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<br /> , • A��iQi�i961f��C+9`P �� F-3�iL9T� �B�PI�
<br /> • ' ,1 QSlA . and �s �
<br /> "6 - THIS ASS�ONMEN7 O+�RENT8 RIDER is mIIdo and oxcoutod ihis �lt�day ot___.__��R �
<br /> Inaorpotntcd tnto and ahntl bo d:�rttad to nm�nd nnd auppR:mont the Mortg3ge or Ucad oi Tniat, horolnuttcr rotorrod to oa tho °BCCUrUy
<br /> � Inatrumant". ot tho snm� duto gNCn by tho und��utpnod, horoinnf4c� rctcrrod te ns tho 'Borrowor", to occuro Borro►vc�o Ind�bteUnoao, •
<br />� � hcralneRCr roterre�to a3 tho•Noto".to 11 p �1 SK _-
<br /> `'' , hcroinaRCr roferrod to ea tha "Lend�r",of tho anm9 dato ond Covarinp tho
<br /> . , . . preparty doscriDed m tha Soeuriry Inr,wrrtont und tocutod ut: '��'
<br /> ;; � _ �:',:
<br /> .,., ..:;,�r�'�; 99 A LA D S � ��tovn�v eearooq -__
<br /> ., r.� _
<br /> �' wmaess�►+: f�
<br /> :s yyFIEREA$, BoROw�and londor hovo uBTOOd thnt any ront�and pro+t3 ath�ibutabb to tho propErty shouid aonstttuto uddRDOra�lBSCUdty _;
<br /> � to tho Lcndar tor tho paYment af tho Noto; �t�;;;-
<br /> � NOW,THEREFORE.It Is aQrood that tho Sacurt2y�r•aDUis`cnt shnti bo mm�nds0 har�Dy end doomod to inolu�a tho fbuontn9 Drov►�IO�a. ;l",-
<br /> ci�:L
<br /> , , . t. � ' -- • •�• and �nder Rontai Coltr�atton�3�hl�. OoRCwon c�roby nbsoWtoy nnd uncondlUonalry nsstgna nI1 rcnta� Mscuos �,�_
<br /> �, and protd8 ot tho propedll to 9onolb�Y• �flder shatl haw tho�ight,p4wer tufd authority during tho continuMCO of tbo&ocutttY 1�s3tn►mnnt �'
<br /> � to ColbCt ttto ronta��u�s t►nd profils ot the pro�Ry t�nd nf uny personnl propoAy loceted therson wUh or wfthout tnking posBOSSEoa ot tho
<br /> prapt33tty gt[ecWd horoby. Lander,horrovar,haroby consents to 8onor�ers Colleetlon and rotenUon ot euah ronts,Issuus nnd profis as they -
<br /> P
<br /> ° � � accNO and bcaomo paynblo, so long so 9orroWOr Is not, at suah ttmo, ln dotautt with rospect to pnyrnert of eny tndebtodn�► socurod
<br /> � ` horCby,ar(n the peifortnunco of nny agreement hereundor. [`;5�
<br /> ' p, ep�qmtmnnt af R�ebet. If any ovent ot deffiuR in respeat to the Securtly InsUum�t �hall i�avo occurted nnd bo conthulnp,Lendar. _
<br /> � ���, 8y u maStar ot�ight and without noticc�to 8ortowesr or nnyone cLaiming under Bortov�er,and��(thout reg8rd to tho vu4to of tft�Wst osfu.t0 ot F
<br /> 4.a
<br /> the hter4st ot tAe 8ottowor thero�n,shnll heve tho ripht ta cipPb to 4ny oourt having jurlsdf�IWn to appoint a�eco�ar of the propflrty. _
<br /> `?��i�� g, F1faAt ta P ase gi„g�; �n cuso of detau4 b th�pu�ment o4 tho eatd p�h+oiput Noto or interest,or cu►y paR thcuoof,as ft s�ai►mnturo, F4-
<br /> � '�y or In tho easo ef�ai9�ro to keep or pu�Qortn anY ot the rsonvenants er agmomersts eontatned tn tho Seeurity InsUumont,thon tho la+der,fts
<br /> � n sueess8oro t� nsoi8na, Bhali be und is hurnby authorined and ompowered to tcske immedlate possess►on af the paid promtses thoroU _
<br /> �., ��pon��hn rents thcrofrom,and to apply thA proceods thomof to tho paym�nt ot tho Note.
