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<br /> � �. Il�asmrd or PeoprsRy Hrouennca Sorrowcr shnll keep thc improvementR nnw catatln� or herenRcr crccted on U�e
<br /> Property lasured aQainst luss by flre. hazarda included wlthin the tenn "extended covern�e' tu�d imy ather hiu�►rda, Inctucting .
<br /> Eloode or tloadinB, for which Lender requires insurunce. This insurnnce ahnll he rnnintnincd tn thc iunounts c�nd fc►r thc perinda
<br /> that L�endet requires. The insurrmce cnrrier provldinB the tnsurance sh�ll be cliosen by Borrawcr aubJcct to I.endcr's npprovnl ', ..
<br /> � which ahull not bc unreusonubly�vithheld. If Bonower faUs to mnintain coveraQe describcd ubovc, l.endcr may, ut Len�er's
<br /> �� option,obtain covernIIo to protect Lender's righta ln the Property tn accordancc:wtth pnrAIIraph 7. -� :,
<br /> - Ail Inauraucs policics and rencwala shail be ucccptablc ro ixnder nnd shnll inciude n stnndnrd mnrtpugc cluusc. Lender
<br /> ahall have the rlght to hold the policies and renewals.[f I.eader cequires,Bonower ah�ll prompdy give to Lendcr all rcccipts of ;.v„�;:
<br /> � ', puld premiums and renewal noticts. ln the event of loss, Borrower shnll nlve prompt noticc to the insurancc currier and Lender. ;
<br /> _.-:�.--� Lender may make proof of loss if aot mnde promptly by Horrower.
<br /> Uriless I.cnder and Horrower othenvlse agrea in writing,insurAnce proceeda shail be applied to reatorntion or ropaiT of the '�.���
<br /> � Pmperty damaged,if the restoradon or repair is economically feaslble und Lender's security is not lessened. If the mstorntion or ,•r
<br /> ' . repair is not ecunomicaily feasibte or Leader's securiry would be lessened, the insurnace proceeds aha116e upplled ta the sums ;;.�
<br /> secuted by this Securiry Iastrument. whether or not thea due, wlth uny excess paid tn Borrower. If Bonower ubsndons the ��_,
<br /> ;, Property,or does not anawer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insuranw cnrrler hus offered to settle a cluim, then , i;"-`z
<br /> " L.ender may collect the iasurance proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to repair or reseore the Prope,ty or ta pay sums ,;•,
<br /> " aecured by this Securlty Instrnmcat. whether or not Wen due.The 30-day pedod wilt begin when the notice is gtven. • z
<br /> Unlesa Leader and Bamower otherwise asree in writing, uny appiicution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or Y ;"
<br /> postpoae the due date of thc moachly payments refetted to ia paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If A�.-;i;
<br /> "" under paragraph 21 the Property is acyuired by I.endec. Boerower's rlght to any insurnrece policles and proceeds m.g��iting fmm "';��
<br /> '�.��:;;� '���•:�
<br /> damage to the Property prlor to the acqulaition ahall pass ro L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by thts Secudty Insccument ✓;,.•,
<br /> �:';;�:;:;��,, ,
<br /> ;,,,,,,,;;: . immediately prior to the acquisidon. `"r"'``
<br /> .,r;;
<br /> ����'���;;;: .. 6.Occupnncy,Peeservation,M[alntenance and ProteeUon of the PropeMy�Borrower's I.flan Applicatiopj E.ease�olds. ; ,;,�;_
<br /> � ' ���''�:�r , y Borrower aball occupy,estabiish,and use the Properry as Borrower's priucipal residence within alxty days after tha execution of -^_
<br /> '���'�;��;;.,`,.� �' thia Security Instrument and shall contlnue to occupy the Praperty as Bosower's prineipai reaidence for at least onE yenr after ��'':;;,_
<br /> , �'t�`i':•�.:�� the dace of occupancy,unless Leader otherwise agrees ia writing, which consent shall not be unr.asonably withheld.or unless '�;L
<br /> •'��' extenuuting circumstnnces exist which are beyond Borrower's conaol. Bonower ahall not destroy, damage or impuir the ;,;_
<br /> ����„ti. �• Property. aUow the Propercy to deterlorate, or commit waste on the Properry. Borrower ahall be in default if nny forfeiture ;;�__�
