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_.�-�ta .vr�+,'�""�`�:9H�� `T` _ i::-:_r.�fi.+.:, _ <br /> . . •2_. .. - _ <br /> . , � , � •• ,�`,> <br /> .� <br /> •:�F•' '.� ���- _.._�. _.._�. <br /> " � S�.iC_lia,_ . ._ _� - . <br /> " -- <br /> —�iQ�i"iif •�wv�--_=__— - -- - _ � .. _. <br /> q6�TOR WARlIANT� AND COVENANT�(/) ThN�xc�pt for th� ttcurity fntanat ��otsd henby Wbtor 1�,or to Ih� � <br /> , � �xh that Coll .r.i a�cauina�n•r tn�aaa�.wlll M, th�own�r of th�Collatwa�las Bom�ny�dwra�Il�n.a�cu ty <br /> '.'•�:. � inM�l �i1o��brancr,and thd r will d�f�nd tM Cou�ter�l��Inst�11 cl�l�d�m�ndi ol�II p�non�al�ny t�� . <br /> '." � �. i�l Th�t�o Fl��ncinp 811tin+�nt oth�r��oth�r FIn�nCinp Sl�t�mint pnvlou�ly � <br /> -���-- alNfninp t �ms or anY Int�r�tt t <br /> --- <br /> -"`T°"- - Iwn tp Secund Party eowflnp tM br�i or any proc�0� tMnof if on IfN in iBrpubllc otlic�a�d tAat�t th�rpw�t ot ` <br /> -.-, <br /> ��-'°��°" o► wlll�x�cuti�nd Mli�rar ta Sucsund P�Ny on�or more Fln�ncfnp St�t�m�nb o�afl►�r docum+Mtf pu►- <br /> — T ��-_�L,_y� •�_. .. RJrttlanss �anr,�3retat G�da�hteh oro decmcC bp the Sece+�x!Paety to t�e ss;,csr»arr cfvnnon to tfw� ` - <br /> � � atlae minl,p�rf�et qn or eontMuatlon ot th�pourfty Interosl pnnl�d haeund�r,au in torm fatl�INetory ta�und PM�'tY.and <br /> '� .`^�� wlll pay 1M co�t of 111iop aueh Fim�ainp St�tum�nf, thl�8au�iry Aprwm�M, any coMinu�tlon or t�rmin�Non thl�m�nt Ked <br /> �.�:;�•. � , other donumants In�II publlo oftla�wh�r�wr Hlinp I�d�emed by 3�curod Party to be noe�ss�ry o►d�il�abl�: �nd II th�Col- <br /> , --- •`�,. • �°�.� � � I d e r a l i s a tt a c h W t o r e a l s s U t ep r i o r t o t h�p�A s o t i o n o l I h s e s c u r i t y I n t�►e i t9 r a n t e d h a r e b y a r I f I h e C ollotonl Ir�cludQS crp p� <br /> �� � or oil,pa�o�min�t�l� lo be ex tiaated a timM�to ba eut.�ebtor will,on demaed ol 8�cured P�rty,furNsh S�cwsd P��ty <br /> �Y�y ��• F. with a dlscl�lmer ar dlscl�lmers or wbordintlion agroemenf �Ip�ed by dlpa rsont h�vfnp�n intenst In Ihs r�l aUt�,discleim- <br /> ;�����"'°� `'!� inp or subo�dlnetlnp any Interest In the Collsteral which Is prlor to the fnteroat of Secured Perty. �3)Not to ee11. trannfer or • �. <br /> ,;:'" a �'�`!"''r'�6J��`� disposs oi th�CoQ�tsr�l, �or take ths ame or�tlsmpt to UNe the fams Irom th�couMy where kept a�sfated, withoul th� <br /> '���:����'� prlor w►irien consent of Ihs Sscured P�rtfr (I)To pty�N t�x�t and �ussamaMS o1 svsry o�turo which m�q be I�vled or��ws- <br /> ,;;;: ,:.,.. <br /> ,;.,,;�.T��.