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<br /> the pmp�riy owners on Fi�th,orn�Lake,to draia�Fire2Dzqme Lake into the`JVaod II�aver.Neither pz�eyr _
<br /> s,�ll op�:.�ai�th� �at� is�au�h a m�yg�s 4o pea�nit water fram the �tNaod ltiver to flow in to ,
<br /> Finthoraie Lake.'fhe g�te shall be Rtted with a lock to prevent operation by unauthorizecl�e�3oras
<br /> and mo�ice s�ail be pmvlded to th� City or n desi�t,�d represeatative of the hoYneawaex's
<br /> association as the cese�nay be+wi�en the gate ia operat�ed.
<br /> d. 'i'he C3xaz►tee agr�es th�tt in tite�vent tho Ciraator lake saiffers environmenwl damege _
<br /> or contarnt�ation from intlow of sutfa�waters from tir�ntee's drainago so�rces.4f��6��aj�¢ea w311
<br /> hold the Orantor harenless. If the U.3.Envlraronentsl Protcction Agenay(U9EPA)or Nsbraska
<br /> Departraent of Envic�aunentnl Qual{tY(NAEQ�dctem�inca tlat cnvimnme�tel dam�8�has accumed
<br /> frcm aueb inflnw,th�3rantee w111 elean tho lako aa�d lts watcr�In�attD��auc�hge Fm.as�err�ent
<br /> plsn a�ie required end aPproved by tha U3EPA or NDEQ.For purpc�
<br /> Elgceemant environmontat c?�aage or cantom�n�t3on�S���i�i daRned as a�ty substeazttel devtation
<br /> frora tha standa�ds identifi6 �Sutd�t resuits are atmchal heretu as Exhibit C�end mada a pact
<br /> pugust 26,19�G and May .
<br /> het�of.
<br /> e. In fi�rtheragce of the iaterests of the Cirantee and Graator as expressed in ihis
<br /> Drainage Easemant the(�nt�e shaU l�nrm t�s�of the water ss�nPles fmm Firetharne Lake and
<br /> Vsinosdall Lakc four times each year in the laboratory at the Gaant�es'Waste Water Treatment Plant
<br /> to��c�►itor water qu�litY.Ad¢�titional tests shall be done upon the request of tlie Cixantor or the
<br /> ������+�aesrr�iatian for Vaaosdall I.�ice or Firethome I.ake�n the event ther�i�
<br /> cause to believa�ntaminants 1�ave entered either lake fiom inflow of suriace vva�s.izam"i�
<br /> (i�rantee's dra�ige�sourcas.
<br /> .�. : . maintain, repair aacl cl�►bcash Sratss in the
<br /> f Tf�e Cisant�..s��ll in�a�, insp��, ��d j�k&om inflov�
<br /> d�in�age irilet i�ato Van�sde�l'I.�ke to prevent the int�+oduccion af ga�age.
<br /> o���a thr�nugh ths stonn water sewer systera•The Cirantors or a homeowiiers association may
<br /> � ins�3aU a Ssh scrcen betwee� the Wood River and Firethome Lake and Vanosdall Y.ake and �...
<br /> � F�r�oi'�e Lako w prolu'bnt�shtraveling betweenthe b�ies of water.Tlie�tantee sl�aall reimb�. •
<br /> the hoi�ieowner's associati,�,u�uP to One Thousan�I?ol2ars(51,0�0.00)far�e cast of constructinB•.�;;
<br /> said fish scree�isl.'I'�e Craator or the homeowners' essociation far Firetbio�ne Lake shall inspect,�`�'.,'
<br />_ m�iataia ancl:ic��a�he fis�,scz�een as needed to insuc�e its continue�����ration. . ._
<br /> , ,that tls'as drainage essern�nt sha�l rem�iir►in fWl:,..� �:•� .
<br /> Tho Orantors an�l ..Gr�e covenant�d agi�ee s '
<br /> fo�rce and effeat in perpEtuitY or until�such tirae as it is mutually temiinate�`by the patties and thet `��
<br /> t,�ams aad conditioas set forth above shall run with the land and be 6iading on the parties personal
<br /> _ r_�:=c�►tstives,l�is�.suCcessors and assigns.
<br /> • :,,. •
<br /> � ��: 4�'! �w�1999 ,.� .
<br /> � -2-
<br />