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:� ���� .. ..�_ ���. <br /> , .}. i�e- -^r�,..,�: <br /> � ' I ��wonvd. . .. ;.:� <br /> •F;'�;+ „'_. :a, ,` p'; <br /> , . .r'� r� _. __ - - <br /> _ _ <br /> -- s�� �.x� ` � 93� 1�9 ---- <br /> _ The Funds xhall bc hcld in an insUtution whase depnFi�F are iou�red hy o fadcrol �pency. inwnimemplhy. or anllly _ <br /> _ (including l.ender.iF I.endo�ia such an iru�itution)ar in ony Fcdcml Hame l.aun B�nk.l.znJer rhwll upply �he I�un�lw�a puy Ipo <br /> v-- - _—-- -- Escto���lt�me. I�MMr mRy nnt chnrge lhrr.+!�er for holding sn�!e�plying thc Fund�. �uall��ccsxlyr.iat the c:en:!t��tit►uo�,ur �__- <br /> - — verilying the Escrow ltems,u�le9s l.ender pays Borrower lntenwt on�hc�undx and upplic�hl�luw permN� t.mater lu mrkc�uch <br /> ___ �'� a charge.Hawever.l.ender may rcquirc Horrower to pny n ane-time ctwrge fa�un indepenic,m rsnl c��uic �ux n��ninp�crvkw <br /> ., �.• .;-, a used by I.ender in canncxtlon wfth this loan, unless upplicable Inw pmvideti othenvire. Unlr+* u�wgntin�rnt iw nuMk: ur <br /> �� • �'' applicable law rryuires intcrest ta be peid.l.ender shall not be reyuireJ tu puy Ba�mwcr uny interc�t���curninµx un Ihc Iru��lh. <br /> _.y;,ft„� Sorrower and I.ender may agree in wdling, huwr��e�.�hut inte�est�hall he paW�m Iha FunJh. i..eixlcr�I�ull give lu{I�►rruw���, <br /> �.�., �,�w•_...:�.:..�r,�^ with�w�char�e, an annual acecwntlng nf the Funds, showing creditx uncl dehils p�Ihe run�le utu)Ilw �ur7w��e li�r wltich r:u�li _ <br /> ;.� ,��;��""� • debi�to�he Fuods was made.The Funds Are pledgod us nJdi�iunal u�u�jty li�r ull wma r�:un.wl by Ihir S�r:uNly lo�l�unknl. - <br /> �•- lf the Funds held by I.ender eaceod the umounts permitted to be held by upplicuhie law, l.�ncler.hdl u�r.rmo�lo N��rn�wur <br /> � for the excess Funds in uccordnncc wi�h thc requircments aP upplicuMe law. If the unx�un��►t'�h� Fun�lh h�ld hy Ia���trr ut uny <br /> -=_,�:;; � r" ��`���'"�`�'j�' .' time is not suificient to a ihe Escmw Item+when due,l.ender mu so nntif &�rr�►wer io wrUin ,►nxl,ln n�Kh ri��u Ilorruwer <br /> �;;,;.�..,... P Y Y ' Y K <br />-Y�=���` ,;:;., . .:- �,,,;�., shall pay to l.ender the umaunt necessary to muke up the deficienry. B�►rrowrr shull muku ��thu Jnficic�xy in iN�nu�ra Ihun <br /> —�:�',�; �. ' ,�..�, .�� `' twelve n�anlhly puyment,,u71..ender'a uile disrretion. <br /> ,,�"- ;,'.�}'�!r`�t w4 Upon payment in fw�l r� uil s�ams sceux�d hy Ihis Security In+trument, I.�nJcr nhull promptly mtbnd t�� I��rruwur nny _ <br /> `��'�'� ° Fund�held by l..ender,Gt'. undrr p,irA�mg�fi�0,l.�Mler sh:ili acqui�c or sell thc Pr�ipcny, lan�ler. prinr tolhu ucqui�ili�►n ur�du <br /> �•'- � , ��°��i`''`�- �f the Prapeny. shuii apply any Func3.