<br /> �._:... d'ovi�.,oC:ttQ ia_----
<br /> e ;,. k��Q}�n 1&5uea eed FrofitA. All rc�nts colleotod by Lander or the recaNer shali be apDlbd Hrst to payment of t�e costa
<br /> 4. �� �
<br />- of rtottnl9c�mo^t ot the property an0 aolbation of rents, inoludhg, but not Ihnaed to, �oceiver's teos, P�wma on rocoMOts Donds and
<br />< ''. � reusor.abb attomeyrs(oos,nnd t1►on to tho oums socured by Me Secudty Inauument.Lender and tha reeoHor ahnA bo ILzbb to accourtt on4,r
<br /> ; tor thoso tente eat�a�Y P��1ved.
<br />_ ' • � �..weM�Mlnn eq Aravisbns. E&oh ot the provislona eontuinsd in this Assignment of Rents Rider and 4ho Socudty Instntmont shall,
<br />- � " unbss othorrik^>e speeftieatly requirod. be oonstrued in tseeordaneo with Nabmsku k►w. end In the evc��t eny ptovisWn h�x3in Of thereh
<br /> ���,`._��"" �Qn�gNQa g�tp yp dptentdnud by a �ourtfoofr`hQ potent Jurlsdiation to be unentoroeable, the samo shntl bo consGu�d u3 thau8h euCh
<br />-;,:� ...,� •:-;��. unenforceabb pravaton wero not part ereo
<br /> t°° ` � .r)::'
<br /> r!^••;k, g, �O}RIdM. Except as spooit�n�►y modtHad by or�cazaistont wlth this A:,3�nment ot Rents Hldc�r or by uny othor aAD�k
<br /> :��t:.`_.;_ .�':
<br /> dder.ali of the twma nnd provisbna contahed in tho SocurilY Instrumant ahntl conthue in tu��Force eed sStoct.
<br /> ,<<.:-_�',�,�
<br />�"'"-'-`�`�� �N yyITMESS WHEREOF.Borrowor hns c�cecutad this Assqnrteont ot Ron er on o dat t no ab ve.
<br />-�T�.'lF�'.v4:.,��s"a��
<br /> r±�re.ira.
<br /> �5�.�''';:`y"'--
<br /> r�;±�,`�►s.,,F� twr+ow�r ap�,�$ E HICH
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<br />°__,:-�^,;^ Qn this_��daY� Merah . 1899 .buforo mo� tho un0eisignod�o No1M► Pubiio duh► ccmmtssbned nnd
<br />- ' '�,�:i��i?�,, . quapl�d tor eaid counry,p�rsonur.y aeme CHARL.ES E ROEMiiICH AND LORE7TA A PI�Ea9Ei1CN .HUS�ANp AN� _to --
<br /> �.,,���,. � V�li�� -
<br /> ' • bfl tha 1da�ti�g1 Ro�pn(o)whose nartw(e) fslaro subsoribod to tho to�opoing inetrumcnt,Md hulshoRhoy�nowtadgo tho�t�CUtlCn tlteBOf
<br /> . ..��• to ho hi:Jhnrr3ttolr voluntary aCt nnd dood.
<br /> „ , 1 Sot�►at�iAAQ�D 15LANp .P1C�RQSSClI . tn cntd ecunty,tho _
<br /> ' Wltnoaa my hand and Notnda So 1 /y')
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<br /> _ ,,:. �. � �b o��• � L��( �r ..� _.
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<br /> y` . . '� $HERRI L.0'CAl1AGf�a p� .
<br /> t�y Ccmtrt.E�p Stpt 28.t
<br /> � . . • Mv Commbston o�aos: SE� M8.R 2�. 1998
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