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<br /> � " " u�taa�et�lao�rri►MS soev�saiaaesao�e�aa,�atas€oiln�r` -- . . � .. ._ - ` ---
<br /> � ' •- . L ll�q�wt�t�t1�eJ�t ir LM��lt�jqa��1 Lt�e d�e� �o�tv�er th�D pcqpptlg Py►�►ben due • + _
<br /> ` -z-,�� _ _- __�p��`� --- - ---.. � _. _. ����i����e�!t�esiUeN�G._ ---,- _ ``: �� -�.
<br /> __ °'.,�z . -r ' � F�rts�r?�ar�rt� Snbject[oappL'e�bkh�attoaMntittm�raivabyr�.8ano�essLaltpq � . .
<br /> x .
<br /> _ � �� _ �o _
<br /> .���. � ��alendet aek#IiG dirg aiaatbi3t P�Sia�a�t�are due uader tlK Natti unt�t�e Nat�ri�p�in th�a�am("Fuuds")alttil to � `�`1
<br /> , t"' '.J�i,,,'*•; '. i1r0'Z�Q�����tiiL'i t�iM�tt��Y ilfilD pf1011[�01'![l�llt SENI�T.��(�)J��F ? .. � '�Y,v-�>.
<br /> ' "�Y':{;7T;'�. :�::;ir,::�j' leisd�oid-p�tq�.t�os y�ore�t�teAb m�tLe,�ICOpe�t.i!'aaUp:E�)Y��9�wrd iosuwn�c pctmiums;and(�Y�Y `- . . - ���=,,..- .
<br /> . _ , .;'' .. �IOft��!�lttt�CGQRlOYttffi���R���GlQt�iiC Qi1�Ed'�!�iIl�.°��ijf CSfiIDaUC tbC F1mdS dllt 0o thG ' ' .
<br /> ' ' �t� . b�O�N[!i!lR��@i3�t0lO�t!'W�itlt��itYiGtSC(O�t'Itil� ; �
<br /> I �' � TheF�eM110tbeidi�a�i�aallisd�oraoearnt�d�rhiclt"uein�edar�teed6yafe�ador �
<br /> - . ; _ : _ . _
<br /> ' .{; •• ` ��Dt�7t t��I�de[iE�eadet;s�ss ta�tmioa�IRndes absll appty tbe F�w py th�eae�a�v ite�s. ;
<br /> _ ,•,..��•� . . _
<br /> . : .;_{;j' ; Leeder maY aet tD�s�.t fvr ioiai�,�s�d�pp�io�N�Fbmd�,.asa�ia�tht acooant or vQifym�the a�os iten�uakss _ .
<br />� ' ,��'�`:' � . Leeder pays gaeto+rep i�israt aa ttie F1wh asd��ir p�mits�idet ta tnaEe sudi a e�as�Homawsr sa3
<br /> ,<:�;:', ' - l.e�de�tqay�+��ia�niti�t1�t i�t�ca�t s�b�pid ae!�Fimdt.Uakss aa a=rcemmt is m�de or apgtica6k 4v ': ._
<br /> ��U�:::� � , teqa�ic�s iqoesd�R to�OFp�l,eadec�!1 sat 0�requi:ed top��Ba�+rtc as�ieterest ar ntain�c oo ibe Fimds.L�ender ', .
<br /> :" `-<' .M . . . _i:;: � ,i1lp�eto�nr�.w+R�o�tdar�aRa�s�acoa�mtio�ait3eFi�adssbo+�in�raed'itsaeddeDitsWtbeFtmdsandthe .
<br />�,�r' .. . :� ` papaefae+rSichpc�debileoWtFMeds�asoada'i6�F�sdsarepiedje�dsta+d�l�owrit�fatbewmssec�ued6y � . .
<br /> , �` �', , tYsSaarihtimtrue�at '
<br /> � ` .< F, :> ,�� Itthaa�oastdtbeFimd�ieHt�Fl,e�+der,���tl�fat�uemanthi,�pa�rmmssafFaadsP�Y�P�� ,;
<br /> � _ i� ticaoea�oesert�ee�cro�►itm�.s�Eetreeatlramauu�nquireawps=/isces�ro+sicems.rl�aau�,tbre�ooassi�alu6� ; .
