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� -• �, r... -. !:4i-. .'.i' ' . '�'' . <br /> i � <br /> •"; <br /> ` <br /> . . .. , . ' , . . <br /> .. � ' ,. ' . �,. ....._..~_�±.. .. <br /> � ������ ��u�Y d '��°� �a��a �� <br /> � , 03�9��9399 Cae�Unued) �9 <br /> . �oa�No 8030a8 I _�. _ — , <br /> • Spstlttorlfy,WithCU4 9tni8ubow�thls CEtid o!Trut3t C�curou o rovotdtnp tlno 04 c►edit,whlch obligEtOO LonQ.ut to m�co edv�t�oo to <br /> • Trustor co tonp ea Yvustmr eamD��Qa��ilh Ctl t0o tercna o4 tha t1oM, <br /> � Le►sder.Thewotd'Landa�"means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK,tta succsssora and usslgnc. --•:_�: <br /> C:Ot�. Tho tteM"�'m�e" �noa�o tho PSoto dntod t7urch 92,t4II�J,III th� �171fiel(Q1fl1 Qtt10U11t O}�g���8.�Q�om Truatot to L8n0ot, �`Y' <br /> togettsEU with e�l ronevreis, 8�7e�slons,moditications,roflnanc�rres,and eubstitutlons tor thu Not�. 4 � <br /> " percional Progarty. The words'POrsonal ProperN'mean aN equlpmonl, flxtures,and othor adtctes ot personalProP�Y now ar hGroattor -�-y... <br /> 0 <br /> ownod by Trusta,aed naw or heteafter allachad or affixc3d to the Real Property;togathor wlth nll acco3ston3,pnrt3,anA B�diUon3 to,n0 °� <br /> ' , reptacnments ot,and en substilutions lor,any af such properly:and toSetAsr v41h atl procesds (Including wlthout Ilmlieftan cUl tnsurAnco -,. `.`�, <br /> ' -� proceeds and rqlunds d pramtums)hom any saie or other dlaposition of 1hU PropeAy. <br /> � '� PropeAy. Tho word `Propmy"means collectively the Roai Proper4yand ihe Parsonat Ptoperty. 3. , <br /> . � Rg�i p�pperty, '(he�xordsWonl PropeAy'mean the prop�rtY,Inlerests and�Ights doscribod tlbove In tho"Convoyanco and(iranW 88eQOn. �1, -- <br /> Retated Rocumenta. The wuds "Retated Ooouments' mean and inctudo wlthout timitatlon ntl pramissory notos, eredti agreement3,loan t'h��},;; <br /> • agreements,environrnentateg�eements,guerantfes,secudty agreements,modgages,dseds ot trust,and ell other Instrumenb,agrsemenb and �.A;�,__f,: <br /> documents,wP�other taw a horoafter exlstlng,executed In connuctbn wlth the Indebledness. ��_: <br /> Ren4s. Tha tvord'�ienls^means all present and future ronts,revenues,income,issues,royallles,profits,and other benefits dedved hom the �:' <br /> Properry. �_ <br /> �' Tiygt�• Tt�g�yprd"Trustge'means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and any subsdtute or successor trustees. _ <br /> . �l..: TrusYor. 7he wo�d'Rnistar�-�ns any e�d aU persons and enUttes executing thts Oaed of Trust,InGud�ng without Ilmttatlon ell Trustors�nmeed - <br /> . � above. _= <br /> � TH1S CEED OF TRUST.INCUlOINCs THE ASSIGNMENT OF REAITS AND YME BECURITY INT�RFST IN THE REMYB ANQ PEAS�'�tAt. <br /> � PRt2PLRTY,13 GIVEH TO SCq1RE (71 PAYMENT OF THE INOEBTEDNESS AND (2►PERFOAtAANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLiQAT10Dl:t�F 'm � <br /> �" TRUSTOR UNDER TNE N01'�,TFiE RELATED DDCUMENTB.AND TF1IS OEED OF YRU8T. THi�DEED OF TRIiSY IS QItlQJ AND ACCE�TED <br /> . i... . <br /> . l;:-.� ��nL � QNTkEFOLLOWINtiTEAM�: :'_-. <br /> � ; < <br /> � PAYEAENT MID P�iiFORtdAEeICE. F.rcept es otherwise provided in this Oeed of Trust,Trwtor shall pay to Lender ali amounts securod by this Oaed �`,F___ <br /> � ot Trust as thsy boaome due, aed shell shlctly and in a tlmery manner perform all o}Trustors obiigetlo�u under the Note,this OeOd of T�ust,ond the _ - <br /> •• �.�;,a Retated Documants. R-� <br /> � � ;r• 'v POSSE3SION AND MAi N1LlVANCE OF THE PR�PERTY• Trustor agrees ttu►t Trustor's possesslon and use of the Property shaU be govemud by xu <br /> . ' the fWlowiog provfstons: �a�-:. <br /> • �. � Possesr!on and lise.Un�the ocaurrence of an Event oi Detault,Trustor mey (e)remain in possession and controi o!Me Property. (b)use, =�_ <br />_ ..