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. „ � _^��Y �T <br /> +.I; . . rti`}.'-.''L�y..._ . . . . <br /> .� i • ..::r,,:�; '"F,j�y�a�:., . <br /> .Q i'1 'l i 'f. . <br /> • '� � C �m!� � —'-- <br /> .. , _ <br /> . - . w� . ._. _.. ---_.— ...,.--� - - --- <br /> . ��, �3, io11�9 <br /> — .. - - 'IOf1fiTNlsK Wl�tt all�c impmvemcnta ix�w ui he�e,�(l�r e��:t�vi ati tA��rc►N;.�ty,and all r��.-res..-n�:.. ,.�p-utires�. ..^:r. <br /> a�d fl�turcs naw or IKreaRer a put af�he pmperty. All�pl�cemente and additicma sludl alcn fw covened by thit Soeutity . <br /> Inswtne�l. All af tha fanegoing i�rofcmed�o in thiR Secu►ily Instrumem as thc"�hy." <br /> BORRQWER C'OVENAN'fS�ha1 Bortowcr is lowfully scir,ed ai�he estWe hcreby canveyed suNl hus�ha dghr�u gant <br /> � and epnvey Ihe PropcAy und Ihat�he Pmpeny iR onencumbered.except far encumbrances of recont. Bcxmwer wamnlR and <br /> � �� will defood grnerally the litle lo the Properry ugainst all claimc and demunda.sul►ject to�ny encumb�r�ces of recoM. <br />- - _ THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifc►m� covennnts for nmionnl u� and n�n-unii'omi coverwnts wilh <br /> F'. limited vnriatiuns by judsdictian to can�slitute u uniforn�secu�ity insirument covering real property. <br /> 'rs'', `� UNIFORM COVENAMS. Bomawer and Lender cove�ant uad Agrce us fallawx: <br />_' •'� ��'�"'` '�, . t. Pwyment o�Priacipal aad IMenst;F'repaiv�eM ad l.�tc Clwrges. Borrower shull promptlY paY whea due U�e <br /> '• � •��-'�,. •• pdncipnl of ond interest on the deM evide�ed by the Nae sud any pepayment und late ch�tes due unde��he Note. <br /> _�:: ��° ,,;.,.'�W �',,." ��• �; a �as r��Y��m��. Subject N�applicaNr law a to u writtea waiver by l.ender.&xrower shall p�y ta <br /> s" � 4��_::!�+;. ..,� Lender on the day monthly p��ment-c are due uoder the Note.undl the Note is pmid in full,a sam 1"Fwds'/fa:lal yeady <br /> =-'��a.;�' ;- � -,a• uuees au�d assessaiems wfiich may�twin prioriry over this Securiry Insuument us a lien on thr Prupr�iy:/bl yeuly les�.+ehold <br /> __-�'r ,�.�..bu �-:�.. ���s ar gmund re+ns aa tAe P�openy, if:u�y: lc) yeariy haturd cK prap�rty iasuran�e premiums;(dl yeuly flood <br /> v-='�°"� '�'��?!`_�?+;°� incunnee prcmiums, ii an�r:Iel ye:uly mangage iasuran�:e premi�ms, if any: and (il any �ums payabk by Boaower to <br /> u,:v�.. :���• <br /> , �_� .;. . ;.�„ L,e�der,in att�ord��e with Uie ptuvisiuns of purng�aph 8,in liru of the paymeot of mortgage insurance premiums. These <br /> '"�'':�''�s"��c '• �::'.i;';,�.�' items u�e called"E,+c�ow(tems." l.ereder may.u1 Anp time.culkn.�t anci hold Rind�in un u�rtuunt nnt la exceed Ihe maximum <br /> �„"�`� <br />;�4�� ��� arn�wnt :�lender for a federally related mon�eAge laan may �c�qa�dn fur Bo�nowerk e.crow uitvunt w�der the federul Rcul <br /> : ' `' Estale S�plement Pr�K�.�d�ures Act of 1974 us amencled from time ta lime. 12 l-.S r+`'.�2601 cr seq.("RESPA"1,unless unotlu�� <br />_` ��w(�Rt a�lk�l0 l�lL'F!t!N�4 Y�ti 0�C��`r AIMM�M If a�.l encler anv tirt�.callcxl and hold Fundx in a�n umaunt nut t� ^ <br />_;:t� $�'"� "i��;,��� exceed [he lesser nmount. Lender may ec�ima¢� itae umaunt oF Funds due on Ihe ba.,is oi cument dota and reasonable _- <br /> , ,.., �.�.,,;•� �:;� <br /> ._ �^ �(�j�� estimatar�nf eapeoditures of fwure 6scmw Item�o�whcrwise in armrdarrce wilh s�pplicable law. _ <br />_-�-.., ..�,.