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,.,,. . <br /> ., � • , <br /> ... , <br /> ' _ � .. :�, . . .,.,. • „ ,.,,..,... <br /> . _ .. . .. , <br /> - .- .- � .. A ' .. .. .:.... . . .. . - '_ � <br /> •, •, ��Q�����' <br /> 17.Trnnster o�thc Property or u�cneficinl Interest In�arrower. lf all or any pnrt of thc roperty or cu�y intcrest in lt <br /> is sold or trnr►sfened(or tf a beneficiat Interest in Horrower is sold or trnnsferred and Bonower iA noc n nnturul person)without <br /> L.ender's pdor wdtten consent. Lender may, ut its aption, require immediute �uyment in full ot nll sums securcd by thls <br /> SECUriry Instrument.However, this option shnll not be exercised hy l.ender if exercise is prohibited by federui Inw na of the dnte <br /> of this Seourlty Instrument. <br /> ' If Lendee eaercises thta optionf Lxnder shull glve Borrower aotice of acceletatlon. The nottce ahalt provide u period of not <br /> less than 30 days from the dnte the notice is deltvered or mailed within which Bonow�c must pay ull sums secured by thia • <br /> Securlty inatrument. !f Horrowa;r faila w puy thesc sums prlor to the cxpiratioa of thfs perfod,Len�ler may invokc cu►y remedies <br /> permitted by this Secutlty Instruaunt without further notioe or demand on Barrower. <br /> 16. Boe�rower's Iti�ht to R�lnstate. !f Borrower meets cenain wnditions, Borrower shall have the ri�ht to huve <br /> .^��. enforcecusnt of this Secudty Insuument diacontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) S daye(or siich ocher period as <br /> "' " applicable law may spectfy for reinstatemeat) before sale of the Properry pureuuat to any power af sate contained in this <br /> Security Inatcument;or(b)eatry of a judgment enforcing this Securily Insttument.Those condltions ar+e that Bonower: (a)pays <br /> L.ender all sums which then would be due under this Securlty Instrument and the Note as if no acaleration had occuaed; (b) <br /> cures aay defautt of uny other covenaats ar agrecments; (c)pnys all expeases incuned in enforcina this Security Instrument, <br /> , iacluding,but aot limited to,reesonable attome�s' fees; and(d)takes such action as Lender mny masonably require to assure . <br /> i tbat tha liea af this Secudty Insuument,Y.eader a rights in the Praperry and Borrower's obligution to pay the sums secured by <br /> . this Securiry lnstrument shall contlau�ll�effec ive asif no accclerA an had occurred rHowiever,this�ght to einatatedshall <br /> . . � obligadons secured hereby sbull remain y <br /> , not apply in the c.�se af acceleradon under paragrapb 17. , <br /> ,•._.,:,�, , �, . 19. Snle of Notei Chcu�ge of I.oan 3ervicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (iogetber with this Security _ <br /> Instrument)may be sald one or more times without pdor natice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known � �•' <br /> ,�'��t�` �'�' �`� as the" Servicer")thut collects monthIy payuieuta due under thc Noto and tdis Secudry Insuument.Tliere also may be one _ <br /> ' �` or more ebauges of We I.otui Servicer untelated to a arile of the Note.If there is a change of the Lcr.ui Servicer,Bonower will ba � � • <br /> �:.;�:;,` � ' � glven written notice af the change in accordance with paragraph 14 aLove and app l ica b le law.The nodce will state the name and _- <br /> �. addrr�s of the new Loan Servicer and�he addreas to which puyraeats should be mada. The notice will also cantuin uny other <br /> � ; � iaformation r°.,quired by applicable law. __-. <br /> 20. HazacdouR Sabst�nces. Borrower shall not causa or permit the presence, use, dlsposal,storage,or relense of any '.�_, <br /> ,� � Hazardoue Subatancea on or in the PropeRy. Borrower shall not do. nor nllow anyone else to do. an thing affectinB thQ � <br /> h <br /> - � Property thnt ia in violutton of any Eaviroamentul Utw. The preceding two sentencea ahall not uppiy to t e preaence.uso.or .;�:; <br /> storAgo on the Property of emall quantities of Hazardous Substnnces that are gencrnlly recognized to be appropriate to normnl ,,� <br /> � ' residentiul usea und to mnintenr�ace of the Property. - <br /> Borrower shnil pramptly glve I.ender�vrittcn notice of�u►y investigntton,cluim. dcmond. lawauit or other actton by uny <br /> govemmentN or regulatory ageacy or privu�e purry involvfng the Property und any HozArdous Subatence or Environmental Law __ <br /> " '� ot whlch Borro�ver has actuul kaowledge. It Bortower lcnrns, or is notified by any govemmcntal or regulntory nuthoriry. thut �_ <br /> .. '; aay temovni or other remediacioa oi cu►y H�tious�utssunscx aff�ting tlte Psopes!;ts n!