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<br /> � TRANSP�R OF THE PROPERTY: This loan mF►y be declared immediatcly due and payublc upon �
<br /> '.�±�
<br /> trnnsfec oP the property secu�ing auch lonn to any unnsferee, unless the acceptubllity of the �R��
<br /> ^ assumptlon of this lona is establiebed pursuont to section 3714 of Chapter 37.Tltic 3II,Unitcd States _”
<br /> ��..�v-
<br /> .. - ., C�B. - -
<br /> '.;�-�<'�u�y Aa authod�ed trazisfer ("assua►pdon") of the property ahall aleo be subject to addltional covenants s�.;
<br /> ".^"- and agt�ments as set forth below: ' `',�'
<br /> :.,.
<br /> ,-:::
<br /> ,- (a) PSSUM�tON FUNAINd F��: A fee equal to one•half of 1 perceat (.SO°.b)of this •i;LL
<br /> ' , loun as of t�e data of transfcr of the pmperry shatl be payablo at the time of traasfer to the loaa
<br /> � '� holder or its authorbzed Agent, as trustee for the Depurdnent of Veterans Affs3ira. If the assumer fails �'''�'-G
<br /> I T iR.
<br /> , � to poy thia fee at tha time of traasfcr. the fea shall constlwte an addidonal debt to that already
<br /> • , secuced by this lnst►vment. shall bear interest at the rate herein provided,and, at the optioa of the `:��`=
<br /> �t � payce of tho indebtedness hereby secured or aay uanaferee thereof. shaU be inunediately due and -i�-����
<br /> payable. Thls fec is automatically walved if the assumer ia exempt under tho provistuns af 38 U.S.C. ��-
<br /> 3729(ir). �,';�s�,.4.
<br /> �. (b) AS5IIMPTION PROCESSYN(3 C�ARCi�• Upon applicatlon for epproval to ailow �
<br /> � � assumpdona and transfer of tbis loaa, a processing fee may be chazged by the loan holder or its �`.�r��
<br /> �' . uuthorized agent for detecmiaing the credltworth3ness of the assumer and aubsequendy revisin8 the , .,
<br /> •„ f� � �•� holder's owneredip records when en eppmved traasfer ls completed. The amount of'tbts charge ahall �.�"•__
<br /> not exceed the maximum eatablished by the Departinent of Veteraas Affairs for a loau tA wbich ___
<br /> " section 3714 of Chapter 37,Title 38,United States Code appliea.
<br /> . `�"
<br /> ., " �, (c) ASSUMPTION INDEMNITY I.IABILITY: If this obligation is assumed. then the _ `
<br /> .,_
<br /> �1� � asaumer hereby agreea to essume all of the obligations of the veteran uader the terms of the ="
<br /> -�� �' instruments creating aad securing the loaa. 'Ihe assumer 1luther agrees ta indemuiiy ti�a �+e��t 4'
<br />-' ' '` of Veternas Affatrs to the eatent of eny claim payment urlaing from the gueranty or inaurauce of the ,�!°�``
<br /> ,
<br /> �;
<br /> . � indebtedaess created by thia lasuurnent. -
<br /> , �� � �i WITNBSS �VHBREOF, Etorrower(s) has executed this VA (3uarenteed Loan aad Assur�don
<br /> . � �- Policy Rider.
<br /> t,.,.: . . ' j��--- ��) ,,:,, •d.l'�aI1 19► (Seat) _ --
<br /> HRIAN B�tUNK �orrower DEANA BRUNK � Borrower
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<br />- °°-----�.a. p
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