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,wi � _ , . .. _?_— <br /> �; ' .tij _�11�( -�,, . -. <br /> !� -"�1 e� �q:�+ ,��' 'f• <br /> . . ��r_ __.. -- - <br /> � _ _.. . <br /> -' -- 93- �ota,��� <br /> L - __ -- '1't)r.�ki HFR WIi'H sll thet imptuvemaux now a hereAfia crcrted an�he pmpchy.+u�d ui)caMaKniA,�+Nj�uNanances. ° <br /> �tepi Gxtures naw a herc�fter a pr1 of'�hc propeny. Alt rcpincemcnti w�d rwWiliunr chull al�a bo covcred by Ihip �ecurnY `" <br /> Inraummtt. All ot'�he forcgoing ia rcfearcd ta in Ihia Secudly Insuument��he"Propeny." � <br /> ��r' BDRROWER COVENAN'i'S that Hortower is lawfully scei�ed af�hc euate I�reby 4rm�eyed and has the�iQhl ta�nu►t <br /> ,;,•� <br /> .�� and caavey the Prupaty wut�hat the Pmperry Is unencumhered,except f�t encumMmncec af m:ord. &xmwr�wuranta and <br /> _ wfll dePend generalfy the�ilie ta the Propetly ngainst all cl�ims and demandc.cuhject 1n any eixumlxaneeq af'recortl. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT cambines uaifortn cavc�uNs far nadanal ure and nai•uNtarm rrnerwiMa with - <br /> . limited v�tion�by jurir�dicifan w corulfwle u unifortn secudty insuument covedng repl property. �- <br /> �* UNIPORM C'OVENAN7'S. Bomnwer and L.ender covennm und ag�e us follows: — <br /> n:• 1. Paymeat a�PrinclpAl�ad iakresti Prep�ymeM aod l.ate Clu�rges. SoRnwer shull Pmmpl�Y WY when duo 1hc -- <br />-"„�y ' ' Qrinci 1 af wtd interest on tFa debt evidenced by tl�e Note und any pmpayment omd lalo chruges due under Ihe Note. _ <br /> —;�,'�'.��'-.•.�:-•-^,�;� � Fl�odo for'Ihxes�d Inw�nce. Subject to applicable luw ar to a wriqen waiver by Lende�.Barrower ahall pAy to = <br /> �; = '•:y:��,,'.�, <br />—:.s,,��=;�•.;., Lender on Uie doy momhlY pa�ments ure due under�he Nae.until�hc Note is paid in full.A cum("Fundr�")�ycarly ° <br /> -- ' �"�' taxes and as.sessmeats which may anain priarlt over this Securiry Insaumem c�a lien on�he PrupeAy:lb)ye�uly leasehold ��-'. <br /> �• : — <br /> �:=_-- ` �. ,,.` P�Y�S ar gnou�d n�als m tNe Pnope�ty. i any: (cl yearly haza�d or propeny insua�nce prertuums: ld1 yearly Qnal -- - <br /> �� .�;, • ,;;� insurance premiwns. if any:le)yeuly mortgage insurance prcmium.g, if ony:urd l��y ��pa9�by �+*ower ta <br /> ,. , ��,_�'.:;: _, I,ender,in ac�rordance wi�h ihe provisions of paro8raph 8,in lieu af�he paymem ot mortgugr insu�ance premiums. 1'hese <br /> -.�`:: 4T^:�`:' � items urc called"ESC�ow Items.' l.ender any time,collect ond hold Funds ia an amaum not to exceed�he maximum �=�- <br /> :-' ''ik,7 '�` umamt a Icoder for a federally rel�ted mortg�ge loan may requirc far Bomower�ex-row uccoun� under the fedenl Real y- <br />'`a''� = �:'+jt�;.9 Estaue Sealement Pmcedures Act of 1974�amended from time ta time. 12 U.S.C. �2601 e�seq.("RESPA").unlesa anWher �:`'.�;� <br /> �� ��:r�,.;j:�. •_ law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser a�ewun� If si►.Lender any time,cdlect and hold Funds in nn amoum not lo �;y�,° <br /> � s:r; ` excced �he lesx Amounl l��nder ii �v c:c;mate the amoum af Funds due an the basis of cw�ent data and rcasonable ���- <br /> �.... .. � <br /> ° ;�• � i,r. estimates of expenditures at futorr Esrrwti��IQems or ati�wise in accordance wrth appt�cabte iaw. <br /> � : � �s�s; ,`?��a„�",��s' 'IUe Fi�nds shall be iee1Q in an insti[utian whose deg�osits ure insured by a fe�cra0 agency. instrumenwliry. or emity <br />' r ..''. •"n..r?3;.r..::` .