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it ,, • . <br /> . ,. ��l �� I `� �.,� +{� <br /> � ,� <br /> . •.� . Y. •f t ._. -- _... <br /> .. <br /> ` ._ ... -- --- - _. <br /> �.... .� ..___ ����, _ �.. . <br /> ��3• l00'�43 <br /> -- L — - _ � '�:73`!8!3!4!i't'F!s!!!!�[tr.�s'esrmcnt�smw� lMO�si1M sercrxl m Ihe�pn►Aertv,w�d�11 caar.mcnlv.AW�unc�c�. <br /> -- and fi�1u�oow or he�e�per a�n af�he property. All rcplxernenta and addilinnr�hall al�a bo cuvc�+ai by Ihie Sauruy <br /> _ =-- In�uumenl. All of ihe f�xrQdn�ir rc(e�nd tu in�hi�Sccurfiy Inraumem us�ho"Pnapcny." <br /> ,�;- -- =� BORROWF.R COVENAN'iS liwt Bixn�wcr ia lrwfuNy scf+�cd af Ihr eclatc iKrehy c�nveycd arnl ha�1hc�iQht�u grant <br /> �' ��■ �nd canvcy�hc Propaty md�hw�ho ProP�ny i�uncncumbcred,ex�Yp�fix encumbrancex ai rccc�rd, H�ttmwcr wAmwniK wid -_ <br /> ��` wfll dcfend aene�ally the title tc►thc P�eny u�alexl all claimx�nd demand�c.�ubject�o Any emw�d►���i�efi of rcrntd. -.�- <br /> THIS �ECURITV INSTRUMEiVT combincs unifixm rnvenants for �a�ional u+�c und nan•unifarm cav6nanto with � <br /> � limitad vatiations by judsdictfon to constilule a uniform �ecu�ity insuumenl covering reul propeny. <br /> ' UNIFORM COVENAIV7'S. Borrawe�und Lendcr covenunt und ugree ux fallows: <br /> • 1. P�ymeat of Principwl anA laterestt Prcpwyment and Lak Chprg�. B�mnwcr ahall promaly pay when dur the —. <br /> - principa1 of and interest on lAe debt evidenced by the Nate und any prepayment und late churges due under the Note. <br />.,'=��� � 2. �nad��or'Ibxes�ad lnsnrance. Subjert to applicuble luw or to n wripen wuiver by Lender.Sorrowcr shall poy to <br /> ���:+ e�:.— <br /> l.ender on thc day mo�uhly payments ure due u�der the Note,until 1hc Nae iw pvd in full,a�um("Fund�'1 for.lA)yea�ly � - <br /> :�1 ' ..�,�:�•��: uuees�nd As+essmenis whic6 muy�ttain priori�Y over this 5rruri�y Instrument as a lien ua the Prapeny:tbl yearly leasehold �`:_ <br /> � �� �; <br /> —�'�=T�<�r" WYmeMs°r BmuM n�us on tUe P�erty, if any: (cl y�ly � a P�'�P�ny in�c pmmiuma: ldl yrarly ilood _ <br />--'. �6��' inwn�nce premiums, �i any:(el yearly mortgase insurance premium.,. if pny: and li'1 a�y+ums payuble by Bcxrower to � <br />>''.�', , •,,�. ��. �a��condw��wIQ��I�r ptovisians af pumg�ph 8eu of ihe puyment of manguge inwr.u�ce premium�. 71�.� , <br /> .k�i►.;t' ;" �' <br /> _ ;,.. items are called"Escmw Items." Lende�may,ut�ny ume.coNect und I�old Fund,in nn anount na to exceed the mAximum �., <br /> �''„:����`` '•^; ,;, a umount u lender far u feckrolly related mongage lo-,ur may require far Borrowera esc�aw acctwnt u�der the federal Reul �.� <br />�'��'` '�� '����" � Esuue Senlement Proredures Act of 1974 us amend��d�run►time to time, 12 U.S.C.?}2601 E�t s�<p.l"RESPA").unless unaher <br />°�;;i^�r':.i . , t.,:,t �:'�� <br /> • 'rr�:?!r. 1rw�ha�n�.l:r�to rhe Flmdx sets a leaxr�nount. If s.*.,Lender m:�y,A�w�y time,collect aand��Funds in un�mounl nm�v �` <br /> r __ .�. <br /> '�'G''' -.��':"'�� � .� 'i,,�(1��% exceed the lesser nmaunt. I.ender ma; r�timAte Ihe amc+u�� hanals due on the baxi,oi ..��reot data and rr�sonat:� - : .. <br /> - .��?`$.• e�mates of capenditures af futur+e Escrow Items or ochenvicc rc+aw:rad:mce aith up�+�icuhfe law. �;<.':� <br />-� .� �''Y�Pnt%; , r.R. <br /> �3 'I1�e Funds shall br luld in an instiwtion wlzcnc �depog�tc nr•e in.ured h?: a f�tSrr�l A�rnry.instrumcntuliry.or emiu} s;,`i <br /> ��f.,;;�i?;�:�: ` � � tio�ludiog l.e�der.if Lcrtder is such an inslitupaal mr i.