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<br /> - �-:�` Atiule�n�4�ent of Rcnt� 2oo2s43s :
<br /> ..„�� � 'I'Nlti t 4 I�AA11L�' 1l1111i1t i!�mndc thix 1 L���� dny nf MARCH � 1999
<br />� �.L` u�id ly lac�+ipuuu��d lutu�wd��Iwll Ge d�ein�d tn ttntind u�xl xuppleU�ent the MortBuBc. Deed of Trnst or 5ecudty
<br /> ..,:, �`��� Ihr+l l�lir "trruiily Im,nuurrnt"1 nt Ihe nn�ofc �fide �iven by the undcmlgned (thc "8orcower") to �ecure
<br />:�'�;;�r„�q�t�� {lur��nw��r'u Pduti�1��
<br /> �_
<br />__�`�" mh� i:c�uftai�lo NE�IIallnH uncf Loun Aseac�utfon of arand Isl�nd,
<br /> P�obrn�kn� A f�odoral S�avinge Bank (che��Lender•')
<br />' � `. of'Uic nnmu d.uc mnl c��rciliiEt ihc 1'ropiity dererthcd in thc Scaurlty Instrumcnt and locutcd at:
<br /> ".' .> ,._, 29 t 2 ls� 24 23 W f.l1U I t31: N'I' 2S 11 W CHA�tL�3 ST, t3RAND I SLAND, NEBRASYA 688�
<br /> �.;cti�'::1;c
<br /> _ •iy`;, , �i'mpcny AddresaJ
<br /> ..,�,
<br />" ��' � ' '� 1-4 I�ANOII.Y t'11VI:NAti'1'W.(n nddiUnn tu the cuvenuntA cind agreements made in the Secudty Instnimant.
<br />��''"'�`fl'�.:: &�rn�wcr und l.cndcr I1�rU►cr c�►vcnm�t c►nJ ugrcc ay f'nllcnve:
<br /> A. AiDI)D'I'i�)�lAl. I'idtlPl?It'1'V HUI�It:CT TO THL S�CURIITY INST1tUMCN'P. In addttion to the
<br /> _ .,y::-j-� Pmherty descrft�cd in Uie SrcurUy In.r•trtunciu,the folluwhig i�ems arc add�to tha Property descrlpdon,und shall
<br /> alsn cnnstitutc the Wr��perty eavercd hy Ihe SL�curfty Instrumer�s:buildMB materinis,appliunces artd gaads of every
<br /> ----`- nuture whntc;��evcr nnw or IicrcaRcr lixutcd in, on. ur uncd, nr intended ta bo u�ed in rnnnectEon with the
<br />-=���.��
<br />---°°-'•P•-�W� Pn�peny, inrludin�, but nnt fltniteJ ta, those ior Nic purp��scs af tiupptying nr digtributing heating, coollng.
<br />-°--_if=?��� elect�tc{ty, gi�s, �vuter, u{r und light, lire prcventian qitJ extfngulshinB nppuratus, security a�td access conuol
<br /> _-°— — upparntus, pIUillhliij�, bath t�hs. WOIG'IICi1lC'ffl� wuter cluscta. xinke, rnnges, stovcw. nfrlgerawr�, �ishwashcrs.
<br /> p�� dispasnls,wcishers.dryerx,Uwr�higx, �;tur�n windnwe, htorm dourR,ecreens. blinds, �:hndes.curteina und curtain
<br />�=,:-��?r±�a�a rods,uttuchcd mlrrur�,cuhincte,panclting und e�uachcd ilour cnvcring�now on c�rcuftcr atwched to the Property,
<br /> �- ___ alt of which. inrluding repturcnuntN und n�idltlans ttrereto. shalt be deemed to be and remain a pnet of the
<br /> _ Property rovcrai foy titcr Sccurlry Instrwttrnt. All nf thc fur�.going togethcr with the Property descrlbad in ihe
<br />�—'-- Secudty Instrument(or thc Ici�schold c.r•tntc IP itcc 4rcurlty insteumcnt is on a leasehold)are refcrred to in this 1-4
<br /> Fr,umily Rider and the Security Instrument ay thc"Prnpctty."
<br /> _ 8. USE OF E�ItOPERTY; CQMNI.YANCI: WITN L.AW. Borrowcr sh�l! not scelc. agt�e to or mnkc a
<br />-------- change in tiie use of ttic Frope�iy ur ity r.u��ii�g clusslpcutiun. w�less l.ender i�us aIIreed in wdting to tho change.
<br /> --�--� Barrower shu11 cumply with i►11 luwR, �►niDwnres. rc�uluUc►ns and requirements of uny govemmentn! body
<br /> -- applicublc tv thc Property.
<br /> -�...__— C.SUBURIb1NATE LIENS.F?xrcpt��s perm{ttccl by f'ederat Inw. Barrower shaii not allow nny Nen infedor
<br /> ---- to the Szcudty Instrument to Ae perfcctcd ugubfsY thc I'►rperly wlihuut Lender's prior wdtten permisston.
<br /> D. RENT WSS[NSUE3ANCE. Qur��iwcr shull mulntnin insuruncc ngainst re�t loss in sddition to the other
<br /> haznMs for whicfi insumncc is�quircd by Uniform Ca►vcnant S.
<br /> �. "B[iR3tOVYER'5 LtIGH�"!'O Et�lN�TAT�;"bEI.�T�D.Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br /> ____ _� ___� �. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Un!ess l.c�xtce nnd Bnrrower athcnvise agcec in writing, the flrst
<br /> - ------ sentena: in Uniform Caveimnt G��on��eming Elorruwer'K ociupancy uf tho {�r+nperty is dcleted. Ali remriinln�
<br /> covenant�and agceemenis set forti�in Unifoem Cuvenunt 6 ehull n:n�afn in efFect.
<br /> � MUL'ttS4ATE 1•4 FAMi1V RiQFR•Fannte Ms�tkeddt�Muo Unttarm Instrumant Farn�3170 9183
<br /> .��-_� �� ��.87108061.01 VR7VMOf1i4A6C i01il7a•1t300I671/�01 �Rlntcd on fitcycled Paper
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