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<br /> 17.TransPer oP thc Property or A Beneficial Intcrest in 93orrowcr,lf all or any pnrt of thc Propcny or uny intcresc in it
<br /> is sold or transferred(ar if a beneficial intcrest in Barrower is cold or transferrcd and Borcower is nat u naturut personl withaut
<br /> �. l.ender's prlor wdtten wnsent, Lender muy, at ita optlon, require tmmediate puyment in full of all sums sccurcd by this �', .
<br /> Secudty Instrument.However,this option Rhup nat be exercised by I.ender if caercise ia prohibited by fedcrul inw ns of the dats .
<br /> - of this Secudry Instrumenc. •
<br /> � If Lender exercises this option,I.ender shAll give Borrower notice of acceleration. The nottce shall pravidc n period of nat
<br /> Iess than 30 days from tl�e date the notia: is delivered or mailed wtthin which 8orcower must pay �ll sums securcd by this
<br /> �� Secudty Instrument. If Botrower falla ta pay these sums priar to the expiration of this period,Lc:ndcr may iuvoke any rcmufics -
<br /> permitted by thts Secudty Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. �,
<br /> 18. Barrower'a �tight to Iteinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Bonower shall have the ri�ht to have
<br /> enforcement of this Secudry Inatrument discontinued at any time pdor to the eurtier of: (a) S days (or such other pertod as „
<br /> �' J� applicabla law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of salo contulned fn this
<br /> � Secuttty Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Securiry Inattument.Those conditions ure that Borrower: fu)pays �
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Securlry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratian had occurred; (b) I
<br /> cures any default of any other covenanta or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incuned in enf�rcic�g this Security instrument, ,.
<br /> including,but not limited to. reasonable ateome�s' fees; and(d)takes such accion as Lender may reasonably require to assure ,
<br /> d�at the lien of this Securtry Instrument. Lender s rights in the Property and Borrower's obflgation to�ay tho sums securcd by
<br /> this Secudty Inatrument ahall conttnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bocrower, thjs Security Instrument and chc
<br /> , obligutions secured hereby shall remain Polly effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, thla right to reinstate snull �
<br /> not apply in ths case of acceleration under paragraph 17. � ' �
<br /> 19. Sale of INote; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a pactial Interest in the Note(to�other with thts Security `a�.�..:a!
<br /> � It�stcument)mny be sold one�r more times wIthout prior notice to 8arrowcr.A sale may result in a change in the entiry(ltnawn ;
<br /> . �' as the "Loan Servicer") that collects munthly payments due under the Nate and this Security Instniment.There aiso may be one
<br /> '�" ar more changes of the I.oan Servtcer unrelated to a sale of the Note.if there!s a change of the Y..osm Servicer,Borrower will be � ; �,:
<br /> ' given written natice af the change in accordance wtth para�r�ph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will stato the name And ;.. ��
<br /> lddress of the new Loan Servlcer and the address to�vhich payments should be mude.The notice will also contain any other ,;
<br /> informatlon required by applicable law. .��:��-'=`=
<br /> " 20. Huaurdous Substsnees. Borrower sh:Jl not cause ur permit the presence, use, disposal, stora�e, or relcase of any
<br /> Hazardous Substancea on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affocting eiie :',,�Y
<br /> ° Property tbac Is in violation of any Envtronmental Law. 'fhe precedins cwo sentences ahall not appty to the presence, ur�,or � �•.
<br /> � starage an the Property of small quantides of I-Iazardoas Substances that are generally recognixed to be appropriAto to normal ��r:;�g��;.
