... ....-.._� � . ..
<br /> ' ✓, . .. . _ .. ' ' .. . � � ' �. � .. �. .. .. ' .. _ ' .
<br /> ' - � . ... - l\ ' � t. , • �: . - _� • � .. . .
<br /> ., � • � ��" �����
<br /> g,&�orerd or i�npesiy Ia�urnrtre. Borrower ahall lceep thc improveneents now exiscinII or herenftcr erected on thc
<br /> • pro�rty insursd nBuinst loss by flre,hnzArda included within the term"extended coveroQe" nnd nny other hnzards. 1ncludlnII
<br /> floods ar iloodinQ, Por�vhlch Lender mquires inauronce.This insurutice s&uU IsQ maintnincd in the tunnunta and for the gcrloda �
<br /> that L.sndcr reyuires.The insurunce cntetar providinB the ineumnce ahall be chusen by Bor�awer subject to Lendcr's npprovni
<br /> .. wi�ich ehNl not be unreusonably withheld. lf 8orrower fnils ta muintnin covernge desedbed nbove. Lendec may, at Lender's
<br /> optlon,obtnln wveraBe to protect Lender'e rlBhta in the Property ln uccordunce wlth paroBrnph 7.
<br /> All �nsuranco polictes and renewnis shall be accepcable co L�nder und sl��ll iuclude a standard n�urigagc clause. Ltader
<br /> shall t�ave the eight to hold the policies aad r�enewula. If Lender requires,Borrower ahall promptty give to Lender all reGeipta af ?;�.�;;
<br /> . • patd pttuiiums und renewni aotices.In the event af lo.ss,Borrower shuU give prompt notice to the insurnnce c,Anier and Lrmder.
<br /> �� � "" Lender mAy make proof of loss Of not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> ' Unless Lender nnd Borrower othenvtse agree In wdting,iusurnncc proc�eda shall be opplleA to restoration or repair of the .
<br /> Pro�seny damaged.if the restorutioa or rep�ir is ecano�nicully feaslble aad Lender's securtty ia not lessened.If the restorntion oc °
<br /> . repnir b not economically fe�sible or Lender's security woutd be le5seae�,the fnsurancs proceeAa shali be appiied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Secutiry Tnsuument, whetber or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrnwer abundons the '
<br /> �� Property, or does aot aaswer wit�±.��'l�i �ays a aotice from[�endet that the tnsurttnnce cwrlsr has oficred to settle a claim,then '�''
<br /> Lender aiuy collect the inaurnrtoe groc��ds. Len�xr may use the proceeda to repatr or restora the Propetty or to pay sums ...
<br /> secus�ed by this Securit�r I.r.strumca�t,�tihEil�er or e�n¢tn�a due.The 30-day ped��v'r.11 bsgin when the notice is given. "_
<br /> , i � Ue�¢ss Lender�r..�J Borro+vea o�lt.nviss t�a�'e nn�vritia�. any applicatn�n m�proceeds to priacipal shall aot extend or =_
<br /> �;-� !�.? pastpar� uax due dnte oP tke monlA9y �aymeuts refermd to in R�+ragraphs i :uic���r change the amount of the paym.e�ts. I f
<br /> ', under parngraph 21 the Property is�u i re d by L en der,B orrower's d g h t t o u s►y i t�,:�a n c e p r e 8n sies and pmcecds resul t i m�fr��m ...'':;
<br /> � � dnmage to the Propet[y R�for to tA�e acquisition shall pass w Lender to the�xtemmt off:.,e 9u111s s2CUPed by lhis SC�uTIty IASriu�aC4 ;,��r�;
<br /> immedlately prior to ebL zrqvisltion. ' �`� '.
