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�' ' �?�?�= ' ,r'` �v��-��"�"�F.• . . • • .� .N'.4 . <br /> . `� � . .__....�J�:.i <br /> �_��_ :-- � �-•—_� 93= ����e � <br /> Ta(3B7'H6R R►ITH all tha improvementa now or ha�eaQer e�actod an�ha pmpeny.and nll a�nta.appune�nce�.�nd <br /> -- _- fixtures naw ar i`��fter a part nf thc property. All �es axi addiUans sFwll �Ic� he covered by thi9 Securlty � - <br /> T- - - <br /> __ ln�rument, All�f�he fcuegning ie rcfcn+od to in thir Security Ine�rumc�t�s�he 'Pn�pe�ty.' _ <br /> BORROWQR COVENANTS ihat[bnuwer ii lawfuliy reiied of�he esute horcby rnnveyed xiwl hw eho rign��v���u�t�w ° <br /> oonvcy thc Pruperty and that thc Property ic une�cumberod,exaept far encum6rxnceA of rcrnrd. Qorn►wcr wqr�nts�+d will <br /> �'� ' defcad gcnerally the tille ta the Property eBain4t ail claims a�nd dcnwnds.suhJect to any encumbrunccs of rernrd. <br /> THIS SBCURI'flf IN3TRUMENT combines unifotm rnven�us iar nationol use uad non-u�iform mvenanle wilh limitad — <br /> :.;tr�- vari�tiona by Ju�icdiction ta constitute a uniform secu�ity iastrument rnvering real prnpeny. — <br /> __ �._-__.._ <br /> UfYl�ORM COVENANTS.Bo�tower und I..ender covenant nnd agnr ec o ows: �,- <br /> ' 1. Pny�aa�t ot Priadpd and Intensti �I�Ymatt w�d I.wte ChWges. Borrawer shall promptlY puY when du� tha <br /> �s. priqciPal of and intere.ct on the debt evfde�ced by the Note und pny prcpayment wid�ute char8es due under the Note. <br /> - ; 2. Fl�ob tor T�xes�ad lawrnna.Subject to applicable law a�lo a writtcn waiver by Lcrder.Borrowcr shull puy to <br /> __�, lsidcr on Ihe day monthly payments are due under the Note,uMi!Ihe Note is paid in fall,a aum("Funds")i'or:(a)yearly Iaxes <br /> :�,;;_ ---- and assessments which may anain priwity over this Security Insiniment u�a lieo on the 4'roperty:(bl yearly leasehold payme�is <br /> or ground rents ors the Property.if any:(c)yesuly hera�d or property insur�nce premiums:tdl yearly ilood iosuranoe premiums. �_ <br />��� if any:(el Y��Y ��age insuranee premiuen�. if any:and(fl any sums payable by Bomower�o l.ende�. in accord�nce wiih <br /> = �he pmvisintr.r of;�aragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage iasuraace p�'emiums.These items are calied"Escrow Uems.' <br /> — �f,�;� IRI!(I�!iTldy� AY AAy(I111C, cul�e�a s�1 hold Funds in an amouM noc a excecd the ne�+xirnum amount u lender for a federally =_ <br />_,,,�+,"� � �?,� relatad mortBage �nan may re��iq� for Borrower's escrow account wder the fedeml Rr.�O Estate Settlement Pracalurc�Act of �, <br /> 1974 as ametw�ed •From time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2fi01 er seq. ('RESPA'1,unless another law Ilwt applies to lhe Fu�ds �'_ <br /> ;,., • � <br /> L._.I•. <br /> sets A lesser wnaum. If so, l.ender may.ut any time. collett and hold Fund� in an amount not to exceed the lesser s+rt�ou�t. _ <br /> --- t+�'r; .,: -�: . ��I.endcr may estimate the nmount of hunds due an�he basis ui cui�c��1 Sai�ariJ rca.