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. �-�; .� ti. ;.�a�,.--. . . _.. ..,o.-. <br /> . :t . . 'K�� � ^. p: . <br /> j 'Y <br /> +� � � <br /> • r. '.+ ` _ __ -- - <br /> �:;.�5�., .. � � . . .. - - <br /> ,- .idY.+�..�;�.°6ir`�iS�`r <br /> ._-_.—_,____�— _ � Q;� . . <br /> - 't'UO6THBIt WITH dl the impovemerit�now or Aarc�lter orccted an�he pmpeny.�f o11 ei menu�.App rtenances� �_ _ <br /> --_vv_--9�.'� �ml fie�ixw�x►w cx Iwa�Rar�pWt of the propmty. Atl replacemeMs aod udditianx shpil ulco be wvered b�r tdt�►Securky ` <br /> Imq�uima�t. All af ihe fone�oin�is RPerred ta In�hfo Socu�iry Insaument Ao the"Property." <br /> .� BORROWBR COVE�NANTS tlwt Barrower ir tawlWly coised af 1he eal�to hcreby convcycd�d hax Ibe d�ht�o gr�nt <br /> -��` and convay IhoPr�c�y wid tlu�the PropeAy la w�encumberod.exceM for encumbrwrcex of record. Bormwer wutants and _ <br /> ��._ wlll defrnd grneraliy tlie[i�lc ta�he PrapcAy Against all cl�ma�nd demands,subJxt to�ny encumtxwrces of recard. <br /> '��` THIS SECURITY INSTRUM6NT cambine� un{fam covenanta for natianAl use and non•unifarm cuvenanw wilh <br /> -_�:. <br /> �. limiled variotionc by judrdiclion w c�titilule u uniform secudty instrument cavedng rcal property. � - <br /> UNIFORM CaVENANTS. Barrowcr und Lender covcnunt�nd agree ac fallawa: <br /> - _,_ 1. Payment of Priuciptl and lotcresti PnW9�nt�nd I.Ate Chprge�. Bortowcr shall pmmptly pay when due�he <br /> �.�._. <br /> _ _ princi of and intercst on�he debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepayment und late churges due under the Nde. <br /> " � F�unde ior 7yuces and Insurance. Subjcet to applicAble Isw or to u wrilten waiver by I.ender.Burmwer shall puy to <br />�^ � Lender on U�e duy monthly payments are due under the No�e, umil the Nwe is puid in full,u sum l"Flmds") for: (a)yea�ly <br />'-" taaes and assessments which may anain ptiaity over Ihis Secu�i�y Insuument a+a lien oo Ihe Hoperty;(bl ye�rly k�tseliold <br /> �. �yments or gmund �1RS on the Property. if Any: (c) yeuly hazard or prapea;r insurnnce p�emium.�:Wl ye�aiy fiuod �_ <br /> -. �nsuruoce pemiums. if au�y: lel yenrly mortgage inaamnce pmmiums, ii any: and Itl Any sums payable ay Bonuwer ta <br />-•"�•.. accoManee with the pruvisionc of puro8rnph Iceu of the par}rment af monFage 6nsurance prcrniums. Th�,we — <br />_ — -- items ur ca�l�ed'Escmw ltemc." L.en�ler may,ut any iime.colien und hold Fl�nds in an amount out to esceed tpe maximavr,n . <br />'��' ' amount a lender for a fcx�erraGl} relatec�mottgage loan may req�ire for Bornawer�es4:row account under td�e federal Ren9 •' =� <br />-�?:', 8state Settlement NnreQn:�tis :�af 197d�s�mended fran time w timc. 12 U.S.C.$2601 c�seq.("RFSPA"1. �u�k,.r unc�tlit.�r �.":: <br />••-� law thot applies to the FKC�a:tn a I�.er am�unt. If u�.Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in ucn amarunt nat am ���;..i'� <br /> -_ — -_ — eaceed dee lesser amoun�,. A.ender m:�} e•timAte the amawit of Fundc due on the busis oi cumenl dau ard�sonaM�e �`_"' <br /> '��� -`� espmates ot expenditure�of iurore EscrU*.