. ,i . .. . . . . :��7::•?:j ';i 1 i: PXi n(',7,�.r a _.:7.F'nq:y��'
<br /> . ;:��
<br /> • :�:��� •.�
<br /> � ' .. _ . i ,
<br /> l y� .. ..
<br /> �e�Y.t. �. '
<br /> , r-fL'4='M:a.. - .l �� . ..�._�a.�}k�'.. ..—..
<br /> r..- .�
<br /> ��i• n:i,_..,. � .�n...n-.:
<br /> .. .•.ar�.�,rr �:v.. . . • ' .
<br /> ..rr :._:tT-.i- _��. . _`�___.,..._..,"_.���_..._...._....��._�..�_'___�....__.��___�_. ... ._�`...�—...�..._....�� .
<br /> . ..__ .�__""_._ .. , "
<br /> � --'--..._..°.s_�,_.__�...._--'-•_.__._.._ . "_.. . .� . .
<br /> , �
<br /> .. �'Lii��h�
<br /> y�.;.,:
<br /> . , nu�h th�091tgaAons or tsv+crd the cost o!rt�buitdtng and restortnp fhe Proporty. Any amounm may ot taRsata opttcn V_..:
<br /> . �ite ac.fl opYtcn,Qo cp�1y -
<br /> ps eppl l e�t In t ho tnv a r e s o r Qerottho duo datea thoreof. ����
<br /> ;,,=::,
<br /> � �q, g�:lll`SO AtZD PldNATYk?COHeHA7�T8• Gmn2or ehali not inttl�e o�consflnt to ony chengo tn the sonlnp prov(s lonu o r p r N ato aovenan . ,
<br /> Aonirt��9rovtsloan,�Qre tor ehat�tiwuae or p aarto ta nd►uae to ba dtscoMln�uad r aban4onod wt4hout the R 9 wr[ttan ooncen oi L�csndo�. Ciro toyr _-._.
<br /> �:A1 Ir grrt dht°ry pmd����rr�tth vrdit�n notlo�09 ony propa^.cd ehar�gas to tP�o wning provistone ar pdva4e oovaneMa afiectlng the PropeAy :--
<br /> 9�. CANOF.81lNATtO�L C�tantor ehali tmmedl,tee b�e to Qra tor from su�ch��ndem��ttan'or taking tro herebyyass 9nad to Londer and ha f �:::�-:-
<br /> . prooaadinp Pe�inirtp to trts ProP�Y. Att mo P Y�
<br /> ba spPtt�d ttrot to ths paYr*n�t o!Londeta attomeyd fees.tegni expanres and other oasts(Inetadl�apPrelsat feea)in connecdoe wfN the
<br /> cendamnatton or omiaerd Qointin proceedinge and then,at the oDflon of Londor,to the paymar►t of tha Oh3lgallorw or tha restor�tlaa o�reDair of �
<br /> . �.�� _.
<br /> rf� �:_
<br /> . ��,,,7 MaProFenY• = -�-
<br /> ::��`' 19. LEtiDER'S Ri3l91'?O COMYENCE OR DEF'�ND LEOAL ACTIONS.�G�roT hrop1bY aDP nta Lendot na[tunattomey n�faet t aammon� � • -_
<br /> a�l or�lreateosd cr�lon. suR er other proaeedirt9 dfe�UaB th@ PmP°�Y- � - --
<br /> _ � [ertenena in�eot be Uable t Oramor to a Y a���en 0 9 am��°misst n or do�tay peRatning�tha s�ona daaaibad In h�p e r a'�g r a D h or a r g r � °
<br /> Lnnder ohatt n � - -
<br /> r,�- damages rasuttin9 tRoreimm.NofNing�ontaina9 heroN wfA Prove�t lendor from taktng tho actEons desalber�a�f�o a 8aU ns'�rosFe�tAe =
<br /> � �: 14. tNDEIMNIFiCATION. tander ohali not nssums or ba responsible for the pn�4o►manoo of any of t� �--
<br /> �, �ropen3l urtder any re o�floers.�ert►P�ynesEand agartts�hartntpe.�.sMirom au$dafma,�dumaSes, iabiliHes pneluding attomoys' tees and IeSp� � "-
<br />- �� shacohotde�s,dlceeta ctudinp.but nor Wnited __
<br /> ��s?,eausss ot adlon,act3ons.autb and other Iegai proaeedings(cumuiativery"Ctaima°1 Pe�[ning to the ProP�rtY(� `