��s!��y, �p+'�v,er shalt promptly tnka l::-°_ <br /> all aecessary remedial actiona in accordnnce with Environraental Lnw. �_� _ <br /> ; As ueed W ttiis ptungraph 20. "Hazardous Substaaces"ttra those subswnces defined su toxic or hazardous substances by =_ <br />- �. Snviroamental Law and the following substances: gasolitte. kerosene, other flaaunable or toxic petroleum producta, toaic <br /> � pesticldes and herbicides,volatile solvents.matedals containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactiva materials.Aa used in <br />- � thls paragraph 20. "�nvironmental Lsw" meuas federal Inws and lawa of the jurisdiction where the Property is locxtcd thnt <br /> � . relate to health,safety or envlronsnental praeccioa. <br /> ,�, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fu�ther covenant and agree as follows: _� <br /> , tr 21.Acse�eantion=Remeslles. Lcndar s6a11 give notice to Borrowcr prior w scccleraUon follovring Horrower's breach __ <br /> of any covennnt or tt�reera�nt in thl� Securlty Instrument (but not prlor to ucccicrattom undet�psuu�rnph 17 uNess ____ <br /> � apglicable AAw pmvtdes othernise).The notice shall specit�s (e)the default= (bD the uttton req�6red to cure the default; •��-��°• <br /> , , ; (c) a dnte�nat less than 30 days From t6e ciate tue notice is�iven to Borro�ver,by which th�def�ult must be cured;nnd �,°;; <br /> . ra�..,,. <br /> (d) thut fatluee w cure the detsult on or before the date specified tn the notice may resut�in�sccelerati�n of the sum3 __ <br /> ��'"' secured by thls Securtty Insbument snd snle of the Propedy. The notice shall fltriher infon�m Borrowca•of the rlght to __ <br /> � ��;;, ..,.,, �,} reiaistate atYer acceleration �nd the d�ht to briug a court AMion to assert the non•existence of e defnuit or any other __- <br /> '� • defense of Borcower to uccetcratton nx�d sale� If the default is not eured on or befose the dato spociiied i¢�tho nottce� �.;. <br /> �'�.��y� � �- Lender, at tta option�may requtre tmmedlate puyment W full of all eums accured by thls Security Instra�meat wtthout =__ <br /> . furdher dermand and mny invoke the powcr of sale und any other remedies permttted by 21,i�ttrludin� but ot imit d --- <br /> � entltled to collect all expenses tacurred tn puesulng the reiuedies provided In this paragrap 89 �° <br /> ; y to, reusonable aYtorneys'fces and costs ot tttle evtdence. �:`�` <br /> If Wepower o�sale is invnked� Tntstee sh�ll reoord u notice of default in eacU com�ty dn whtch any pArt of the . <br />' -; Property is I�cuted und sha71 ras�l copies oP such nottce i»the mnnner preseHbed by appfico6l£ law to g3arro�ver aad to ��`.::... <br /> :, �,. <br /> _ � the other persons prescNbecl by�pplicable Is�w.After the time required by applicnbte Law,'Ilru�tee nlusll glve public aotice _�_ <br /> � ' of anle to the�mons�nd in the manner preacrDbed by uppltcable lew.Trustee, wlthout demantl on Borrower,sh�nll sell <br /> .���� thc Property nt pubUc aucHon to the highcgt bidder at the time and place and under the ter�s destgnated in the notice of �� : <br /> - ' P�roe'pearty by p blic�nnouncement at the 4ime und place orf anq�prTe tous�Y chedul�sWse�. Lender or its d g eefmny '� <br /> ' purchose t[�e P r operty n t any sa le. <br /> :.. � <br /> Form 3038 9/80 <br /> �0 8ti1NH1�ot�2�.os voeo 6 ot 0 mina:a: . <br /> - . -„ ..`+n�_-;i-;� _ ..,._'_ �,:;-�-ro.rz;c:�::���a 's�`�... N . • <br />_ . <br /> .. , . <br /> _ � . ' , , <br /> - .. •r� .. , , � �- � � - . . ., � <br /> . ,:t�, : ..��:; ..;.. , t..'. � <br /> - �- . ,� � -p'!;c. _ <br /> ' . .. . �� - -, � � • 1. � ., � , . . . <br /> , ` �,� . f , . , ' . , . '',- ' <br /> `. .. - �. �• . .. 'S . �,�-. <br /> �. .. � I" . � . .. . �`��� ' - �.�,' � <br /> . . :.I . _ �.l . .. . .. . . - . <br /> �.l' . - ... . . . . . .,;; •1r,. .. . � .... <br /> .. �1 .1 - . .� <br /> .� � ' ' . �. ,_ ` � . .. { <br /> .., - V �.._. � . . _. _ �- <br />