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, , _...� , . . . ..1 ; , . <br /> .,� r• �� ., -v <br /> - r,� . <br /> , .. .. .. .. . <br /> . . <br /> v <br /> ,..,w�.,..��.-�:,.,..-.w.,.�.,.,. �. , .. „ u , ,. <br /> ,. <br /> i •••.------.._..---•-�.__.�.._..._....__......___..._...... ..__._.._ _. ... ..._ .__....—•--•-_._._------•---.�_._.�.r_�___ <br /> • � ��° e E <br /> .. � ___ ( �r��� �,,. <br /> Truatotlol horaDy warranto that Truatorta)hotdu tuo oimpio titlo to tho abovo dascdbod proporty, thet 7rustm o n o d inw(ul authodty to ;^ <br /> & dend ond uncumDOr t�o onmo,thnt tho prapo►ty In ftao ond aloor o4 0ll llons and onoumWanco�,oxcopt oneumbrnncos oi rocord,artd tht�t T�uutorlof ` <br /> will worrant and dafand tho proparry,ot Truotortoi oxponeo,ogainot ot�cinimanto whomsoovor. T�ustor(ol otoo hAraby wolvon ond�ailnpuiohoa o0 <br /> �� tiphto af dcwor,homontoAd,diotrlbut�vo ohoro,an d oxompt lon In an d to t ho n bovo daaoribotl pro partY. �` <br /> � �: <br /> � Truetorte)ond teoA ef tham furthn r,ovenant��nd epreos whh Boneftetary as tollows: _-- <br /> ' 1. To pny all Ilono,Judpmonto,or othor p00000mo�ta agaln�t tho proporty,nnd to pay whan duo oll neaonamonta,loxao,rqntu,toou or chnrflo9 upan <br /> ' �`= tho proparty or undar ony Ionso,pormit,tiaon�o,ar privllopo uoolpnod to Bonoticlory ao odditlonat aocurity ro thle Trust Deod,Incfudinn ihaso In or .,r.• <br /> • an puhlic domaln. <br /> �. 7o insuro and koop Inuurod bulidingo und othot Improvomonts inctudtnp Hxturos artd attnahmunto now on or Norooftor p�ocad on tho proporry to -- <br /> ° � tho anirofuat�on of Bonolfoln�y. fiuoh Insuranoa wlll bo opprovod by and dapouitad with Bonotiaiury, and ondoraod with tooe payabio alouso to � <br /> Bonoflciary. Any aumo 0o reaaivcd by Bonofiolary may bo usod to pay tor roconatructian ot tho doetroyod Impravomo�Lr or It not o0 oppliod muy <br /> -' ` ho app►tod,ot ih�optlon ot BonvficYnry,in pnymant of ony indobtodnenu mnturod or unmaturad uocurad by thlo Tru�t Qaod. �._ <br /> • ; F�� 3. To koup ul!bulldfnpa,flxturos,at4ochmonta,und othar improvomonts now on or horoaftur plaaad on tho praponY occupfvd er�d in�ofld+ovnir, <br /> malntenanao,nnd condition ond to noithor commit r.ur potmit any oote ot wusto or any Impalrmont ot tho voluo nt th�proparty. Bonotlolary mAy <br /> ; � anter upon tho pr�opurty tu Inapoat tho eamo or to porlorm nny oats nuthorl7tod horain or In tho lonn agvoomonttol. <br /> �� 4. In lho ovont Trustorlsl}nfio to poy ony Ilono,Judpmo�ts,aosooQmonta,taxae,ranta,toos,or aharpo0 or maintoln uny insuranco on th�proparty, <br /> � bulldinnu,fixtuton,ottachmonta,or improvomanto on prov{dod herolnor in tho tonn oareomont(el,Bonailciorv�t Ito optlon,mny moko auah paymonts -- <br /> 'R���' or provido IneuronCO,mointenonco,or rapaite ond nnY amounte pold therofor will bocome purt oi U�o princtpai InCobtOdnoao eocurad horoby,bo <br /> , `; ¢ . Immodfataty duo ond pnyubio ond boor Intareat at tho dofault roto provldod In tha noto(sl irom tho doto of poymont untfl pold.TNo udvoncammnt by _ <br /> , _ s Qqnnticiary o}an�r suCh omounte wlll In no mnnnor Ilmit the�ipht of Bonoflciary to dacloro Trustorlulln dofault ar oxotofs0 uny of BonotiCioty'e othor <br /> 4 a riphte and romadios. <br /> 6. 