<br /> to.thaa invoMing HazerQous Mate�and ather eona tneur�rsd in con ection tha$irewith. In the attemaeUvatlLende ehatt b0 entiHetl l0 6r���y ils
<br />, . pay the attomeYs tees,kS�e�
<br /> �., - �rtntn�nII n releare ordtos�dosure of tT► t)caed o�s aost GraMoc's obll8adon to IndamnNy Lender undar this pa�agraph ehdl su�rei�� 9ha _'-
<br /> �
<br /> - .. : 16. '�l�ES AND A�.4E�.RNElaTB. 3rentor¢ha0 ps�y s0 taxes and assass►ee�da�elatEttg to ProDs�Y whan due ana tmmedietay►Pmvida lender
<br /> -� . .H.r ' e��of PyYmgM of same, UPo atho����ntr�_�e Frape��8o[tlo�9 a�s thore b no deRaa�.th�a amounts2sha11 bo aPPl�d W
<br /> •r � a ¢nnuu7 insuranoe Ptamium,mxes an tn the sveM of dat'euR, Lendor shatl hava The�ight+ et�a eofe
<br />;=��;��� the payn►ent o!mxes,assessmema end inuuronoe ea�equired on tho ProDeri9. Ilad in reverae
<br /> opUon�t o oAP�I�t 1�nds so he10 to paY any texos or agah�st tha ObiigaUons.My tunda apPliad may.at Ler�dan opUon.be aPP
<br />_.::r.�;�; � ocdar a!the due date tMneof.
<br /> -��;'::�.•;, 19. �38PECTtON OR PiiOPEQtTY.�KS.RECORD8 AND REP8RT8. Qrartor shail atlow Lertdor or��tlme W Ume.Ora�oraha provide
<br />�.���.., , p and r.9ake coAbs s�t GraMofa books anfl teoords pertatnin�to the Properhl
<br /> _ _`-' � ,•..�!!�1rf���Lender fot these Pu�. i�i of mo ot�r"��u��s!�^°0��in tirantota booka artd�eoorda ahalt be
<br /> '�'';'�� ¢ay a�sl9tanoe re4�tced�I GranWr sha►I eote tho ex�enae o!Lendafe ber�eflcdat Intenest fn tta boaa and �I --
<br /> .ti��"° .a• uirte.true.exurate and oomD�tn an rosF�
<br />-"'"-�';r� : p��i,ning to the P�a��ll.AddilMn�aY.C3ramor aNall ro0o�.in e fortn satisfsctorY to lendet.such iMmmatien aa Lender miY��� 9
<br /> -.:-�} , " 7he Ntarmatton ehali be tor aucA Po�shatt rollect(3r�ntofa moorQe�such time�sd�haH be
<br /> _=.:•�u:� Grm�ito t'e�nan d a t e 9 n d i i t o n or t�s P r o p erhr• nate.M t�om�aUan tum t s h e d b Y Ora r�t o r t o t s n d a r sh�l be buo.aoeurate and aomylets tn iD
<br /> -.�;;�t,n;- �gg�.wBh sud►trW��9�Lender may ds:siy .
<br /> ;:;s.,,: . , m„�¢�r�i�,a�signed Ey OraMot H 6endet reptcests.
<br /> _.a:i� . . t�ender.Grantor nhaQ detiver to Lender,or eny irdendod cr�nsiaree ai -
<br /> 1T. OSTOPi+EL t�RTiF1CA7ES. WMIn(10)della efter any�e4��'�Y
<br />_r;?�=�,�-� • ,
<br /> ---.;� ` Lendefs dyhLS with ceaP�to the���ms dat�n�sas�sete�s o����n��A�9t�o tt��ObCga1lo�n and H ao,�the ature of wct►
<br /> _---�s. _._-�� end(G)whe4h�rOraMor possesse
<br />.�-''�"-.=•�•"^-' c!aln��defenses.3et-01Fe or �ourterdslms. 6rantor will bo canctuahrey bound by anI►reP��laa►that Lendor mY make to SAe irtt»nd
<br /> `°°_ --�-�± trasn�tuee with re�a LO ih�ae mattets tn the ev�t that Grantor fatts to vtovke the ra4�asi��statamert in a tbnety manner.