�:;.:+V,:'. �6��cludin Lender.if Lende�i.such an instimtianl ar ia amy Federal Home Loun Bunoc. �.ender shall apply the Fl�nd�to pay �;�: <br /> ` , `�' ��'� r� the Escrow ltems. Lender mAy not clu►�gr Borrower fa�•h.T9ding and applying the Fl�a�is,anau:.olEN analyaing the e.crow ' <br /> � t'.,. '�•''"����' k•+'�'� account, or ved in the Escrow Item:•, wntes� l.en�kr a s Borrower inter+es� on�he �und. u�ci :a licable law tmits ,3 <br />_.�r�•;;,,�,i, ,..., � � 1`.; fY B '�d F Y � � ` <br />- ;��;,�j ����1 "�" l.endet to rrcake such a charge. Howe�cr. �.errc}er r�nAy require Borrower tc�puy u cvr�-Ilme chatga 1�r an independent reuC �S:• <br /> ' e��ate lax re�cnaing service used by I.rnder in cu�nnecaion +��ilh this lonn,unlesx uppDicadle lnw provides otherwiFe. Unl�s nn ,. <br /> ��:'� <br /> �i�rl;;•,•,•':? aeo��ement is made ar appli�:�le law requires in;�ress ac�be paid Lender shull not t►�m;�uired�o pay Borrower any imerest or �,:�, <br /> ''��•''"�'t �- '���;-' eumings on tQ�l=unds. Barrower and l.e�der may agm in writing,however.that int��rest shall be pnid on�he Funds. Lender ��:=�-'' <br /> ;?nln �'•'`��'' . ,+.: �' <br />- 1'�{ti�;;-} ,'.�. shs�ll ive ta�ower,without c e,nm annual accountin of the Funds.�howin credits and debits to the Fund�and Qte <br /> ail g �g � 8 �'i: <br /> =�`�.� jr,°j.' �'` pwpore for v�hish each debil to the Funds was mode. The Funds are pledged es additional security for all sums secured by �.�- <br /> ���, <<:�tir ,��. <br /> � � this 3ecuriry Dnsuument. ; ':, <br /> ,,��.: . ,.�. Jf ihe Ctunds heid by L�tidcr cxcecd ihc amaunts persstittcr' ia be held by ar;.lic�ble Is�:�. L�nder stsu!! accouat to <br /> '� �'•<;�.;, . Borrower fbr�he excess Ftar.cls in uccordunce with the r�: ufrements of a licable �av�. If the amount of the Fund;held b � <br />, r�- u�.� �3 PP Y ��r5�= <br /> • ',' ��5�`�''p� . •'�� d.ensier at any time is not suffcient to pay the Escm�w 1¢�rnx when due, Lender rrat�} .c*naify Bomower in wni�in,�.and,in �•" <br /> ,fi�;,• E�n•= <br /> �• ,, " • ;. ,::..,, ' such case Bomnwer shall pay to Lender tE� amoun� necessary to muke up the deficiera�r. Horrower shall muke up the _ <br /> ' �.ti'''y�. deGciency in no murc than twelve mornh9ti�aym�nts,at 1.ender�s sole discretion. <br /> '<7�-:�. J, : --__ <br /> ---�^� � �'' � Upon payment in fi�l!�f all w�m�Qec++red hy thi�Srcuriry Inc�rument, I.ender eha]!ptn�api�y refund to Borrower nny �-- <br /> . �-- --.—_,,- , . <br /> _ . �,• .. � "•� Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Prr,�crty,Lrnder,yrior to�he acyuisGion or �„�� <br /> t�� sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender a[the time of ucquisi�ion or s�e as a credit against [he sums <br /> � . . :�`�';��•� • ..��', securedbythisSecuritylnst�ument. ,;M•.:� <br /> �;:,,�'� �' � '� ' "`r 3, Ap�plic9tion oi Paymenls. Unletis applicable Inw provlviea rnherwire, all puymem� teceived by l.ender under �r <br /> _ �,..;,�,,� �-.�, <br /> ��;t;+�y� .. °'r�°��. puragraphs 0 and 2 shall be applied:�rst,to uny prepayment chorges c'ue under�he Note;secrn�tl,to amounts payuble under <br /> � ,"�"0 � �- ' Q paregtaph 2;lhird,to inrere�t due;founh,to principal due;and Is4st,to any late charges due under t�h�e�;ote. �,':, <br /> ,•�.�..: ,. <br />� .�. � d_•' ., r 4. Chsuges; Liens. Borrower shall puy all taxes,asscssments, charges, tines and impositions utuibuwble t� the . '��x,, <br /> � �.