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� � ., <br /> � , <br /> , , ,, ..._.,., _. , <br /> ,. , ,. ° .� . � � ... . _ -. .. . . . . . �� .--�---..... . <br /> Aorroe�ct m�y curo auoA u d�tautt nnd rolnatato, ao provtdad In pnragraph 10, by oaualnti tho nottan or procooellnp to bo <br /> �dlarN�ood wlth n rul(nfl th�t,In Lcnd�fa Qood lallh dotcrminntion,prcoNdaa IorfolNro of tho 8ono►vor'a Interoat In tho Propurry or <br /> `� other matCrl�l tmpaUmont of Iho I�n araatod by thia &oourlty Inetrumnnt or Lander'o 000urlty Intorost. 8ortowor ahqll pl3o ba In � <br /> dotault It Borrowcr,during tho loan npplbntlon procoao,gnv�matcri�lly(nlso or ta�ccaurato tnlormatlon or otntcmcnla to Londcr(�r <br /> � fai'w�d to provldo Lcnd�r �yGh any matcrt�l Inform�tton) tn oonnoattan v�rih tho bnn Gvldanco0 by tho Ptoto, inotuding, but not <br /> Itmitcd to, rc�roaantntlono oonccminp Oorto�+ar'a ocoupnnoy af thp ptopc�y Aa � princlpai robtCIInoo. tt thts &�ourlry <br /> Inatn�mnnt Is on a leeaehotd, Bortower ahnll oompry wfth BII tho pravislono of tAO I�.nno. If Borroe�or noqutroa tco tltlo to �h� <br /> Property,tho t^aaohotd nnd tho f�s tilt�ahnil not m�r�o unlsoo Londa nprooa to tho morgor In vrrRing. ����' <br /> i'. Pe�teaQo��e� �ati��1o�'c i31gt�Zo In Epto eorro�+er i�u� le peAerm tho oovano�to nnd��re�mcnlo � <br /> '� contninfld In th19 8�ourfty Inatrument, or thora Is 8 I9pa1 procendfnq that mny obnl}bentry atteot LandarB tlghte In tho PropoRy (� , <br /> � � (suoh ao a pracandlnp In bankrvptoy,probato,tor aondomnatlon or IoAolturo or to anlorco 4�wa ar regutatlonu),thQn Lcndor may � `, <br /> do and pay lor whntovor t�nc3aoscary to protnot tho vallo ot!ho Proparty and Lcndfl�o �Ighta In tho Proparty. Lcndor'a nottnna •S;• <br /> , �;,,.:;� mny Inotudo psyin� nny ouma aecurod by a I�n v�hbh hau prlorit�r ovar thE3 ScscurAy Instrument, appoarin0 in oourt� PaY�9 � <br /> raaeonabF�nttomoyo'fco3 and antarinp an tho Proporty to mnko ropnlro. AAhouph Londor may tako uotton undar thls pamgraph � <br /> 7,londsr dous not havs to do eo. � <br /> My umounte dtsburIIed by Londor undor parct9roph 7 sh�il bcaomn addtilonul dobt of �orrower oocur�d by thfs&oaurUy �x` <br /> • Insuurrrent. Unbsa 9orto�va nnd Lcmdar agrae to o2hor torma of poymunt,thoso Elmounte ohall baar intarost from the dalo ot ��-- <br /> � disburtsomnnt ot tho Nolo mW and ahatl be paynbb. wBh intarest, upon notko from lendor to Bortowor►aquo:�ting pnyment. ����� <br /> � C3. Mortgege in�r�nce. If Londar mqulred mortpago Insumnao no n condltton ot makhrtp tho Ionn aoouned by this �:�.ry:_. <br /> Sccurity Inatrumont, Borrowcr eshntl pay tho prcimiums roquUOd to maNtai�the mort0dgo tnoumnao In ef(oot.If,for any roaotrn.tho �s �� <br /> mortgaga Insumneo oovampo roquYod by LondM Iripsos or oouaen to bo N ef�7eeh Borro►var ohull pay tho promb�mo roquirod to ';��;: <br /> � � obtain covemae aubstanttaly aqulvabnt to thA moRgag� tnsuraneo provlousy tn eNact, at a ooat Bubetantktly equbnWnt to tho <br /> ' cost to Borrowor of tha moRgnpo Inaumnco prevlousy In eNect, hom an attomato mortgage inauror npproved by Lendor. If <br /> �? eubstnnti�liy oquNatent mortgt►ge Insu►ance oovemge Is not ave�k�bb, BoROwor shati pay to lender eaoh manth e sum aqual to ,�=.� <br /> ". •1 one�twedth of the yoary moRSapo k�aumnce premium boing pald by 8ono�vor whon tho Insurunce ooverago tnpsod or couoed ro —_.�� <br /> � bo In oiteet. Lond3r wN acoQpt,uoo and rotain thoso paymenta as u losa roscm► In Ileu ot mortgafle fnsuruneo. Loas re3erve -�-- <br /> ,_ •� . , � payments may no tonger be requirad,nt tho optlon of Lander,� mortgapfl insuranco coverngo (In tho umount nnd tor tho pertod �`._ <br /> � thot I.snder requlres)provided by en insurer epprovod by Lendor again becomes avaiinble and b obtained. 