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,� � (tR�7,� ^ , . , . <br /> ='i , � , '..�" <br /> . �.^I � .. ._. ..:dltll�YLG <br /> ` s <br /> - °'.tli.:., ' _ <br /> _ �-_- .• � � � ^ `.; <br /> _ � � � _ . . � <br /> _ � �, � �. � <br /> -- — ------ � � " � � _• _' r. <br /> � � � ��- <br /> � - �. 0 a . <br /> N • <br /> p � � :.: 1"�1 fti <br /> � � � <br /> C�\ x ;.: .� - <br /> � 1' . <br /> --- � � „. .� �_ , ,� � <br /> -- - _ „ � �� � o <br /> �_ .� <br /> - -�J:�-_=__ ___�, " o € <br /> - ----� � . n <br /> l { ..... . � <br />- 't; 1 i 1 „ �,�,' 'V ''" <br /> ;:�;: a <br /> ., ... <br /> �oc A6w.'IY�u�e Fut�r.W.�M�It�1 //1�oss 6�'t/ Z <br /> �''��"'"`��'J . I��ED OF TRI�ST � . <br /> _= ��� 'r�..... ... � <br /> P �'� ��� ' <br /> �►-••• �., � i�� <br /> _R= _ p�c.. ,,��it , • _ <br /> ' j: . . . <br />•"'. .�1�10 1�111i1o��c <br />:.��i:` i "- TH1S UFkA OF TRUST t"�urity Anstnume�r'/is made on J�puary 13, 1993 <br /> :..� '.lY��i;�;, - <br /> -_:�,_r.;�,; <br /> = --_-'_--— ..bawa B. Caopbal]l a+�,i Taara L. Cempbell, Uuabaad aad iiffe <br /> :,..._��.� <br /> -- - — <br /> �-�u� <br />. ..y���-��,�,.uv�� "� <br /> _`p� i �"Bortr►wer').The tnistce is <br /> . .� Norwest Bank Nabra�s:tia,. National Aesociation - <br /> 1"Tn�stee"l.The beneticiary is , - <br /> --� Norweet Bank Nebraska, Natio�al Association ' <br />__- -- — which is orgenized ud existing under It� laws of�e United States of America �a�w�1°� <br />_ <br /> �5�� 202 Wnat Third Street, Grand Ialand, Nebraska <br /> +"��� . . ("Lender"). 8orrower uwes Lcnder the p�incipal sum ot <br /> ^ 1°,, I� °�.:R'w��: <br /> •.�� ,.4.. ' Fifteen Thousand anal Na/100t1hs----------------_�_�_�.._Dallar�(U.S. 515�000.00�* ►• <br /> '"� _;�,�:r, This deb� is evidenced by �rmwer's nMe dutod the wme datc a� this Securily In�uumem("Note"),which provides far <br /> _ """`":;" monthlv pa�ments,with the full debt, if not paid e•rrlicr,duc und puyuble on January 13, 1998 <br /> ��� .,' E`�` This Secur�ty Iactrument secur�to I.ender:lu)the rcpuyment ot the debt eviJenced hy ihe Notr.witi�iu�e�r��,i1�MI illl�CIICWYIA. <br /> • extensions and modificutians of the Note; Ibl�hc payment of nll otl►er aums, with intere�+t, �dvan�rd under parugr�ph 7 ta <br /> = �, ;,:: prdect th�r securiry of this Security Instniment; aml Icl the perfurnaoce of&�rrower'� rovcn�nt,aixl Lgroemems. Fnr Ihis � <br /> -,"..� ,r* .;,; purpove, 64amc+wer irtevocably granls pnd rnnveys lu Truuee. in trur�. with p��wrr ol'+ule. �he ti�lluwmg de+crltxd pro�nY <br />,.� ,•,� . � 1���� Nall Cuunly.Nebraska: <br /> `, . <br /> �x � � Lot Three Q3) , Block 3 Caloeial Estates 7th Subdivision to the City of � . <br />��r. ; <br /> ��e . ' Grand Isl��d. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> ..°,"�� '�a''kY'�l� _ <br />:�:-t� � ,��;:'^r;�,�t- - <br />;;:�.�., �r:.,..;•;,: <br />-..�,.•, ,�.?�.i.• ' "TlIIS DB�D1 0F TRUST SECURES AN OPEN ElW REVOLVING LINE OF GREDIT. SEE <br />";,�: � '' � pTTpCHEp 4� EQUITY LINS OF CREDIT RIDBR." � <br /> �,n - <br /> .:nT,. !A]'��;� _ <br /> f"� <br /> '�'� � which has theaddress of 1127 Kennedy Drive Grand Islamd Is�RC�,ci�yl. <br /> ����' Nebraskp 68803 i"P�ropeny Addreti±1: <br />�.�.,�;� ,,,�:..s� �r.iPC.,a�� <br />�.�.A� �' ',I.����.'7i�.� • <br />_ � ..��`K{'�`���"' ' TOGETHER WITH all�he io� R���,m:ne,nu��•or hrrea(ICr erecl�vi un tlir ri� rt and�il+.e�+cmcnt.,a urtenan.ti�,unJ <br /> _• ,; �. ;; , ��;..; �," P 1'� >"•� PP <br />- ,• .