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•,:�..:�,,,.- <br /> {C .l� *�•� �. •�1;; i t•� r. � " � .. <br /> i. •;•Mq.� - ' __ <br /> ����' _ ._...... _ ._ - -- -- ------------- <br /> ,w_.��_W.�r.,�,�,� � 93''�.0�► <br /> _ ._�-- - <br /> 't'(IOR17i6R WITH dl�ha improvaanrr now or haeafler erocted on che pnape�ty.and�11 au�an�Mc.�pQuhe�nca.and <br /> _ __ ��mrc� n�w �x he�Hu � pwtt �(�he Ropaty. All �nu and adAitians 1 al:a be aa Y � �Y <br /> - ' Ia�rumaq.All oi'Iho fareaoin8 i�roferraJ w iu 1b1,►S.�,udty Insinunent a�thc'Prapettp.• <br /> = - BORROW6R C�OVBNAM'9 thW B�urower is Iswfully crlaod i�i Ihe atwe hercby mnveyal ard Iw�tho r1gIN ta Qrant ard <br /> t�+naey the Pn�pcttY+ux1�IW thG P�n'peily is unemvmberod,exapt for eoeumbra��s af rcr�x�d. Borrower warnwuc and wiN <br /> �`: doli�td g000r�lly thc IiUa lo thc Pmperty aQaiiw all claims atW dem�ndr. rubjeA to any���t rca►rcl. <br /> - T111S SGCl1RITY INS7'RUMBNT n►rnbines unitonn rnve�untF f�r natinnwl use and aoa�upi(orm eav�nu wi�h limited _ <br /> '�� _ ___.--______ vnhtinns by juriNlictinn to conslitute a unlfaxm r�ecurity inFt�ument oaverinpt�1 pmpeny. <br /> UNIFORM C�OVENAN7'S.Rcmawer and L.rnder mvannt And agroe uti fnllowx: <br /> 1. PayrneM ot PHnclp�l �ad IMa�eeli PRp�Y�at�utd l.nk Chwrga+. earmw�er r,iwll pramM�Y P�Y Wher� due the <br /> ���;,; pdncipal ni u�d imaRSt on�he debt evidennod by the Note wd uny pnepaymcm or�l atc charga due under the Ncue. <br />°`'�'.:��} 2. F�undo for T�xes aad lasu�.Subjoa to applicablo law or la a w�itten waivcr by l,endcr.&�rrower shall pay w <br />�.�, ' Lender on�he doy mo�uhly p�yma�ts are due uadcr the Note.umil the Nrne is puid in ibll.a sum("FuodR")for: (A1 yeuly tvca <br />_ �_, ---��-•- and susc�smenta which muy a�taia priority over this Secv�ity lost�umant ub u lien on�he Pr�ehy;lh►ycarly leuschald payaxnts <br /> ��'��� or ground ants an the Pmperry.if any: lcl yauly hwA�d o�pmpeny insu�unce pr�emivau:ldl Y�ly Qaad iosuranve prcmiams. <br /> �r��`T• _. <br />=�.. � if iny:fel yearly awngage insurance ptemiums. if any;und(fl any sums pnyable by Barnuwer to l.ender. In uavidur�rc with <br />-- �•`°: � the provisionc�►f'parAg�d lieu of the pnyrnent of mongage insurAnce premiums.These items are called"Escrow ltans." <br />_r,-- I.emi¢� may, at any time.coltoct sind hold Funds in an amaunt not ta exceed the muximum amcwnt a tender ior a federally _ <br /> �;;; related mongage I��an may roquire for Bomower's esc�aw ucmunt under the kdeal Real Euate SettkKnent Pnx�edure� Act of <br /> .--=�,; 1974 as amended from lime to time, 12 U.S.C. Sectioa 2601 er seq.l"RESPA'1,untes+:uqther IAw Ihat applies to the Funds <br />'���'� sets A lesser iunount. If so. l.ender cray,ut any dme.mltact�nd hold Furnds in an ;unaunt nat to exceevi ihe le�+er amc+unt. . <br />; �,:. —;r i.endcr may es�imatc the amount ai Funds atue am li�r i►�ui�ui'�urr.-�s�ata aad r�a►..u.Lir rs�in�of exprnditurea uP fiorwe <br />'_".+1. :,�t'" F�crow Itang or aherwise in acco�dancc with ap�licable law. <br /> ,''�' .