•1 �r��i �his Securily InstrumeM. — ^ <br /> ��SJ t�4iy'.;,�� <i If the Funds held by� L.ender exceed the umoum. permiued�o be held by appiicabie iaw. L.eader .hu1i u��ount ta - -- <br /> , �r ,�,� � �• � "- <br /> , � •:ti�f '�:.�+,���;. � � Bomawer for the ercets Fund�in uccordanc�with the reyuiremems of applicnble law. If the amxnunt of the Fund+held by � ~ <br /> '. �,_,�,, . <br /> ' ;��`• ,�`'�'i �• , � Lender at any larr.e is r+ot su6ticient ta pay� the Eticrow Itcros when duc.Lender may so notii'y 6�^�rdwer in writing,and, in <br />' i �'. :"'!",(�4 <br /> "�' , +t��.:?�� � such case Borrower shAOQ pny ta L.ender the umount necrssary to muke up the dei'ic��rncy. Bornower shall make up the �.�; <br /> W;. ., ;vC;:,.�,.,,:��., �i:'s;� <br /> ,.f,x:..��ti�?°,:�'�.;�-�-: defickucy ii►uu u�u�e tLun i�v�;�ye uw�ithly pay� L:ndcrs�.ole di:creticxe. <br />�; :� �<•�l!�.��'t�s`j`�- ' � U n a ment in full of all sums secured b �hi,Securil Inurumem.Lender shall prompdy refund ta Borrower c+ny �.`�:�;�`.. <br /> s (n �;1..,.,. .:�, Po P Y Y Y <br /> -� ���"�'�;� '� Funds held by Lcncler. If,undcr pamgraph 21.Lendcr tihall acyuire or sell the Rvpeny,Lendcr.prior to the acyuisilion or <br /> '�. . ,. • ., � F' I sule of the Properry.shall upply uny Fundti helJ by Ixndcr :N�hc iime of acyuisition or wlc as A credit ugainst Ihe sums - <br /> �� � :;� � secured by this Security In�trument. <br /> ��� ��",�,`��•;�� � � � 3. Applicalfon ot Payments. Unle�. applicublc luw provide+otherwi+e, ull payments recei�•ed by Lemdrr unde� �- <br /> ,`+�' 1 �'�('�y�."' � ' •� � � paragmphs 1 and 2 shall bc upplied:fin�.to any prepayment chargc+due unJcr the Notc:second,to umounts pay�.i6k uruler �',:ry; <br /> •l�. �'��?,,;::;, '�i-:. � <br /> �.. ' } ..,,.. .?{t�. ; ��;.�:,;�� I R��S�Ph 2;third,to intenxt duc:founh,tu principal duc:nnd luxt,lo any late ch;uge�due under the Notc. : <br /> •i ; :'.-y;��.�• 4. Char�es; Liens. Borruwcr shall puy •rll �axeti,u�sessrnenu. charges, �nes sind imposi�ionti attributnble to the ;f, <br /> ' •• � `r' •� ' .•• property wh�ch may attain priority ovcr this Securily Instrumcnl,and Iea.ehold p•rymentx or ground rents,if a+ny. Borrower +-_ <br /> f, ' `,�`•:''�� shall 14�ese obli u��hc mnnncr rovided in rrr m h 2,or if not id in th•rt munner.Borrowrr�hul)pay them on �.�- <br /> �' � � '�`�y4�'�'+N'�.:=��F�',�' �ime d fi ecUy to�he penon owcd p•rymen�PBoROU�er hall prompdy fumixh w1 LcnJer ull natirer of amounts to be paid under �___ <br /> .�� � � <br /> r . �..,.�',:;r.r r - <br /> ; .,��.,,,;_;;.%•,�`±.•"�' �� this�mrag�aph. lf Barower mukex these paymenls dirertly. B�xmwer xh•rll prompil� fumi+h to i.ender receipts evidencing <br /> S� ... .:�-(I�tt+�;r�f..,�...�.-.} ihe pay�nas. <br /> ��•<,.