��items cx otherwia�i��uecwdurxe wiih uppii�aLie lau�. ; <br /> e <br /> �- �``���i` 71�e �nds shall bc heid in un ins�awtian whwse depositx are insured by a federal ogency, insuumentalNy. or e�1ic�. �t j,. <br />:���, ` y. ,� (including Ixnder.if Len�cK is Fuch an in�;titudonl c�r in any Fedeml Home Luon BAnk. Lender shall apply the Wnds to pav , . ��,,.;; <br />,_�,. � ' ���"� � the Escrow Items. Lendet may not cha�e Botmwer far holding and applying the Funds, unnually anulyzing Ihe escrow +�: <br />�`•='�"'` aocount,or verifying the Fscrow I�ems, unless I.en.t�r pays Borrower interest on the Funds And applicablc law permits �="- <br />.; � <br />"::,� �r °'"� � l.ender to muke such a charge. However.l.ender may requin:Borrower to puy a one-time charge for an independent reul �;= <br /> ��, , � � es�ate tax reporting service u.ced by Lender in connection with tbis loan,unless applicable law provides atherwise. Unless an <br />::_;•�.' 'e•'' ~�•':".' :� <br />'-:�j���� , agrcement is made or applicabk law tequires imerest to be poid.Leader shall not be required to pay Bortower aay interest or ��`: <br /> }, y enmings on the Funds. Bortower nnd l.ender muy agree in writing,howcver,thut i�tercst sh�ll bc peid on the Fuads. Lender <br />-p_� ^ .�.,a;;'. � shall give to Bomower,wilhoul churge,an ennuol accounting of the FLnds,showing credits and debits ta the Fueds and Ihe �i:�1 <br /> �•.�, ,. � pixpose for which each debit to the M1ndx wa.r mode. The R�nds are pledged as udditionul securlry for ull sums secured by <br /> `� . • . . . :; ,,.�•�I this Secqriry InstrumFnt. ��� <br /> ���. <br />-- ti; --a,�-::�;'�ti:�i� °;�:,},�,: � it il,a Fwxi�s i�id by C.ender..xcr.e� ihc amounis pertrsittec! :�bc held by spplicable la+Y, Lender shall acceunt to _ <br />„`,?�;. .;:��:'"�°��;;F, �,,.• � Borrower for�he excess Funds fn uccarctance with the requfrernents oP applicubk luw. If thQ+unount of�he FLnd.g held by �:__ <br /> :;��,� :�:�i:��'. :+{.',•e � ' . L.ender at any time is nat sufficient to pny the Escrow Rems when due, Lender mny so notiFy Bormwer in wri�in�,and,in ��. <br /> ��� . . <br />�";��,; �• ••�� ��� '� � such case Bortower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bormwer shnll make up U�e _ <br />..,�i.c. ':,.�;Y`:�.�.:' .:��,.. <br />.,._,� • ,, ,,tt � deflclency in no more�hnn twelvc monthly payments,a�Lender's sole discretion. _-� <br /> .-�, -�-.-_�,-;�- �; Upon payment in full of all sums secut+cd by this Sceurtty Instrument.Lelsder shs!!ptvmFtly rrfund�o Bnrrowpr nny <br /> ��..' .. 'S . ��`��JS} V'`. <br /> • ,.�; rt ..d��., � Funds held by Lender. If,under purug�aph 21,Lender shall ncquire or seli the Property,Lender,prior ta�he acquisftion or �':� <br /> ���"�' ���'r" I snle of the Property, shall apply uny Funds held by l.ender at �he �imc af acquisition or sale ax a credit ugaimt the sums �., <br /> -' :..'H�a�',,•.,":�;";th. <br />���� , ��•,' � aecur+ed by�his Security Insuument. �'�- <br /> ` ��-�•..�,` •,�' �'-,� ` 3. Applkatlon oP PAymenta. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise, all puyments received by Lender under � <br />-_� ���~4����"� ora m s 1 nnd 2 shall be a lied:first,to un re a men�char es due under Ihe Note;second,to amounts able under �� <br /> �' �',:•i:'•;�.,�.,. P 8 Ph PP Y P p Y B P°Y �::. <br /> ;,�� �N, y •,�,�}?,� paragtnph intereu due;fourth,to principul due;nnd lasi,w uny late charges due undcr the Nac. �t.. <br /> �;';�,�'+;,' �1:��::t 4. Cha es p y 8 Po ' <br /> {;�;� �,_� ,3 ,�„+,,�y: : � rg t Llens, Horrowcr shull u all �axcs,axsesxmems, chur e�, fines und im si�ions attribnwble to the <br /> ., °;�"'�+�7���,�f''�i;�j;�ti4�. property which may attuin priadly ovcr�his Security Inctrumen�,and Icnxehold puyments or ground rcnts,if Any, Bornower <br />•�?