�',' -=`: " The Funds siw�[G b� held in an institwioirr,wtr�se deposits:uc imur�d by a feJeral ugency. in.wa•um�a4ulNy, �� etNity -. <br /> .. ��N,��� � <br />°*-;L^ � (including Lender. if'l..zen�is such an iauitutiu�re�or 6n a�}•FrzReral Hume I.oen Bank.I.ender shall Apply ali�Fwed�to prv the <br /> - ---H;___;;;_a"T:rn- Fscmu• ltems. Leader may not churge Bormwer fi�r Isc*!d�n�,�un�a,ry+lying the Furxlv, annually analyzing the•rnt• <br /> �+ ,�'�.;st� verifying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays B�umKer inttrc,�on�he Funds and appliqble I�w permes l.ender t��maae such <br /> - - a charge. However,l.ender may require Barmwer to pry a one•time charge far sin indeperdent real estale tax rep►tting service <br /> � used by l.ender in connection with this loan, un.t�k.applica6le IAw provicks aherwise. Unlesx :ui a��reement is made or <br /> ��` � opplicable law requires interest to be paid,[.cnder slwll nc�t 6e rrquited to pa�Bortower any intercst or e:�mings on Ihc Funds. <br /> =•° • �"=<��.,''' Bornower and l.ender:n�y agree ire K•titing, howevcr. tha� inter�t rhull be paiJ on the Funds. Lender shull give 10 Borrower. <br /> --v�' '-.��-- - uittsa�t clt�rge.sst snntsa!xccQassl�sig of Ihp Fu�. �IM�W�Rg C��Ic Af�[I drrl+ilc to�he Fundc ard the pu�we fix which each <br /> �'•<��• °' :t,f��,,;-� y r debit to�he Funds was made.'fhe Funds ue pledged ati addilianal x�vrity te�r all sums secured by this Securit}•la��t�ument. <br />="'�;�:' t;:!, ,� s.;f <br />=';��U';:; �,v,�;: '���:'��` If the Furds hcl�M l.ender eaceed the�mcwnts permitted ta be held by applicable law, Lender shall arc��unt to B�Hrower <br /> .....aha �•",,•:•' •�.� <br />;- � , �P.,;:;A <br /> ,�;';, '� ;,.... �S, for the eacess Fundc i��uccoidance wlth�he requiremen�s of t�licuble Iaw. If the um�wnt of the Funds held by I.ender a1 any <br /> _.�,�. •. ,c.,,. <br /> _ �• `•� yXi� time is not sufiicient to poy�he E�cRnw• Items when due,Lerod�r. �:�y w notify Borrower in w�iting� .nd,in cuch case Bo+-rower <br />'=�, ��.�,�:�!.-.:,, <br /> •-�:�,. . _...,�� aiwU pay ta I.etder�he amount ne�essa�ry to ma�ke up�he de0iciency. liorrower shall ma1:e up the deticiency in no more than <br /> 4.. ' t �'_• � �'" .:. <br /> ,; � twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's wle dixrc�ion. <br />_ ,_ �;�.,;(��t <br /> '` ��'`�����`•` r Upon payment in full of all ,ums secured by this Security Inurume�t. L.ender shull promptly refund to Barmwer uny <br />- •X 1':..'•`����: �. �" <br />' '�.• �.�l�ti`,Y:.`���,. Funds held by Lender. If,under pa�gr.�ph�ler tihall uryuire or yell thc Pmperty,l.ender,pdor to the ucquisition or sale <br /> , ,:�,���, of the Property,shsdl npply any Funds hclJ b�•I...cnJer at thc�imc uf aryuisitian i�r uile us o rredit ugainst the sumc�ecuml hy <br /> � ``"''�' this Securi�y[nurument. <br /> �V' //�, li(�jl���} <br /> � ,;� ,�'� ��.���'� 3. Appllcation oi Pnym�wts. Unles�upplicable luw pmvides uthenvke, all puymentx rc.rived by l.ender u�uler paragraphs <br /> � � <br />•r�., ,iY:;., f t , 1�u�d 2 shall be applied: first. to any prepayment rhurges due unJer�hc H.