<br /> ,,k tesidentlal uses and to maintenance of the Properry. 'e
<br /> Borrower sball�promptly give Lender wrltten notice of any investigation, claim.demand, lawsuit or other actton by any :��;;::
<br /> � governraent�l or regulatory agency ar private pazry involving the Property and any Hazardous Subatance or Environmentul Law • .'���
<br /> � - of!�hizh Bertewpr h?R a_rn�Al knowledee. If Borrower learns. or ia notlfied by any govemmErxtnl or regulatory authoritv, that _�:.R'�':`
<br /> • any removal or other rrmediatian of any Hazardous Substancc affecdng the Property is necessary,�lonower shaii prompuy cake °` `—
<br /> ` all necessary remedial actions tn accordance wlth Envlronmental Law. �N�t,�'=
<br /> p As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardoua Subatances' are those substances defined as toxtc or haznrdous substances by ��'��
<br />- Environmeatal Law aad the following substances: gasoltne. kcrosene,other flwnmable or toxic petroleum prod►�cts, toxic - _
<br /> ' pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials contalning asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As us�d in Ew�---�=
<br /> ,. this pnragrnph 20, "Environmental Law" meana federal laws aad laws of the judsdiction whece the Property is locat�d that ;,,,,�.
<br /> �� relate to health,safety or euvironmental protection.
<br /> � NON-UNIPOItM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender furthcr covenaat and agree as followa: �'"'—"
<br /> . ' � 21.Acceleration;Remedtes.Lender shall give notfce to Borrower pdor to accelerntton followtng�orrower's breaeh em::s�-_
<br /> * of nny covenent or agreement in this Secuetty Invtrument (but not prtor to acceleratton under pnragrnph 17 unless ��:._:�:
<br /> �,,�..;;�= npplicuble law provldes otiicrwtse).The notice shall specif�s (a)the default;(b) the uctton requtred to cure the defnulh P- -
<br /> (c)a date�noi tesa than 30 dny�ttom the date the notice is gtven to Borrower�by which RO�e defuult must be cured;and �
<br /> -• ��i;�';'`;'�,, (d)thnt tailure w cure the dcYault on or befare the date specifled in the reotice may rnsult in uccelerat[on of the sums _____--
<br /> -� secur�d by this Security Instn�mcnt and sale u�the Prope�ty. The noticc shall further inform Borrower of the rigdt to --..---
<br /> . �'� reins4ate after acxelee�tion and the right to bring e court actton to esscrt tUe tton-exLrtencc of n dc�ault or sny other �___-_
<br /> ;. deferue of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the de�sult is not cured on or before the dnte spectfiRd tn the aotice, --� —
<br /> � Lender,et tis optlon, mny require immedtate payment in tbll of all sums secured 6y tbis Security Iastrument wtthout ���.
<br /> ' fbrthcr demand and mny invoRe the power of sale and any otC►er remedies petmitted by appIicable low.Lendcr sY�alE bc �
<br /> entttled to wllect all expenses incurred In pursut�thc rcmedi�provtdcd in thts paregraph Zl, includin�,but not Umited �`=�_ _
<br /> � � to,reasonable attorneys'�ees and costs of titte evidence. -__
<br /> If thep��ver of snle is invokeS,Trustce shnll record a noUce of defnult in each county in which any pact of the _
<br /> . ., I'roperty!s tocnted en�shall mRl1 wpics ot such nolice in the manaer prescrtbed by applicable Inw to Borrower�nd to —__
<br /> . • thc olher pwsons prescdbcd by appticable law.After the time required by appltcable Inw9'lYastee shall givc publ�c notice _ -
<br />. :;�;�'�;�;� of sale to tke persons and in thc mt�ner prescrtbed by nppliwbie taw. Trustee, wtthout demand oc�Borrower.sliel�scli _
<br /> •� , the Pcopcity ut publtc uuctlon to the highest bidder at the time ond place and under the derma d�wt�nuted tn lhe r�vllce of =;=-�=-
<br /> � sule in one or more pu�cels and in any order Trustce determines:Trteste� se�ay postpone snle of all or any paa�cel of the �•�;��:
<br /> -� Propeity by public announcement a4 the time+und place of any previousDy scMeduted sale.Lender or ita designee may ,,.�L_
<br /> ; purchase the Property at any sale. ",;;,:;
<br /> ' �� • •--
<br />- � � Form 3028 9l80 �
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