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, . .. , <br /> ,., „�,_.. , . ....._..__ <br /> ��� ���p�� P ,. <br /> • Il. All fbture ndvmtces Q�om Hcnetlefnry tu Trust�tt ur�iher futu�� otS:t;Aitione ot TruFtor to Bene�icinry�under c�►y ; ' <br /> p�rmtns��ry note,cmurnct, �unrnnty,ar i�ther evidence ot dcht exietin�noei or exccuted nRer thla Deed of Tn�at <br /> „ , �eDrther or nm thie laced�if 1'ruet la epcclflcnlly refetred tu in thc evtdence of <br /> ('. All abliQntlonA 7tiustor�nves ta Beneticlnry. �vhfch na�v exlet or may late�nrlse. to tha extent not prohtblted by o „ <br /> Inw. includinB. hut nut lirnited tu. Iinbititlea far avcrdrnRe relutinB ta any depoait nccount agree�eent tsetween � <br /> Truc+tor nnd Benclictnry. ' <br /> p. Ail rt�lditi�nnl sums ndvnncc�i nnd r.xpensea Incuaed by Benoftciary for inaurinB,preservinQ ox othernise protectinB <br /> the Propeny ated ite value and any other eums advanced and eapenaes incurred by Benef]cinry under the terms of <br /> ' � „ thia DeeA �f T�uat. plua intereat•t the highnst mto 1n effect. from time ro dme, as peovided in the Hvldenca ot • <br /> .. Debt. <br /> • B. 7tustor's perfomu�nce under the terms of any instniment evidencinQ u debt by Truetor to Bencflcinry ased nny Deed <br /> , of'Ilruat securing,guarantying.orotheruvise retating to t�e debt. <br /> If moro than one person aigns this Deed of Trust as Tcustar.each Trustor aBmes thut thia Deed of Trust wiil secure all <br /> future advances and future obligutions desedb�d above that ure given to or incucred by any one or more Trusror.or any <br /> one or more Tcustor ead othe�s.Tbis�Deed of Tnut wU!not secure auy oWer debt if Beaeticiury feUs,with respect to�uch <br /> , other debt. to make any required dlsclacur�e abaut this Deed of T�ust ar if Beneficiary fails to IIive any required nodce of , <br /> the ri�dt of t�esciasion. . <br /> S. PAYMENTS.Tniator agrces W nieke all paymsnts on the Secured Debt when due end ia accardaace wiW the temns of tQe � <br /> Svtdence of Debt or thls Dced of Tn�t. <br /> ,,., � 6. WARRANTY OF'I'ITI.E.Trustor caveaante that Tmstor ie lawflilty seized of tbe estate conveyad by tbia Deed of Tcust <br /> end has th�e right to irrevocably grant.convey and seli to Trustee, in tnist,with power of sale.the Progecry and warranta <br /> �� . that the Property ie uneacumbered,axcept for encumbrances of record. . <br /> 7. CLAIMS AGAINSI'77TLE.Trustor will pay all texea.assessments,liens.encumbrancea,lease puy�rcents,gmuttd rents, <br /> udlities,and other charges relating to�he Property whea due. Heneflciary may requlre Trustor to provide to Beneticiary <br /> � copies of all aoticc�that Ruch amounts sre due and t6e rece[pte evtdencing Trustor's paymeat.Tnastor will defead tiUe to , <br /> ' the F�mperty eBainat aay claiws Wac would impair the lien of tbis Deed of Tiust.Tcustor agrces to asslga w Beneficinry�as <br /> requested by Beaeficiary� any rights.daims or defeuses whtch Tnistor may have ageinst purties who supply labor or <br /> ,� � materlals to improve or meintain the Pmperty. �`�" <br /> `.~;: <br /> :sr, _-' <br /> �� 3 8. PRIOR SECiJ1tITY INTERF.SI'3. Wlth ngard to any other mort�age,deed of trust. security agreement or other lten [�`,`-;� <br /> docuraent that areated a prtor securlty lnterest or encumbreuce on the Prop�ty aud thut may have prlosiry over this Q�d E��'��. <br /> . •;;,;' � of Trust,Ttustor agrees: L - <br /> A. To meke all payments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants. i��>, <br /> „ ����.F; B. To pmmptly deliver to BeneRclery aay nodces that Trustor receives from the holder. ____ <br /> � '.,r C. Not to make or pern�it any moditicattaa or eatenston oP,end nat w request or accept a�y�utvre advancea uader auy �_-_ <br /> .,:.,, , uote or agreenoent secured by.the other mortgage.deed of uust or security agrcetneat unlesa Ssneflciary conseate <br /> •i:.:;,. ,, ia writing. ."".. <br /> � • = •'$ 9. DUE ON SA�.E OR ENCUNBRANCE. BeneRciery may,ut Its opflon,declare the enure bnlance of the Secured Debt to �� <br /> • " 'd� be Immediately due and payable upon�he creation of uny Ilen,encumbrance.tranafer,or sale,or contract for eny of these �_ <br />- •.