<br /> _:wa:���.; ar ehaii beearw operaUva fn the event thut t�tacRor.
<br /> �--�`�'� t8. �AULT. tir�ntor�ha0 De tn detautt unser thb Deed ot Tn�4¢nd tRa Tn�sOees Pow
<br /> ��.�---�.; Borroweroranygusn�orattheObti�nions:
<br />_ �� _ - (8)taBs to P�Y smObl�tio��LenQerwhen duo;
<br />- -'•"."':'�""�' �p�{�y ro pe�(onn�ny0blig�Uon or bteaches eny w�rMyt ar oavnnent to 6endor omdtined In fhb�eed otTnwt or atry other pBSe�or ee
<br /> _---_==L==�= p�°0R1°"� tn materist roaP�orsubJe�s tha Pro��Y t°sefwre.oa�en�or oo�
<br /> -° 4�)�stroy��bses or d��ProPeth► �!► �
<br /> _._-- _ (4,^)IIE�XS t0 fQ110kE.tEt01if1lEs Of OUIEIMIISE���gTI11R8tEd�bECOt�S flftrClYatit,f119kOS N lSSi�ttlDtd t0t 1hE AOt1EfR O?�1jlDli.h(b LO
<br /> ,(a) dlas.beoomosl�B�BY �� has an tmrotur�'O�on in bankruPUY?iimd tn wf�ich
<br />� .-- -=- -���i pey d0bts iS theY baaane duB.fib3 a Pe'�an iel�daT thD fedE�si banlwptcq Iaws.
<br /> - - - Qr�r►tor.Borto+r+eror airypvarerRor is namnd.orhas�roAe�Y�n underanl/w�it or Rroass°tn,or use��fiK�,is p��
<br /> � - �4�3 etlowa 9oods to tie ueed�h+msporte0 or atarcd on the Prop�+h►.the Pwsess�, ���w�tten oonsent M Lender,or
<br /> � ,ppwra any p�q atl�x u�an���...~�'-s��urt�or urrle�kennY �1 ,. ...+.. .+.�aa f� far enY�eason�
<br /> --1-�r�s;�Y d�4 -y-•�A'� ��_y J -
<br /> t_�►w �{y�p.�,,,��v�����w.��v_" ��
<br /> ._._"';y^� �1���y�rU.�� S M�/yW�YI W 11�1m 11�1RyU��I�/� �����t(ii11, �I�Q U.Y1V��V�V W r��r/^'•V � .
<br /> �IW�oa�i{Y�V� M�7"'� ��i�l��
<br /> =-.rail�:�.�� �,-
<br /> -------�� 18. WG�S��1'iDFR GN DEFMlLT. Ii thete fs a dafauft ureder th1s.Deed of T�usL Lender shatl be eMiGed to exerefse one or more
<br /> v�a.��'� tellowin�ror��edies wltt�aRnoUoe or Onmand(oxoeP:es�utred by lawk
<br /> -_ _�-�-;,:. :�;�1 to dadaro ttie O���tauN�ueane Oslf��in tui�
<br /> -_;�':��,.=_ �b)to ooriect the outamndi�Cbii�ons with a v,rrthhout resoctln9 to i�t pr000ss:
<br /> out res
<br /> _:';_;� ..,>•,�;� 6c4 to repu:ro Greniorro��moke ev�bfe to t�endcr�r�Fe��t Rm➢�Y or Chalteb oonstitatln9 tha ProperiS+et a ptaae�eaaonabh
<br /> '-:1i�•r�::_, . '. . �onvenient to Cira�Rmrutd tor or oDlatnt►g t8e oPOa��o!a reoetrer end.at landsn ap!►o��M
<br /> - - - `` (dI to etltet upon¢ndtuce P��tot1 of tlee Remperty rrtthout aPD�1M8 eG'ditions ra9udiny
<br /> -'-�.�.���.-�.`'. • '� a�Spairt a rcx7��ar�INo�s4 bond.without firat brinDin9 aud an the Obii�atbns oc�d w�heut otherwis�o t�atln➢�nY slahdory
<br /> -,�,;••�:,., , ,�:� �oeiv�rs,EtbslrqintendedttiatLendarshaUAavetRtsoonuisdu�l�ghtto�po►�+Za�'rcr.
