o � .
<br /> i
<br /> �.� .
<br /> . . ��° �����'� . . .� �; ,.
<br /> (d) a sivrlt o?execution or ettachmont of any olmller prac�sa shgil tie entorcd Agafnst Yrustor whlch sNali , ,
<br /> bacamo�a Ilon on tNo Trust Eetate or any portlon thoroof or Intarest tharpin and such oxooutlon,attachment or elmpur .,
<br /> pra�oss uf Judgment is rtot�stsaacrl,bonderf,efltlsfted,vacated or atayed wlthin otxry(6Q)deys afeer ita entry or Iovy;
<br /> or ��
<br /> I (e) tP�ere hus occur�ed�breaoh df or do�aiilt undor eny tern�,covenant,egresment,condl�lon,provl�lon, . ;
<br /> 1 repr�sentett�n or war+�nty contained tn any prlor deed o4 tru�t or moKgage aHecting the Truat Estate.
<br /> 10. ACCELERATIONS UPON DErAULY;ADOITIONAL REMEDIES. It an event of defauft occurs,Beneficiary may � '
<br /> declAre the Indebte�ness socursd hereby to ba due and payable and the same shall thereupon b�come due ertd payable ., „
<br /> -..�•� without any presantment,demand,protouY or notlG�of any kind. There�fter,Boneflciary mray:
<br /> (I) either in �o rson or by agent, wlth or without bringing any aatlan vr praceeding, or by a receNer .." ' �� '
<br /> appotnted by a court and without re{�ard to the ad�quacy of tts security,enter upon and teke possessian ot the T�uat
<br /> Eetate,or any part thereof,tn(ts own name or In the name of Trustee,and do eny acts which it deerfla neceasary or ��
<br /> desireblo to preserve the vaiue, ma�tcetabiltty or rentablllty ot the Trust Estate, or part thereof cr interost thoretn, .
<br /> Irtcreass the income theretrom or protect the secu�ity hereot and, with or without taking posaession of the Trust , _
<br /> ERiate, sue for or othenrtrise cclioct the rents, isaues and protfts thereaf, Including those past due and unpaid,and _ _,
<br /> app1y the same, less costs and expenses of operatlon and collectlon (nctudfng attomey's fees, upon any ;,µ;,;;�,�,
<br /> tndebtedness secure� hereby, ail in such order as Benoficlary may determtne. The errtering upon and taking „ _. _
<br /> possesston of the Trust Estate, the collectton af such r@nts, Issues aRd proflts ertd the applicatton thereof as . ______
<br /> � � � aforesaEd shali nai cure ar waive uny dafauit or notice of defauit hereunder Ar Invalldate any act dono in re3ponae to
<br /> such defftuft ar�ureuant to such rtoYice oi defauit artd, notwfthstartdtn the ccnttnuance in possesslon ot the Trusi �
<br /> et
<br /> Eatate or the collectlon, recelpt and applicatton of reMs,fssuas or pro ,Tnistee or Barteflciary shall be entfUed to
<br /> ° exercise every�(ght provtded for In any o}the Loan instruments or by!aw upon occurrenc�of a�y eveM ot default, � �_-
<br /> ° tnctuding the dght to exercise the power of sale; �
<br /> � (ii) commence an action to toreclose this Deed oi Trust es a moRgaga,appoint a recehrer or specHlc�tly -
<br /> etdorce�ny of the carnenar�ts hereof;
<br /> , ,��.
<br /> �' (ti:� d�iiva�r to Trustes a�vritten declaratton of de9sutt and demand for sate�nd a wrftten rtotice of default . = _
<br /> • and electlon to caus�Teustor's Interest in the Trust Estate to be sold,vrhloh notice Tnlstee shall cause to be dufy flied
<br /> �� for record in the apRro��tate offices of the County In urhtch the Trust Esta4e i�located;or '';.;
<br /> � (iv) exercise suah other rights or remedtesat Iaw or In equiry. ''�'� �
<br /> �?�°:�
<br /> 1 t. FORECLOSURE BY POWER OF SALE. If Beneflclary elects to forectose by exercise of the Power of 3alo ��V�'�
<br /> ' hereln cornalned, Beneflclary shali notHy Tn�stee and shali depos(t with T►ustee the Second Deed o!Trust and any note .. r,,,;�_�
<br /> evEdenctrtg the Indebtedness�d such�eceipts ar.d evtdence of expendftures�ade and secured horeby�s Trustee may �=flQ�""°
<br /> •�.---_
<br /> � re�tafre. .