+tr,x.eond.t�i:uixwms paynble under puraRroph 2: <br />-tr •i�p,� , � - <br /> �;;• ��� '%:•-��;'����;�y �•. thir+d,to interes�due:fourth,to principal due:a�ui lust,lo•rny latc charges Ja��:u�a dtr thc Notc. _ <br />� 1�`�� ���'�' �I<<4�'��°ti��� 4. Clw es: Lienc.i�mnwer shall all �axex,assc+.m�ent�,char e+ M�-�and im suwns uttributoble to�he rl <br />� �1','�y9�"�"�r, � P�Y 8 •'• , pa•�� ProPe Y <br />°�•�:� ' r,�: ,' .�!,' �, which may attnin priority over thi:, Se�urity Ins�mmem, amt t�:a�chold paynuntti or �rmand rtm�, if nny. Bormwer shnll pay <br /> , k. .,,:. ,.•,�:;,�;.,:: . <br /> :?;';;',';ti� ' �'•��' thesc obligations in the rn�nner provi�led in parugruph ?,ur if nut paid in that m•rnner, Borr<«vcr st�u"9 pay them on time directly <br /> � ����� •� +F� �' °• to the non ow�tii a•rnen�. &�rro�vcr xh�ll pre�unptly furnish t�i L.cnJer ull n�Hicc�of';imuums to txe�ai:l under this p�ragrapM. <br /> - .`_`" .,.�;�• •��� '� ;t�• � r,;, �ments direc�l�. Harrower sl�all mm 1 furni+h to I.�rkler recei ts evidenci�n� the u meMs. - <br /> ,-r��, . g{r 4 �,,y, If Bonower ma�;cs IC+�.� puy . P P� Y P � P Y <br />,:,�� , „.,, . �`1,�;5�,, Burraw•e�shnll promptly�alischarge anv licn which hu�:prioriiy uver thi+Serunty Instrument unlesx Borrawer:lal agme�in <br />_ . ,sr� � �:"��r'�;�r;�;, writing to ihe payment of�he nhligs��irn secured by�he lien m��manner accept•rble io Lercc!rr. Ib1 rontes�s in good fuith�he lien <br /> .°- � '% '�'�•' by, or defends against enforceme»; ��i ihe lien fn. I�ega� prnrceding, which in the I.endcr'.apinion operote to prevent the <br /> ��.�,.',1,, �.;•� enforcement of the lic+o:or 1�1�ccures 1'mrra the hnld�r rf thc licn an agrcc:a�cm.ati�l'arton to L�:ndrr�utvmiinating the lien to <br /> .t ."+� ; , <br /> .:''�..�.4 ;:� : ,k, � this Securlly Intitrwnent. ll'Lcnder �kterminex t•hat anc pAn nf thC Pr�i�xn� i>.ubjer� tn »lien which may •ru•rin priority o�•er <br /> ''''�'. �', this Security Ins�rumem. Lrnder�ay pi�c Hurr�.wer u n�1i�c i,!rmill•ing thr licn. B��rrnu.;r.ha11,a�i,tj thc lirn or take une ar <br /> ���ti ,f f�,;��:. H <br />�_ ,�,����`� � more of the ac�ions set f'onh alx*ve «�thin 10 Jays�,f ihe�i��inc «f M,tirc. _ <br /> . . . �;. fam 3�Y8 9190 <br />- . _ - . op�7 0l 6 <br />'�- ,' .'7/.. . , - � '1 <br /> �}1'���F' ,�1. .. _ <br /> .. i � ' <br /> ' ' .rt�9{ij71�+�'•r7,ip�a��h,i5�'I�[Y/��"s+a hs. .... . �:Sr.�^!:`"t!FZy'��n�:M.:.t;iGi:'.. .Ly,r,�'�4'/t��,�j��°i(5H_F�J,a�R�S{7iT�1u'- --- <br /> � t ��i(/J5'��%/��� !' ''� ;� q' `� � �� l.- <br /> . •�' '�, � • . :•� 4� �r�7 � :S.�Vy�i���.`•'��77 r l� S . .ti � li' _ <br /> ��i.. � . � 7 i . . <br /> M�it: �d�i.fe,eeiSlNLu�L'sr_, ' _ � . - .. . ��Ii���,�. .'v i'..�.�y,• �.�.........Jd.. :��:�.�i._ <br /> - :;i --- -- -- .. '-_� ..� . .. . ;-��;f�. - : .. ; � '. - ,.—. <br /> . � ` � <br /> �'� � <br />� .�:,'�� ..- �.e• �.t1. � . ,. . . , � �. � .. ' � � <br /> �t ., •� ' 1 .. ., . . , .. <br /> • .�. a - . � n ,��T , ,... . • , • . . ' . '. . . <br /> M, M1` . � , . . . . , ' <br />. �* , , , .i . . � " � . . � . , . . 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