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" ��`w� Y�''� r�r�3" ' �':e -� i�',�!���'«iv,ctw _ <br /> .���s �MrFVi7�'�+ Y t#,_ t lf;'t%t �' <br /> ,w..��y�,S;',, ,y� � �;'�E ti'+-----,-----��F,ti _-- <br /> .�� � Y - � �JI�E�` . Frt - :.�;;_. <br /> {.: _ <br /> • . •k; "e <br /> t.• �. ':A' . � <br /> . W„ <br /> �'�, . . . <br /> � � ':�: li�il�lc' . " _ ... __._ <br /> . ' �I' — -._. <br /> —. <br /> z <br /> _�� ��.��'. .� ;., �.- � 93 so�'�o --. <br /> - <br /> --- - 'i�UUG�IiiF.R WITH aii!hc imp�uvcmcnts now ar hstraftcr erccted cr.�h•�r�ty. aMi all easen�nis.appuAenanccs. �-°" <br /> Qnd tixtures nuw or Nereafler a part of�hc propepy. All rcploccments and a�kNlicx�s stwll alr.�be covered by this Security � <br /> . IncuumeM. All of tbe faegainR is refertcd to in thi:c Security Inswrnem a�Ihe"A'operly." <br /> a <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Barrower is luwfully seiscd of the cstutc hereby conveyed And hus�he right to grun� �"�" <br /> r^� ;�� snd convey thc P�riy�eny und IhAt�he PropeAy is unencumbered,except for encumbrunces of record. Bornawer wurrpm�and �`�'_ <br /> �� <br /> � ������� will defend generally Ihe lilie to�he P�opetty againat aU clAims wki denwnds,rubject to vny encumbmnces of rcy:u�J. �, <br /> � ' •�,�;J?�.��• THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenama lur n��iu�al u�e and nan-unifam covenanls with ����� <br /> �`4-'";s;�•. � IimNed vu�ia�ions by jurirdiction�o constiw�e a unifotm security inctrumem covering rcal pmpeny. ��=' <br /> �.'�•�, .�l)h% � . <br /> ��,,.,.;,.:.,..,;,.. UNIFORM COVENAIVTS. Borrowerand Lende�covenunt und ugreeas t'ollow,: '� _ <br /> ' �'"�`' 1. Payment ot Priaclpvl and Ipteasts Preppymeat and Lpte Cb�ges. Rarrower shull prompUy puy when due the �:�-, <br /> .:a.; .:� , �._ <br /> ..__ - .� � ' .,' prineipaI af und inlerest an ihe debt evidenced by ihe Note und nny prepayment and IAte churges due under Ihe Notc. _ <br /> � ' , � . •.�., ' L Funds for 7laxes and Insuraaca. Subject to Applicuble law ar t�a wrilten wui�er by Lender.&Nrower shall pay ta ��� <br /> x� •..f;. .,.,:,��� : <br /> ^ � ;;.,(, y,�., Lender on the dny manthly pnymenls ue due under�he Nrne,umil thc Nac is puid in full,a sum l"Funds"1 for.lal yearly <br /> `_�_�� `� : '?,•;t�' taxes and ass�essmen�s which muy altain�prk+tity over thiK Securiry loslrumcnt as u lien on Ihe Prt�pe�ty:lbl yearly leusehotd <br /> -- � �t.:;•.• t <br /> _,;-.� y;'r• •�,.°•• . Payments or ground rems on �he Pro�eMrtc, i i any: lc) yeurly hazard ar propeny imurlu�ce prrai ium.: ld l yeArl y iload T- <br /> _ insura�ce premium�, if tu�p:(el yeaTly �roeongagc inctivance premium�, if uny:w�d ifl unY sum� !'aYahie h}: Bon'ower lo e�r,:�,_ <br />-.