1n tho evont Denefial8ry�a o party to any Iltigatlon nitocUng ttte proporty or the�IAn of thls Ttuet Ooctd.Inaiudinp uny octfon by Bonoficfary to <br /> o�toroo thts Ttuot Dood ot uny suit in which Boneflcinry Ia namod o dotendant Iinciuding condomnatlon and banktuptay procoadingal Bonoticmry <br /> � mny inour o+�ponaos and advnnco noyme�te tor abatroct t000,uttornsya toea tto the oxtont allawod by iowl, coeta,oxpensos,appraisal toos,ond <br /> othor ehorpoa nnd any amounts so edvancod wlll beaoma part of tha prinoipal Indnbtodnons aocurad horoby, bo Immadlototy duo nnd payobto ur�d <br /> ;}�� baor Intarost ut iho dotuuit rato provi�r+s!tn tho noto(ol trom tho dMa cf unt{I pald. <br /> ,`�� •• 8. Any owords mado to Trustorlsl or z�wir ouccoosore by tho oxorai�s ot eminont domoin oro f�oroby osstpnod to Bonoficiaty;und 9onnfioiary ip <br /> horaby authori:od to coilont ond oppiy tho same In pnymont of any indebtodnosa,mc�turo or unmuturod,eoaurod by thin Trust Dno�l. <br /> 7.In tho ovent of dofnuit in tho poymo►rt whon duo of nny sum�eacurod hoteby(princ�anf,intureat,udvancorronte,or protaativo ndvancosl,or failuso <br /> , , ;� , to portorm or obsorv9 any covnnonta and condittonu containsd haroin,ln tha note(a!,�+���agroamnntlol,o►any othar instrumonte,or ony procoodfrtgs <br /> ia br upht undor any 8onkruptcY Ia�va,Donofic{ary,ot ita option, may dociaro thfl ontiro Tndobtodnosa ctncurad horeby to bo imm3dfataly duo ond <br /> � puya�io ond tha wholo wltl boor(nt.roet ot tho defoult roto ae provtdeA In tho�oW(o)and BonoflCiary may immedlotetY authori:o Trusteo to oxorelan <br /> tho Powor of Salo grantad horein in ttro mnnner provided In tho M16ebraska Tnmt Qaoda Act,or,nt the eptlon of the Hc�.�floic►ry,mny torooloso tho � <br />_ , ° �; Trusc Oood in tho monnor providud Dy luw for tho toroclosuro oi mortEnpes on rool property,Ino�udirq tho appolntmant of o Rocoivor upon ox paKo <br /> appliootion, �otico baing haruby oxprosely wuivod, without ragaTA ta thd voiuo oi the tope►ty or tho auNiclontly tharaof to discho�go tho <br /> indobtednoso sooured Aeroby m In the loan apreemontla. Dotoy by Bonaflolery In exetetainp Pts dghts upondefnutt witl�ot bo conatruad nu a walvor <br /> •� thnr¢of and uny aot ot Qonotictary wn►ving any op2ciTn�dotoutt wili not bo construod n a waivur of any fuluro d�fauit. if tho proceods undor euch <br /> : a.: sole or toroalosuro oro InuuHtctont to,pa1t tho totaS indebtednoes secured hereby,T�u9tor�s)do horoby ug�eeto Qo patsonally bound to poy tho t�pald <br /> = ^-� belanto,and Bonotfaiary wllt De entrtted to o ctie'riaianG+t judgmont. <br /> ' ���. ��t 0. Should Sonnflalory olont to ouorcisa tho Fo�var ot salo grantod horain,Benetiolary wiil ootify Truotoo who wiil ruaord,pubilah,and dolivor to <br /> Yrustar(s)auah Notico ot bofauTt anJ L�tutico of Sale ne thon roquirad by Iow und wili in thu mannqr providod bY low,aoll tAo proporty ot tho timo <br /> ;r v�•?