�° ' � sed ap�in�t the Coll�tenl. (B) OeWor wAI furpI�h to 3ecured P�Ay�nnuslly, and at wch other time�as Seaur�d Party may <br /> ��.;•• � , � reque�t,a Ilat of ths buyera,cpmmbelon merchent�sad�ellfnp apenb to or through whom Debtor may eall any larm produab <br /> ��"*��';; ;,� � ��:�-, � dsacrlbed In thi�8ecu►ity Aqreement,oraaMzed by tarm produet.(6)Not to permft ar allow any adveroe Ilen,seeu�uy IntK�at <br /> �V,. e, ...T 1,;� �'�'� � or encumbraoce wh�t�oever upon 1hs CoN�teral,and not to permit the�sme lo bs auached or replevined. (7�That the Coll�toral <br /> _v��_ � � is in 9ood condNlon�nd that Debtor w+�1 at ble or he�own eKpense,keap the same in good condition and Irom Nme to tlme, ��,;° <br /> —��..�-----°-- �' �� � torthwith,npta�e snd rapaU�B such paRS of tAe Collateral a�mey be broken,wom out or ds►n►ased without anowi�p�nY Ilen -�.• <br /> ,,;-.,:. . <br /> •� � to be created upon the Collateral on accounl of auch cepiacement o► rapairs. Aw�that tha SecurQd P�rty m�y exam�ne and <br /> :,��'�' ., .... . , . ` . �:� <br /> _,,�.�,. , inspact Uw Col4ter�1 a!�ny tlms,whQrNrer locatad. (8)That�ebtor wlll pt his ar har own expense ka6p the callateral insured <br /> �� . -M. fn a company 4atialactOry to Securod PArt1r againsl tQSt.8�s 1�pproArtate. by tt►ett, coiliston,fire and extertded coverage. w►cn � -. <br /> �r�'.. �� . ;, .� bss payabte Ro S6curer P�rly Y�s it�interYSt mpy ap��d will pn demand dellvBr eaid poNciea o4�nsurance or fumish proof __ <br /> ' �.'',�!`---..�� +t,� ,., a f p a c h i m u r$�r c Y t o S e C w+�d�'a r t y.(9)A t i t s a p t i o n S e c u r e d P u R y m a y p r o C U r e s u c A i n s u r a c+c e.d'►9 c R�r�p e L a x e s,U e n s o r s e c u r a ry =- <br /> �' ' ' '• ' '�"'��'�:���:� '� Gnterests or,dther 6nCUmbranCea�t An. hM@ (0r1ed pr rc�r ene ae a�P of 8u+fr dama e or <br /> -.��!,r•� . �'r , y p�aCed on tl�e CW�aters0 arta rnay pax p 9 :; <br /> :;rp,;;s=.�, s:��`.,,>q,Tl�a gi;, <br /> u,:.:?•'.,,' ,y::,��,.,.. .tis(��n�t,• ; injury ta or Yo¢zhe atiocr iMd 1�inta�tOnCe at ihe Coll�teral. D¢btor Agree9 t0�e�mbursm 9acurPd'Part�!Qn demand for c;.,',, <br />;._.y�,y_�:i.; '' , p 39t,, 1 ,t ti�; � .8py,pa nt m�ea ose.�n.cuerpd py Sacure0 Partg pursuan4 to the Sor�o�nQ authorizat:ua. Unt�i s►µ�h reicnbursement,che � • <br /> �,,,, . �{' ti., ������1 amMuntYq}��uhy aL�a'h p�i,ymeet, wilh.lntereat at the ratv of t64,per aonum f rom date of payment untll reimbursement. ehall be `'���� <br /> .:,;tr;�;;5' 't��,�;;"-�; ;�"��'��� adAed tci the 1�ldebtedness owed by Debtor and aAall tu� secu�ed by tAia Agreemem:�70) That Oebto► will not use tho Col• ••' <br /> ,, iy�<<�,�,:• �:rl.;�'. �u., <br /> lateral In vlolaUon o1 any applicabie statute, regulaUon or ordlnance and if any ot the Collateral is motor vehicles,Ihe aame w�11 <br /> h 1 N n't�}• �t'Sfs +��'? �ot ne�entetl nor ueetl 1�remal serv�ce nor�n any apeeo or enaurance comesi. • " - <br /> � �� 4 '1�.