<helJ bti Lencicr ut ih�time e�f,�yui�ition ar�ule ur u credl�uguin�� tlw*umw+Nxunxl hy <br /> " h ..s�'t, <br /> :-• . +�. .. ,. � this Securiry Instn�r,unt. <br /> �� ���`f� � ` 3. A Icallon ot 1's�yments,UnhKS a lirahle laa• rmide�utherwise,all u nxM+rrcaived h I.ender und�r �u m U� <br /> �,��.,° s. .. .��, � pp� PF �' P Y Y !� A h _.. <br />= . � ,.;;,�t•.::�.f,,,cr: 1 and_ aht�ll be applicd: P�rvt, t�rny prctpaun�nt cfiarge..�ue under the Nute: x.����xl.tu umnunla puyuhlc:uiufe�parugraph 2� <br />_ ' • '��"',,� �. �''-� third,to intrreat due; princ9pal due;and lact,tt�Any late chargrs due wxicr the Nnte. <br /> - � � . °*`, �"''' A.Chary�es; 9.iem. Ba�r�awcr shall pay�all tuxea.•��.ses�ments. charges, finea:uxl imp��,idunr�uu�i�utuhle�a the Prop�ny <br />_ _ ,.,��, ` which ma,r anain priorily aver•thio Sa�u�it} lnstrumen�, and Icu�ehold Qayments ur gmuaJ rent+, il'any. &►rrower shul) pvy • <br /> `•# �i�r�e��t�likaiian,iu Qi�u�a�u�r� piuvi�lai in pa:at�uph 2.��� iP�►ut NoiJ iu tlut owuiKr,&►�rowci ,huli�z.►y tL�ni.�ii iim:cilrccity' . <br /> t�;.;�•� i �_. to the pers�n nw•cd pa��ment. B�orrow•r sh�ll promptly fus�ish n�Lender all n�Ni�ti.uf anxwnts lo t�c puid urnler thl�pur��n�ph. <br />_•n•�,,, {;�f1c;;f;� If Borrou�e�make�thr�e paynk mt diratly,Borrawer shaf I prnmptly furnish to I.eixler reccipt�evi�lcncing thc puyment�. <br />�� f' �' ••'�'�'�-� Hurrower shAll prompUy di+charge any lien which hus prioriry over this Se�:uriry In+trument unlcx�&►rn�wer: lul ugr��in <br /> :;�. r,.J,��.. <br /> _- . ;�,�+;;�4'�'����;�'�w'x��� ` writin�tn the pavment af the nbligAtion secured hy the lien in u munner uceeptuhle tu l.ender:lb)c�►nte�i�in g�Hd fuilh thc lien <br /> ` ,�°•4°�^:_.: - , hy, or de►�nds ugaimt enforcemem af tlk lien in. Icgal prcxeeding� whirh in �h� l.e�uler'+ upini�►n �K+rrutc ta prevent d�e <br /> ��,4:`:N3_;='�` •` ..;+ cnG�rcement oF the lien:o�(c1 secures frc�m thc holJer nf thr licn un agr��ement�uli.f':k�tury to L.rrxier�ul��rJinalinK the Ikn to <br /> -� u� .;�.�k',1+'�,�, :t;:`�r`.:� this Sccu�ity Instrumcnt. If LcnJcr dc�ennincti�hut uny purt of thc Propcny i,,ubjrrt tu a li�n whirh nwy uuuin prinriry�►vcr <br /> - .��u,"•si•�.:�il,;.,y...�:�� <br /> , ;,�,+�.����r,;;. this Serurity Inslrun�ent, Lender may give Barrowcr u nutirc identifying thc lien. &irrow•tr�h•rll wlisi'y Ih�lica ur lulc une u� <br /> ,ir�•'�. r��•• w� mare��f 1he uctinns set forth nt+ave within 10 duys of the giving of noUce. --- <br /> • ;.�ff���;: ':'�• <br /> ' ' ' �"i•t?"�'}�;"'�.�,��'.`:. S. Hazard Ar Property Insurnnce. B�rrn�vcr shull.kecp the impr�►vement. now exiuing un c�rcuflcr cr�titcJ on thc <br /> ,,:,: .:. ;:,,,,!