<br /> �,�..
<br /> (a) Upon receipt of su�h rtotice from Beneflclary, Trustea ahal�cause to he recorcJ�d, pablished and �4 � = —
<br /> delivered tm Trustor such iVotice dt�etault and Notice ot Sale as then required by lauv a��by this 8econ�Deed ot --
<br /> � '� Trust. Tn�sYee ahali wfthout demA��on T�ustor,after such time as may then be raqui�ed C�y iaw aRd after recordat�an :.i��� —
<br /> � o f s u c h N o t i c e o f D��a u l t a n d a t t e r N o t f c e o f S a l e h a v i n g b e e n g i v en as re quired b y iaw,sell the Trust Est�te at the ;�'`_-
<br /> . °,. ttme and place o4 saie 9hced by it in such Notice af Sele,eltF�er as a whde,or in separato lots or parcels or Itema as , „��_;•:
<br /> .,----_--�__
<br /> ° Trttstea shafl deem�c�adier�t,and In such onder as ft may dete�rmine,at publ(c auctbn to the htghest bidder br cash ;���:y�+: �`-._
<br /> , � in IawFut money ot the Unfted States payable at the time of sale. Tn�stee shail deliver to such purchas�r or 'y'`��{°i�—
<br /> �:�ra�_�--;—
<br /> , � i , purchasers thereof iis goosl and suffictent dged or deeds corneying the property so sold,but wlthout any cov�naM ��v�.:.
<br /> or warrar►ty expressed or tmplted. The reckals in such deed ot any matters or facts sha{I be cortclusNe proot of the :`
<br /> "� trutP�tulness ther�of. b1m� �son, tnciudin wfthout Ifmitation Trustor,Trustee ar Beneflctary,may purchase�t euch �
<br /> . , „ 1►pe 9 •�'T�"��".',}�°`
<br /> sale. `��`:��=:r-ti=
<br /> - � (b) As may he permitted by law,aRer deducting all costs,teea 8nd expenses ot Trustee anr!ot thls Ttust, _�_---=
<br /> - 7�:.. incfuding costs of evidence of ti�e iro conrtectfon wkh sale,T►ustee ohail apply the proaeeda of eate to payment of(q ;;����;��_
<br /> ;���;• the Indebt��ness(fn ati other aur�s then secursd hereby, �nd !��►)the remafnder, tt any,to the person or ersons " ��=-
<br /> p ,�%„r�:;,�.,s;w.,:
<br /> . '.� legeliy emit�ed theteto. �-�:�°=_
<br /> .� ',l��-i'—Fiir-. �__�.
<br /> '�"�+ �� (c) Truatee may in tha manner provEded by iaw postpone salo o!al!or any portion of the Trust�state. .;��__ ��-=--~ _
<br /> `, � :, w
<br /> ��-
<br /> ��'� 12. REMEDIES NOT DtCLU31VE. Trustee end Beneflctary, �nd each of tftam, shatl be enNtied to erdorce � ��;��,�i�t�
<br /> ,. � payenent andpe tfomtance of any Inciebtedness or obiigatlons secured hereby and to exercise all�ightsti and powers under , ,�,Ay�, f(..
<br /> t
<br /> this Second Deed of Tn�st nr under any Loan Instrumer� or other agroement or any laws naw or Nereafter ln force; � ;,�r;:��?.•. �� 1�;:
<br /> I notwithstanding,some ar All of the such irtdebiedness and obligations secured her�by may now or her�eafter be otherwise ;.r.,�'..,::� ��;
<br /> secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledge,ifen,assignmeM or othervulse. eftherthe acce tanae of this Second •'"''`:f1„`f;�*,�':�:.``_`
<br /> N P ."/�:y���r.�
<br /> Deesi of Trust rtot its enforcement, whether by court actfon or pursuant to the power of sale or oiher powero horein _ . . :�;�;�':;=
<br /> , � S, . „ ;�;t,., .
<br /> ,�;;. ' cornalned, shall preJudtce or tn any mann�r afEeat Trustee s or 8eneflciary s right to realW.e u{ion or entorce any o2hor . ,::�f 4.:'
<br /> � � security rtc�w or hereafter held by Trust�e�or B�neflciary, ft bsing agreed that Truatee artd Baneftaiary. and euch of tPtem, ,���?;,;,�
<br /> shall be entftied to er�Qrce this S�cond Deed of Trust and gny other security now or horeatier hetd by�enaflciary .
<br /> 3 �;���,�;;`� ,. ,
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