<br /> -° . .. �r (e)to emD�Y a m�nqq►ny agoat oi the PropeRlt end iet the same,eltlier in T�sues aam name.In the aarttea eR neoa�ai7/�� -
<br /> ., ' Q3rantor.end�eaelre ihe ro►�.tnaome�.tssuea and Rrofits of tt�o ProDe�Y�eADty tho�me.atter paY�t
<br /> . : .�� , e�enses�on a000urAOf tho OagB� � of Ws Doed of T�ust or to cun any Eatautt other
<br /> ---�--- -� '�'• to an omns N arry fom�or manner deemed axRedie�rt bq ls�erro protes� aeau�h►
<br /> .. � , 3i;;:, (fl D�Y y�t rt e i e s i o r p d n d p a f a n t h n O Q L'�a t a m m�:
<br /> __ Y�;:�;; Utan p a y m e+n - ---,,-_.�_,...,�,�„,�„�,nr a�to�Uect tlre e;a 1 a a f U e e p r o D�f�t h ro u 9►��a o i�a D�=�r a i asln Qs
<br /> --.,;.'.:._. M tOtElSOSEUSi�'ueeo 6i:.w.r--�--,- .._.�--
<br /> _ ,.����'�,� mferenoed tn pam9nPh 20 harcof En aooardanoe wiM appCCabio ta�r.
<br />• , • ;:� (h)to asi�ft Grert�ote QhhgatIOns e9��'1i�^� r��afiti�ta ot Lendedud�a.bvt net CmtDed to.nron�.i�����
<br /> �000urtt�mtSr�d��mdwith t�ender or em►wmnttlr ex[sNn9
<br /> ' � (f�to exer��Y����{IabSeto Le�r w►der+ury oU�etw�ltanagneemeM or anpUcaDlo iaw.
<br /> �Y
<br /> „;," , , tsn8ets�$t�b�'o eismutatire end may bo oxarcksed�r.separatetY,ond tn a�y a�der. tn the everd that Lander tnstid�an adt�
<br /> the reeoveiN Oi en1 oitl�PropetlY bY r�Y of e P�1�8���in sn ae4ton BQ:�Gtatlfar.Gtentor vtafre�tt�0��9��fl bottd wttiCA
<br /> ' migtrt oNenrtw be�4�Lendet or LenQefe dosl4nee�pU f��and o�1�1►e���t�d�9��o��m o!tAe Tnatoe'e teasna�ulN
<br /> ��, " pe agplksd first.to the aasb and e�qx+nsas of e�c�erds�ro R� �of!he Oh�s aearnd henhy.
<br /> • . tneurtad end rtat to exaeed tha omount whiah m�l ba D��tor In thts Oea�ot Trust,�eoetM�to C�
<br /> . thh+d�to the PsY�nt ot juntor trua!doeds. moRB��or other Iiantu�lders.and the bata�eea.Q e1►y,to 4he per�on or pmaona bDa-`tY enUtted
<br /> � ° tRamto. The pr'eP�fh+or any P�rt ths�of may be soW In one Datoel.or En auch Pssoea�mnrmar or mdu as t�ander in tts so7e d�na',lon m�y ated.
<br /> . .� .__._. a�ono m rteore eaa�ises of tha R�r �n 8��not oxtltgutsh ot�st the Powet unkss tha entUe DropnKY b sat0 ar thn
<br /> -. obtiSat�are PaiO�M).
<br /> � _ �2 20. TRUSTF�'8�ERi:l9E OF n�POWcR Of SA�0�e mannt r Nen�re4u�m IawOraniere tntemst In the Pcope�lY sY�erdse ot the
<br /> � pawer ot Eaie heretn wntained.�e �Y aao.
<br /> - U r�avrorasv.ysr
<br /> ' aao
<br />