(.•.� • �. <br /> .ir:•::,, �,. �,.f. r L Propcny insured ucainst lo.r•�by firc, hwarJs inrluJed within thc tcm� "cxtcnJcd c��vcrugc" und any �Hhrr huiunl�. inrluding <br /> �.�.f�__=�':Y'.1r�.��cct,I�_� _ t1�K�d��x Il�xiing. f'or whirh L..ender reyuires in�uranre. 7'hi�in+urunce shull tx:m:iinwin�J in thc unHwma wul li�r Ihe 4xrf�Kl� <br /> � '�`''''T �` thu� l.�ndcr requlrr+. 'I'hc in.uruiue carricr proviJing �hr insuranrr �hall hc rh�»cn hy B�xruwrr �uhj�Yt w L.rnJcr'+uppr�+val <br /> ';°; � ,:::�„ �� <br /> •,.�� ,��E�f:. � which shall mA he unrca.umubly withhclJ. If Borrowcr Paiis t��mui�xuin ruvcrugc drxrii+cd ubuvc, la►Klrr nwy. at l.cndcr'ti -- <br />•�,..''`', ,.�, .,..`; fi,,,., option. ��btuin rnvcragc u,pnncci Lenikr's right�in Ihc Prc�prm•in accordancc with puru�rrph 7. —,-_ <br /> �:::;� ;, t•�4�`.�.: nll intiurun�e pnlirie�mtd reneN•al� ,hull he acceptufilr ia l.rnder iiml +hull includr a �a�rlard nmrt�!uge rluu.e. l.rnder �:;- <br />:���..;�'' ,'' � "'`'►� tihall h�vc thc riRht t��hold thr�xdicic�unJ rencw•rlti. 11 Lrndcr rrquir��. &�rrawcr�hall promMh �ivc to I.cndcr ull rccript�uf <br />`.! �.;,�;" ^^ �- -� paid premium�anJ r�rnwal nutice,. In�h�cvrnt of I�„�.Burr���ecr�hall �:i�r prampt iuui�c 1��ihr insuraikc currirr anJ Lrixlrr. �:_- <br /> � .���,':-. Gw,� l.endrr nwy makc pr�wf��f lu.+ if ro►t mudr promp�l�•hy E3�►rrowcr. — <br /> �;�}t�,i�, *+k Unle+�Lsndcr unJ Burri�w•cr uthcrwix ugrrc in u•riting. imuru�xr pr�x�tid�+hall Ik uprlicJ ta rc.luruli�m ur rcpuir�H Ihr <br />_ % .• .,� . Propeny Jumugul. if the rc+laruti�x���r rcpair i�cc�mumirully fcu,iblc unal I.cnJcr'.tircurity iti iHH Ic,.r�xrl. If�hc rc+laruliun ur v•: <br /> - ` „,. :'�.�,'��. rep•rir is nut�cun��mirally I'ca.iblc ur I.c�xlcr',sccur��y wuulJ tx�Irsun��in+ururk� prix�wJ+,hull lk: upplicd t��Ih�+uro+ ��.-�- <br />__ �"'�<'RtiD .i . sccurccl by �his Serurity Inrtrumcnt. u•hcthcr or ixn Uirn Jur. with um cxrc.. paid �o Burruwrr. It' IM►rnnvcr ubandunr Ihr �J�. <br /> :::�.:, r",`�i`�q�.,`. Pr�ipeny.�ir Jix��nut on.wcr wi�hin �D du�•,a n��licr Gum L�ndcr th•rt thc in.uranr�curricr ha,�►(I'crrd i�� KtUr u cluim.Ihen <br /> ;�. .:;;` , . ' L.crxler mu c�ille�t Ihe inwrunre r�kecJ.. Lendcr may u.c lhe x�w�cJ. lu r� rir ur r��tnrr the Pr� r1 or ta u wm. ' <br />,��.���' , '�'„t Y P ! p' 'Ik Y p Y •• <br /> (�;i;,�• �•,. <br /> 1�:}•. ° ,. =.,o:t,,:: ••,,y:� wcund hy thiti Security In+tn�mcnt,wlkthcr or n��t thcn d�;r. '1'hc j0-Juy�xri��l H•�II Ixgin wh�y�Ihr notice i�given. ��,:: <br /> r: • �::. <br /> �;�f'P�p:���; t' , Unlc+� I.rtxlcr unJ H�,rr�,���r c,lhrrw•i+. u_rer in writine. .��.• urri��:���„�, „r ���k•r�tl.a� prinri�ul �hull ik�� erlend ur <br /> �:�:;�', t. .