� rfi i ,,. - <br />:;,,,,,.,,.;" 4i;r��'„, y;� �t,�.t�ijs. UNTII.DEFAULT qebtor may have posaesslon ot the Collateral and uae It In any lawlul manner not Inconalatent with this �:�. <br /> 1� •• ,� �� , � � �{+�; AgreemAnt auq nqt inconaisteot with any.policy o1 Insurancelhereon,and upon delaup Secured Party shell have the lmmedi- ..° ` <br /> «,� �.i�i; �h }I�f ti�'jy '' . <br /> ' � :! , �' � � � ate rl ht to thQ poeaea9lon o1 the CollateraL ;.<, `r <br /> �� �,��H:�.Il`.f�p4�� f � • '�i.;��• <br /> ,:, ,. 3�,,�,,;��;�;�,s,ft�.� � , DEBTOR SHALL BE IN OEFAULT under ihis Agreement upon the happening of any of ihe following eveMs or conditiona. �� <br /> ��l•�r•�:,�� 'f��'&� �,��t,, ' . (1) defaull In ihe payment or pe►far�nance ot aqy obUgaUon,covenam or•BeblNty oonteined or reterred to hereln pr In a�y note �:�'Y:,.. <br />- � �`' f•t'��'��jS�tizj� ,f�i,,fk,,"t��� ' • �evfdenclng the eame;(2)any warraMy, repreaentation or 11nenclal statement mede or turnlehed"to 5ecured Parfy by or on be• � <br /> ��',�������},:..•.,r;,,�j;��� hnll of Oebtor Is diacovered to have been IalEa in any materlal respecl when made or Iurniehed; (3)any event which reaulte or <br /> j�': �'� � could reault in the acceler�tion o1 the maturity of the indebtedneas of Debtor to others under an Indenture,a reemenl or under- �� <br /> � . ; ti;;?;+';^4�?�<i�:,.:.;�.� .;:�.,..., y 9 ;. • <br /> , •�•,.��".� • , . :��• tekinp;(4)loss,thelt,demege,desUuation sRle or encumbrance to or o1 any of the Collateral,or lhe making af any levy,sei:ure � .,, <br /> -`;'r:�� Or allaahmant,thereot or thereon;(6)deelh,dissolutlon termination ol exlstence,insolvency.buelness fallure,appointment of a �r;; <br /> , ;� .' ��. . `' �.l?;' recelver ol a�y pert o1 the Colleteral,assipnment for the benelit ot creditora by Debtar,or the commencement o1 any proceed- .; <br /> _ !�,;;z''sw�"S�,T!�r� �npo under any bankruptay or Insolwnoy laws by or agaimt peblor or any gu�raMOr or surety far Oebtor. _', ,_ <br /> - i. = UPOiii$UCii i)EFAi1L1 and ai�ny iime ihareaHu�, ni ii il dnpma ilsa{i inxncurn.Secwed Faity r�iay da�iara all Obtlgaiios�s �,. . <br /> ,'.,' � ,;`�('5,�,,,.