�;o:i:tble estlm$tes of c!tpc�►ditut+�w nf fi�ture - <br />. S`��4.� �� . <br /> �: � Escrow Itpns or wherwlse in acca�rdance with applicable luw. ��� <br /> �� .,j1:1;;,�.��,�.d., . The Funds shall be held in an instiwtion whose deposi�s ue insured by u fr�leral agency, instrumentx�ity. ar entity �..••••- <br /> `'+� ' (including I.ender,if I.ender is such nn in.�tituti.m)ar in any Federal Hwne Loun 8ank. Q.ender shall apply the Funt�s tn pay the <br /> ' ' � �.ccrow ltems.Lender may not charge Ba��Y�Krr for holding end applyia�thc�unds,nnnually anaiuxing thc escrow account,ar �'"� <br /> ' •+:y;f .., `=r•' . <br /> .. �i.,;�.. . <br />���':��;1.�, ,_ ,�t.•� + . verifyMg�he Escrow Items,unlesa l.ender pay+Horrower inierest on the FundS and A��licable law permits Lender to make such ��.. <br /> - � �°" � '`�� � n charge.However,I.ender may requirc Borrower to pay aharge iar an imdep�ndcnt real estate tax repc�nin�setvice F_,'_:;. <br /> ''�", �' u.�ed by l.endNr in connectinn with �his Man, unless applicable law pravides ot�ac�wi:ze. Unless nn a�reeman2 is made or ��'- <br /> �"s'�'� � applicable law recJuirr.�a interest to be paid,l.ender shall not be requireJ to pay Borrower any interesl or earnings on the Funds. <br /> =�.'L:.,��' , ••• - 4 . <br />_, -e� • ;����.p,. ` •'�' Borrower and Lender:»ay ap�ree in writing, however.that interest shall 7�paid on the:fiunds. Lender shnll give to Borrower, <br />�_ without chnrge, an annual Accaunting af the Funds, showing credlts und debits ro 1he Funds and the purpnse for which exct+ �:.;;, <br />�����w� .�;-�.,_'��¢i�{��;',��f` debit to the Funds was mude.T�►e Fund�arr pl�ig�xt+u udditionat secnity for a!!su:::s�.1 ured by this Security Ir_strument �_ <br /> ��� If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be hald by applicahle aw,Lender shall acmunt to Borrower " <br /> s��..':,- ::-.;n::���N'1:';�;�j.s'>:, <br /> fa�the excess Funds in accordnnce with the r��yuiremenls of npplicuble luw.If the amnunt of the Fund�held by�Lender at any �?, <br />�::e��;. °�:4�;��:;y'��' � time is na suffic�enl to puy the Evcrow Ite�n•«hen due,l.ender rtwy w n.�tify Bonower in writinz,and,in such case Aorrower <br /> - � ' f'`� �hall v to l.ender the amount necessary t�� make up the de4'icicnc�•. 9acro�ver shall make ur thp deficiPnry in►x�mom than �" <br />�-wr.'�" ,.5 t-�..:��t,twf" �. <br /> �,.r�•'•r..%.�Kt.:.1 <br /> ,i,a.; :....,n, , ; twelve nwnthly payments,at Lender's sole diticretion. _ <br /> ' :?,;- , , ' Upon payment in full nf all sums xrured by this Serurity In,trament, Lender �hall pmmptly refund to 8»•ROwer�ny . <br /> ' ��'" '�' ��y�y FunJs held b I.ender. If,under arn ra h 21,Lender shall ar u�re or sell the Pro n L.ender, rior to the uc uisition or sale .�� <br /> _�����:t-.'