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A&SI�NMRNT OF RBNTS= APPOlNTMENT OF R�CBIV�Rt LENDTR IN POS.SES3ION. <br /> Borrower Absolutely and unamditianwlly�ign�wwi tmnrfe�a�I.ender ull the�nts and rovc�ucs l'•Rent4")af <br /> - --- — the PropaKy. �gardlcss af ta whom the Rentc of the Propeny pr�e payable. 8otrowor Authorizew I.endc� or <br /> -- Lende�'s agent�1a callxt Ihe Rents,und Agroe.�tlwt cach tenum nP tha Propeny shall pay�he Reniti to Lende�ar <br /> � � <br /> — Lender'a agente.However,Bon+uwer slwll reccivc the RcMa until(i)I.endcr hes glvcn Bormwer oatice M'default ` <br /> puauw�t to paragtaph 21 oY thc Security Insirument and(ii)Lendcr has givcn nutice ta tho letu►nt(s)�hnt Ihe ReMs - <br /> aro ta bo p�id to I.cndor or I.ender's agent.Thia w�ciRnment af Rents oonsii�utes un uMu►lute acsignment and nat <br /> an ac�ignment far Addiliatwl:ecudty only. <br /> If I.ender gives notico of bneuch to Bormwer:(i)ull Rems rcceived by Barnnw@r ahall ba held by Borrower <br /> As tnisteo for Ihe ben�flt of I.ader anly,to be applied�a the sumx secured by the Securfty Instrument;(ii)Lcndcr - <br /> � sl�ll be etHiUod to oolloct and reoeive all of Ihe Ren1s of'the 1'mpetty:(iii)8orrower agr�ees that each tcnant of the = <br /> _ Property slwll pay all Reryts due and unpaid to Lxnder or Lender's s�ge�s upon I.ender's written demand co Uie - <br /> --� te�wnt: (iv)unless applicable Inw provides WFrcrwise,all Rents col[ected by I.ender or l.ender's agenis shall be = <br /> '�:=,ti ---- -- Applied flrst ro the coste of takio,�c�ontrW oi a�d managing�he I'rupeny a�d collectiag the Rems.including.but = <br />::;'Ls: not limitod ta. attarney's fees, receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bands, nepair ard mlintenance costs. <br />__-�t' insuranoo prc�aiiwas.pu�es,ucse:wnents and other charges on the Property.and Ihen to�he eums secural by the� � , <br /> Serurity Incuunx�at;lv)l.ea�der, Lender's agems or any judicf�lly appointed receiver shall be lia'h1c t�a t�v�unt tor = <br />-_ only those Itents acluaCfg meceived; and �vl/ L,z�:ler shall be entiUed to have u receivee appnintccl na lat:e ° <br /> _ possession of+ud mana�e i9�e 3°nopen}•simd l'cdJVert �he Renls and profits der�ved Prom�F�r Pmpcny wi�hnut any -. <br /> ,, � showing as to the inadeq�scy of n�ae�Am���ersy as security. : <br /> � ., ` `"` If!he RC111s of lhe PiopCriY :ur imt su3dicien� ta rnver the oosts of�aking control af und managing the - <br /> y�'w� <br /> propeny and nf collecting the Rents any funds ex,�ead;d by i.ender for such purposes shall becbme indebtedness _ <br /> -'.