�.t�a h '. The Funds shall be held io arr inxtitulian whose depaslt. :ue insured by a federal ug�:m���, instrumentality,or entity , <br /> - � ' lincluding I.ender,if Lender is such:�n ins�itutionl cu in any Fedcral Home l.oan Bunk. l.en�,4�:shall apply the Funds to pny _ <br /> 'a....•.�.,.��.w`:`�:�*�, the Escmw Items. Ixnder may nat charge Boirow�er fw hdding and applying the Funds.annuully an�lyzing the escrow - <br /> ,� -:3•;�''� account.or verifying Ihe Escrow� Item�, unles. 1.r�nder puys Borrower io�erest on the Funds And upplicable luw permits ; = <br /> _ L,� .•, :••. „ Lxt►der lo make such a charge. Nowever,Lendra�ueay myuire BoROwer to pup a one-time charge for an independent real ' <br /> -- a•--�•. s' eatate tax reporting service used by Q.rnder in connection with�his b+an,unlec�applicAble law provides otherwise. Unl�ss an ' <br /> _ •�,�!�+yt��',�"•�'-��t�'y},,, agreeireem is made or opplicable law requinw interes�to be paid.i.endrr shal!not be requircd to pAy Borrower any interest•�r , . � <br /> w '�i���-, epming�on the Funds. Bortower und L.ender muy agree in writi�',�wevcr,�hat interest�hall be paid on�he Funds. Lea+�i�c:r • <br /> �:''�`}�A ' r' shall give to Bvrrower,without char� annuul uccounting ot'.1i►e fi�nd�, stx�wing crediGs wid debiis to the Funds arr;l t�e • <br />-. �*.. ���Y'•' . .,... ��r: -�.. � <br /> - :. :s l?`• � '• purpose for which cach debit to Ute Funds was made. The Fund.tu�pledged as additiotwl securiry for all sums secured by <br /> " M-, �•:•*� � _ thlS SeCti!!ty!rlstluRl�l. _ <br /> �� �`a`�' �� �' Iti �l�e FLnds held by l.ender exceed the amounts pern�urtc:f to be held by applicablc law, Lendcr shull ACCOOIt[ BV ' <br /> � '°�' Borrower for Ihe excesc Funds in accotdunce with the rcqui��emYntx of applicuble law. If thL amount of the Funds hc0�b�y - <br /> `��~ Lender at any lime is�ot sutficient to pay the Escrow I�ems when due, Lender muy so notif�•Bomower in writing,and, i� _ <br /> ''': such case Bomower shall pay to Lender the amount nece.r•wry to make up�he deficiency. Bamower shall make up the • - <br /> _ - - ,�;:;��+�;:� . , Jn��ic�wy i��u.,m��c tLai tuCi.����osthly Paymcnts,at l.ender'.:sole di::cretion. - <br /> _ • a'��.rf.'� ' �•� Upon puyment in full of all sums sewred by this Security Instrument.Lender shall pr+nmptly refund to Bc►rrower uny <br /> ��..s�,. � �:' � _ <br />�`;�;, �� ., ��.' Funds hcld by Lender. li under parograph�1,Lender xhall urc�uire or sell �he Propeny,Lender,prior tathe ucquisition t,t = <br /> ;i;:ks+��� i� .;!�� •-•�:c�'.� ' sale of the Properry,xhall apply uny Funds held by L�nder al t'he time of acyuisition or sale as o credil ugainst 1he xum� - <br /> .1,.,� , ,�-��, <br />;'�,,�;,;", �!,� ' ,M . �}�, , securcd by this Security Instnunent. <br /> --�.� . •1 ; .�„�!,.,��, , 3. ApplkatEoo of Paymeots. Unlesx appticahle luw provldes ot6erwise,all payments receivPd by l.erider under <br /> �'t{�" ��';�,� � . 'Q.}• parugruphs 1 and 2 shull he npplied:(in�,to:u�y prepayment chnrgcr duc under the Notc:secand,ta amount�payable under <br />�:��� i'�'�.,'.:�',;�;�� ;�r;i;:.H>''' ' puragrnph 2;Ihird,ta inlcrext duc:fourth,to principal due:und last,to any latc churges dur undcr�hc Notc. <br />�' « ''„���`, :, �t4}'�°%�, � I 4. ChArges: Lkns. Borrower shall pay ;�II taxes, as,c�smentr, churge�, Pines und impositions auri6uwble �o t�e <br />�±�`_'��• �•, ��:'��"�`i� S�;'"t� � Pro rt which mu �nain riori� ovcr�his Sc�curi� Insuumcnt,•rnd Iea.ehalJ r ment�or ruund rcnts,if un Borrower <br /> .ti�,(::�F+i1: . .