+,. r�•,4 „as, � seeured hereby immddl�lely due�ntl p�yable and shAll have the �emedie0 ot a 3ecurad Party under the Nebra�ka Unilorm �-- <br /> :•�.Rr„,:�;+f,,•;r��•;; ;�y Commsralal Code. Secured Pprty m�y requlre DebtOr to asumble tAe CollaterYl and dellver or meke it avellable to SQCUrod �-'.' <br /> '`a-. �• �'� PoAy at a pl�ce lo be dqipnated by Socured Party which 1� �ea�onebly convenlent to bolh partlea. Unlete Ihe Collateral �s <br />' °�� . " z���+��J�� perlth�ble or throetens to decNne rpsedlly In rdue or ie of a type wUomanly sold on a recopnfzed markel.Secured Party w�ll �;;, <br /> A � ° ,r ��; ' qive Debtor reaton�bla notiq o1 ths time and ploca ol any public u1e thereof or ol the tlme otter whlch any pnvalo sale or � <br /> `��u�' eny other Int�ntNd diltppsitlon thanof 1� to Eo m�de. The reOWrementf ol reasonable notiCO sh011 be met If 6uGA notito �s �1��" <br /> � :a—�'��� malled,pottape pr�p�kl,to the adtlroa ol OYbtor thown ot lho bep�nniny ol thli Aqroertwnt at least Ihrea busfnea dYyB betore `; �. <br /> .� . .:';,,� IhQ tlme ol Ihe s�le or difposltbn. ,.. <br /> �.s;i. � . "'�' �1`.r•r,. ..r. <br />_,� r� �; : ������ . No walver by Secured P�rty ol any delault ehall operate at a wafver o} any olher default or ot the tame default on a tuture <br /> : .•,••u '�,.;,,,�' � occeelon.The laklnp ot ihft Security Agrsement ahafl not walve or impair any olhe►sacurlty aafd Secured Perty may have or <br /> - � ���,..;�, .. ,,.�.,�. herealler acqulre for the payment of the above Indebtedness, nor ehall the takiny of any auoh addltlonal seaunty walve or , <br /> , .: . . .,, lmpsir thfs Security Ayreement; but sald 3ecured Party may resort to any secunty it may have In the order it may doem <br /> . •� � •• proper,and notwith�fanWnp any colleterel 6ecurlty,3ecured Party shall retaln ils riyhte ol set•off ayafnit Debtor. <br /> �,� +•�:'"'�'"� � - All rlghte ol3ecured Party hereunder ehall Inure to ihe beneflt of us successors and esslgna;and all promises and dutios ot <br /> �}'�• Qeblor shall bind hl�or her helr8,personal repreaentatives or hia.her or�ti successors or assigns.II Ihere be more tha�ono <br />�c� • ' ''� Debtor,thefr Ilebllitlea hereunde►shell be�oint and several. 't,�':� <br /> �..,., .. ,�, ,��. <br /> P{ + : . ,`_�; ,�� Thls Agreement shall become elfective when 1t Is signed by Debtor. A carbon, photographic or other rvproduct�on ol Ihe '�;ti" <br /> 'f• '. .�;�;,}�% aipned 3ecurlty Apreement or Financing Statement may be used as e Financing 3tatemenl. ._ <br /> �t•' �� � � • - ���''��.'•:�i��'1 A�OENDUM ��,::� <br /> `, r . • ;..;.,� '3:-�,. <br /> ':-'� . y;•;;;,c�,,..:;.;.�'�r'�•,;:;r'; The undersigned,herelnafter"Owner/Debtor", owns or haa an Intereat in tho collateral described on the reverae side of ihis ., , <br /> ;:;<,•�'., .���i•�.��:'�`;'-�;:• AgreemenL but Is not a pert to the obli aUOn secured b th�a A reement B execudn thls A reament. Owner/Deblor under• •'�"'" <br /> ' . t,a�. Y 9 Y 9 Y 9 9 �,�, <br /> '� )ff + � takea no obligatlon tor repayment of 9uch ObNgatlon, bul walves all rlght. title and interest in�nd to eald c011aterel to prov�de ;��r. <br />�j�._-,.J� �.11:'�1�'_•.t�...