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__ _ ___ ,p�r.��. ..�.n�. ._,�r._..��i.� � I • ' �.).:i-r-- <br /> �� . . ,,_.,!{NU're'+w.��[.. l4.�,t.�. ' • '_ <br /> ',i _4�t�r` - ,Y �'S�.y���p��,��°y� W . . <br /> ..`;,+'�.ar'tPaf�S'►'!�' '�;i�"W�-�''t. � I <br /> ' _° !�ril .ti'•}.S. T �n .W. <br /> -- _ --- - <br /> � �--- <br /> `A._ <br /> .. _'_.� <br /> :— = i11H1 1 �� 11(i <br /> - _— _ _-- _.. -.,;.,�...� <br />_ .. ----- — --- - <br /> 'rOCjE7'H8R WITH all the impmvememc now or hereaMr crecied an Ihe pmpeny. a ca. n h,up rnanceti. <br /> -- , _ _ -_ - - � �t$:.:tu-�.,a si�:��:!t;sr«ft.~. �Y.s!of thc prapetty. All�t=+IM�m�arnl�kli�umr.rl�all alcQ hc rnvcred b�r Ih��lecurny - <br /> - IAcwmen�. All of the faegoin�fa tefemed to in this Sccu�ily InswmcM a�the"Propeny." _ <br /> �,���• Bt1RROWER COVENAIV7'S thut at►Rawer i�c luwfully seixrl ui tt�e estsue hereby��mcycd and Iw.ihe dght ta gmnt <br /> , � u�d canvey the Pro�env and tlwt thn Pmpeny is unencumbered, except for encumbmnc�w of record. Bortowe�wurrants and <br /> ��` ` will dePend�enerally�he titk ta Ihe Pmpehy against All clvrrn�nd demands,subject to any encumbronces of�rconl. °"''--=- <br />— _ - — �;=,�__.. <br /> � i:� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambine� unifam mvenanta for aalloaul usc and non•uniiarm covcnant� with — <br /> �r •,:ti., � ui"s:;_.. <br /> ---;;•. ' limited vutiations by jurisdiclion to conslilute n uniform�ecurNy insirumrrn coverfoF real pmpeny. ��_ <br /> ' UNIPORM COVENAM'S. Bamo�vcr pnd Lender covetunt and agree a�fallowc: ��`� <br /> ;' '� ' 1. P�ymet�t o�Prindpal and Interesti Prcptlyment �ad I.�te Cl��es, Bamwer xhall prompily puy when due the �"`" <br />_ �':.i�-;,,,`�.�:...� --:� principaI af w�d interest an�he debt evidenced by the Nate undany pnepayment und late churge�due under the Nae. ' <br /> "- — °• ''t'"'�'��"''''` '�'' 2. Funds for 7lases and Iosunnce. 5ubjecl lo upplica6k: luw or to A wrinen wuiva�t�y Lender,Borrower shall pay to �"'�"' <br /> --^— . , n.. . <br /> - ;�,�►;r,�;i "",<<�,�.. <br /> �.�. �,��.— -- � Lender an ihe duy momhly payments ure due under�he Note,unlA the Note is puid in full,a xum l"Fund:'1 i'or: tal yearly ;,{�y- <br /> —__.�"i:�:-~;.',',.�,;'t;4 laxes nnd�ssescmentR which muy Anoin priorily over thts Secuity Instrument us u lien on the Pmperty:lb►yeucl�� lea.sehold , , <br /> =_�• pc�ymenis or gmund ren�s on the Propehy. if uny: Icl ye:uly h�urd c�r prupeny in,urunce premium,: (d) yrarly flned '-,_ <br /> ,_:�,��;� ��;:;�. . in�umnce miums, if an ; (el ycurl ma� a e insuraa.� miums. ii an :und 1�un �ums nble b BoR�w•er tn . ';=`Y_ <br /> ��;" .�.. P� Y Y 8 8 P� Y Y • P�Y Y ,._ <br /> _�-�:;.�r. s.;.# Lender,io accardaace with the provisions of parngrrph 8,in lieu oG the payment of mongage insurance prcmiums. 