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<br /> . Iter�ponsibili�� gox h�z�t�cd innuraa�ao ohall bo �r�+nsforred to �ha ,� ::�::
<br /> ;; le�see ati closing. ��;*
<br /> ' In the av�nt of do�auit oY �he �a�aar►� oP any inatc��a.men� .of ran� , �;�
<br /> for the abovo etated pe�riod, or in the event that aaid lessee :;��_�.
<br /> woul� brea� thia agxeemant in whole cr in paxt, said losaoo ;_,_
<br /> � .,r----1 ��.
<br /> . .:��=� thereby foxfeits anY c3.aim to the $500o depis�i�h wles�eehdoea�not
<br /> '` � boaomo8 the sole prope�y oY said lessoz. �:�,�
<br /> -,;�ri�-
<br /> �, .. �xerciae the option to purchase, the funds paid by the lesaee to _,
<br /> ° ^ � the leBSOr and neithQrapar�y iatto have�anyrfurther rightsgor y - __
<br /> �ho lee �::,:
<br /> ` fi al�ima against the athar. �`-;-_
<br /> . M�"...—
<br /> �; �, I1� the option ica oxexcisQd, the lessee shall within thixty days � ��__—
<br /> � after �he delivory to �im, h�r or their orde�c of the notiae oR �__
<br /> � ��`. exe�gi.se, seaure and submit to the lessee for exr�mination by his ___
<br /> �..:r,�=.:
<br /> -�,:;°U;; `"� attozneys ev�dence of inercharet�lo ici�cle in the propsrty by � ����
<br /> ,"� ° �± preliminary title report of a �nnalified title insurance cornpany. �_-
<br /> � Within thirty (30) days thareafter the lessee shall give naticQ -`
<br /> irr writing to �he lessos of any defea�s in or objections to the L:�.-=_
<br /> �i title as so avidencedl , and t2ae lessor shall cl�ar the ta.tle of �,.,�A,
<br /> � ��;� the d�fects and ob�octions so s�pecifigd. �: --:
<br /> ��.
<br /> ' C ; In the evant that �ho lesaor is unable to aonv�y title at -=�
<br /> alosing, the fivQ Chousand dollar ($5000) aQposit shall be
<br /> - returned to the lesseo. -
<br /> � �� This agraement sha3i be bii���:�� ugan »nd in»r� �o the benefit of �`
<br /> ; the heira, execu�ors, administrators, and assigns o� the partie�
<br /> hereto.
<br /> - � • - + The said leesor resaswea tho privilege oP c�ntering wi�ah notiae to Y
<br /> -.�'.5; _ ,. � lessee and inepec�ing tho propsrty. ---
<br /> .s,_,rtn,....i...- � �s
<br /> --....-� � :-n ' The plumbing, heating, yard� si8e4�al.k, �eneral upkeep anas andr
<br /> ==.��w repairs are to maintainad by tlas tenarse. Eleatrieity, g
<br /> '`� °�' "� �'' w�ter gxa to be ms�intainod by the tenant. Said lasseo or tenant
<br /> f';'��•`�':H '� aaaopta the propesty in "as ig10 aondition and hereby robeaaon the . -
<br />_=="-�'�°" los�or from any rec��onsfbility to repair, ahange or main�ain �ho
<br />=�`-'y�'�`� � praperty. Romodel ing nr other improveanents to the proportY arQ
<br /> ,��4�
<br /> -�-�= �•`-'�"��''��'�f"" al].owablo, as loag a� city, aounty, and state codas are observe f
<br />=:��;�.�:-�'c�l '
<br /> -=-�---,� - - pro�eata are complet��1 in a time].y manner, and the remodelfng
<br /> m_"=-�..;, _, pr�ajeat doas not redu�e the overall valus of the proper.ty. The
<br /> '�':'?`��� roErigerator as�rl �to�� atay in the home, to b�i uged by the les�ee _ -_
<br /> �; until suah �ime ae th�y ne lonqerc requiro use of those
<br /> --���� applianae3s• If �ha named appliances are atill bei�n�q�eBi�sge�.�
<br /> -��_=;:,.��=:: , lesseo a� alosing�, they then bacome the proporty
<br /> �-��:"""" If tha laacsc� xe�1�aes tha a�n�liancoe before closinq. �he les��r
<br /> :�.,'�;, -- _ .
<br /> ;:�,���=,�:M:{...; � shr�ll bs n�t3�i� an� re�novA t'tna appliances from the p���QY�Y n �-
<br /> -..x"°''`yl: a timely fashion. '
<br /> �""�'�""°"` or at suah
<br />-_;°.�:��?F Y:. � . �C�'/, -
<br /> _';:;, _�.:_�}.�. TlhiB transaction shall be alosed on /99L-. , _
<br /> .�-`� � ...'�. � other timoa as fihe partios may mutually agxQO, at suah location �_
<br /> _ . .:. � :� �o
<br /> as i$ mutually agl�'eoable to tho partgos here3.n and upon writ���n
<br /> _ , � �, �-
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