}� �.-.�' '; � Lender,in accor�dance vri►ih the provisionx of �araeru{�t+R, in lieu af 1he payment ai manguge in�urancc p�remiumas. These i,:':`-- <br /> ,x,,� - - : s,;� :. <br />- . ,'; " +�.•., �.� i',: , items are cullcd"EK7uv►�t�ms.' Lcsdcr mak.iu a�e�time,collcct and hold Fund�in an amc►unt not to exccc:�atr.•rnazimum ..�_ <br /> unwun[a lenlcr far r b'ederally rctart�d nnon�agc ionn moy rcyuire for Borrowcr.�ew acrnum under thr :(�dernl Real �'f_ <br /> °� Estate Seulement Pracer�ures Act uf a97•3�s nane�uled fiom�ime lo time, 12 U.S.C.S Zt�01 Nr:+a•<S.1"RESPA"),unles+unott�er �� <br /> ' �.�,.�i�a�. 9t so.Lcndcr unY timc.rollect and hold Funds in An+unount na t�s �' <br />_ ,. --�-�; , law that a fpiir.,to ihe�'unda e�t��Ir•�� --- - <br /> � ���� exceed Ihe Icsser nrnn�ane. Lender m��o e�timnate th� amaunt of Funds due an ihe ba+is uf current data mM mASOnabie <br />:;�_�r;; t�,a^���.,�., ._`,. :,� , <br /> t ,,�•�• " ` �'� es�imates of eapetulitums ot'future E.+cm�ti�ltems or othenvitie in nccordance with applicable law. <br />--;:;�r�'• . e <br /> �s-••� The Funds shall be hcld in an i�.u�i�uti�n whu�c deposils um inwred by a federul ugency, instrumema9in�,or enti�y ���'" <br /> �_: .:.�-=:. .. <br /> � � ,, ,._.-..�. (including Lender,if Lender i� such:an imsoiutionl or in any Fedcral Home Loan Bunk. Lcnder�hall upply Ihe Funds to p:�y 3•:�- <br /> •x the Escrow ltems. I.ender ms�y�Y ch.uge Borrower for halding und applying the Funcix, annuully�nalyzing the �^�: <br />.=��.�n:"�`,—"''''_r%'"`. ��•�; ucwuoi. or �•crifying thc Escrow• Ii•.r:s. unless Lender pays Borr�wer in�crest on ihe Funw�s ,.nd upplicuble law pen�aits �=�-- <br /> � u !,;:�.. <br /> r' '� '� '�� • Lender ta make such u churge. Howrver,Lender muy reyuire Borrower to pny a cu�e-time rharge for an independr.m rea� S f _ <br /> . ';:'". � ,�.ti eswte tax r+eportiog�en•ice u+�d by I.cmdcr in connection with�hiti lovn,unle�s upplirabl�law pmvide�othenvise. Unles�An f.;.- <br /> .. �'"� ° a g r e ement ic mude or a p�liraAle law re quims imet+es�to bc paid.Lendcr shall na��e�eqaivKd to pny Barrowcr nny intemst or _ <br /> . . ;J,a,:�,JS ,�,. <br /> ��, , � • - LL,;,�,-x esunings on the Funds, Haraower ar:cl i.ender rnny ugrec in writing,however,thut incrrest sha4¢t►e paid on�he Funds. Lender <br /> - � �;s a�:�• °.,��r•t �shall give to Borrower, w•ith�wt ch;u�se, an annual accounting of Ihe Funds,showio�cterD'aas:a�d debits to the Funds und the <br /> .. ;" `�`��"�°�.�� ` �o�hc�Funcis was made. Thc Funds ore pledged as ndd�liona0.erurity for ull sum�secured b� <br /> se for which each clebU ��: <br /> �,-�!