� :.w�'�,. ,c. p��+tpnne the Jur da�e�,t' Ihe nu,���i�iy�t�ym►nt, rrl'err�Kl tu in puru�n��+h� I anJ � or dian�c lh� unK�uiN u(thr paynknl�. If <br />-�tiy��i; -� . .�^��- undcr pura�!raph _I thc Pruperty i,u�yuirrJ b} Lcndcr. B��rr„�ver', right ia un�• in+uranrr�K+liri�.anJ pn►rc�,uUin�!I'ruut <br /> .,��. :xl+��� <br /> ,.'•i�°;% ...,,-�:k�.:. ".• : damuge tu the Pri,r�ny priur t�► �hc acyui�iiion,h:�ll pu„ta Lcndcr t��thr eti�m ul'thr,wii,.�r•urrJ n� �hi� Serurn} Im�rumcnt � <br /> . .a • � immeJiatcly pri��r to thc aryui,itiun. •,; <br /> ,_ "' . . 6. (kcupancy, Pr��urvuUon,;Naintenanre und Prolectlnn ot the i'roperl�:Hnrra��cr'+I.oun ApplicuUun;I.ea+ehnlds, '' <br /> � '_•,��.�.� ��'...' &irruwcrahull cxcupy.r�labli�h.aikl ux thc Prap�rq•a�.B��rr�,��rr',prinripal rc,id.nrr��ilhin.i�t�Ju�,uftcr thr cr�YUliun uf �'.-- <br />-� " r.:x:�-�- : : -_z�.• thi,Scwrity 1n�ctrunu�N anJ.hull con�inur tu�xrupp �hr Pn,�x�t}�a�B��rn+��rr',prinripal r�.idrncc liir at hu,�an��ear uticr r`�;� <br />:_:�::;,;.�• . ��.: <br /> . � ; :. � ..':+r�'..;� the datc nf�xcupanry, unlc.� l.cnJ�r uther��i, writin�:, u•lunc�amcm ,hall nnt hc unrra.�,nuhly� NitbhclJ. ur unlr„ . <br /> , ':s� �`v3r �.' • .. .. extcnuutin� circum.tan�c. cxi�t which :,re h��oi�l F3urr����•�r', r�mtr„I. R��rro��•rr .hall ix�1 Jr.�n��. �JI11:ILt ur inK►•rir thc <br /> : ' I Si,� <br /> :•�.:+� �a� ��.,,�j ��, Pro�:rty.ulluw thc Pmprrt}• t„J�Irriura�c. nr r��unnit wa.t� ��n Ih.Pru�rt►. F3��rr��a�r,hall ha• in .IeG�uA il'au� li�rl'eilure <br /> ''.�: ��iAF.;•Y`• ' uc�i�m�►r nkeedin• whctl;:r cicil c�rrrimin:d. i,Ix�un �h:n in Lendcr'> �MKI taith juJ�m�n�r��uld r�.ult in li�rtiitur�ul thr <br /> �'�'�' ' i. � P �• 6 F <br />� ° ... • , .: :;�'•�r�"�.'• Property nr othcrwi�c matcrielh impuirthr licn rrealrJ h} thi,Scrurit� ln.�rmnrni�,r l.�nder'••erurii� inl�re+�. B��rruN�r mu� <br /> �';i;,:.�'�� n,.i�: � , <br /> � � r• .�;.�`�`;�:�,�•',. ti rure surh u default i►nd reimtulc.�,�r���i��c�t��,�:uagraph I�, h� ruu,ing thc aru„n nr pn,rrrdm•� �u tk��rth a ndm� <br /> �� I�IUI. IIl lxnJ�r�ti �,hh� (:�ilh J��cnninaii�,n. pr,:.lud�. 1��IICIIIIfC ul thi• H��rru��•cr�: IOI�TC>I 111 Ih�• Nf�►�kl'l\' �M' uihrr mc�i�ri�d <br /> .r.. '•�:F:i.?.,•'.°`�`'.�:� <br /> _. - �T� impuirmcnt u(thr licn rrcalyd h�•thi�5cruri�} In.�rumrm �,r Leixirr'. +erurn� �mcr��,i. H�►rr����cr ,hall :�I.0 Fx� in dcf;wli i1 <br /> .,;, '• Burrowrr.�lurin��hc lu,in:�rri��:ui�m pnuc>,. �a�c n�a�rri:ilh fal.c��r inac�•ura�c inl��rm;ui„n nr ,I.��cm��m. �u I.enJrr u�r I:�ilyd . <br /> . �Z ., , .Z_�;:(,1, ���prrn,id� Lrndrr��iih�m ntat�rial infnnn�Ui��n�in rnnn.cU��n��uh Ihr loan���id�n�cd h� Ihr ti�Hr. mrluJing. I,u1 nol linuled <br /> � ,•. I;l;:,;J.'