�+� af Bomower to I.ender secured by the Security lns�rument pu�suant to Uniform Covenant 7. _: <br /> t::'1°� . Bomuwer represents u�d warrants�hat 8orrower 6as not executed any prior assignmcnt of thc Rents and has � <br />`"}_,,',r,n not and will not perform any act that would prevent Lender from exercisin�its rights under this paragraph. = <br />•�;�;N•• L,ender, or l.ender's agents or u judicially appainted receiver, shall not be requined to emer upon, �ake = <br />'�`="�""`�`!�.;-'.,, rnntrol af or maintuiq the Properry beforc or a�'RC��iving notice of dafault tm 8orrower. H�wever, l.ender.or E: <br /> �_.—._ , <br />...�,:, -- _: <br /> 1f��+•'!�� ' -_ <br />""�._..,,_..�s r:.��.__ I.ender's a ents or a judicially appainted receiveT, mn�•do so at any time wh�n a default acurs. Any applicalion _ <br /> 8 <br />_:;:•,•,;.�. , �tii' ,�ir ., . , . of Rents shall not cure or waive un default ar invnlidatt an other ri ht or rcmed of I.ender.This acsi nment of _ <br /> .� ,;`..Z.�."'.. � Y Y � } 8 _ <br /> ' '� , f.e�•j,,r,l'':f� . t, _ <br /> � f., . . {� Rents of u1:e'.Prnpers}�shaU terminute when all the suma 4ecure�i by the Seruri�y Inr,trument ure paid in full. <br /> , <br /> `.f��,1_.� `�, �'�'�y�'y'r.�� I. CR�DS�.D�FA�JLT PRO�'9'�9aN. Botrower's defau9s nr hrexch under uny notc nr agreement in which = <br />-'_;�f,' . ,��; Lender has an imeres�shall t+e n brcuch under the Securily Instrument and L.endcr mny invoke uny of'the remedieti <br /> .."';;`__ _ �'''�" permuted by the�ecunty lnstrument. �:: <br />'"'�" BY SIGNIN(3 BE'LOW, Born►wer nccep�s and agrees to the terms and pruvisions rnntai�d in this 1-4 - <br /> ` Family Rider. - <br /> ��:.,' ,�., <br />;�:i= ' �^ — /� — r <br /> �' ' ,1 ' � � : <br />. .�fi}; •: r <br /> F;,. t'CC !�_� �k ISCBI� 1'. <br /> 5: <br /> `�.� ;ti r+�.� ;��'': El. R l� 8E � •Burrowcr i' <br />_t^rr l t<:�ysQ't { �f`i`4:,��^ ����LGl� tJ _����`� �, <br />,`>J�i�. � � lSeAl) -. <br />�..:�'`f�� � .�.i��:'}y.f aRALIA ERIVES •eorr�wcr �': <br />-''�y �,�,:;.; � <br /> -�;. �::=° - <br />�:v �s��i� ._ <br /> :,��, <� <br /> ;,�.,� x •&�rn�wrr � <br /> .���.;;�` —,- ,. <br />_;: — �;PJG:` ISeal) `_ <br />�M� • :+?:'. •Burtowrr e,; <br /> �}�•,;j� r; <br /> � �!i.'.� t.. <br />-S�-. ��..'{4�•�� ° <br />_ ..SN�� .rf•�:'.. .:�Nt. <br /> .�IY._ ,� ,.� � � <br /> ==t�°:.,' �� �'� :.�"�,....,;� \ Fam 3170 9180 -- <br />-;i���,s, ,,..+ , °_ <br /> -`'�'-- _-'.:'��i('�"' � <br /> .•��� �� /,��fl���.^�51��i' ,r , G�. <br /> '$j1�,������}/�c�'� ..{�j �� <br />" , �I ' "�,5'l��tt j\ 1•,i'1�.��, � <br /> {y } �: <br /> .� '� �.�,,`1]��;{�J���ti. :. �.. <br /> 14 1 • <br /> .�`��M1? <br /> . �y �"t', tff��y,��4 f:�j_' •�,,.�, ,_ <br /> :1�{ � t 5..1 A•=t.: w, <br /> t .l'� 1'�1�+i� .y,;e. • , <br /> � ' �'fZ- 1f �i �. .r«.•—�s�.-�...,o...�....- ..,.R...,.....-.-...r�--s.........�e. <br /> ,f1r�1 <<'N��� , :< 1 ,�,�, ,��( !�����1�?' , ���;�',,,t f''; ,l, ��.,� .,3�" '�3'"` . i,,,i,T ti`;, <br /> .`n�.. _' �tt�p�i[: ��?� .�. i (��►'������i. 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