�'��...., fixiures nuw ur hercaPter a pun u! V�•r pru�h}. 4U repla�rmrnl� aixl •rJJiti�m, .hall n:4�t►� ravertoJ My Ihi� Serurity <br />_ ' 'i.;'- <br /> `' ". .,.: •*. • In�rument.All i�f the fi,re.�.�mg i.rcterrrd t�� in thi,`::uru)•In�tnmtcnt u,lhr�'Pn��rt�•... <br /> �;'�.:5; , j.;'i: BORROWER C(➢��t,?:ANTS ihut B�►naHr���full� .ri,e.l uf tli<<,lat�hrrcM•r��n�•c�eJ LnJ ha.�hc riEhl t���rant anJ <br />`--., ��'t�{ ��~ �, convcy the Pr•�pen� ane3 sh�i thc Pr��peny i.r un�nru�nhcreJ. etcrpt I�►r enrumhrunrc.of r�Y�ml. N��rrv,��cr �varrunl. and w•ill <br />..:,_,�w;.:. � ' .�•!'• ��.;.� dctcnd gerrrr.�9E� thc tiUr 10 I�IC pfll(1�l14 J�!8111�):1�)i�llllfl�JIM��e'1i1.11k��. �Uh��l'1 A�illl\ c�h•'rr���rd. <br /> -�_�., .i�'.;}hF°' [: <br /> _u .,,.. ' � 7:.....::.:... THfS S_.�CURITY INSTRUMENT cumhim�uniti,rm:r�.ett.i�:-fiw national ux aix! nun-uniti�nn core�uun�wuh 6irr:.iRhl <br />;_s,.- �' i,• �� .'����: vatiation,R��3vris�lictiun to con+tiwtr a uniti�rni,eruri�y in,trumen::m�cring rc•rl pr��n�. <br />.. �Tr rf �'���� <br /> `-".' , ;i,•'�•" UNIFORM COYFtiAVTS.&irrowcr anJ L••nJcr rc►�en:+n1 and agrcc a.1�,Q��us: <br /> '�,�"� r,;�'�* l. P� ment of PNe►i pnd Inte�t: emrn� nnd I.s�tr Clwr�e+. Bnrn,Hrt .hall rom t!� oa} when dur �hc <br />'':',"�.`��� ' 'r �%'r<<. ''�Sv�FE Y P� �'1�. P P h <br /> ..LL_ a .���,;�;� '?il��":' principal of und intere,�.�n IIIk debt�.iJenreJ b. �hr X�nr enJ am•prepaynunt��c.�Iat•:ch•rrge.dur undrr�ie�\ute. <br />— 2. �wids fbr Taxexand I�wr�nce. Suhl�'�1 t��apptirahlr�lu�� �►r 1a u anucn ;�.�i4tr hs Lr�ukr. &irruwer�h:�ll �y �o <br /> -- . y�,�;•�:�t',;;;4;'�'�ti:�. Lcnder an the dr� nwnthly pr}nkm•:+re Jue undrr 1hr Natr.until Ihr Nul�i.paiJ in tull..��i:�:��1"Fuixl,"1 f��r:lal)�rurl� tax�� <br /> ' �i��i�����1NZ.+ .• und tu+e+�n�ent�whirh nny al�in�iunt�•oc�r Ihi�Saurily Imtrumcnl •r�a li�o un Ihc f'ro�n�:1 hl�eurl� Ira.�h�dd pa�•mrn1� <br /> � ( ;:,i�,.l. , , ��f � u�gnwnJ rent.�m�fk Pn�rny.�f:m�;�r�Jrarl� huianl���pmpem�inwranr�premium.: �J►�rarl�Il�wxl m.ur,�nrepremium., <br /> : r!;'���`;_,. . . J., it'uny: lel )rarl} nk�ngagt inwrur:e pRmium., il um: unJ�t"�am .wn,pi�yuMr hy li��rn�w�rt�. LenJer. in arc�mfance wilh <br /> ' '' ��� •' a.� �h�pnwi.iixu�d p�r�cr�ph S. m i�cu u(the pa}ment u1 mun�:a�:e m.ura�xe premium.. 7he.� i��m.are r:dlr.i "F:.rraw Item,." <br /> ':��,`.:'.`�„'�'��'.•��.i, l.enJcr rtu}.at :u�y urrk.�ull�^.� anJ halJ F-unJ�in:m anx�unt nut lu l`ICIYYI llll`t11J\II11U111 rmawot a IciHler t��r a I�drrull� <br /> .. ,k, ,;`` rtilutal rn��ngage I„•rn ma� nquim li+r Bura�wrr'�r.rrna arr��unt wwkr ihc I�ticrul 12ea1 li.talc tirtllcnkm Pnk�rlurc. Ael uf <br /> n�:. ' '.��;.�.�: 1914 u..unxndcJ tr��m unk w unx. I? U.S.(. 5��.�ion �6111 rr �rq. �"RI:tiF':�"►, unl�..:muihcr I.�u ihal applir.tu the I�unJ. <br /> - � • �e�� •r Ie+Kr umount. II'w�. Le�xter i�w�•. al am �ime. r��U�ti� anJ hnld I�wiJti m :10 JIIIU0111 IUN ���c�r�titl the (e•Kr.unuun� � <br /> .: ,.'i►;�..' ` l.enJrr nwy c.�im;►te thc�nx�unl ul Fuixl.du�un�h�b�,i,ot CUfll'lll IJWU All{I RJtiUII{II/Il•l'�UIIIUIC��N r��x�xl��urc.��t luturc <br /> ��g'.�"8�;. '. " Exmw Ucm�.tt iNlxrwix in wcurJan.r wnh u�pliraMe I�w. <br />--- • . .. . �r. <br />;::,.�� „�„' ' �;,,�q�:� NEBRA&KA-Sn�ie Famdy-Fwr�M INwIH�WN M�c UNIFORM WSTNUMENT <br /> . , �NI 12T97 MTO "6�Ord(Ip11tAqI���M��c i��.�•�,x���, ,� , , ,•.,. , ..� Fam 3028 9�90 <br /> Am�nd�d 5�91 <br /> �. <br /> r• <br />