<br /> ` . _ _ -` _ :'�. atHorcorec3opciae,dtl�erProa►Pti�►*R�tsBrY�areraaa�'ieatoBormwaaemaatht�+P�YmeatsofFunds.IftUc �` -
<br /> _ ..t:::. .:.
<br /> ' `� � aeorat dt�Fmds Udd��ender is aot sa6cimt�pa�tbe�era�v items wbeo du�Boao�ra sbalF pay W I�ndea aay � � . ;; '''.?
<br /> . . , '� � a�nountaeoe�aegwmakeuptbeddcia�cyLt.a�eotmarp�gmaoisssraqoired6gLmde� '. ` �
<br /> . . .` �. �n 1TPc�paYaimtia fWt da11 sums feeu�ed bSt 1Tes Sca�tg�eo�Le�dera�PramPtty rrfuad to HoR�w�ar:� . ; : -
<br /> , E - as�Fimdstiddbgtmk�Ifmderpaes�npb.19t6eptap�c��ssatdarac+qaisedbS►I,ender.I.enders�aUa�piy.�crtater , - '
<br />. _ ` . - ttisa m�am�t�'Airar W tbe ssle dtbe�coperty ac�1s acquisidaa�iRnder.aag Ea�6efd b�r La�dec at tbe tai�e cf _
<br /> ' :-����: , � � app�iwtiossaccoditapiasttl�e�un�ssecaiedbyr�Seearityinstrumait�
<br /> ""`•t'�'�;," ' s . �111� �'54�� sPP�'� Pro'�� �i�l►ffi�raxirred Leades aQdes ' '.� �
<br /> �. <<;s; '.;.<,�,,�, . '.IL �[ Uaids bw atberxi� b1► `r. '
<br /> , � � : pr�paphsland2shsli6eapp�edi�.c�furcHuaexdbew�datbeNaCsecoi�d.mpcepsy�atetraraaduear�dertbc � , .
<br /> . � �_:.�.f,� � _ �Nat�tTriM.toamountsp►yabirnaddrpusya��foaat�tointenstdu�sndlase:tQpc�Cipatdua ,,l ,` .- , , . -
<br /> �" 4.����ta� Borro+ra sball p�y atj uua.ss�sasauats.chu6es►�s"s�ffipas�ti�as a�baabk to tt,a .
<br /> :�:�r:'`.` . Y Property wl�ich may attain prioritS drtr tbis Sacarity Instrunxnt,and fasehoiQ Pa7mencs ar guuad reats,if any. .
<br /> '''`�`� �� ` $oKCa�rer:hall paq tbae obli�uions ia tt�e mumarps+�+rideditt psnarapb 2.or if no!paid irt t�ai maanet,Borrowetshatf . .
<br /> .,� :: ; :, � ? -p�y s�n on time dit+xtly tat6e persan owad psy�aen�Borrmrer shal!ptompt/y fumisL to Lender a1!aotices o�amounts . ' . ` ;
<br /> :t;` .,.: - : W beyaicl widec th�pa»�rapfa.If Horra�va matces tlrae pa�ts d�taqiy.Borro�rer s6all pramptty fumisD w�.amdet . : '�•:,
<br />`�::,:;:`; . � rooapaev�denc�oattitpYma�ts. :, , �. . . , ,�:�,.,�;;
<br />;�i:f:;::�`�.; � Borrowzr sh�D promqly discla��e any lie�Mhicb iszs piority rnei tfis Savrity InsttuaQenti Su�fess BorroRer{aj." 'h::i,;_
<br /> � .��,.;,:
<br />.,;;�'`':` :`. � � f�rasin�ritinatotT�paymentoftheobligatiousocurodbYtbedenina�manaeracceptabieta�.�:�}c�siestsia,gai�... ' ; ,,, ,
<br /> f�itb t6e tien blr,or defeads api�at enforoemem ottde liea ie.kp1.P�nooediaEs Mfic6 in the Leodet s opinion o�are�Q � ;•,�.. ,
<br /> ` ' ' •, � � . t t6e enfocceinrnt ai tbc tien a forftiture of any pait v[1�e Pra
<br /> . ' � P�'� P�Y:�(�)aer�res from t�tiotdtr�Er,�:3��ars 1 '"` ��,
<br /> � . aaceement satistactory to Leader sub•►r�inatma the tien to t5is Sacurity Itutrumen�If Leader determin�thu��g�mct af .' . ,
<br /> '' the PcopertY is cu6joct to a lien sfiich may attain prioritsr aver�h�Securiry la3tramrnk Lender tttay glve Ha-:ower a
<br /> ,�:•,.� notice idmtitying the lim.Hocrowa sbaU satesfy tiie tien or taYe ane or more ott�e actions set fortt+above withia 10 days ��': �:
<br /> '� i.� 1 oftbepvingoPnotica , :.