�� ��Sv.�rlt-,..n, purpo ___. <br /> ° ,t;;,:�.•,� �r'"'""',•��•-"; : � �. � U�is Secu�it Intitrum�nrt. __.__ <br />.����, - ..�..F..,..�,,,�r"tt�,��+' y �'�' <br />,..�,: .� +`�� t�l,��:;t'�t'�;;;;�,C If the Funds held by l.end�r exceea the um�untc prrmitted to be hcld by �PplicAbte lAw. Lender sha10 account to ��� <br /> S , • ,��'t'p;�¢ �.. <br />;:F;,�;��ti, a,�., Borrower for the excess Funds in uccardunce with the�eyuirements of applicable law. 14 thz amount of�he Funds held by ,�.. <br /> ��, '�, -��''• .. �t.:;;r,-.�• Lender A�any time is nol suflicicnt t���i�y the Escrow Itemx when duc, l.ender mAy w neMi+fy Borrower in wriling,and,in <br /> ,,�' •� <br /> •.' '�t, � ' such ease aorrower shall pay to L�ndec Ihe umount neccssury lo make up lhe defwiency. Borrower shull make up IQ�e <br /> �''� . � . .. dc8cicncy�i�no morc than tu•ctec mamh:y pieymcntc,a�t I.rndrr;��I�dicrre�f�.n. <br /> L!'� �. ' Y-Z4�4T'^Y 1�� <br /> � i-,�'�� U�wn puyment in full of ull sums.r•ecu�d by �his Securi�y In.trumenl,Lender shall prumplly t�efund to Bormwer ua} ��_,� <br /> °• �,+"?` ' Funds held by Lender. IG under purngrnph 21.Lender�h•rll acyuire ar sell the Property, Lender,prior to the acyuisition o� <br /> �'°`• �����':'' ,,: , `�� wle of the Property,shull upply any I'vnds held by l.ender at �he time of acyuisition or�ale as a credit uguinst the sumx <br /> �;�,'. <br /> -:���`." �'�;:�' �=:..�' ; secured by t�his Secu�ity Instrumcnt. <br /> '" 3. Aa+ipYic�tion of Payrnents. Unk.ti upplicublc law provides olherwi�e, �II payments received by Lender under �. <br /> _ ;c:t�•' `'�5 '�e;;il t::;�•, <br /> ••'�'� +s>^ • , � • ;• '' x 1 and 2 shull be lied: uny prepayment churFcs duc undcr thr Note:second,to nmcwnls payuble under �,.:' <br /> 4.., r .. pamgrnph �P <br /> '�`''`, y°'j '�'';,,��, � paragrnph 2;third,to intrrest due:foudh,to principul dur:anJ lutii,tu uny lalr chur�!e�due under�he Note. �' <br /> , �,��i �"'�.`y ; 4. C6�es: Liens. Baxrowcr shall puy •rll taxrs, u.��sxmeni,. churge.. fine� and imposilionti attrihutable to the ,�i; <br />_.r�� •ru.;'�. ' t:,'�r• � � <br /> -,,�, f.:, Propeny which muy nttain priority�*ver thi.Securily In�trum�nt,und Ieuuhuld payment�ur�.round rents,if any. Borrower •„ <br />; �f�" . ,.�:��s'��• "'r+•,;•�t'"�'�'•'� xhall Ral. tfi�ese obli�ations in thc m:i�nrr provided in parag�uph �.or if nut puid in�hm mvnncr,Borrower,h•rll puy them�m <br /> a:'; '. �' 'it,'� '�:: <br /> �,;"�'' time dirercJy to the person owed pa��rnenl. Burmwer sh•rll prom�ily i umish to Lcndcr ull noticc+of amauntti lo tx paid under �..,_. <br />'�y� � ` � �`• �, this parngrnph. If Borrower mukex these p•ry�mnt.directly,B��rcowrr xhall prompUy 1'urnish�o LenJcr rcceipts evidcncing �; <br /> : ;�,.;,•,. �;' <br /> . ° • - the payments. <br /> • , � .'