�ataJ•Frderal F3ome�n�an B��ink. Lendet shall apply�he Fund�ta pAy =;;f;�7t, <br /> ;_ =�-�f•�`4'i� ,�.. ! t�e �scrpa• ltems. Lender msy not charge Rormw�� ��x h�lding and ap��yfi�aP �he Funcl.,unauolly nnalyzi�cg �7;e eseraw , ,:•:�}, <br /> �!x�' � , , ' �g a��couni.a'e•�rifying Ihe Escrow Items,unless Lend�r puyx�ar�wer int�re��i on the Pu�. and appUcublr Va�� oertnrt� we..�_ <br /> " � = I.ender ta make such a chsuge. Howe�er.Lender may requirc��wer tn pay a ane-i+rote r�earge far un iqdepe�dene��ea� <br />-.�;�;;� Y �. '���', estate tax reporting service ased by Lend.r in connerlion wilh ICtis I.�aa�,unles�upplicabte lAw�ptnvid�s otheawise. Umt�.�an ��-; <br /> y,'���, ;,,�`r; � . ,�grcement is madc or:�ppli��fe law rcquires in[ere9t to be paid,�.caailr�sl�a01 a�t be re�aired t•n�aY Barrow•�r.�ny interc�i�� -r <br /> :�%" •':"r;i�''�, cami gs on the Funds. BorT�wer and Lender may a�ree in wrNing,hou•eti•er.ttcai in�eres�s�sa7�he paid on Itir b'�.a�dx. l.ender �.,"` <br /> ��:;_ <br /> ;;�'�,• �;�: � � �h.'' � shall give to Bortower,wii�aut tu►nual u��.�unting of Ihe fiind+,show,ic��a ctedits and debi�x to the Funds and�6ec (.;:;;,:�. <br /> :^•�_,�} �! -h.,.� ��- ; <br /> .._�,,:.••., purpose for which each debi��o the Funcls wac mude. The Funds urc pledged us acWitional eecuri�y for all�ums secured b+;. �� <br /> � ` � ihis Se�uiitj�i��iii�i�wix. R�- <br /> �*r ,;r 2`. �;.�.,}'('4'':'.. Yiti4'j� <br /> �� �j,v�°•�; •• r,� ;:1�,�•-. If the Funds iield by l.e�der eaceed the nnrounts permflted to be held by upplknbk IAw. Lender shall AccouM t�� __��,_ <br /> . <�'��'j�'��4� *�r-.��r'�`+'� i Bormwer for the excess Funds in uccordunce with the rcquirements oP applicable Inw. lf thc umaunt of the Funds held by :;.. <br /> �� ' �yrI,�: ,,;: <br /> � "';�;��� , l.ender at any time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow hems when due,L.ender may w notify Horro�ver in writiog,and,in . <br /> � • ,. '�?�',.�''��' '` � such cc�se Barrower shall pay to Lender the umount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Bomower shnll make up the ��-, <br /> �.�.�.:�:�:� ... <br />-�-; -.:,- ��M ,,.;;. deficiency iu nu muie than twefvc monthly payments,at Lender's wle discretion. �-� <br /> ,,.;�. :-�.::,. �� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this S�.�curity Inxtrumen�,Lender tihall prompUy rcfund to Borrower any ,j. <br /> -- Fur�ds hcld by L.ender. If,wxier purngmph 21.Lendcr shnll acyuim or�eQ the Property.Lendcr,prior to the ucyuisition or <br /> - "� sa�e uP the property, xhnll apply any Fundr: held by Lendcr ut the time of nryuixi�ion ur wle as a credit ugeinst the sums �. <br /> � � secured b this Securi� Instrument. <br />_ �..r��';, . , Y Y <br /> -- f :,���ti.,:. � 3. Applkation of Payments. Unl�.+ applirahk luw pr�wiJe. �Nhenvi.c. all prymenh RYCiv�Kl by Lendcr under <br /> -�,};.;�t?::� parograph�c 1 und?+hull bc applfed: fin�.��+uny pnpuymen�churgcs duc urnkr�hc Nutc: um�wms�►ay�blr wuicr �> <br /> ��" r,;..'',:,�, � ' Parpgr�ph 2:third,lo imerest duc:founh,tu prinripul duc:and uny lule churge,due un�kr Ihe Nutc. = <br /> �,�� ' "'�'"��. '.. ; 4. Cb es: Lkns. Burrower shull pay ull t:�xe�, :�+sexsmentn, chargcs, fines �nJ impusi�ions uuributable tu the ���- <br />�,�.' :�,�. >;,rr;�x. • � ...., � <br /> r � ��� .,r,_ „�• ; property which may auuin priority ovcr�hi+Sccuri�y tm�rument,und IeascholJ puymen�.�x ground rent�.if nny. Bormwer <br /> �+�� , �!