<br /> , ` S Husrd I�san�ee. Borrowa shall icap the improvemenu now eatistmg or tt�rraRer accted on th�Property
<br /> ��''' �,' . `!� iasureds�inst lossby firG f�szsrds incfaded�rithin�he term"exteedaf coveragd'aad am other hazards for a-Ic�,^h II xadu .
<br />'' „ '.:"i� "� eequins Insuranoe This insurAnce sha116e maintainal�i tBe amouats and for 1He periads that Lendu seqvires.The
<br /> ;,: ' ,f . :� ".;�`.:�. � lesuranoe curier providina the insurance shall be chosetr by Bairo�ss�bject to Lender's approvst which shal)not 6e ' .
<br />,;+�r.'�:. . tmreasonably Mithbel0.� � -
<br /> � ` - �"";4 -' Ali insararsoe licta aed ra�ewals ahali be
<br /> po acc�table to Ler��and shaft include a standard mortgage ctause. .
<br /> ',��.' � � ' II�a�der shaH have the right to hotd the policia and renrvats.If l.ender requires.Ha�,rawer ahall prortsptly give to 1.ender
<br /> , �:.8?�ioceipts oPpaid premiums and rrnewail notias.In the evenl oiloss.Borrowers��ve prompt notia to the insuranoe
<br /> � ���'� qrrier and Lender.Lender may make proof oPloss Jnat made prompt�r bq Horrod er-
<br /> �r �, �,.;;.
<br /> � �;;';+�� Unkss Lender and Barrower othetaisc�qei�s'riting.insuraaceprace�sts.��e appiie�"ea i�estoration or repsir . ,�,,-;;.,::
<br /> ' oithe Property damaaed.if the restoratian orrqlatri�rxanon�'scalfy.{',eu�l�fe,and l..c�;dcr's scrariig�not fe.csened.l!Ihe ',:>�,;`�:
<br /> .. ,�k restontion or repair is�pe econamicalty ftasiblror Cdr�.der,.'s,seca{il�;w.!iultt.li��as�ie�the iasr�i�ri�pra.�s:struU 6e
<br /> t�-'=��F a lkd to the aums sccured b thu Serari y p
<br /> , : :;�;�,,,.,,: . pp y tylnstru�nenr,Wl�qft�etqr'prsi<jlir:u�du�.wiiltan eacess ai�ftu�H,or�vw�.If.
<br /> , , '� . ,. . �ro�va abandasis!he Yropeny.or doa not answerd�ii3�-��'�iays<a:i�t�1#�i'miir;C�,cs�der that tli�itcsutair�,i�fei�,lius.
<br /> ��'�'� � olferedtbsetliesctsin�tlsetsLenderma coltrctthcinsursrrc� rtia�i�.E,r�iii�mapFSSetke �i'sto' ,
<br /> �:• .� Y P , P rePaiF�ir�tstttee...: �
<br />�:i;.:.. � ,•••,'.: . the Property or to pay sums serured by this Sccurlty(nstrucnent;wliisilir�6r not then due.Tite 30�iftcy pedad ai[i begir� • •
<br /> "� . ,t;':� Mhen the notice is�lvrn. .