'E''he�e . : <br /> ��� ��.•�'..;�-- � ilema Arc called"Escrow Items:' Lender may.a any t�a�ne.collca:t and hald Fur�1s in un umount not to exreeA ihe ma�imuar <br /> -: J.. ���. ' . T:=_�: ':. <br /> , � '�� �}. <br /> � � y+��. arnauni a knder for A federally n:lo�ed m oAgs�e baue u m►y iey u l m f o r B a r a w•e r l e s c m w x r c u u n t u n d e r�h e ic c 7�r r a i R e a l ,�.�__ <br /> --"'- .i 1?�;;�+� F. E.slate Setlkment Procedu�es Act ot 1974 u.�tunend�*�E ti„�,�m eime ta time. !2 U.S.C. �2601 er aey. ("RESPA"1,unkss anather `fr:".--� <br /> � '�` �����.r`�'`�;��^ law Ihul npplies�o the f�ndc sets u lesscr amoum. IP w�.Lender rnay.ut any time,collect and hold Funds io an amount na ta i�'L'�.. <br /> ��-�° �����•�' exceed �he lesser amaunt. l.ender mAy estim;+te th� amoun�of Flindti due on t7�e bu.�is of currem dua und rea..a�abPe <br /> :�� �}` • estimatec of expen�itures of i'utuir Escn►w Items�x whenvise a accordance with npplicAble IAH. ���•u <br /> �X? ""°�t• � 7Ue li�nds shnll be held in an institulion w�k rkposes sue insured by u federul Agency,instrumentaGin, or ep16�1� :�. <br />.��� � �SS'P�A � <br /> -t�'• "��;;�„ ^_, ,,•-;���' (including Lender,if Lender is such an insti�utic►nb�aT lr.,any Federal Home Loan Bnnk. Lender shnll Apply�he Fa�nals t.�¢�ar ,�,; <br /> .ra��Sk,. p;a, .r?R.;. the Escrow Items. l.endrr may nol cha�e BoROU�ti: ;�r holdi:ng ami upplying the Funds,unnually Anal}���rz� ifi•a e+�-r�e�� : ? <br /> �:� � <br /> `°i�;;'.• • ��,� account, cx verifying the �scrow Item�, unle.s Lenekr�.�t}�s�.�rto�,��er interesi an �he Funds cind npplicab➢c lAN �emm.� . <br /> t' �.ender�o muke such a churge. However,Lender may n�uim �orrower to pay a one-time charge for an indep�n�iene r�:ar. [ <br /> estate taz reporting serviee used by L.ender in connerlion withU►ia loan,unle�s applicuble luw provides othenvise. Un1eF.aoz """"�� <br /> . . �• ,� � agrecrnent is made or s�pp0i:able luw mquircs interest to he pAid,Lenckr shall noi be mquired�o pay Borrawr��ny interezt or �:.-==° <br /> � r�`��. ' ��e��. eumio s on the Fbnds. B�*:rower and Lender ma o mc!n wr�in however,that intrrest xhAll de nid on Ihe Funds. l.ender , ��TM- <br /> -• a, h. ,,;..T I � Y 8 €� P 'a:�-- <br /> '- +{' '° ' ' sive to Bomower,x��,x�ut chu e an annual accountin of tbe Fundc,showin crcdits nnd debits to th� �unds nnd the �'��"v <br /> ' �,;. . � �...:h ..::..t�r; ; s�hall ' �E • 8 P c;..:,, <br /> �,+,�a r;t, ;;7. ti� punwse for which each dzbi�to the Funds wus mude. The Fu�ds ure pledged as addilionul�.�cariry for oll sums secured by �„u a�.� <br /> y ' y � �his Securiry Instrument. u `i� g <br /> , ��—; !f tt:e Rsnsl.g heki by Lender esceed thr emounts pern+itted to be hcld by applica�+lc �.,�.,lendes �4�ra!!account t4� ���--, <br /> , <br />- • ;i;�j;";¢ �,,,°��'.