°t{f;;r;, �a�� ` � Rhnll pay lhese obligutions in thc munncr providcd in pamgrnph 2,ar if no1 puid in�het manner.Bormwcr xhull pay them on <br />,..;,: � �.,:�,► , � � � time dtrec�ly�o Ihe person owed puymenl. Borrower+hall prompNy furnish to LcnJcr all nwices of umounts�o be paid under <br /> ��c.�':� <br /> ..yJ�i,� '�,�,�,} ;F .�t ,, this puragrnph, If Bortower makes Ihese pnymenls direcUy,Borreiwer shaU promptly fumish to Lemkr rec��pts evidencing <br />.',r ° 1he payments. <br />_�� ��4�f � �� 4 .�� ..:l,.;- <br />"`"%�`e"� ��` ��� '`:?�;�"%� Barrower shull promptly discharge uny lien whkh hor.priurity over IhiS Securily In�lrument unless Bomower.(u1 s�grees <br /> ::�?;.',:�••i b•�,<;,},;,� .., ....�._., <br />�°Y;ii"1%; n�o�•Vr"r� ,-'`�'`''�' �� in writing to the paymcnt of Ihe obligu�ion.erured hy the licn m u munner accep�ablc to Lendcr,Ib1 contests in good fnilh the <br /> �; �. ,.'. <br />_-•,;:',j'';' A�s;> �;"•.�' ` , <br />_„.,y,�, :�Z;r4�. � .. �• � lien by,or defends aguinst enforcement of thc licn in. Icgal pmcceding.which in thc Lendrr's opfnion operate to prevent the <br />;;�n��::� , r,�` � enfarcement of the Iicn;or(c)securer from the holder of the lien an agrecment satisfactory to l.ender subordinuting�he li�n ,.;�., <br />:.:,,f.;.��rh. � ' t'.f.iY�'.'�i� "' <br />- � �., to this Securiry Inrarument. If[.ender Je�ermines that any pan of the Property is suhject ta u lien whkh may a�uun priority <br />:�;y`,��;� ' �*' f` over this Securi� Insuument,L.ender ma ivc Borrower A naicc idcmif in the lien. Borrowtr xhall satisf �he lien or take � <br /> +• ? , Y <br /> ,.,.. �,:��••.?�:. Y Y 6 Y B {,..E <br />-°°:;�� ' ��,tr:r�,�, , . one or more of the aclfons.e�forth ubovc within l0 dny�of the giving of notice. *; <br />-=,�ft� �,R�1;�«��''• � 5. HAU�rd or Property Insurance. BoROwer shall kecp thc impmvemcros now exi��ingor hercafter crected un thc �r�r, <br /> � •s•,�r�;4 :, <br /> �"�• . ±'t5�:�". .;��n �'���•..,� property insured uguin��luss by fire,hazurds includcd wllhin 1he term"cxtenJed coverage"und uny Mher hazards,including <br /> '�R(1:o .�7�'�'� n1�Mt'': <br /> .,.�.....f.� c�s,;••Ar_•,.�.. ilads or flaoding,for which l.ender requires insuraix:e. 'Ihi� inaurunce ahull be nwintained in �he umounts und for the . <br /> �'''�::;,.� '�1:. �'�y; �'�' '"`'r�.�l�:: . , <br /> -- , i,y , „� 1 . � FLnaJ018 9I90 �paRe:aJn�wgr�1 �— <br /> 4i;' (' �.� <br /> . �����r�Y' , ' I <br /> . � , �Y �. . � i �� <br /> � o . ��,,, <br />�{,.. " .. - 9:1�wi�r+�'�'}��i+vl�.t}i�',r`��i1Zti•,'.3�5�:.:,-,�1:�; �., . _ -- - ... .� ... .�+�::l:.i,:._w,Nl�y¢�' �1�1�r..a�..... , , '�" . <br /> <. � �' .������ 1� <br /> , . . t;: . .. ,`. ::r .�. . � . <br /> �' <br /> ,• <br /> • . . . , � � . . .. _ <br />... t��' • '� ' ' :.�• .. . ) <br /> us- �-'�t'-'._''P_-e�_`��Sl-'-'------",L_ "—"---�... �:.•�• .}:' . . . 'i..' -1'. . . - - <br /> ''' .1 ' '— <br /> _-�� i . �, �-- ' „ti.�. . . �. , ,}��;; ' '�.. , .�.. . . � . �_.. - <br /> ,�,� � i •� ,_ '•i,:: �'� ��.. <br /> t� � . � . �(r ': , , ��fi •�.� • `..,; ;it�• � . � �t� •, •'� , ; . .. <br /> •. ti�t s ti� . .,� � , �' � :Y iti�' ! ; , � <br /> }�u 1I����ti � ,. . � -��.111f;5�)',;.S' �;�"��.�, � � .. y �1 Z - �P' ti•� � ��i'. . _ <br /> .�� •i Z - ' 1� • ��, i ..j� r i.1 .i� ' � <br /> 1 �rc ?�;�:.�i� ��i 'a „� ,: .. �.���I�14 �; ' � � � � rl 'i. � � ' <br />� ', 'i�y . .. . � ��r'•'1 < <� . 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