= a n d p t a c e o f e ul o tizod in tho Nottco o?Snla oithet ss o whole or in saparoto tota,pareeta,or itemo ond In auch ordor as Truswo will dnom oxpodlenY. <br /> _yY�.� Anyp otson may bid nt tho aoW tnclucling l�ruetortal,Tru9teo or Benoilotary. <br /> - 8. T�uator(o)horeDy toquoota a copy ot uny No;ico of Oa�nult or Notfeo of SAte harounder to bo maliod by eonifiod mnil to Truatotfsl at tho <br />;e; addroas(os!sot forcA horain. <br />.:,..a•;� ;, . 10.Upon uotuult,Honofloinry,althor inporson or by a�ont,with or without br(ngi�uny eatlon or praeoEtdinp a�d wft3�or without r6parA to tho vatc:a <br /> }`��`3'�•� uf tho prop or�ty/n ito w�n�amo or In the noma of tho 7rusmo and do anY6 a�ate oi oxpond enq euma It do maai 000asary oP d uirob o to p�otoot or <br />�-�'°•�" preservo tha vntuo of tho proporty or any intoroat therein,or incroAae tho Inoomo therafram•and with or without taking posseaeion of tho proparty <br /> '���t�_�_ ie authorizad to euo tor or otho�wiso colloct the rento,issuos,croqss,proflte and{ncomo tharoof,!noluding thoso pset due and unpefd,and apply <br /> tho eame upun nny Intl�btodnosa seaured horebv or in iho ioon oarnnn�di2(of. <br />==`ti���-;,���� No remedy huroln confarrod upon or r000rvod ta Trqsteo ar Bonof1oiary ta Intonded to be oxcluaivo of uny othor remndy horein or by law provid�d <br /> '=._:�•-,, � or permittod,but eaeR wUl bo aumutntivo,wlll bo in additlon to avory other romody glven heroundar or naw or R�raoftor oxlating ot law or In equny <br />=<���;,� 'y� or by etututo,and moy�axoraisod conourrontt ,ihdapotMontiy or auacoastvoty� <br /> —� 71. T�uator(e ocknavvladpos thot tho duttos a��nbllgations ot Trustoo wlll ba q0torminad solety bY tho oxpresa provfslona nt thfn Trust Ooad�r <br /> -���_�%��i tho No6roska�tust QFOds Ant n�d Truatao wlll�ot�o liablo except/or tho par(o►manae of auch dutioo and oblipetlans ne nro epoofHCaUv eot tmh <br /> ��F tharein,and no impitod covenants or obligotlons wlll ba Impoaed upo�Trustee;Troeteo wllt not Le Ifoblo tor any nedon by It In goad faith ond <br />'�'�-��• roas�nnDly boiloved Ey it to bo cL�C"aa�iod or within tho disoretion or�ights otpo were conterrod� on it by thia Ttust Dood or state Inw. <br /> �:.,,:� <br /> - 12. Tha intOgdty and rospo�5�����ry ot�Truatorfe aonatitutoe a part af tho conaldoration tor th�t obl petiana eoourod horeby. Shou d Truatorle)o�tl, <br /> --;,,�,�� tronafor or convoy tho proporty Gbscribod hore�n,wfthout pdor writtan consent ot SenoNc�ary, Benottelory, nt ite opifoo,may�eataro tho entiru <br /> ._F_rst_�V� indobta�noos Immocliatoly tluo onA payabto nnd moy proaood In thu onforcamont o11t9 dghte ao on nny othor dotauit. <br /> --- 13.Aoeipnmont