�� . <br /> • , Pvoperty which may atwin priority over this Security lnstrument,smd lensehold paym�ntR or gruund rrn�s.if iu+y, Borrower �,� <br /> n, ,�...;',.R:.,,• s <br /> �` s;�all these obli utions in the manner rovicied in aru ra h 2,or if nol .�id in that manner,Borrower shal7 .� �hem on ".t� <br /> _, ? , -r;;. � ,- PaY 8 P p B P P'� P�Y <br /> ti .,:..•;: . . ,y�,,�'�';' �ime directly to the person owed pnymenl. Borrower shall promptly fumi�h to Lender all notice�of nmounls to be paid under <br />'��" this arn ra h If Bormwer ms+kes these a men��dimctl Bormwer sh�ll rom tl fumish to l.ender recci s evidencin <br />__�,:�,.. r;�;-'.t;..:`•;"5,.,±,,-3 P B P • PY Y• p P Y M � : <br />`'�=;"t'�.: '�"�2r�'('��G �he a ments. '�; ; <br />•�r,�,�.,, .?,i�Cfix .,_�V� � . P Y <br />,:�•{.��•••-,, '^1;;:;t,�%' �„�"�^ Borrowershall prompUy dischorgeuny lien which h:i�priarity over this Security Inslrument unless Bormwer.(a►agrees ,�� <br /> i f'r,1'j;l�- _ ' <br />.��•p+h�� �`t;Y�<<'��,.'.:�:'_ in wriling lo the payment of Ihe obligation,ecureJ by ohe lien in u manneracceptable to Lender,(b)contests in goal faith the ,:�,�. <br /> ,�u :- �p< < ,� , ;, fien by,or defends uguinst enforcemern of the lien in,legpl pnxeedings which in the Lrnder i upinion uperule W prrvenl U�r --- <br /> �s���.y Y .:q,; �,���_; , �;� enforcement of the lien;or(c)securec fram the hulder of lhe lien an agreement sntisfactory to Lender subordinnting�he lien v Y <br />�s�J.z•�.:;_= .�.'r.•,;•.,; :; to this Security Inswment. If Lender determines thnt any purt of the Arc�perty ir�subjec�to a lien which may utwin priority ..:�, <br /> � S . . •�"�' `' r; over this Sec urit Instrument,Lender mu ive Borrower n notice idemif In the lien. Barrower shall wtisf the lien or take •.•��- <br /> e:�.���'! : ;:iw.'Y:.�:� Y YB �' S Y ,,g.. <br /> , ; ^. ��,�;,t` : ,�. � one or more oithe xtion�set forth above within 10 dap�s of ihe giving of notice. •;,., <br /> � �. {.�;�Y,;s�;,, " S. Hozurd or Properiv Insurapce. Borrowc�shall keep the improvemrnt�nnw exi+tinR or hemafter erected on�he ,;,,.,. <br /> � ���' �� �+!Pi''� '•"�'•'.' . ?ropeny insured ageinst lass by fire.huzurds included within the term"cxtended rovcrage"und any other huznrds, including '�'•s.. <br />'"='���t, •, <br /> ': � ��� '� '�� ' � � floods or floading,tor which Lander reyuirex insurnnee. Thix in�umnce�haq Ue maimuined in the amounts und fur the <br /> �;';',;;; ' : . . .�'I�i: ,. : <br /> .i..t>"'i`�. 'iiRUii�'�,;_.;�.�;:�t��•,•! �'`'I <br /> � •.( . - %Xt�:IC.: � (.1. <br /> y--,�i�y � �,`1.: ' �1f�5�� Farw 102N 9/90 Ifuer q/e/wY�Si <br /> ��.��'#�: �'. ,'�?'�,� �';:� '� .���� <br /> Ur�, ��. .+ r',, .,'�','; ��+� <br />';tii�!��•�, f •.: <br /> �i't^':i",'t �" .. � '�' <br /> •;�.���; t .' . ,: <br /> ,u. , '��•:y.�.i��iG.1��i�'� '!w:►��..�,�.�.11Xsn-^.+�r::l.i>ws:%..�ariRt.�:R•'F..�.;�.y"��f•,k'+'r1�tS4Y�dM1U/tj�1�l/„r`IS,':��N�M'My.+.»,.wsbyiNW�N11nl��.'"^u.��� '\.�: <br /> . , •aif�. . .. , , . .. . , �^�^ . '�. . <br /> .. . „ � � �,-+;. '�� � �� '� ,�''��.c,..,�� . .� , ��. <br /> " . ,. . • . , ,..� . ',,��.. <br /> .... ,; ;�,., ��ti�, <br />�62i- ,r�:!4J_.�i�dtr'iil:�_•_ '�r, . . <br /> , ,—TJ " 1f ..,., _.". _ "_' 11 ... , .r. � . i.i�1,�t,. � '' . .. . ' ` . r• �'. <br /> , , �� Y ` ,1` . � .. ` , .. • ��''+.�. <br /> `•i . ' . � . , .. � . r�a't, <br /> .... .. ±.� �� ., •�1 ' , . ' � , � <br /> � ��,. '� J,•�� ., .. . . . , . . 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