�. oparate or manege tha F'rope+ty,and (c)colleCt any Rents from the Property � ��re �.reA�aeemerds�e�d malntenartoe °° <br /> '�;:,,,��' Dutr to MdMam. TNSta6hEM rt18t�t8m the Pro{xnty��i ta�zan4,��cand�tten sn!�r�m�+nY ps o aa� , <br /> ' •� ' �•�; necessary to presarveits value. __.. <br /> ..�r•f;��.* Hazard0us SuOatances-Th�terms"hexardous waste,""haierdous substance,""disposai;'telease,"and'�hreatened ralease:se used in thls <br /> ' f� � Deed ot Trust,shalt hev�Ne seme meaNngs as sst torih in the Comprehem3lve Environmenlal Rosponse.Compe�uatlan,and llabilily Aat of <br /> 1980,as amended.�2 fiJ.S.C.Sec�an seq.('(�RCW),Ihe SupeAund Amendmenta and Resutho�imBon Act of 1886,Pub.�»No. -- <br /> gg-etgg("SARA�,the Harardous Materials TrsnsportaUon Act.49 U.S.C.Sectlon 1801,et seq.,the Resourcs Cor�e�vatlon and Rscovery Ac►� <br /> 42 U.S.C.SecUon 6901. d seq•�or other appltcabte state a Federal►es.or reguiatlons 8doptad pu�suaM to eny ot the toreQairg..TR�e <br />_ ��r�;�,; te►ms'hoznrdous wasla"and�dous substance shall also indude,without iimftatton,petro!eum end petroleum by-produots o►any haation <br /> r � thereof and asbestos.Tnator representa and wartsnls tu Lender Ihah (a�During the perlod of Trustor's ov�aershfp of tho ProAeAY.ther�•has <br /> $. been no use.genera6on,manulacture,storage,treatment,dlsposel,releess or threatened reteaae of arry hemrdous weste or substanoe by ttny <br />' .. , • +jt.. � person on,undaz,abou!a from the Property; (4)Tnuto�has no knowtedge of,or reeson to beliave that there Pias be�n,e�reeAt as PrevloU�ly __ <br /> ' dfsctosad to and aciuwwledged by Lender in wrlUng, tt)any use,9eneraHon,manufa�ture.storaBe.freatment,disposal.rofease�or fhreaisrtad <br /> ' �. ' . "i 7:�; actuai Otf th�reate�n�ad IAIg�ntor delms of a y kind by e�y persoe reiaung to s chymatters�a d n(��F.xcept as previously di��d t0�&d = <br /> `��:x` �; aolmowlaEged by lsnda In writln8, (1)neither Trustor nor any tenant,contractor,agent or other authorfxed user ot the Property sha11 use, <br /> ' � ' gonerate,menulecture,s�cre.hea1�disPose cf�or re�ease any ha�erdous waste or subslanoe on,under.about or irom the Ptopery�and pi)eny <br /> ""'" such aeWily shatl�econdae�ted in compliance with aG apPlicablsfe�erai,state.and Ixnt taws,regutaUor�s and ordinannss,lndud[e9 without <br />_="•::�.r.-�:•."';;,k-e1. IlmttaUon those laws��8ulations.and wdinances desexibed above. Trustor authorizes Lender and its ageMS to enter upon the P�Y� `„:, <br />;���`t.�.�•_:,, make such inspectlons and tesLs,at TrustoPs expe� Lender mey deem appropciate to datermine compUanoe of the Prop�lY �;,_ <br /> ru <br /> 3,. sectlon of Ihe Oeed d Trust. My inspeCtlons or tests made by Lender shail be for LBnder's purposes onry end sheli not tre coTMStnuid to avate � __ <br /> '".�•�': • � any respansibftily or 9abt�iy on the part ot Lender to Trustor or to a�y other person. The representatlora and wanenttes coMelned Aereln ere <br />�;�_--c',;.:':n. <br />:� `.-: . ?�s.: walves any futuro s�hts egelnst ende�r�ndemntly ot c�ontr[butlon lo the event Tnutor�beeoo mes Ilable 1or�cletnup�bhe�tec���Y <br />�``` ,..i��, suCh Iaws,and (01a9�S to indemnity and fiold harmtess l.ender against arry and&II deims.lo�es,11ab1iltlss.dama�►.Rsr�sltks.and --- <br />- . ;.�-,� expenses which LenCer may dtrecdy or IndirecUy stulain or SN►er resulNng trom a brsaeh ot this seetton ot the Ooed of TtuSt ar a.s e <br />