8ortowet shall pay �__, <br /> ` tP►o prem(uma roqutred to malntnh martgage Inaumnce tn effcct, or to provido a losa roserve, unU� tho requUomont tor moRgaQo �j� <br /> !➢�Lt� <br /> '� �' ` insurance onds In n000rdaneo wah eny written apreement between Borrower nnd lendot or applkk;tttbte bw. <br /> " �,.�' 9. If18�@Q1IOit.Londer or ks agent mny mnke reusonabb ontrba upon and tnepeotRons of tho Propurty. Lcndor ohnll gko =� <br /> eon�owor nottae at the time of or prtor to an b�speatlon speolrying reaaonabfe oauee tor tAe Inopoatton. _ <br /> • �� 10. Condemnnetlon. The proaeeda ot any award or ol�im for damagos,dtreot or oonsequantlal,In oonneotlon with any <br /> •+� condamnatlon or othar t�khg ot uny paR of the Proporty,or for conveyance tn usu ot oondomnatlon, aro hareby aesl�ned and �___ <br /> i �,. shnU ta pnid to Lendet. -•_-_ <br /> _- :,�+ - !n !!se a�t et e toml tak�o ot tha Proaerty. tha procoada shall bo eppAad to the eums aeoured by this Seeudty -- _- <br /> Inatrumant,whethor or not then d��,with any oxcosa pafd to 8orrowm. In the avent o4 a paRlat takNg of the Propertp n wnbh <br /> � the 4atr madcet value of the Proporty immedlatey betore the tnktng Is equei to ar groater than the amount ot tho 8ama aocured _____ <br /> by thts Seaurtty InsCument tmmadk►Wy betore the taktng, untess @oROwor �nd Lender otAorwiso ngroo M w�ItinO, the aumo � <br /> . �"; secur6d by thts&oourNy instrument ahali be reducod by tho amount of the proceeds rrtuRatiad by the following hBOtton: (e)the <br /> ^ �';%S�� tots�t amount of the eums sooured 6nmodlately bofore the te►khg, divided by(b)tho fna maAcet vaae of tho Property Immediatety <br /> � •�;�'•��:':t . be7ore tAe ffikinp.Any bIILvice a�ali ba patd to BoROwar.In tAo cvant of a purtisl takbg of tho Propaty in whbh the ink market <br /> . i�;.:�:••. <br /> • ' ,;;;��j� vatua af tho Properiy htmoditttely baiore ihe takhg Is les8 than the amount of the sums secured Immodintey bntore t e 8� <br /> � unbss BoROwer and l.ender atherwise agreo in w�ting or untess epplkabie I�w othenviso provtdes, the procoeds ehall be <br />'� ' '�' � applled to the sumu seaured by thls Seourityr Instrument whother or not the aume are then duo. — <br /> • '. � Ii the PropoRy Is abandonEM by 8orrower,or u,after not�e by Lend�r to Bonower that tho oondomnor oftors to mako an --� <br /> a�rt+rd or settte n ctalm ta damagos, 8ortower falis to rospond to Lender wlhin 30 days aftor tho date tho not�o Is pMan, <br /> �!'.(� " Lender Is authortu�d to collBOt snd appiy the proceeds, ot �s option, ofthor to restoratlon or ropaU of tMo PropoAy or to tho - <br /> -� �� �`��+� sums seaured by thb Secwit�►instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> . ,��y.��' <br /> Unbss Lendor end BoROwer othorwise egree in wrkHg, anY nPP�kallon oi proceeds to prinolpai shall not extcnd or <br /> '� `',��'��'��' ' ootpono tho duo date ot tho monthy psymeata roturtod to In pamgreAhs t and 2 or ohange tho smount ot suoh paymonto. <br />` . ;�,+�.;`,���c� f p 11. 8orrower Not Released; Forbcarnnae 8y Lender Not e Weiver.Extenelon ot the time for pnyment ar <br /> .. .,+;;1yy, <br />_ �;�,u;., modiNCntlon ot Qmortimtlon of tha suma eeeured by thts Security Inshumunt grnntod by Londur to eny suecessor fn tnterest ot <br /> ' �"�`t�`' ;� ' 8ortowor ahatl not opeteto to re�as0lhe Ilnbillly of tHe origtnai Boaower or Bortowers 8uccassare in Mtarest. Lende►shail not <br /> • �;�Fi�n;r'li� be requlred to oommoneo procoedinga ngnk�st any euccssaor In k+t�st or refuae to oxt�nd t(mo Por gaymont or oth�snvlso _ -- <br /> - ��� • modly