�r^ � n' Borrawer shall rom tl dischar�e an lien which hu. riorily uver this Sewrit Instrumen�ualess Bortower:lnl ogrees ="` <br /> ��.. •:y::.,.,... ':►,.,. . . P P Y b Y P Y i s,r <br /> ,��•� •.1►•"°";" .. '-�" in writin�t�*uB�e payment of Ihe obligation secured by�hc lien in u rnanner accrpl�hle lu L�nder;lb�iunt¢+la itt Food faith thC - <br /> ��```±'' '� t ' lien b or defends u uinst enfurrement of thc lien in,Ic al nxcrdin .which in thr Lendcr's o ini�n o r�le to n.vcnt the ��= <br /> �tt:al•�,•�r �..,��` � Y. 8 � S P � P Pe P ' <br /> yq•: vt�;•.ir_•. <br /> ` h.t�,, ,•t�� +�' '��;•�•- ' enforcemenl of the lien;or(cl securcs from�he holder of tfie lien sxi agreement.ali.factory to Lender suM�rdinating the lien �"� <br /> �,,-,,,. +, � -. t��•�t:,� s�n u►tAis Security Inswmen�. If Lender detertnines th•rt any pan of ih�:Propeny i�.uhj�rt to u lien which may attsdn priorily <br /> :.��r,t�t,, ������qs�" ;..N t'.- .' over this 5ecurity Inslrument.Lender may give Borro�ccr a noiicc identifying the licn. Burrowcr shall+ati.fy tPir t�en or take <br /> • h :�( i� • ,. '-�� ane or morr of�he actiom set forth above wiihin 10 Jayti of tlx giving ni no�ice. <br /> ',i�,;�i:i�;: �st � ' ,; , <br /> � .,�;;,, ,�1-�`��;';i•;�,�,c"''� .� 5. Haa.acd or Property Insurance. 8orn�wrr sh•all k��ep the improvemrnts nnw exi�ting or hereafter erccted on the <br /> ' �4'r s' ••`�i��'�SZ���� t?:"�`,^.� P�rupeAy insur�d agninxt(o�x by firr,hazar�l+included wi�hin�he tertn"extended coverr�.e"anJ ut��:roher hais�rds,including <br /> 1 i> <br /> . � �„��'�'':'��". Auods w flooding, tor which l.cndcr requires insuaar�c�. This imuruncc ,h•rll t� m•rinwincd in�he •rmounts and for the <br /> '��' <br /> - " �r.�.*,�,.,,, v <br /> � . . {� ;�:.;�,'�� . fr-�5; <br /> ��`''' �.rt:� F;.._. <br /> �'t ����. � ��'v47x����,f6.: �brwi02ri 9/90 �ryxe'ufn�w¢n� -.i:: <br /> ;�;,-: '; 's , i <br /> � ,..}..'� , * a�:?' , .-: <br /> ��5.. .i ;. , <br /> .�•;,' <br /> '�1� ;ii t� i` ��.�i , -' 1 ' , <br /> -"�-.i. '��,� .i, y, •„ti�. <br /> j, Sl...'' �� � ,:�j)�Li:. ' ���.� �: t ' �� .� .. . i.� '.AYI 6 .r, 1?�4��•r !wl.T. •p..f,p n+t�5 t7► y� �. <br /> � ��f . ' � �.} ` R.K ��tt�3`i ;r.�• r.c,.. . • , ��j�.�" .}�fin. (J,l i:� .�.,.•. �-7� �rrr v,. r';f <br /> � ,1" �. � (\���-��,{y�� ifr�{f } �' If� 'i'11'`7 1 r i �'Y � - � 1�:,� <br /> �; � � ��:'i'��)���' '��`' -t�1, ��"MlifrL'e��f,�,�;�'•'j5°•""�. � � , . , . � , . �� •i, • ` <br /> '�;-;�;� ` ,,� y. , �� ;, ;I , :�• ,� . .. '�1� . i;. , <br /> �'�' :l!Sf'��� �: ���Jy��`� •i 1 �i • �� I . <br /> y '�� ' �� ��1 � � `.���.'''1< :,I , ' , .',.,i. <br /> �16..-3.. t�14��.Y—'4�Y°.il� t�(: . �!,. � . .. <br />._ ....-_'__— _ -_-R=::1.�__ - - ' •__, ._""'ll, ... . . . <br /> • ' � .�4�;� . . � r��.. <br /> �. ' .. ' ' ' . <br /> ' � ., i, •• . ... <br /> , � "• . • <br /> � <br /> „ • <br /> � � � • <br /> I . � �•�y�' • <br /> ��-r•�`•i � � � ' <br /> . . ,,r�y _. <br /> •4j �.. 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