� . Borrower shnll pr•nmpUy diuhurgr uny licn which ha�priorily over this Securiry In+trument Born�wer:la)agrees i4 <br />� � ri;�� , in writing to the payment of Ihe obligution secured by Ihc licn in u mnnner acca:ptablc�o Lender:lhl contests in good fuith the � <br />- . ..g � �-. : ,`� , lien by,or defends agaimt enfixcemeul uf thr licn in,Icgal pnx:ecdin�s which in the Lender�opinion o{+eru�e to prevent�he �. <br /> - �� �,.�•,�., � enforcement of the lien:or Icl secures frum the holder oi the li�n an ugreement sativfac��n tn Lender subordinuting the 11en �� <br /> � '�� to this Securiry Ins�ramem. I f Lenc fer determines t hu t uny p•r n o f�h e F'r o}�e r t� i+sub Jec� to a li�n which mo y uttain privrit} ;"!,�= <br /> °'�. �•,� �' '' �' , <br /> , i:�F' * .� ' I �ver this Securit In:tru�mem.Lender may givc St�now•cr u noticc ideniiPyin� the lien. e.�nower xhull sati�fy the lien or take �'-., <br /> �}'.S s ','}�:;:t;t,� rhr.,• ' Y ' - <br /> ...� . ��,�,,�i. one or more of the uction>set forth uix�ve within 10 day+of the givin�of noticr. ��:, <br /> f'�:iy•; • ;;;. , I 5. Nazard or 1'roperty ln.gwraarc. 8onnaer�hull kcep the rxiKting or hereafter erec�ed on 1he �'�S <br />;Rf,��i:�'' :,��. . I <br /> ,r,, .. , pro��l}•insured Against loss hy firc.h,►zards includcd within tfic t:rm"rx�cnvcd cuvcragc"und nny olher har.ards,ineiudiaF <br /> •.,'•���,,:� •:,•• -•� • .in,ur:ince. Thi+ in.urunce xhull Ne muintained in the amount� and for the <br /> ..,,. •�, �,,,',... .,;,:s,-.,;�. � tloodc or flooding, for which Lencicr rcyuirc <br /> .}:��. f�,; - :,rl�-:. - I (, . <br /> .;; '� . ' - R.m 3�26 9�7n ipd.a�:nJa,�u,q.ti <br />.�if��. �� ��`,';�;r''-. .='f�.'�•!'>,.r I 0 • <br /> .',I,"< y{1�,;t'l` Y , "- <br /> �5��:�5�1• .5:,:J''(������: .'�k,' .t(J.11. ��• <br />.�•�;'�'1 ���'14'L�.t�D'i•' :.;�:. r,i� � <br /> �T: A7F.���•�i ' I <br />. \�'��'� �','rl.;.;•.;i . <br /> ,_ � f,"�`,��������'�.�,��;':r;�•� • . ... <br /> • l. ��"!� .. � '�,�srYr°'1;����tl,;+ti+� {�. f iftii � :�[- . � ��- .. ;� .p �- .�n:✓;�. . . ��.t.� /�ti'}��an.)1�;:.�i?. .r � .K'M:Yaah.AL�r��e}y <br /> .��t)'�� ��,+�1.�'!'�' y�',. ' �, �, � <br /> }'`- .. ..,� -,:.--- !., ��' ' ' ' . <br /> -���_ ;�%--- ---i-- - � - •�•., •1.. , ,, • <br /> 1, `�, ' • . (r,1 , ' , . , . <br />,, . t. �,..,;, , <br /> '�t: . � ' ' , : ' • . <br /> . +�� • ' :,' � `��, . . , . <br /> , _ � � '�+�:'� � � �' . .. � ,t ,•, , • ' . . <br />' .,� � � . . . � - �r`, . <br />� . .. .a�... -. <br /> � ,i , ..Y., • <br /> y + . <br /> ��- _. <br /> 7 � <br /> �_ - - � <br />