�"' '�i',:`;1 s`;��� �'� � sholl these obli utions In �he manner rovfded in ara�m h 2,or if nut uid in thot manner.Bormwer shall them on <br /> , , �y d� � � PaY B P P b P P PnY ;; <br /> �•`' ,;:;. •, �: , ., <br /> � , j 'r time direcdy to the person owed puymenl. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all naices of amounts to 6e paid under , , <br /> '" ��• � � q tf,;��• thls puagraph. If Borrower mokes Ihesc payments direc�ly,Borrower wholl pmmpUy fumish to Lendcr rcceipts evldendng jt��� <br />"�:���' 1��� � � �'' ' the paymenls. "• <br /> , e`. ,•F�:::i+�• ' : <br /> -- � ���:�`�'j h`•i�-`++`�� Borrower shall rom tl dischar e+m lien which has ori� over this Securit Instrumem unless Borrower: (a►A rees <br /> . �,, ��}�,F P P Y B Y Pr! Y Y R t��, <br /> ^' ��,�'� f(�r in writing to Ihe payment oi the obligalion secured by the lien�n a m:mner ucceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good Paith th� ,.�. <br /> .:"; � i+���. �f;h'����'. lkn b .or defends a umti�enforcement of the lien in,le al roceedin s which in the Lender's o �mon o mte to revent�he <br /> :�J � �� Y 8 � = R P B' P Pp P �,.;, <br /> .•1 i�;";i�r4: ��'�' enfbrcement of�he lien;ar(c)secures fmm�he holder uf the iien�u�ugrc�ment w�i,fucwry to Lendcr suborditw�ing thc Ucn ��':,;_ <br />-,�" "r��� Y° �QEf•:s"•�� �10 this Security Inswment. If Lender determines thal any part of the Property is subject to u li�n whkh ms+y analn priorlty �'r;' <br />'':•1" ��;�tl�,P:"', �f, <br />..i; tr���1;;f over thls Scturiry Insaument.Lender may give Bormwer a noticc identifying the lien. Bortuwc�shs�OE eauosfy the lien o�take <br /> ' • ��'�i:�+�'>� one ar morr of the uctions set forth at�ove within 10 days of�he givin�t of notice. �� <br /> :=h:., � '��,�. �,:, ^,• . <br />,��ti,�Q' .l3,.;. : S. Wa�rd or Prc�perty InsUrnnce. Borrower shall keep the improvements naw existing or her�af��cr erected on Ihe , <br /> .,� , r.v;! � ;,,:.. <br /> r ,„.�.•">'.' � Propeny inaured aganntt loss by fire,h:izurds included withln the term"eztendrd covernge"und Any other hu:rardc, including �.�� <br /> � '' ' °F k��' �.�"' � floods or Qooding.f�r w�hich l.ender requires in.suQ�n��e. 'fhis insurance shall be muintained in the amounu and for the �;; <br /> � '�5,,,��K`t tE r,��. }J,j �� <br /> �/'' ' �t. S�.»:•`Y•�Ai 1 Y•�. <br /> .`1�{5��,`.`'��::Jl,; � �one 302Y 9/90 IlwiK 2�N�b Iw¢rs i � <br /> ti �'•;k�,�5";it�" �, <br /> . .•s�����%`��, .,1��`' ' ';.,,'.: <br />.- ;,�;�t.,,, ,. . I ;;;,' <br /> ���Fi hr%?. ' •:�"�-: ' /,: �'. <br /> �::. <br />�_ ���I. �fi'•�i:e�ti{�.. I ��'�'� <br /> . �+��ji�: , { �;'.. <br /> �. �,� ��1'�Yi:��l�S� . '1 "Orr+ v �'1•"_ H:.�i/�ilt�.�..a�� r l�� . . . 'N � r f�l. •ti.�V� <br /> � , i,, , � �, . '�l.i�. ,'�!+l�11�i�Eu���„�,s:�;,::����s:t�'�;,... .. .�.,. �. <br /> . ��?�<: , , . .`�1�411}/ `,� � , "•`,."'�•'� +�;l�i��i�iy�,, �' �� r;��l i <br /> �-� •-1• ,. 'r�. f At�� . ).,t � <br /> ... . . �,, . , �. . `.1', . ` <br /> ..�;. � .. ��;., ,•�� + : <br /> _. .. ' <br /> - _,7��.1i�.:..-- �-.- ' ''--- ------ -' '- . ��..'.<<..:<<`:?.�,: . . . . . -J- "�<.. �._ . '_ � .��!_ <br /> - ,�,.-- _ _ . -`.-'... .. r -. . ,�'� . .. , . . 7�:� _ .. _ ' .-' ,-_.-. <br /> . . �,y.,., '` :� � , �- � . .'ift�� • <br /> '�` �'� � „ ' "�� ., � . . . 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