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<br /> D.T[ustor ehall(m�nedtntal�notfty Boneflcfary ln�vdtla�i os soon ns Truotot hna rensan to bclteve thcre fs any�p�rdous ��°:-
<br /> �� or theentened �nv ola lan�of�y Bnvi onment�al Lu�rvc.'ndng to d�e relcase or thacatened eeteusa of nny H - -
<br /> Substanca or tho
<br /> 12. ����y� �p��p��g ppyp�oIg�J1�1�C�.Onles9 othenvlse pmvtded in n cepprato apreoment�Trusror wlil not be - -_
<br /> cequteed to pay to BeneYiclnry flutda for auces�uid if�suraneu tn c.^.cror�. ,_
<br /> . 13. JOYPiT AND 1NDmIVWU��jp�a�dtvid al.It Tn�ietor signsCthis SeurRitsy IAn tcument but doe�s ot� n�aaeviden�of
<br /> - �-�.� thls Secudry Instn 1 prty =
<br /> •�-m�"": debt. Tcuator doea so only to rnort AABo Ttuator'he Secured D bi.Ifhls 5ecurii y�Inscn►nlent secure1seA QuarAnry betv een
<br /> �� Trustor do�s aot aBree to be perenaallY liobte on t ury
<br /> a�ui�n�st r�cu ts oi or�uny r�ta�uBbted�undei ihoyablihntiont Tilese�tghia muyctnclud I bui�n�notylimit d iaclai�y _
<br /> d
<br /> t�ati-defiatency°�stnoror ead Denaficte�r�yre.duties und benc�s of this Secudty Instrumenc shall�ind und benetit the auc�casors �,,
<br /> and asaigas ni T �`��
<br /> � --
<br /> ' ,r 14. �����;t�T���oAmodi��by orssil�agce m8n�entsectioa ia��th�is Scxur�fry Inatrumentd�atta h�ene,o= ___
<br /> y unlesa t�at law expressly
<br /> . .;; aay a�r�cmeat ee3ated to the Seeuted Debt that wuflicta with appltcuble luw�viU not be effect[ve� - --
<br /> � or -Itedly ts the vuri�tions bl_►l bE sevem,�deand�wi11 no aff�t�the enforceab lity cf the�muiadcer of thts Secu�y _
<br /> � seco�g ta ts tem�s.that sectton wtl 8b�1��ude the plucal Aad the plurai the etu ar.The cnpdons ond beadioga of
<br /> .� Insuument.Waenever uFed,the sinBular Y
<br /> the sections of this Secueity Instnuaeat ere fos conveaienus oniy and are not a be ta interpret or deflne the terma of �
<br /> thia Se�uriry Inamiment.Time is of the essen�e in this Secudry Ynstniment.
<br /> , � 1S. 5SJ�CF.�50R'1'RUSTEE. Bo�er f r�m�ulictyr�¢han the des[��nation�in wn tag The succe smorruustee wit�hout c�an eyu�ncetof �
<br /> auccessor uvstc�without an
<br /> appli�ble luw aha�l su to all the tide, po�ver and dudes confernd upoa Tcustee by thia S�ecurity Iustn►meat aad —
<br /> 16. NQATIC�.Unlesa oWenvlse reqsired b ale 1 oiehis Securlry binstn►meni or toea�ny othe radd�resa designat�ialw ltiuII� —
<br /> ''���' to the appropriate psutSr s uddre P 8 _,
<br /> ,.j,��,��iF NOt{C8 t0 oA0 t[UStOt W�U be deemed to be notice to all trustora.
<br /> t'.�:�d .
<br /> � �•r�^ ' 1�. wiplVExLg, Excapt to the extent prohibited by luw, Tcusror�vaives ali appraisemunc and hoinestead exemption �
<br /> � relating to rhe Pcoperty. 4.,, � p o,a he red�:�:ed to a
<br /> ���� ,_ .
<br /> „�„a..e�res!B_!N�y
<br /> �.;„�,,. � � �8. g,ITVE OF rREDIT.Tho Secured Debt tncludee a revolviag tine 9f cm.�ii. �1ttt-i�ug
<br /> , �:,
<br /> •,,,r;��; . zero batance�t1�is Securjty Instn�ent will remalu in offect unt�l celensed.
<br /> ' ''�'� 19. APPY.ICABLE LAW.'�e���tY�m�ment�m governed by the laws as agreea to in the Securcd Debt. ezccpt to the
<br /> • �' `f�;� extent required by the laws of the jurlsdiction whereihe Property is IocatcM,And applicable federal laws aad regulations.
<br />'.�,.•.. , .-
<br />;�.ti.:"•,,,;, Z�,ytIpEltS.'The covenc�tts and anreementa of each of the riders checked belo�v are incorporated into tuid supplemeot und
<br /> �, , ,..,. � ua�end tho terms of this Securlty Inatrumeat.
<br /> �'�" '� '� ' (�hxlc all apnitcnble boxesJ
<br /> ' ��•�•.��••
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<br /> ,;,•
<br /> `_»;;��:`.---' 22. ❑ADDYTIONAL TEIaMS.
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