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.K � S j :-a- ; . . �.,�- <br /> �' �" , ;,�w..�.•.+�.....+�...�. L��rw.-t,�y.`. " �'_ <br /> j_ . i1' ..... _... -- --____-- ---,,•._-...�.,.. <br /> �-,.=: ..r;.e..w:l-.. . <br /> �..� ?i7�7.... . - . . . . .— <br /> �`^• ,. "' �� "'Y"?'��.�.�� -�� , ., <br /> � — <br /> .. � � . �,:. � 93-io�►Rzs <br /> 6..�L`i���'• ' 7�Fi7HFit WI'i7�vl tho i Pnape Y �ppwt�aoa��od <br /> — _: �n�n„�•._.` raprovernc+Kr now ar her�eafler�ected o�tha d . �i�rli anronronU, f __ <br /> A�ttutes ao�v ot hetenRet ■ pM of the propetty. Alt ropl�c�rnptt� u�d �3dUk►�w studl Ww bc coveroA M; tMs �uity <br /> - - - la�uumait.AII oi'thc for�oi�i+�rcterrod to io IM�3ocu�ity Inqn�maw as the•Propaty " <br /> ,"'�• '{'` BORROWER COVENAN'tS thal Bc�mnwer ic I�wihlly soicod ni tho csmto hcrcby convtyod and Iws�ho nglq to�rant�nd <br /> .i�:;�;,,;;,r <br /> . „ ;: ,....'.r,�v ;,N� oonvry�he Property a�d tl�at �hc Proputy ic unencumberod.exapt for enrumbran�es af rornrd. Ham�►wcr warnru:and will <br /> ' �•�_i;;:�_�•�. .:• defend Qeoerally 1he�itk ta the Pmpe„y againq alt claims and dcm�tnds, subjati to any encumbrances oi rornrA. _�_._. <br /> �' ;y�,#,,c.•-�-M•• " TNIS SBCUWTY lNS7'RUM�NT c�nbiocs unifotm c�vcnwnt`far�iond ure And non•unifam oave�ttnu wflh liadted <br /> ,�; �,;,.:L;'_• _ v�llon�by ju�isdidioe to rnaui�utc a u�ifarm secu�ity instniment rnvering aeal pmpcny. ��,__ <br /> �1�; �'�'�� � UNIFORM C`OVENANTS.Bomowe�and I.ender rnvenant and agroe ac Pullowa: <br /> ,' , � '•'i;,,',., , ;.. • 1. RI o�IMnd and IMererti �'KfMy'aurM �d I.ste P�M Y P�Y <br /> , .''.; - Y� pv Cl�ea. Born►wcr atudl I when due the <br /> �,,,,r „!�.; •�•"' prl�cipai af and intercst on thc deb�cvidcnood by tbc Nde and AnY P�Y�M A� latc chnrges dua under tF�e Nate. <br /> f�r 2. �ndo for Taxes�nd Im�nrnnoe. Subjat to applic�ble Ipw or to a w�itten waiver by Lcn�ler. Barmwer sball paiy to <br /> �� m <br />--�--�.`.,�'..' .•,',;.: ••� a I.ender on 1hc da monthl <br /> � � : � • � y y paymcn�s aro duc under the Nde,until�he Note is paid in full.a sum('Funds")for:(a►ye�ety taxes <br /> .��� x,•,�;;'.�i�`,;;��-- �nd Acsessments which may atlain pdodty over this Secu�ity Inct�umerN as a lien on tF�c Pr�upeKy:(b)yearly leaschold p�Koants =- <br /> —_-��" ' or ground�ents on the Pmpeny.if any;(c)Ycarly Iwzard or propeny insurar�oe pncmiums:(d)Yeuly fload insuranoe p�m�iu�. - - <br /> :'�;,, if any;(e>yeuly martgage inwran�e premiums.if any;and(q any sums payable by Borrower to I.ender, in�ewdaooe w�ith <br /> �'�=�;!' ` � ` the quvisiaa�of paragrapb ot the paymeat v�i'mortgs�ge insura�r�e prcmiums.'I'i�ese ite�ns arc c�lled "Escrorr Itea�s.' � <br /> „��� •�:;-:,,�� Lender may. at any time.colkct �d Mld�unds ia aa wmoiunt aot to excYed the maxirnum �aount a knder far a fe�aarlY -- <br /> , U��`� - � -- <br /> _ �r� � . ..;.�t.. ' .,`f rcWed monga�ge lo�n may�equire for Borrower s escrow a000unt aade�the foder�d Real �staee Settle�r�ea Prooedu�es:11c�:�a6 , --- <br /> 1974 ts amendod from time to�ime. 12 U.S.C. S��ioo 2601�r.uq. ('RESPA'1.unless anot�hcr I�w Urat�pplies to�he��a�Ds � �— <br />- - . ,., ,��. . <br /> �c.�R�leevr arwM��u If�+, Ler.�!er r.�y. at eny t�rx, ml!!r�r.�l hc+ld Ft+mis rtn an�•« sttx ta ez�,: sl:. :..+:.;.r.. �iunt. �iti�i� <br /> .����,',' �,� • " �,�,�.,� Lender may estinwte the amount oi Fa�da due on thc basis of eument data and reawnablc esnian�tes of expendiwre�ot fiRUre �M;�y <br /> � `�'�� * /� ' Escrow Iee�or otherwise in aocord�u:wt with applirnble law. <br />..