o8 fftonta lnotuding Procoods of Minorat Loaaea.T�uatov(el horaby asaigno tronafore,uad convoys to Bsnallciory aU renta,roYn�ttn9, <br />..r;��;;;c-�� b�nucas,nnd dalaY morinYS or othor proaoeds thnt metr irom t�mo tr�t�mo bocomo due ond�nyobto undor any�oal Aatnto leaso or undor ony o11,ga6, <br /> arevol,rook,or othor mhteral looso ot unY kind including goothnrmal rqoouroaa now uxiat ne ar thot mny horooftar como into axtstonco,cowr(np <br /> " '�"''�°i�' t�o proyarty ar any part thoraof. All auch oumo so rocalvad by Bonoftalory wii�bo nppliod fo No(ndobtodnoas soourod hereby;or Bon�ticiery, at <br />-,���; ten opt3cn,moy turn ovor nnd do��v�r to Truotor(s)or tholr auccossare in intoroot ony or ati of euah eums without proJudice to enV of Benoffclnry e <br /> �r riphtn to tako nnd�otn►n fucuro Eun�,end wlthout pro udico W ony ot tts othor t�ahts undor thio't'rust Qood. Thla asoignmont wii{bo aonstruotf�o <br /> - bo u provfston fot tho peymant or reduati0n ot tho dob�,aubject to tho Boneftoiory a optlon as herainbotoro providud indopondont ot thE►1lon on tRo <br /> propor�y Upon pay�mont m tuil of tho dobt and tho roconvoyanoo of thle T�ust Doed of recard,thleaBatpnmont w11I bocomo Inoporah�ro andof no <br />—____-- __--a, Turthur torcn nnd ott0ot. <br /> 14. Thla Truet Oeed constitutna o Soaurity Aprcament witA rospeat to all the proporty dascribod horai�. <br /> -- . ba vold oi urronfor�eoabioB1tl+�Dt doto SmtnaUon wd n i aHoot tho voildity ot the ioin�ninhnfl partiona of�tlytopTruat Da9d e truat Oaod t�datomninad to <br />_���? --�1���E�sf�� '��� <br /> � — — � <br /> -- ----,---�, <br /> ��.-•n��rwsh�-i �G nHhll;�tt(J �`A,.�.-�� ��� ' <br /> __�._�..��r OH�1VlDUAt BtlqiiOWF.R ACKA(OWLED�M�flIT <br /> ��� STATB aF NEBRASKA � �a <br />.,_��, �,�ti-���i� COUNTY OF N�'Y!--- � _ <br />�'�.'.w�'�':'�. On this ],5th day of_�nrch �.18�,Detoro mo,n Natoty Pu611c,poroonntly appoarad�__�_ - <br /> ,., � .ti <br /> �:'.:'4':�'�;�' Arnold J. Harders unci Glorene E. i�3ax8ers, hunban� and wi¢e <br />_- "• .�.:._., <br /> - to mo known to bo tAo poraontal nomad In ond who onoeutod 4ho�o►ogolnp inst�umont,und ucknowtou�od tRat they o�acutod tho ecme os <br /> _.:.;•:: thcir _. <br />- _ ._, voiuntory aot und dood. <br /> .. . :�. �jG�(�iALldODIR14�i1�f 91�R',1� .d` e Qr��p - <br /> ' ��=,�:'.� � (SEAIt J��_ EQflIDA�ll6�RN �c o cortz = <br /> aI�`�. .1r_A: �� �lO�t°RL[�D�P�d16�P�`2 <br /> :;-�.:,;;.°. � (1yPo nomo uaaor srgnomre� <br /> ' +�•<< � •. �,� My commtsaton oxpirao �eb. 19, 2002 Notary Publlc In nnd,r a�ld C�unty,ond Stoto <br /> . ,j?. � . <br /> � ' � INOIVIAUAI.QOiiROW�R ACKNqWLEpfiMENT <br /> - ., � . _ <br />-- ' , BTATE OF NPBRASKA, 1 - <br /> - ' � _ <br />� ' COUNTY OF HI�I.L t <br />, , � <br />- � . • + 1 <br /> . . � ^„� ` <br /> Ap Kj 001 a6014; Prfmcry Customar t0 N:OQ077888; CIF o:91880 Legol Doo.Oato:Marah 16, 1flfl9 <br /> ' � ? FORM 6011.Trust Doad ond Aanlpnmont ot Ronto P�Q°� <br /> / <br /> v <br />