<br /> ���'�' . action or proceeding,whether clvil or criminal.ia begun that la Lender's good f�ith judgment could result in forfelturo of the _
<br /> ,��� -
<br /> � �. Property or otherwlse matedally impatr ttte lien created by this Securhy Instruraent or L.ender's secudty interest.Borrower may _ -
<br /> � cute such a deiaitit nu�cctnstaiF,as ptotildt�iss p�86r8Pk�$•bY^-at��no th'-'gr_.tl�n or proceeding to be dismissed with A tuling �
<br /> • ' that. W Leader's IIood fatth determination, precludes forfettare of We Borrower's interest in the Property or other matcrlul � -
<br /> impairment of the Ilen creuted by this Secudty lnstrument or Lender's security iaterest.Hormwer shall also bs in defuuit if
<br /> Barnower�during the loaa applicncton process�gave materlalty fulse ar inaccurnto informution or seutements to Lender(or fuiled
<br /> " tn pmvide 1.ander with uay matednl inforniatlon)in connection with the laan evldenced by the Note,including.bu�not limited
<br /> �,� �• to,rep�asentationa coaceming Borrower's occupnaey of the Property as u principal residence. It this Secudty Inscrument is on u
<br /> leasehold, Borrawer ahnil comply with all the pmvisions of the lense. !f Borrowor acquicea f� tide to the Property, the _
<br /> � ° lensehold nud the fee titic shall t�ot merge�utless 1,ender ngrees to the merger tn writtng. �,___.
<br /> . 7.Protectlon of I.ender's Rtghfs In tho PROper6y.If Borrower fails to perforai the covenants and aBrec:m:nts coatuiaed in r:
<br /> �� this Secuxlty Instrument, or therc is n legaf proceeding t1�at maY aigaiticnntly affect Lender's dghts in the Proparty(such as a ,_ _
<br /> , proceedlag ia bsutkcuptcy, probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce Inws or regulations), then Lender may do aud __
<br />-- • pny for whatever ia aecess�y to protect the value of the Property and Lender's righcs ia the Property. l.ender's uctions may `—
<br /> �l;"� ,,;,„,�� , laclade paying any sums secumd by a lien which has priority over tdis Secudry Iastrumeat. appcariag in court. paying _
<br /> _ ,_���,�._,�. reasonable attomeys'fces and entering on the Ptoperty to make repairs. Although Leader ms3y teke action under this pacagraph —
<br /> .. ' 7,I.ender does not have to do so. = �_
<br /> � �• Atty amounts disbursed by Lender uader this psuagraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower securerl by this ,;,_
<br /> ,. ; m -_-_
<br /> • .��?� SecurIty Inauument. Unless Borrower na�i Lender agree to other terma of payment,these amounts shall bear itttorest from the v-�
<br /> ,;��;�.- date of disbucsement cu the Note rate and shatl be payuble. with interest. upon notice ftom Lcnder to Borrower requestinB ��___.
<br /> �:,.: � .� ` payment. �-;.----
<br /> _^ .�r.,:,, °', g�Murtaage Insqrance. If Lender required mortgnge insurance as a condition of maklag the loa��securod by this Securlty E -
<br /> �*�� - Iastrumcnt� Borrower ahnll pay Aie premiuras requtrcd to maintain thc mortgage insurence in effe�t. If, for nny reason, the � "'
<br /> ` .- . �. '�� mortgage iasurance ooverage required by Lender lapses or ceuses t�be In effect.Sorcower shall pay the premiums requlred ro F -
<br /> � � , obtain covPrnge substautiaily eyutval��nt to the mongage insurnnce previously in effect. nt a cost substuntiapy equivaleat to the F;'--
<br /> � ',� cost to Borrower of the mortgage i n aurancc prev tou s l y I n e f f e c:t. f r o m a a a l t e r n u t e m o a g a g c i n s u r e r a p p r o v e d b y T.e n d ea. If F_=--
<br /> � "�
<br /> . t,. substantially equivalent tnort�uge insurance covecage is not uvailable. Bonower sdell pay to i,ender each month a awn equul to ,.+
<br /> , T one�twelfth of the ycarly mortgage insurance premium being patd by Borrower when the insurancc cover�ge lnpsed or ceased to __
<br /> ,�t be in effect.Lender will accept,usa and retain these paymeats as u loss reserve in lteu ot mortgaIIe insurancc. Loss reserve ;'.�.
<br /> ,�,;,
<br /> �, Fotan 3020 8190 4•.:..
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