� � Y P 8 P 9 � Pe Y� P q -:.s- <br /> of the Propeny,shall upply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> ..: <br /> f:` „�� :' this Securiry Instrument. <br /> � �'�t` ��;'�'�'`` ' � # 3.ApplkalMn of Payments.Unlesti applicuble luw provideti otherwi+e,ull paymerns received by l.ender under paragmphs <br /> �.{�, 1 and 2 shall be applied: fir�l, to any prepayment charges duc unJcr�he Note;uxond, to amounts payable under parugraph 2; �',f;.: <br /> _"•f � lh�rd,to interest due;fourth,tu�+rincipal due;und any lute charges due under the Note. ''"° <br />,��� , , ...,� ..:�. .� ., <br /> i�•�5�� .�� � � 4, Cha�ges;Liet�s, Borrower shull pa�• all taxes,ustie.smen��, charge+. fines nnd impo�itians nttributable to Che 3�ropert�� <br /> ���fi :t��•�.��'w •T�`r�, which may anain priority over this Secur+ty 7ac[niment. smJ leasehold puyments or ground rents, iP any. &►rrower�t�.+!4 g►ay -`-•y <br />���� �^���'?�:' �� • � Ihese obligations in the manner p�ovided in para�±raph 2,or if ai�t paid in that manner,&�rn►wer shall pay them an time directly <br /> r�� . �..��.r\�i(�. '�„j•J��.{1 � <br /> `• . „ ,,1� .�5�':...•' "� co the person owed payment. &�nnwer shull prompUy i'umi+h to Lcnder all naticex of amountti w be paid under this,paragraph. o <br /> ��t.�. t,>- z a• �-.- p•y F P Y P B P'S <br /> �,:,,�,.,r . _ �ti.r.�. •:'.�. •- If Borrower muk��these r inem;directly.Barrower shal! r��m tl furnixh tu Lender rcrei �s evidcncin thc a•m.�its. <br /> ��,'^�`t`� � `'•� � • Borrower shall prompUy dischnrge un}• lien which ha.�priority c.vcr this Security Instrumem unle�s Borrower:la)ugrces in <br /> �,,5�'., �:�,, . . �;_, ,.. =- <br /> ,�j�,';'�,�� '�' ,;�.�� ,� writing to[Me p•rynxnt of the nbli$ution secured by Ihe lien in a m•rnner accepwble to l.ender,(b)cantests in guoJ faith the lien <br /> _., �.:. <br /> ' ti•_,- <br /> �p�'w��� �`'�'� by, or dcfetds against enforcement of Ihe lien in, Irga! prcxti�•dings which in the LenJcr'. ��pinion��perute to prevent the �,-J <br /> i ..�.... <br /> '`� �� ,r .;,;. �i� enforcement af thc lien:or(til.trurn from the h�dder��f t�c licn un agrcement.•rti.t:irux}• to I.enJer sulwrdin:xiog thc lien to �,�.��. <br /> s�'• �:;,��•.:t ° �.. <br /> ��;,�� : , . � ;1}:�t�;,,,„-�•�;'� this Security Instrument. If Len:ier deterniines thal uny �u�rt of the Prup►:ny i.whj�ct t?a licn whirh ma�� attain priority over ��a`. <br /> ../ ,��j�,: �IL..- <br />°:.,1 � ' .., '��. • r this Security Instrumern. Lrr�cler may givc E3c+rn�wrr a nrnire iJcntil'ying �hc licn. &,rrawrr.hall wti.ty the lien or tukc onc or <br /> :t�,�_� � ._��i� more of 1be acti.�a+,s�� fohh atxwe within I(�Jayy of the�;iving ut'n�,tice. <br /> �1;. <br /> ;•. ' _ , �',". ' ',: � Fam 3028 81�0 ' <br /> �T . i.,L�' � �i <br /> ��;1'� ',S� � �j,l,' <br /> ';'��j�:?h� � 1 0 6 <br /> r �t���,.�.�a�-r 1 �,�` <br /> :�';,`f�' � <br /> . ;;:rr;�;��;�.:,} <br /> ;; s ,.;.�: � <br /> . :� r �: �,=��i�"�,. ., _ .. . <br /> ti1�.S : •�;`•��,•-�� ;', <br /> a: � � } r ;. 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