�F`�I �' �� .�7�r,� ,�"'S A <br /> r-"�.•.. . � ':;�'.. �i'r�. ' TEce Eunds shall be held in we ia�tdtution wlase depuxits are insured by a federal or�.�'a.y. instrumentality. or entity F�='- <br />.;:�� .:r� ; r :�:�r s•� � <br /> ��-�=� i...- ..:;:t�#���'�r (including l.ender,if I.ender is such aa i�,�ivaae6�val a in any Federal liome L.oan Bank.L.ender sOwll apply the Funds to pay the �-- <br /> ,,.; ,•t�;� �c�,r . -- <br /> E s c r ow l t e m s. L e n d e r m a n a c h e R m v rc�u�c r, 4'o r h�l d i n a n d <br /> ° ` b, •; . .;+�y ','� Y �B � 8 a P P l y i n g t h e F u n d s,a n n u a l l y a n a l y z i n�t 6�e e s c r o w a c c o u n t.o r - <br /> '° ''•'"�f verifying�he Escrow ltems,unkss Lenda�praps�ormwer interest on ttie Funds and applicable IaN permi¢�4ender to msdc¢such <br /> . �.r 'S• ".�I�.� `_' ._ <br /> ` .r '�•,� a c h e r g e. H o w e v e r,L e n d e r m ay rcq u�a e S o m o w e r t o pay a o n e-d m e charg e f o r a n indepe n d e i u r e a l e s t a t e t w c repo r t in�s e r�:i c e <br /> �;'}-��' t'„ ,;"`{,•r usod b I.eader in rnnnaction with t�his loan. unless ?'� <br /> ,. . s�� �,�,: y applicablc law p�+nvides ai�erwisc. Unlcss an agreement ig rt�Ce ar �-'� <br />�;�� ��:=''`� I�c a b O e�i w u i r e s i n t c r�c s t t o b e i d l.e n d e r shall not be uired to Borrower an intcrest or eamin s on thc Funds. <br /> � .. Sl;,:,, �'' �. B�arrower and Le�nder may agnee in wri�ing,however, that interest shall be paid on ttic Funds. l.eader shall g�c to Bomower. <br />-_�: �,�t '�t'�;:=..-._s-.c'_. withouc chuue, an annual xc�wntlnp �+f'�hP F��nds,showing crcclits and clebiis to the F�ends aua the ixespose fQr x�h�sach <br /> `� 1 -o= debit to ah��unds was inode. The Fwmds are ple�lged as addition�l secudty for all sums securod by U�is Sen�rity InstrumE:nl. <br />- . l•il�ii. Li:' ' R_=_� <br />,'•�.., %: �,...»,�?�;:��. �.:�:�.,• If the Funds held by I.ender excse�!tb�e amrwnts qernattcd to be held by applicAble law,l.ender shall acawnt t�Bc���wer - <br />±`.:t.•. ' `�� " ',�,w �.r.:.;,...� �r� <br /> ,„ � . �;�, for the excess Funds in acoordance witA the require�qents of applicable law. If the�nount of the Funds held Ty I.end..r At any <br /> ::, _ (h.r� ' ''=~ fimr ia�wM a�fRrirnt tO Pey Ihw Fcr�mur Itrma whe1���;.�,Lender msy so�tify Sorror:cr�n�:ritfag.snd. In such casc Borrower �:.:-- <br /> .�.:• . <br /> � �;.�''.�.°:�� )�� shpll pay to Lender tho amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower slwll malce up the defciency in no more�han ,:- <br /> ... '`�rt�`` ; „ twelve mo�NhlY paYments.a► Lender's sole discrction. ��.. <br /> -. • Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, l.cnder shall promptly refund to Borrower any +�'-� <br /> .� '` =�' Funds held by Lender.lf.under paragraph 21, [.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,l.ender,prfor ta the acquisition or sale .y�-� <br /> ' ,• �"' ` ' ;'"•`': of the Property. shell apply any�unds held by l,ender�t the time of acquisition or sale as a credit again�t�he sums securvd by '�,��r';.: <br /> . v <br /> •��:, :�;�,+�,;: ..,` : this Securiry Instrument. '�'%.u� <br /> ;'�„ � 3.Appllcallon oi P3nyments.Unless applicabtc law provides othcrwlse,all payments recefved by I.ender under paregraphs ' <br /> ► ' ^ � I and 2�ha1E be applied: first. tn any �p�epayment chuges due undcr the Note; sc�cond,to amounts payable under parqgraph 2; _ _ <br /> � ' • ° ' third,to intccs�:�t due; founh, to principal duc;iu�d last. to an��late charges due under�he Note. ''-- <br /> '• "`� • 4.Chuges; Ueng.