� ; Borrower for the exces�Funds in Accordunce with�he TequimneMs of upplicable luw. If thc umcwnt of t[x IFu�tc held ay �;:;•�` <br /> ;.,2;�s��r�„7' i. ,•� Lender at any�imc is aot sufficiem to pny thc Esrruu• ]atm�when due, Lender may w notify Borrower in wriunr,and,in •'���,:--; <br /> , �,'.�?'ir'�.'� ` ,, � � suc h c o s e B o r r o w e r ti h u i l to Le nd er the n mo u:n r�:cessory �o makc up the defKienry. Bonower a0�r11 make up �he . <br /> �;�t�� �•:�� ft'.���:••^.''i .>.:� PaY �. � - <br /> ,,.�1,� ,•1�r;.:.,�;,4,. � deficiencti•in no more than twelve monthly puymenls,at Lenderk sole dkcrctinn. k��"". <br /> _::;_�'.��� � ,�:�,,,,�:�-�;:_ .E.� ; Upv<<payox:�u iu fuD uf all�um, ,rcureJ by�'hi. S�►uti�y B�utniment.Lcndcr sha11 pronRptlr refunc!to �urrower un� ' :-, <br />-=;-;;.. � ��J• :' ' "•'_ Funds he3d hv l.ender. .If, under puragraph 21,Leacter shall acy�uire ur kU the Property,Lendnr,prior to �he s�cquisition or .y <br /> }� C <br /> _ ' �Cy:'.•fi47i�I..�1�i: � ,•ti• <br /> ,ti� .,:;•,•:• .. sule of Ihe Pirupert}'.shali apply uny�unds held hy L�cnder W t?�e time of acquisition or ude as u credi� ngaeast the sums ,_„r <br /> - . , k�;'`";:"' . secur�ed by Ihis Setu�r6n�in��rument. -"'r� <br /> - �I '��'�"�'"'•" '•`' 3. Ap�licauie�n d'8'ayments. C►nlesr; upplicablc Inwpr����idex othenviae, all poymems received by [.ender under � <br /> ��"� ��"�'` �' '� '%�`•� . s�ra rn hs I And 2 shaf]br a lied:firsa,to an �e a ment chav��es due unde�Ihe Note:serond,to Amoums Able under <br /> -;�'`{,`: �n P 8 P pP Y P P Y . P�Y --�. <br /> � � :�,,��-;� �. ,, „<` psirograph I:thircl,ta interest due; princiEu+l dur;and la:�,,t•,�any late charges Jue under the Nute. _`-�_; <br /> '�'!� �.':�:,.a,:,. . •'�`�'{�'' 4. Charges; L.tens. Borrower s;�a11 pAy a1) taxes, utise��mcn�s, churge�, fines und imposiuons utuibutable to thr <br /> �f�f '' n whicb ma at,ain riorit over this Scruri�y Inxtrument, and leasehold vrnrm.r.r��� <br /> J.• }r.�a;;.��-,��2�` � �I� Y Y p Y Ew. ,.__nd rents, if any. Borrowcr -•` <br /> xr•�, 'x�-;�., . •;•'�� I shall a thexe obli Ations in the munncr ovided in ira ra or if not aiJ in thut manncr,Bomiwcr Sha�A them on ' <br /> a :;Y,��.-.,. ". `.' P ) 6 Pr P� F P��• p' PaY ,�� <br /> ({•� time direCaly ta the person owed puymem. Bnrro�vcr sh.�ll prom�Aly fbmish la Lcndrr all nutices of amount�i�� fie puid under <br /> _-,vu•. � ��.:�1.�".'. ...�µ � __....�.�._ <br />-�_�,� �, � � , • ���� .�`�� Ihis p�+ra�r+p�h. If Borrowcr mukes�he.e paymen�s directly, Burrow�r chvll promptly fumish��l.ender receip�s evidencaeti - <br />,,.,•;it`y.' ,.•. ,;• , ,.. ;{ .w. <br />.,,.�,f t . •., �:-,�,^�'d�;; I 1he paym�;:nss. �.