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<br /> " TOOBTHER WITH nll thc �mprovcmcnts now an c�rcaftcr crccted on the praperty,and all casements,appurtenances,and
<br /> fixtures now or herenfter a pan of thc property. AQ replacements und udditions ahutl ulso bc covcred by thia Security
<br /> � Instrument. All of the fomgoing is refcrred to in thiR Sccurity lnstrument us the"Property." � •�
<br /> BORRQWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lnvvfully seiFeJ af the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to arant and
<br /> coavey the Propeny und that the Pcoperty is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record, �orrower wattant.r nnd will ;
<br /> � defend generally the title to the Property u�uinst ull claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> ' TH1S SECURITY IN5TRUMBN'1'combines uniforn�covenants for naslonal use and nnn-uniform covenAnts with limited
<br /> variatiuna by jurisdicdan to cunstitute u unifonn aecurity lnstcument covering real property.
<br /> UNIFORM COV ENAf�ITS. Borrower and Lender covenunt and agrce as follows: when due che ''
<br /> ," •• 1, pnyment of Principal und Interest; Prepayment and ��a mc�nc undBate chargcs due undertthc Nate.
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any p p Y ��
<br /> �� 2,Funds for Tnxes nnd I�surance. Subject to applicable law ar to a wrttten waiver by Lender, Borrowcr shall pay co
<br /> ' , Lender on the day monthly papm�enT;�`dover his Securlty�lnscru enNas ailieni ni he��Property;(()Ycat1Y Ieaseho d paym nts .
<br /> and assessments which may an p Y
<br /> or�round rents on the Properry. lf any:(c)yearly hazard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flaod insuruncc premiums.
<br /> if any: (�)yearly mortgagc insuranr.c premiums, lf any; and(�ar►Y sums payuble by Borrower to l.ender, in accordance with
<br /> " the provisions of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgase insurance premiums.'fhese Items are cailed "Escraw Icen�s.'
<br /> � Lender may, at anY time, colicce and hald Funds in an amount not to exceed che maximum amount a Iender far a federaily
<br /> � retated mortgnge laan may require for Barrower's escrow account under the federal Real Escate Settlement Proceduces Act of
<br /> � 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),untess anothcr!aw that applies to the Funds
<br /> 3 sets a lesser amount. If ao. Lender may, at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to ezceed thc lesser amount.
<br /> �. �• Lender may estimate the arnount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of eapenditures of futute �,. ••:t'..
<br /> Escrow Itema or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. '1,���:,
<br /> ,; .'ld�rr;:;
<br /> ' The Funds shall bc held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> ^ ,",�! (inclucltng L.ender,If I,ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> �'��;�, Fscrow Items. l.ender may not charge Borrower for holdtng end applying the Funds,annually Analyzing the escrow account, or •r.�F'.
<br /> • verify�ng the Escrow Itcros.unless i.ender pays Borrower interest on che Funds and applicabte law permits l.ender to make sucA 7�;
<br /> ,,;�,:. �•� �
<br /> " �� a churge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service �
<br /> �� " #1 used by U'nder in connectbn wtth this loan, nnless appiicable law pmvides otherwise. Unless an agreemenl Ia made or .,'—
<br /> �•_���I �}cable law requires tnterest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowe��Qnt�r�e��orQCamiQive t Borrower, [�f ;:
<br /> • ' ` 4:, �� —_——'
<br /> ,� gorrower and Lender may agree in wdting,however,1I18t tAtCresi S�1a3I bC jl��DII � ose for which each � 4�
<br /> ::,-,••;�„�, �•-�• �vitl�out charge, an annaal acc�iu►ting of the Funds, ahvwing credi►s and debits to the Funds and the puip �;_,:�s°
<br /> �'�•��"'" � debit to the Funda was made.The Funds are pledged us addidonal secudty for all sums secured by this Security Inatmment. k{„n�^_
<br /> ,.•s;��i:' ,:,� � I.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permltced to bs held by applicable law, TAYFtiu.s:r
<br /> .,�r •. :!�°-f'_'_
<br /> � �`t}�'' for the exr.ess Funds in accordance with che requirements of applicable law. lf the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any __
<br /> ;,,�c'j" _ _—
<br /> time ia not sufficlect heP��t�c�essarymo make up the deficl nacys BonoweBr shall make pt the d fict noy in nocmore chan �
<br /> " shaU pay to L.ead --
<br /> `� �'a'• rvelve monthly paymenca. at L.ender's sole dtscretlon. �:�_•�
<br /> 'X" Upon payment in full of ell sums secured by this Security Instrument, I.endcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any ��,_
<br /> X,, Funds held by Lender.lf. under paragraph 21,Lender shall acqulre or scll the Propeny,l.ender,prtor to the acquisition or sale �_
<br /> of the Property,shail apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secumd by
<br /> ' � this Secur�ry Insuument. all puyments received by I.ender under paragrapha ___
<br /> ��:�•.,,,, �'�' 3.AppHcation of Payments. Unless appllcable law provides otherwiso, �.:.
<br />- ' ��°��5:;; �"' 1 and 2 sha11 be applied: firat. to eny prepayment charges due under the Nom; second, to amounts y�ayable under pnragreph 2; �,�-__;:
<br /> '�`.,I(f�.c ;r, . .uu�..�.
<br /> �t:s
<br /> < thiTd,to interese due;fourth,to princlpal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. W_
<br /> � �'�r`'�. 4.Chnrt�es;Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments.charges. Snes and imposittons attdbutable to the Ptoperty a.;�_
<br /> .. ��, �� which may a4tain priodty over this Securiry Insttument. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay °":,.
<br />-' ''' thesc obligations in the ma�uter provlded in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manncr,Borrower shall pay them on time di•tectly F_`;.
<br /> '�I'' �'� to the person owed paym2n►. Somawer shall promptly furnish to L.ender all nottces af amounta to be paid under thia paragragh. �':;;--_
<br /> : ,,.�.< <._,.
<br /> �.�.. ,
<br /> _, ,. .�.,,r� If Bo�rower makea these payments dfrectly.BorroWer shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. �--
<br /> ' "'� Bonowcr shull promptly dischar&P nny lien which has priodty over this Security lustrument untcss Bonower:(a)agrees in �,,,
<br /> � ,•" .'f��':�� ent of the obll�atipn sacuted by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)wnteses in gocsd fa[q�tl�e llen �.�•�-'
<br /> wdting to the paym
<br /> ',��j}_ .,' ,; 4�y, or defends againat enforcement of the lien tn. legal pmceedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the �,�;_
<br /> �' � enforceraent of the lten; or(c)secures fmm thc haider mf the lien an agreement sat�sfectory to Lender subordinating the lien to „�;_
<br /> " this Securiry Inatrumeat. ItLender determines thut any parc of the Properry is subject to a iten which may attain priodry over -s,;�
<br /> �'�;:?•y? this Secudry Instrument. I.ender cnny give Borrower a notice identifying the lten.Borrower shall satiaty the lien or take one or =
<br /> �:,,;t�4 f� more of the acti�ns set fonh above wtthin 10 days of the givinII of aotice. Form 3028 9180 � �
<br /> . ,�.,� - ,.:
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