• pe Y Y P Y Y P'Y @ Y• <br /> �,..� ,.,�� <br /> -��1 �' shall pay lhese obligations in thc munncr providcd in puragraph?,nr if not paid in Ihat munner,Borrowcr shull p•ry Ihem on - <br />- �;�..�� .�, �� , . . <br />�1'v:V! �,;'�,'S�4 , � y . time direcUy to the person owed p•ryment. Borrower shall prompUy furnish to Lenckr all notice.oi umounts to be paid under _ <br /> � ;+'.� �"�",� this parugroph. If Bortowrr muke�these payments direcUy.Borrowcr shall prnrnptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing : <br /> ,�t ��: <br /> ��,'"4�=<i+��r:��:,���: I ��ym���s. ' <br /> -:, • �' '•`�' 8a�rrower shall prompUydixharbe•rny lien which ha�priotityovcr this Sccurity Instrument unlcss Harrower.�u)asrees "' <br /> , Y'��'�:'�`,�5,;•�' �° � � _ <br />:'ft. � ,o,,• ,.�'�,i, ` in wrira�g to the payment of ihe obligaticm ucu�eJ by the lier�im�a munnar i+c�eptable lu►cunlr�ls in guixl failh the = <br /> .V, ,,�,i•':��"; <br />-.:a t�• � �'•t'••;�.,-f��f�, I �lien by,a deiends aguinst enforcement of�he lie� prnceedings w�h�ch in the Lender's opinion opemte�o prevent the <br /> ... 5 ..,r�' �t... , . <br /> �.+.. xN;?;• .. ; enforcemen[of the lien;or(cl secures fn�m thc hnnder of t'he lien an agreemeni�atisfac�ury to Lrnder subordinating the lien <br />:�i;.. .• , �.�:,;.. ra � - <br />_- ;t;: �,�,F .� f��,f.�f � t Vthis Securiry Insuument. If Lender determine�ihat un}•�pun of�he Propeny i.,ubjec�[o a lien which may attain prioriry _ <br />- � ��.k , ,�.F o er lhis Security Instrumen6 Lender may givc dorruw•cr u noiice identifying Ihe lien. Borrower shull ss�dsfy tl�e lien or take = <br /> �;�. `,.�; one o�more of the aclions sel fonh nbove within IU du s of�ht i�in of notice. <br /> : ,�i;�,�,' •3,1:�'�".. Y F L� <br /> ,. � . :,J�:jfy;;,:��, 5, Hazard or PropeMy Insurance. Bormwer�hull kcrp�hc existing or he�+eafter erected on the = <br /> „��' Propeny insured against loss by fire,hazards includcd Nithin thr tcrm"cxtrnded covcragc"and any othrr hsuurdx,including f <br />' ��t-. ��:s:�i:�=�;Vi� floodx or flooding. 1'or whick l.ender require�inwrance. 'lliis insurance .iu�ll t�e maintained in the umounls and for the = <br /> . -r:�4•., <br />. �'' 'f l�`jy+f�. . <br /> ��'�1:�..1 �Q / ��4�Y1 <br /> i 4 •�5:,•1.,:. Sj ForIp30Ll 9/9D 1 P:re n <br />�l��', , :,,:, ;�� i . <br />'r;,s:., � .���,��((i,.;::r.',� <br /> 4-. . :il���- �' �7�t'{��� • <br /> �, � clJj1eI� 'f5_,/l�I�4 I <br /> �'�' r:S'`.,'�51:7r����i�."y(�'tfs�(f� – <br /> ` i� � 1 1•,:;?T7',[ - <br /> , ' i�� 1��� •��'i i�,(ri;it:11�:�����S�4R:�.i�,Y�%q+�al�rllw+n�{�i�. i i!- . :�r�'�p'-h���>?ti.���; ;���..i'i,�ts �•'`,',ei�i�j�Y,ir�?�1'i��1�1'�='t��' 'a{h'*T...�....i..,.,,�. <br /> � ,�: F � . � r r <br /> � ������ , r i �,� ,. .'�is�S +• �. �,�• � i� . � •� �. <br /> .'.' t ,;'1 <br /> ,� , . • . <br /> ,. . <br /> , , � ,.. � <br />�� __ • ����� Sd��:�A��_.-.+'�j4 y,l..."'."" . �� • . . <br />---r. .- .,r• ____—•__�.�_'..•:,-."_" .–. _... . � - . . . . .. . . . . . <br /> , ;.�,." ..�.,,.., •;,��r,• ,•• <br /> � '�. J .;'.IYS• .�.H ; . ' .1. . ' 1 :�1� . <br /> .�. - ,.� Y' ,�W� i ;�.� . • . • `• �,' .�1 - � <br /> � . � l,t``t'.{t\�..� , ��� �\`-�,.(,. . . . - .,. �• ',.���. <br />. ... I .�•� , 1.f"'�/� .' 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