�:� oa the Propeny. However, if the property Includes Trustor's residence, Wia section shull be subject to the restrictions <br /> � #�� imposed by federul law(12 C.F.R.S91). as appticabfe.For the purpases of Wis sectioa�the tean"Propetry" also includes -- <br /> �'�'�; . . any incerest to atl or eny pan of the Property.7bfs cove�uat shuli cun with the Pmperty and ahnli remoin in efffect until the <br /> ;;��7.r'r �-_- <br /> , ''^ �' 'r'����' Secured Debt is patd ln l�II and thfs Deed of Tcust is rele,ased. — <br /> ° �,r: <br /> � . j„,. E <br /> �''`�• �t 10.TRANSFER OF AN IN'1'ERES°i'�1'i'IDE GRAIVTOR. If Tmstor is aa entity other thon a naturr,ll person(such ea a <br /> � �S': corporation or other organlzation), Heaeficiary may demand immedlate payment 9f(1)u heneticial interest in Tnutor is� ! -� <br /> � � � '� sold or uansferned; (2)there Is a chaage ia either the identiry or aumber of inembers of a partaersWp;or (3)taere is a � �� - <br /> change ia owaerahip of mora tban 25 percent of the votipg Rtock of a co�paration. I�owever.BenefletuYy may not demand �' <br /> ' paymeat In the above situations if it is probibited by law es of the date of this Dced of Trust. �° <br /> ;, :',.�: <br /> i�.ENTITY WARRANTI�3 AND REPRESENTA'PIONS. If'hustor ia nn entity other than u naturul person(such as a ._= <br /> � . � corporation or other orIIenization),'Tcuator mskecs to Benefieiary the following warcanttes and repreae�tudo��rhich abnll _ <br /> � be condauiug as long as the Secwed Debt mm3ins outetend{ng: ? <br /> ' A. Trustor is An enttry which is duly organized aad vulidly extsting ln the Tcusror's stute aS inco:porndon (or :=--- <br />- . organizatioa).Tcustor is in good staudiag ia all states in whlch Tcustor transacta buainess.l�usror has the go�ver �_-- <br />- '�r aad authodty to owa the Property aad to cazry on lts business as now bcinB condu�txd nad,as applit�abl�. ie ; <br />_ .� quuliflad to do so in euch state ln whtch Trustor opemtea. G�, <br />- �� � � " � �. The execudan, delivery aad perfoimance of this Deed of Trust by Truator nnd the obligation evidenced by th� ��:_: <br /> � Evidence of Debt arc wtthin the poaer of Trustor. have becn duly authoritrd, have receivod all nccess�ry �__: <br /> _ . govesnrner►tal appmval.and wiA not violate aay provislon of law,or arAer af caurt or govemmental agency. �=, <br /> � ""!.�, C. Othsr than diacloseA in wdting 1'rustor has not changed its nwus within tha last te�n eare aad has not used an ''�"_= <br /> Y Y i�c:� <br /> other uude os fictittous name.Without HeaeRctary's prtor wdtten cansent,Truator drn� not unJ wUl noi use an,y �:��. <br /> �� � other nnme and will preserve lts existing nfune,trade names and frsnchisea until tho Sucured Fcbt 1s sntisfied. ^s <br /> n une <br />- _ _ - .9 oanuan�rv �niemiTi�N_ si.T�.�e�rtnNfi AT1D ItYBAII�:CTION. Trustor witi kcen thu Prouectv in sa�t condition <br /> -- . �and muke all repairs that are reasflniably nec�:ssary.Trustor will givo�eneticincy prampt nutice af any loss or damage to <br /> - � „�� the Propecty.T�uator wtii keep the Prop�rty fnx of noxioue wa:ds nnd prasses.rruator wltl not inftiate,join in or conseat <br /> to any change in any privnte restrlctiv�covennut, wninQ ordinnncc ar nth�:r public or prlvutc restdction liniltiag or <br /> defiaing the uses whtch�ru►y !�mude of ihe Pru�urty or nny purt af tl�e Praperty, wtthuut Beacficinry's prtor�vrjtten <br /> - ' consent. Trustor w[It natify Bcrut"iciory uf �Il deiuui►Js, procecdinQ�, cluinu, und actions ogaiust TrusWr ur :my.odur . <br />--� „ o�vner msde under law or reguluttun regardfng use.ownerehip und o�cupancy af tha Pmperty.Tcueeor witt coniply w�th all <br /> " teQal nyufmraents nnd restrictiona, whcther publlc or pdvate;with tc:spcct to thc usc ot the Pco�eny. 'Cn�stor also�rees I <br /> . that the nature nf the owupancy and use will not chun�e without Beneficiury's priuc wriue�t�onsent. ' <br /> , N�portion of tlte PrvpeKy will bc tcnwvcd. deitwlished or matcrially ultcrul witt►out Beneticiury's priot wdtten conscnt � � <br /> „ exr.y�t thnt Truetor has�he right to n�rwvc Iteme of personal property cun�pS�sin�n purt of tho 1'ropetty thnt b��cottt�worn � <br /> -_ ,.,;' �� ' <br /> �!/ �" <br />- i; • . .. � • tlt0010a�em�6�e� UwU.IAbItUC(11i/7�111 fcuuAO�COUTNI f0�J0,ul . , � ' <br /> - <br /> _T. � '. <br />