<br /> „ . � 6.Oavpaacy,Pa�rvatlan,Mulntenaate and Protectton oi the Pt+ope�4y;IDoiroNQr's Loan Appllcution�I.easeholds. ; ;�,'_
<br /> Bomower sh�ll oxupy.estabiish.�unfl use the Property as Borrower's ptinclpal residence witdin sixty days after We execution of ya�sji;
<br /> ,. �t� } , �{� ���r t��¢�t and shalE oIDmYnnue to a.cupy the Pro�rty as Borrower's principal residence for at least oae year after �..�`•�
<br /> �.:i
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless L,endxr�therwlse agtees in wttda�3,which consent shall not ba unreasonably witLheld,or unless �,
<br /> ' �::�
<br /> ° ,�{� eauenuat[ng clrcumstencea exiat which are bey�md Borrower's wntrol. Borrower shall not destroy, dr�mage or �mpair the �{��.;
<br /> pro�rty, nllow the Property to deterlorate. or oamrtult wr.ste on tbe Peoperty. Somower shall be in da4s.n�9a if any forfeiture �=,•f;;�
<br /> • '' f action or proceediug. whether civil or cririaainat, is bEgun tbat i�Lender's good faith judgment could res�Es a�fodeiture of the �_�.'.,°
<br /> � � Pmperty or otheiwise mutertally impair the liea crcat�d by this Security Iastrument or Lcader's security int�rest.Borro�ver may --
<br /> �:� " h 18.b causw tne acuon or roceeding co be dis�isscd wiib a n►Iia� `=-—
<br /> cure such a default and reiuscate.ag provtded ia{nnraQrap y g P
<br /> thut. !n Le�tder's good faith determivadon, pre�l►�d�a forfelture of the Borrower's taterest in the Prop�aay or other rnutedal R'`=-
<br /> � � impaimtent of the lien cmated by this Securiry Qnssu�ment or L,euder's sect�arty interest. Barrower sha1B u��o be in default if =
<br /> �;. Boreower.during the loan applicntion pmcess,gave m�aterielly false or ivacc��inforniation or statements to Lender(or failed _
<br /> �' • to pmrld�s Lendar with any tnater�a9 d�aformation)in counection with the loan ev3r7u►ced by the Note,including�but noi Iimited __
<br /> �E' to.repcesentatioas wacemiag Bor¢�oa.er's occupaacy of the Property as a prlaclpal residenae.If this Securlry Inatnunens�s�n a __
<br /> � leasehold. Bomower shull comply +:ez�a!1 t�E �aovistous of the lease. If Borrawer c�cquires fee t[tle to the Propert�, �ihs v -
<br /> '� '� ' � laaseDold and the fee title shall aot�ae,.-y�x unless Ilr�3er a�rees to the merger in writing. ;��.v
<br /> • " � � 7.II�»tecNon o4 Lender's Ri�3n the�+uperty.If Borrower fetls to perform the wvenac►ts au��b agmo�:��ata contained in "-�`-
<br /> . *, this Sxuriry Insttumant.or there Is�legnl procccding that may sigtiticaady�fffect Lender's�fB6ts im t�a i4�ryu� (surJ�as e ,---
<br /> procecding ln bm�icn►ptcy,pmbute�for coademaadon or forfeiture or to enforoe Iaws or regulationa).�zrn�Il�nckx cnu;���io aad
<br /> �., pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Froperty and I.eader's dBhta in the Properagr.Il�:ndnr's�acrions may
<br /> iuclude paying any aums secured by u lien which has prioriry over thts 5ecurity Insuwneat. aPPesrtil� in oourt. PaYln� -
<br /> , .,� k cea;onable attomeys' tees r�d enteting on the Pc+np�rty to malce cepaits. Althoagh Lender way take action uader this paragi�h
<br /> ' 7,L.eades does not hnve to do so. ---
<br /> Any amounta disbursed by Leader under this parngrapL 7 shall beoome addidorwl debi of Borrower secured �y thia u�
<br /> �� •`"! SecurRy Instruacent. Ualess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these aznounts ahaU lsear interest fmm the =-_
<br /> date of diaburse�tent at the Note rate and shalo be payable, with interest, upon notice frow Lender w �mower requcsting a:�"�
<br /> . 3 , pa�t- t�a�
<br /> - . � B.Mor¢ga�e Insurnnce.If Len�Qr required mortgage insurnnce es a condItion of making the losu secured by thts Security � -
<br /> .:. `.�:`;:� InstrumQnt, Horrower Ahnll pay the premiums required to maintain the mortBage insuranc� in eifect. If. for auy masfln. the �F"_:_
<br /> . ' .�,...
<br /> '��Si:.'�5.rn1 r..-..
<br /> . «�� ���, mortga�e lnauraaoe covemge required by I.ender lapses or ceascs to be in effect,Bomow�r shalt pay the premiums required to �__
<br /> , � obtain coverage substbndally equivalent to the mortgnge insuraeoe previously in effect.at a cost substauti�lly equ�valent to the F;;�_.,
<br /> . cost to�omower of the m4rtga�e i�osurence previously in effect. ftom nn altemate raortgagc insuter a�proved by Lender. Ii ��..,-
<br /> ..�; substantially equivalent mortgage iasurance wverage is not available,Horrower shull pay to Lender essh month a sum equal to �°`:,:.
<br /> `��� one-twelflh of the earl mort �e insurance remtum being paid b Borrower when the insurartce coverage lupsod or cursed to F''`-
<br /> ;l,:�,ti; �. Y Y � P � y
<br /> ��{�° - � be in effect. Lender wi11 eooept,nse and retain these payments as a loss reserve in Iteu of �aortgage inauranoo. Loss reserve -
<br /> �,auaa s�so
<br /> .,, : 1:;;.
<br /> ' t
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