amort�atbn of the sums aecured by thf�3ccurity Inawment by reason oF any dEUnand mado by�ho orlglnal 8orrower or <br />�-<;; , Borrower's succossors tn Interost. My torbuamrtco by Lendor In e�cerclamg eny right or ren�dy ahall not bo n w�uNer ot or = <br />- . -�.. prooludo the exeroise ot eny right or remedy. — <br /> y2. Succe�eora arod 1lsstgna Boun�; Jot�t end 3everal 1ia411lty; Castgnera. n►o covenanta and <br /> - ••.t�t±;• apre�m�tc of thM S�uNt/Inntrumcnt�hnit b�nd and benoNt tho sucCOw�or' and a�9t�ns ot lendcr artd BerrowEtt,aubJeet to the �-- <br />_ '.':'��'r,':lA1- prpvblona ot psregrt,ph i7, eoROwcr'3 covcnanta and agrcamonte ahat!bo joht and soverai. M7 Bonower who easlgng this .— <br /> � � ���'�"tr"�� Soaurriy Inswment but dooa not oxeauto tho No1o: (a) Is aasipqing this 3ecu�r tnsWmcnt ony to moRgago,B�nt and aonvsy <br /> � that 9ono�vor's Intorost M tho Proporty undor 1he tortns of this 800urity Inatrumont; (b)ta not poroonnly obiigatod to pay the <br /> � '- �� sums soaurtsd by this 3ecuriry inaaument; and (o)agroes thct Lsndor end any other Borrowor rcwy Agree to oxtand, modNy, <br /> . .:-�,�.,, :. --_ <br /> ':��;;�•�' Mrboar or mttke any ttccommodattons wkh rogord to thd terms of this Soau�ity Insttu�tait or tho Noto wtthout thot Bortowet's — <br /> . ;;;tt�t'%.,�� oonsont. — <br /> �'' ����' 13. L�en Chargea. It the 1o8n 800urod by thls Seoudty Inatrum�nt is subJoct to a Iaw wh�h sete maxtmum ►oan <br /> r ,� ahnrgos,and ths¢ law ts Ihatty Intorpretod 6o that tho Intoroat or othor to�n cAnrgos oolbotod or to bo aolbated In conrteotton ��- <br /> ..�, with tho toan exc�fld tho pemUttad�Imtts,t�an: (4)nny ouoh loan ehargo 8he1 be roduood by tho amount�ocossEtry to roduco y,,._ <br /> ,,,.. 7 tho ehargo to tha yormltted 1'mih, &nd (b)Ony SumB flY'68dy COII�ot00 1rOrt180rtOwc3i whlCh t1xCeBdOd pOmlltWd tlmit8 wIN bo �';: <br /> . �,�s' ` ro9Undod to BoROwor.Lend�r may ohoaco to maku thia rotunm by roduoinp the prinatpn�oaod undor!ho Note or by mnlcMp r3 ;, <br /> •��.a�.; ' ' <br /> �.�:;�s,;i.,S. . dUoet paymeat to Borrowsr It a rotund roducos prk�oWal,the roduattan wIB tro Unatod ns a pnrttal prcPaYmm►t v�hh0ut nny <br /> ': �;!r il,�.,;• F�PbY�t ohargo undrn tho Noto. <br /> . . . 14. N041C�8.My notice to Borrowcu provtdad tor�n this Soaurit�r Int�trumtwit shpq bo gkon by dolivtxinp k or by maiq�g tt . <br /> _ -_ __':-:-:-�= - h� r�ra�etnac� mw unF�na nnnlbabb Iaw roquVes use ot nnothor method. T9so notbo Shnit be d(rootw!W tifo P►aporty Ad6rosn :-.;. <br /> -_--_..._rr-�:.�� 'v� o�y CS�:°�f e�i aveea �7�m�.qar �/oe o,'t�R°° hY RnNro tn 1 anrfar Anv nntlt:A t0 LmltQt flhnll f�0 GNCtI GY tQel OH88 fl�8o lo i: <br /> � Lendore addross statod horoin or nny othor addrosa Lendsr dosignotus Oy �ol�o to Borrowar. M� not��providad tor in thHs <br /> SC�urNy tn�trunu�nt shalt bo doomofl to hnvo boon glvc�n to 8orrowor or Lcndar whon gNcn as provldad h thi�pNCgraph. <br /> ., � 1G. Qovorning tsw; SOVC��I01114y. This Seourdy Inatrument sha0 bv govamod by todoml law and tho 1��y o�tho . <br /> - Jurfsdlotlon in whbh tho Property Is tocatod. In tha ovont thnt any pmvblon or cL�uQO ot thb Socu�ity Inowmont or tho Noto <br /> �� eonilbte wkh upplfcablEi t3w. suoh aonflbt ahnu not atbct other provNStons of this 8oaurity InsWmont or tho Noto whlah oen bo <br /> gNan oftaot w4hout tho conilbting provtaton.To thb und tho provlalona of this Soeurity InoOum3nt and tho Noto nro daalarcd to <br /> bo uovombb. <br /> � ". � 18. eorro�vvr'a Copy. Borto�rc3r ahnA bo glvon ono aonronrrod copy of tho Noto and ot thls Sacurtty inotrumont. <br /> � .. �' ,; � C , <br /> , , . P�ge D ol 6 J•�• �—_ <br /> Ft9t0.1M0(tl�) <br /> oosoe <br />