-_�u...:�. i, <br /> r. ,a .. e e C U r i l y f o� p e f f o r m e n C e o f t h e O W�g a t i o n- A l l p r o v i s i o n e o f I h i s A g re e m e n t a p p l y t o O w n e r/b e b t o r e n d t h F t e r m "D a b t o►"e a �=��: <br />:.�„+.. �'7r:(t:�� ' . <br /> ,�,,vb.�c used In thls Agreement and any accompanyiny Flnencinp Stetement refers collectively to Debtor,Owner/Dabtor or botA es the :r,�x�.�; <br /> �i:a� ,4�;k{�„'��: ; �:�a.' cantoxt mey requlre. • "� <br /> .. Y+i .S"i . ♦ <br />�;�'�''?.{' ;�y,rti�� r � <br />.,,::: - {;.� r1 � <br />_;,;;;:;<,i�:,� :�,,.,�. , -- ----- ._. -- --------- - _ - <br /> ,.,_��; Oote Owner/Debtor = <br /> ... , �.��,:�!i,f`'�, �, y; <br /> , .�h rrt . '� . <br /> ��?%�t7,., <br /> :��;' �;�., . , ��_� <br /> �-` "�3 <br />: �_.-_-- - -- , .r,;:. <br /> �t. • i�;,. , . , . , . <br /> • J'I W.�,�1 ,,�. . � `'}}' ,: <br /> ' ' ( {•y .. �ft' {!wr17�+��>"...SF'.� l+l.\. _ ... . . - . �.. T rr .� .. ��1 •� . 1• <br /> .. '-'1i . . . . � • i-�*I:'r';y�l'�e+ �,�yay. . <br /> �'i� jsw �f, .,.: , . . ., . . .. � . , , <br /> :���.!�., , Ij' �:1'„ . <br />,ti;>.,��'•l�',�,1',1 j.�:l'v;�f��i1 r.���;Jij,:�(��'� �.��;'�f,^r,�:`;.� ,�•'-i'I�':,. � I��� '��; <br /> _i ��- y � , , . , _ <br /> - t�ti� �i� r�� � f� F�i,�i f�7A�l`��� � ��i t 4 r - '.�. ! _� <br />.E�4 r ��sl;ti �l�t J�1'1�tY'�'t � sl i���. (�� - i t` . ' - . _ . _ ' � � . <br /> 1t � `�(,. t�1• r'�ias•s�i�t}Jr�i� Sr�„ � .�����, • r)�ti�: •:,� ��r, ;lrr,� , . . . • . . , . <br /> � ��• <br /> ,�.. � `I':;�' . .�i � i: �,i <br /> � t "d �(t �r� {� .. ft. .i,.•� ' v� i 1't . . , <br /> \�� �j5,'i .'_ y�� �'�i1 , � pi4�� i i� � � � , i 'i . . . _ <br /> 11 ��,,yy���+ �� �y: r �/'.��`�`��,�' •.i�r7����:5�r ' ,� t,� <br /> t\os/�'�' �j{( � 1.( l !`�{L. � ���•��' 1,iT•:f - � i . . �' � . . ,� . <br /> � ,�`1 � 4 ;in1��Lt�t,,�, �E�'.•1 �ti'�;. � ('�'��r '._i,t r ,.� . �. . , . <br /> l:t[1:.f7���['�,�S.�y'1' ����, • 1 ��i. �S('���i �jl{1if1f11 �•�1 '.�'. . �:: -��n�� �; p, . . "- 1 � `t: ' • ' . <br />� 1�' 1 4��.s�4'i'�.� .�, t�i'�.., y� �, ' •i� ,? jpt�,'!.'1�,P -. le�.l, � ,' �I .'�' ..� '�l - ' '.� <br /> ' ��l'"�,J+" Ir � CCIi - .�';ji'�il� � 1` '�• :�I.�1d•1' l.. • ��� .. � . . . . <br /> .l�ai; � � - . . `�1 . . 1' .. - <br />-kci. ;•r�' ----T—^7�-y r t,7� _�'', ' ' . . � . , �i�l. �� � . .,. , <br /> � . . . . .y " - �11 ,.�' , ' i: ' � � „ . ,.`1-�.. <br /> C • � � <br /> • `_� <br /> � <br /> •_ ! _ . . . .. _ . _. . ._ .. ___ _. .—_.__ •._. _ <br />