. t.�. repr:unt•riiun.concer�iin� �3�uru«.r'�uri up:uii} �,I �h.•Pr„rn•n� a.:�ptin:i�:d rr,ideii:t. II thi.tic�•uril�•In��nunrn� �.��n.� .�. <br />_ 1 y� ' �+ �� �,:�� ... I�a,chnlJ. &ttn�uCr �hall :��m��l� ��ilh :�II Ih� prn�i.i�m• �,I Ili�� I..i,��. II H��rrnurr �i�•qui�c� fi� lut. 1�• il��• I'n���rrt�. t!�r °,�' <br /> i �t I�axehold imJ t"�:fr�litic.h:dl nnt m�rEr unlr„I.�nJer u�rrr,1�,Ih. m�rgrr m��•rilin�. <br />'!� 1 t ' 7. i'r�+t�tion of I.ender'r� Ry;h1s in the 1'rop�rly. II H„rr����.r I:ii h in�x�r(„rm th.r.�c��um..�nJ .�Lr�roi�ut,.��maakd in <br /> .. ' � ' ' `•� thi.Sccurit� lmtroiuen�. ��r�herc i. a I���sd pnx•rcdin� ihat ma} �rvnific:mU} �iflrrt I.n�l�r' U�� I'r���xn} nu�h.�. a <br /> ,. � <br /> � + . . pnxcrding in hankroplry. prnhatc. ti,i.�>nd�ronatiim i�r I��rl.iiurc��r i„ enlurrr la�c, nr rrg�:lali��n.�. �h.0 L�ndrr m�} .I��:inJ . <br /> � ,., :� �ay li,r whate�•er i. nr�c„ar� tu pn�tcrt 11x ��:dur ul thr Prnp.•n} and L�nJrr'� ri�.hl� in Ihr I'r��per�} I���ler'. .�ru�m, mu� <br />— — �a�.,_.._�--iU"-'•:•' �nrlud�� �in•inv :m� �ium ururrd hv a h�m uhi.•h Ic�� �rinn�r nc��� thi. G•run�� In�lrmit;ut. anrk.u�ni �n r�n�rt. na��nr <br /> _ _ —�-- —_-- _-,�.- rea�unablc�:dlnvr.r�,•' Icr� .uid rnlcrinL��n the Pn,perl� 1��makc rr�air.. :11th��u�h Lrndrr oia� I:�Ar ari��ai und�r 11►�, �,ara�!r.iph `� <br /> •. �: . �•.',•,; 7, LcnJrr d�x�nut ha�r tu du���. �- <br /> '..��` I .. • • % Am .mwunl, Ji.hur.cJ 1.� LrnJrr unJrr ihi. p;mi�raph 7 .hall herume a�Witi��nul i7eM �,I H�,rm���r ..•uir�•�I h� Ihi. � <br /> . � �,, . 5rruriq• In,t�umrnt. Unlr.. Hurruarr an�l Lrndrr aErer t��„thrr icrnn �,t pa}mcnt. tL�•.�• ,imuun�..hall hr:u•int�r�•.� in,m �hr �. <br /> � o� .. .. Jalr nl� di�burknxnl iU thr ��,�c r.�tr:uid .h:dl Ix ��a}ahlr. ��uh nv.r.v�. uMm n�+t�rc )n,rn 1 �nd.r lu li�m�u��er r�yur.un�! <br /> ,� : . `��: r��•�»����. �' . <br /> � r. ;,�, ti. M��ASWxc Av�surancc. �f�Len�lrr rrqqir�d mnrt}:i,.�� imurati�r.n�inn��t di� f�wn ,.Y�iurd h� Ihi.tir:ur�1� . <br /> �� " Imlruihrn�. Ft��rrc��e:;r �h:�ll pt+� (�ll' �1T�1791U111� r:��uire�! t. m:iinw�» Ihc' IlI���T�:l�l' Ill�lll:llli�' Ifl �'����1. ��. ���f :111\ It':1���11. l�li' ! <br /> ;•�, r nmrlgugr in.uranrr ruvrr:��e i�c�mrei^�. O.�ndrr 1.ip.�:• �,� re:ne�1�� rr iii rfl�r.. Fi�,rr����rr,h.dl p.i� Ihrprrmium. �rywirJ lu <br /> av� ohluin ruy�crugc .uh�tanUa�l� �.�.,e�al.�re�t�,�n: nu�rtg.��: in,ur,�ncc prrc+��u+de n,t�t; a i��,t .ulnlanu;ilh ryw�:ilrnl in ihr <br /> � .'�'� ruN tu &�rruwcr at�thr m�,ngaie io:+urunce previuu�ly in e)f.rt. tmm .�.; cc-.rrarae, martg.i�e in.urrr appr���r�l h� I.rn�lr� It i <br /> �� ., :�� � <br /> } � . .. • • ��.�,��•�„�a Form 30YB 8�90 <br /> � . <br />