�•._. <br />'�'�'F; . �'"'' �''�+'•:�,''` " ,�' ' Bomuwer shall promptly discharge uny lirn which ha�priority�over this Security Instniment unkss B�rtower.(n)agmc� �`_-'`` <br />-- ` ,�4�,,s K , cad faith the ��"� <br /> �1A•:�.��: � � in writing to the payment af the obligation secumd hy ihe licn in a manner uccrp�aMe�o Lender,(bl conte��.in ; ;. ._ <br />,•� . _C; , _ . i.:•.:��. ` :��:;=.- <br /> lic:n by,ur defenJ�aguimt enfurremenl of tlk lien in.Icgul pnKC��Jing�which in lhe LenJer's opiniun operu:e to prevent 1he ��.,.:. <br />'•�:•:,.`� '. -• enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from thc ha1J�r of thc�en on ugrecment�uti�fuctory to Lender subordinating the lien �j ,�� ' <br />�'r " ,. ' ��'�''�tti-,. ' to Ihis Securi Insdument. If Lere�ter rl�termines�hut un aut ot'ihe Pro n ix sub'ect to a li�n which ma• auuin riorit ���-�'� <br />;: . ° � �,,'.,;. �Y Y P P� Y � 1 ) P Y ,y.,. <br />_ ��• � .�;.. over tNis Security Instrumen6 LendrP ma�•give BoR�wcr u no��ce ic��emify ing the licn. Borrower chall satisfy the lien or ta{.� � . <br /> �..,, ,,}�,,�... ,� , <br /> ,< �tF.,i� one or more of the actinns aet forth above a�ithin 10 days of thegi vinF of notice. ,�,��.,: <br /> }`�' ' ' '''•Cri� 5. Hazard or P��aperty lnsur�nce. Burmwer.hall kcep ttk improvemem.nuw existing or hercal'cer erecled on the <br /> ; As���;p�:,� sn�,;;�: � , <br /> , .,:�;l,+4��,� .:.,�.t�, , Property insured agaia�s�k�ss by fre,haznrdr included�vilhin ihe term"extenJ�J cuver,�ge"und uny olher'harards, including <br /> �,,, .�}� �,t.�.- r�'(_s.r floods or (k�oding, f�r which Lender rr.quires insurance. Thi� imuranre sh�ll bc mainwined in�he umnunts and for the <br />�.1«;3 '`� „�+ r. . <br /> ,,, �' ��::• :.,.. ' <br />_.{s.�'s. �� ,t : '���:,j <br /> �� :t j�r.���'r�.y�k.�4yV�j�t� ianw W28 9�VY i�gt:n/Apu¢r::, � '- <br /> . {�.;��.i�'SS�i ���.f <br />,��" .1> �r' <br />- . :'��µ���J.. . . � �4•:- ' . <br /> !f� ' �'.� ':i%� .. . f,1`.;�:,� <br /> ,:7,; � I • ��� ' . <br />�i�. �' , <br /> �1:. , f7�rtp�77�j;�iA+�.r�. ..��f.IY:Y-.;.O,ff.t�hyl r,.:�.:.-. ., a►1>v... ... .. _ �. . _.,. . .,rp7��b!!��,i ' pA'e4�lt!r y, � �" <br /> � :sl';�,,;�C , ti , . . "li;;`I'1 ,�, t.5 fy!'Rl��l!I�'$1C�WfId�7Ffa,t�A1�,��.t . <br /> . , t,• ,,+7. ,j1, ;}`' ., ..�r, `;1 - . �;r, .� .. <br /> BFSL7iti 1�p'�.1�+.._!�l___ _ ,..J'..L'-��'._.. , . . ' .. � .i ' . . <br />.1. _'— —__-- -_ >-._:' _ . . <br /> I!lT' ' 1�' ��� ' . . ' . ._ .. . <br /> ��r. . � • ' ' <br /> . y�• , '�. r .. . <br /> , MJ, 1 n�r • . _ . <br /> � �7�.. . .. • 1 .. <br /> ' ' � . ' , � �� . . <br /> �. .� Y'�- . . ' . " ' . . <br /> �• � . iFl.�.i � . � ' . <br />,��� ' � . ' ,'A r ,�, ' .'I 1. ' . .r <br /> . �,l <br /> . .� �• :. .. .. _.'."'__ __ __ .-.__.___. . __- ._'_.____ _ ._...___ _ . .._ ._.. . .. . .. __"_."__.._�_�. '"_"._ ._ " . _._._._. ___ <br />