<br /> 1� �.
<br /> /i /' �� -. ' . . .. . , r.
<br /> ' ' 7 . , . ., ' 1: � � . _ �M� . .�
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<br /> 1�.Transfer of the Property or n Beneficinl Interest!n Hocrowee�.If nll or uny pun of�he Property or nny interest in It .,
<br /> • ia sold or trnnsfcned(or if a beneficial interest in Borro�ver is sold or trcu�sferred und Horrower is not A nutura!person)without .� ..
<br /> Lender's prior v�rltten consent, Lender mny, nt fts option. requiee immediate payment in fuil of nll sums secured by this
<br /> Secudty lastrum�nt.klowever,this option shnil not be exercised by L.ender if exercise is prohibitcd by federnl law as of the dnte
<br /> of this Securlry Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shn(1 Qive Bonawer notice of acceleratlon.The notice shull provide a period of not ,
<br /> Icss than 30 days from the dnte the notice is deliverecl or mailecl wtthin which Bonower must pny nll sums secured by this , _ �
<br /> . Secudty lnsttument. If Borrower faila to pay these sums prior to the expirntion of this pedod. Lender msiy invokc any remedies ,
<br /> penn{tted b this Securiry Instrumeat without ft�rtt►er notice or demand on Borrower. .
<br /> lYi. �orrotver's RIght ta Reins3ute. If Borrower meets certain conditlons, Borrower shull hAVC the right to have
<br /> • ••' � enfurcement of thls Securlty Instnuaenr.dtscontinued ut any tlme prlor to the earlier of: (a)S duys(or such ather pertod as � ,
<br /> npplicable law ►rey specify for reinstatemcnt) before sale of the Property pnrauant to any power of sate wnt�ined in this ..
<br /> ' SecurIty Instrumant;or(b)eatry of a judgment enforcinQ thia Security Insuuinent.T4ose conditions are that Borrawer:(A)pays .,
<br /> • l.ender atl sums which then would be due under this Secutity Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) .�
<br /> • � cwes any defuult of eny other covenanu or asceements; (c) pays all expenses lncurred in enforcing this Secudty Instrunient.
<br /> � � including,but not limited to, reasonable attorne�s' fces; and(d)takea such action ae I.ender may masonably requirc to assure
<br /> that the Iten of this Secudty Inst�ument.Lender s dt3hts in the Progerry and Borrowcr's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> � this Security ]nstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon retnstatement by Borrower, this Seciutty Instcument aad the
<br /> obligations s¢�ux+ed hereby shall remain fully effecttve as if no acceletatioa had occurred.Hawcver, this dgbt w re(ns[a[e sha�l .
<br /> aot apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. _
<br />� . 19. �le of Note; Chttn�e of Lonn Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (togetber wi�h this 5ecurity
<br /> ' .. � instrwneut)may be soid one or more timcs wfthout prior natice to Borrower.A saIe ausy result in a chattse itt the entity{knotm : .
<br /> � As thQ"Loan Servicer")that coflects montWy payments due under the Note and this Securtty Instrument. There also may bo oae �'•'`.
<br /> �' � or more cbanges of the Loan Servtcer untetatcd to a sale of the Note. If there is a chauge of thc Loan Setvi�er, Bortower wtll be
<br /> �ivea wrlttP.n aot[ce of the change in accordance with para�raph 14 above and applicable law. The notice wiU state thQ name and
<br /> � , , addmss of the new Loan Servicer and the addrasa co which paym:ents should be made. The noNce will also contaln any other
<br /> inforniation required by applicabl�law. '�`
<br /> 20. �zardous Subs4a�nces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, etorago. or release of any
<br /> 4� Hazardous 5ubstences on or in the Property. Borrower sh�ll not do, nor allow anyone else to do. aaythias affecttag the .
