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<br /> TO(3ETHSR WITH ull the lmprovcmcnta naw on c�rcufccr erccted on the propeny, t+nd all easementk,nppurtvnances,nnd � '
<br /> Cxtures now or hereofter a pert of the property. All repiacementa nnd addielans shnll ulao be covared by this Security �
<br /> Inatrument.All of the foeeBoing ia refcrred to in thia 5ccarlty lnstnrment us the "Property."
<br /> IIORROWER COV�IYANT5 that 6orrower ia lnwfully seised af the estnte hercby conveyed nnd has thc riRht to gr.lnt nnd
<br /> canvey the Property and thnt the Property ls unencumbsred. except far encumbrnncea of record. Bona�ver warrnnt�and wiil �' n
<br /> defend genen+lly tl�c title to the Propeny ogainat ail clalms nnd demunda.aubJect to any encumbrances of recard.
<br /> THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT combines unilorn�covcnatuh for nadonal use nnd non-uniform covenunis wiUt limited .
<br /> vnrlationa by jurtsdiction to constitute a uniform secudty inatrument cavering real pmPertY• ;
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borcower and I.ender covenant and agrce as follows:
<br /> • --r� 1. �yment of Princlpnl und Interesti Prepuyment and Lnte Cherges• Borcower shatl promptiy puy whcn duc chc
<br /> �� pr�ncipal of aad interest on the debt evidenced by the Note nnd any prepayment and late chtuges due under the Note.
<br /> • 2. FY�nds for Taxes and insurance. Sub;ect to applicable law or to a wdtten waiver by L.ender. Hotrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthty paymenta are due under the Note. until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: ca�y�ly t�� .,
<br /> � and assessmeats which may attain pdarity over this Securlty Insuument as a lfen on the Propeny;(b)yenrly lcasehold paymcnts
<br /> � or ground rents on the Proparty,lf any:(c)yearly hazard or property lnsurance premiums;(d)yeariy flood insurunce premiuma, ,
<br /> if any; (e)yeurly mort�age insurance premiums, if any: and (8 any sums payable by Borrower co Lender,in accord9nce wjth
<br /> ti, � the provisions of para�raph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortga�e insurance premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items.' .
<br /> •;,;;; .
<br /> i.euder may, ut any tlme, coilect aad hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the manimum amount a lender for a federally ,,t
<br /> ,.,;:�, . releted mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Aeal Fstate Setdement Procedures Act of
<br /> �' � 1474 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Sectioa 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another lat��tliat epplles to�he Funds
<br /> � sets a lesser amouat. If so, I.ender may, at any tlme, collect and hotd Funds in an amount not to excee�the lesser amount. 4.•,
<br /> I.ender may esdmate the amount of Funds due on the basi� of curnnt data and reasonable estimates of expendimres of fitture
<br /> , y Escrow Items or otherwtse in accordence with appiicable law. _
<br /> ' The Funds shall be held in en institution whose deposits are Insured by a federal agency, lnstrumentality,or entlry �'��
<br /> .. (including Lender.if Lender ta such an insdtution)or in any Per�eral1Hnm�e Funds�aiumafly analYzj S�the escro�accow►t or '' i��{�
<br /> . ; Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and upp y $ �
<br /> ' 1 ` " ver�{ying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays 8orrower interest oa the Funds and aPPlicable law peranits Lender to make such ;�,
<br /> � �� ' a charge.However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent teai estate tax reporting service
<br /> used by Lender in conaection with tliis loan, unless applIcable law provides othetwise. Unless azt agreement Is made or .��:
<br /> �. applicable law requic+es interest to bc paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borcower any intere.qt ar earnings on the Funds. �u
<br /> ,;•`;.`.Y� Borrower and Lender may agree in writin8.4owever, chet inicrest sY�itl!ts�pa3d on th�Ft�ndR. T ender shell givC to Bc�now+er, : _�'t1ti
<br /> wtthout chazge, an annu�l accounting of the Funds,showing credits and de4►its to the Funds and the putpose for which each ,..�-
<br /> e Funds wAS made.The Funds are pledged as additional securicy for all swas secured by thia Secudry(nstrument. �.�,'—�
<br /> , debit to ttt
<br /> �•'-.,, �� If the Funds held by L.ender excxed the amounts permitted to be beld by applicable law,I.ender shall acc.�unt t�Borrawer _-
<br /> ` � ` for the eRCesa Funds in accordance wtth the requlrements of appiicable law. If the amouat of the Funds held by L.eader at any w.___
<br /> � �� time is not sutficlent to pay the Escrow Items whon due,I.ender may so notify Borrower in wcittng,and, in such case Borrower _�
<br /> �� .. � shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to ma};e up tLe deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency In n�more thau �,_
<br /> i`' twetve montttly payments.at Lender's sole discretiun. C'-=-
<br /> '� Upon payment in fi�ll of all sums secured by this Securlry Instrument, Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower eny E w....__
<br /> '; Funds held by Lender.If.under parugr.�ph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,L+ender,pdor to the acquisition or sale �--_._
<br /> of the Property. sheil apply any Fuuds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agninst thc aums secured by '
<br /> �� -
<br /> this Security Instrutaant. �.-
<br /> �•. 3.Application of PaymenEs.Unless applic:able law provides o►henvise.�11 payments received by L.ender uader paragraphs � _
<br /> �"• 1 and 2 shall be appt{ed; grst,to any pmpayment charges due undcr the Note;second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2: �.:
<br /> '�'`�' third,to interest due;fourth,to pdncipal due;and last,to any l�te charges due under the Note.
<br /> q,�harges;Lieng. BArrower ahall pay all taxes.assessmenta,charges. fines and impasitions atuibutable to the Property �-_.,
<br /> el' ' -'
<br /> which may attatn pdority ovcr thia Security Instrument, and teasehold payments or grouad rents, if any.Borcower �hall puy
<br /> � thesa obligations in the raaaner pmvlded in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bonower shatl p�y thern on time directiy � � .
<br /> - V "'-, to the person o�ved payment.Borrower shall pmmpdy fumish to Lender ail nottces of amouncs to be paid under this pacagraph. e�,:•�
<br /> ^ � If Bomower makes tttese payments dir�ctiy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lcnder receipts evidencing the payrnents. �'._
<br /> _�, "'. � Borrower s6a11 pfi►mptiy discht+rge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrotver:(a) �grees in �_ _
<br /> { ___
<br /> writing to the payment of the obligatton secured by che Ifen in a manner acceptabte to Lender;(b)contests in gant tdth the Iten —
<br /> + i by, or defends agninst enforcement of the lien in, legal•proceedings which in the Lender's opiniom operate to prevent the �:_
<br /> enfon:enient of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the 1len an:il8�m is suhiect ro a lien whtch meyra�ttaintp odry over �4�
<br /> ' this Secudty Instrument. If Lender determines tbat any part of the Prop�rcy j �,�;=
<br /> � , this 5acudry Instnunent, Lender may give Borrower a notico idendfying the lien. Borrower shu11 satisfy�he lien or ta0ce onc or �:-�.
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Fosm 3028 8180
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