<br /> ' ' . '`�'r UnlessLenderandBorrowerothrnviseagreeinwr�tin�.,_reccy'ap1ilicationafprtic�edstoprincipal•stsallrraC.artendor
<br /> • ��•? � }�ostpanetheduedateofthemanthlypaymentsreferredtriht:�s�cagaphsland2ur�tt�it�getheamauntoi'tT�e yfn�ntalP
<br /> ;�i,� nnder p�ngraph 14 the Fraper�y is acquired by Lenda,.t3btrc�wa�s right to any insurance policies and pr��.rrautting
<br /> ���`•'j � t�am d�m�ae to the Property pdor to the acquisitian sha1T pass td��to the extent o(the sums secured by fliis`5ecuaty
<br /> -� . . ' `• lestrument immedlatefy prior to the acqaisition. , '. . .,,< . ',''%:; �:
<br /> '�, � � � ' 6 Pre�en�Non a�d Matatt.naace otPro I:c�t�lwt •Bi�ritnw�sUell at destro .dama e or subsi liatt • ��'+''�.'
<br /> ,•'��.,,F,: ,. � , •,
<br /> `;�:�. �-; , !'• �°, ` chan the Pr .altow U�e Aro ri t� ; �'• � Y B � Y . „: ,
<br /> �': , ! '2.'
<br /> � � : ., ',ti +.,i�,1;_i': S� �Y i� Y dderiorai�or.r�ittimit:w�sit;.i�'�NiS�Sr�:urity Instrument is o�a:le�seliold. ��;::.. : ,.�. .
<br /> �;�'�+;� '```' Borrowersfiailcamplywilhihepruvisionsoftheteas�,and`if�ornnW�' uin.sfe�litletvthePc theleascliq d � � i;,. � ..
<br />`i,,;.;,.-:;:` • �:'�- . �j' f�tillesdalinaim r � �nY. Id�uit. .. '';` '. '' '�'�
<br /> e SeuniessLenderagrcestnthemergerinwriting,, ' .'�.'•'y,.:`;F
<br /> ,,,, . j 7. Proteetios of l,eder's Rtyhis tn t6e prapertyt MaHqpt�4 Ursaraaee. li 9orrower fails to perfomt:,fh��:,. � �%..;+„`i'�
<br /> .:.. ���.•� j eavataetsandagamentscontained in this Scctirity InstrumeM,ar th�is a tegal proceeding that may significantl�:afi'ect�'- ' <��:��'
<br /> � ; I:eader's riahts in the Propen�(such aa g proceeding in bankniptcy,probate.for condemnation or to enforce i�tvs oi ' '
<br /> j ' � re�ulations),thtn Lender may do and pay tor whateLet is rtecessary to protcct the value oPthe property and Ltnde�i�s righ�s � � `
<br /> ; ; ' in ttu Property. Leader'a aetioas may inefude payin�any sums sc�rured by a tien which has priority over this Stcurity �
<br /> • � ' ltuftnment,appeadn�in court.payina rruonable attomeys'fees and cntering on Ihe Properiy to matee repairs.Although �
<br /> � ' Lender auy talce action under this qraataph 7.Lender does not hare todo so. s
<br /> �f Any amounts disbursed by Lendtr under t61�paraaraph TshaU becameadditionai debt oi Bonoxev secured by this �
<br /> Securiry lnstrument.Uekc4 gosrower and Lender asra to othu temu atpaymrnt.Iti�se amoums shalt bqr intercst from ,
<br /> � tbe Qate of disbursenxnt�1 tb�Note nte and sh�ll be qyabk.with interest,upbs sotice ftom Lender to Bonower
<br /> � . � ��i�y�1�
<br /> : .. .
<br /> --- . --},,-�:-� _:.,. . - -:-_� - _ . _. . - _. .. _ . - - --- - - __ . . . . .
<br /> � ��
<br /> .s ,; .
<br /> -- # - -' . ;�. _ . . _. . � . _ - - --. - - -
<br /> } - - .. _ . . . .
<br /> � i
<br /> � _ _ - _ - - -� - -- - - _ _
<br /> }
<br /> .
<br /> •
<br />