�Borrawcr shall pay all taxes, asscssments,charges, fines and impositians attributc,lae ta the Propc�ty �Y•;.-; <br /> �P-' ,� �"r'"� w h i c h m a a t t a i n r i a r i t o v c r h i s u r i �'�'�-. <br /> ,F.,. '�i:., •1 r:�, �, ' c.�,,.0 Y P � t See ty Instrument.and Ieasehold paymenls or ground rents. if any.�boROwec s'ball pay .,-- <br /> �:-y�'� � � thesc obli gations in the neanner prmided in pnra g r o ph 2,or if not p a i d i n t h a t m a n n e r.B o r ro w e r s h a l l p a y t h e m o n t i r�d'a 7 e c t l y �'-'"••' <br /> d.,•,.,, .; : <br /> d`�.;%:. 9:"i!. „ � <br />.*� i. , f�'`��#�°�:�'��� ', � to the person owed payment. Bottamcr shall promptly fumish to Lcndcr all nnticcs of amounls w be d unJer thls b <br /> a�T�'� tI•� , � .�-�, <br />'�:����'i,�;. ��;. r.,;,.. ;��.�;: Pw P°�L-�• <br />,�:-...,,,�,.,� If Borrower makes these payments di��:ctly, Bormwer shall prompdy fumish to l.ender r�eceipts evidencing the payments. --`� <br />,�; .���::��� �:�,). �' 'i,i�;• •��. �' � - <br /> r'•�,��+��� :<<�,,.a, � (���f; , � Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has p�tioriry over this Security Inurument unless Borrower. (a)agrecc in -•��� <br /> � . �, <br /> , �x{r� ;,�,�f, f,:�.� t, .: ,.�,�.t <br /> ' �,>� . :f;i'{r.:.�, ..� .S, ,,,� wriNng to the paymcnt or ahe obligation secured by thc lien in a manner ncceptablr to l.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien � ••. <br /> J;�.1,{(����;' '� `�� �'A;� + �;� �� by, or defends against enPorcement oT�he lien in. legal proceedingx which in the l.ender's opinion openate to prevent the <br />.�:a,��,� � .• �,�;,;. <br /> . � , -•:�� enforcemam of the li�n;07(C)SCCUPtti fmm thc holdcr of thc liwn�n agreement sati�factory t��l.ender subordineting thc�ieo to �..,� <br /> .'`,` � , 'y'�(,,`'�;,..�.. � --�-- <br /> ;::�`��''�,' • this Securivy lnstnimem. 7f I.ender determines that any pan of tF�e Pmperty i�subject to a lien which may attain priorila 4e1:� <br /> :;,h • ,:._ : r ':r:. . ;�j�'t��%� , - <br />,���� this Security Instrurnent, Leader may�ive Bom�WCT a notice identifj•ing thc l;�rn. &muwcr sha�l satisfy the lien or take ane or � <br /> ''� '��..i:_ -�.±�•. •� <br /> `�� •` " �' "' more of the octionc set ioah alwve within !0 da S A�i� ivin .�t�x�kr. <br /> �� "{,i;.�; � �:5, 3 8 8 <br /> ;,s���, ii,���,.u, '�t'�S',., 3028 9J90 � <br /> ,.� •��(�i''y.ttLl�'� ;f��r�:rY� Fa►m <br /> • ��•f•��'_ ��, !�t.: +.�� p��7 0�B <br /> ; r�� • �.,ti.;�; , + <br /> � '� • ''`',t.'",' •' �MC�,901�PIElZ S <br /> 'f`!�i�'l '`:.�y?,j`,�``.� � •� <br /> �v�.' ��) `��,��t/'Y' •��,1 , .�±.'pT1���..��..�.- .. .�i..' . . .r: .I.�1i,.,v�, .lti�� ���. ,.�.��r......� . �' - '7� . ��� ,� • '4 lIf���4: • .-�.•,�1r. • <br /> � � �1� .{ . � 1 .1 . .-I � . . �. � �{I � . > <br /> � ��'�• � ' ',�.1'1'c • , �- •t�,:��:/`.'' . 1,� � '�c�.�, •(� . . . <br />.. � ... � � � �: .. � . �t�'• �� .lr . . , . . <br /> `�:•- _ 1 . ' . �� . .�5.� .I' . . <br /> .. '�. - ,Z,�.� '_' .._. -.., . . �. ' � <br /> . `�y . . , ' , ' <br /> �b. �1 11 � .. . <br /> ;� 'r �'` � . . , <br /> . . �, . ' ' , . . <br /> . � �-.� . . � � <br /> . , -, ,- ' � � �; ,. � . , <br />., � 1 .. .. i . ` <br /> T� .�il . �#• <br />�'.. � " .•� .._ _"�' �` � . . <br /> •I <br /> , � • � <br /> . ------�----------- .t <br />