<br /> Property that is in violation of aay Envitonmental Law. The pt�ececlin� two sentences shatl not apply to the preseace,use.or -
<br /> M�.' stors�ge on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogn(zed to be appropriate w normal ,
<br /> residendal uses and to matntenance of ttne Property. '• �� _
<br /> •. Bortower shell pmmptly give L.ender written notice of any investigadon.claim, demattd,lawsuit or othcr actlon by azt�► � •�•
<br /> ti' governmental or regulatory agency or private party involviag the Property and eny Hazardous Subscance or Eavironmentel Law �t?��i ,3.�_
<br /> _ oi whict,&,��ower has aciw32:�owlydgc. If Barro•�er le�ras. ar 3s aotffed b;an;gQ��ra�enta! or r?gulat�ry a�lthr±r�ty t}t2t -
<br /> ua�y removal or other remediutton of aay Hazardoua Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall pmmpdy take .'�' `���'
<br /> all necessary romedial actions in accoMance with Environmentat Law. � '
<br /> As uxetl in this para�raph 20, "Hazardou.g Substeaces" rue those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substAaces by ��—
<br /> .,,;�-•
<br /> ' ' Environment�! Law and the following substnnces: gasoline. kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petmleum�rodacts. toxic :,�
<br /> pesticitic.s and herbtetdes,volntlle solvents,matedals conteining asbestos or formaldehyde,und radloactive matenals.As used in �`"
<br /> � sl�ia pnra�raph 20, "Envlronmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jwisdiction where �he Pcop�rty is tocateQ that :'i`��`
<br /> :. � relate ta he�lth, safety or envirottmental pmtectton. �
<br /> � �� NON-UNLFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covennut aad agree as foUows: ��•,,
<br /> • Zl.Accelerntion;Remedies.�.eitder shall give no2ice to Bacrower pMor to aoceleratton�m➢lowing Borrower's breacb ���w;;�
<br /> " ot any covenant or a�reement in this Secnrity Instrument (but not prtor to accelerntiom ainder paregraPh I? nniess -�'�'�. -
<br /> oppltcuble!nw provides otherwise).T6e aotice shNl aReclty: (e)the defaulti(b)the artion requized w cure the default; ��_
<br /> 3, (c)a date,not less thnn 30 days from the date ttte notice is given to Borrowcr,by whtch the detault ma�st tna curedi and _—.�
<br /> f��<• (d) thnt[allure to cure the defuWt on or befor�tbe date speci[ted in the rtottce moy result in uccelersNun of the sums -�-�
<br /> � �` secured by thts 3ecurlty Instn�ment nnd sale of the 1'roperty. TDe¢�ottce shail turther in[orm Bormwer of the ctp,trt to �,y,-�.q
<br /> .. ` "'��� reinstute wiYec aaeleratton nnd the right to bdng u rnurt actd�n t�asseri the nomexistence ot e defuult or eny other --_-��
<br /> " defea4e of Bora�owor to ncceteretton and sale.If the defautt is noi cured on or betore ihe dnte specified in the notice, :ti�=A�-
<br /> � � Lender, u4 ifa optton,�ayrequire immediute pAyment tn tY�ll ot aU sums secured by this Secur[ty I�strument wlthout ^ -_
<br /> fiuther demand ead may�nvoke the power of snie ond any other remedles permiKed by npplicable lnw.Leitder shnU he �
<br /> eatittesl to collect e11 expenses iacucred in pursufn�the remedies providod In this paruRruph 21,includim�,but not Itraite8
<br /> � to,reasouu6le attorneys'lees and costs of dtle evidence. :�--
<br /> ,� If thPpower of snIe ts involced.Tnistee shull recmrd a not[ce ot defc►ult an eack county tn whic6 any part of the �•� �:'���
<br /> � `fi Fc+mperiy 9s 1�cated and shall mail rnptes of scucb uotice in the muuner presedbed by appllcable law to Doztower nnd to =-_
<br /> the other persarss prescribcd by upplicnble inw.AtYer tde tLne requtred by ppglicuble la�v,Tnc�tee sha!! �ive pubUc notice -��--
<br /> " - � . of sale to lt►e{�etsor�s A�►d in the maiwer y�eescrlbc8 bY aPP!lcohle kztp.Ta�uttee,�rtthout demsssnd oa B�rroever,sbal!sYl1 -
<br /> � �� the Pro�eeriy at publtc puction to the htgbest bidder ut the ttme and pince and under the termu designut�d in the notice of 'r--�-
<br /> ,,,_; � . -
<br /> • �;,''r,.,;,��•; sale in ono or more pareels and tn any order Trustee detecmtnes.Trustee mny postpoae sale of all or �ny puroet cef We •-=z-
<br /> '�;f,;�s; . , Property by publtc announcemcnt at thc ttme nnd pluce ot uny prevtously scheduled snle. Lender or !b desi�nee may r,�'.;�.,-
<br /> .. „ � Pnrchase the Property at any sale. ...-°'T-
<br /> ':�
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