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F+'���.fr'u.���J.Atd����. • <br /> � � ��RION�IENT OF IIBNTB H1081� 9����,5 <br /> THIB A8810NMENT OF RENTS RIDEA 1�mad��nd�x�cut�d ihli 25TM d�y of JANtlARY ��g 93 �+��s <br /> - Inoo�paat�0lnto�nd�ha11 b�d«m�d to am��d and�uppl�rtNnt th�Morlpapa a QNti of Trwt,h��ainaft�r rofere0 to a tM <br /> '� � , - — "8�oudty(eN1ron�C'�of th�sanM d�i�plwn b�r tIN und�ratpnsd,haNnatN�rtf�rnd to as itM "Borrowa". lo aecur� �_- <br /> -�� - <br /> - - BOf�OwM'a Illd�bbdoss�,h�ninafiK mTmrwl to as tiw"Noii",to HOME FEOERAL�wiYlfi3S A�JO LCAi'i A330CIATION OF ..,,__ <br /> . .t<<;,� OMND IBLAND.h�ralnafi�r nlKnd to as Ih�"landn".of ih�sanN d�t�a�nd cowrinp ths P�operhr dsac�ibed In ths Seou►1ty <br /> Imtrum�nt�nd loat�d N: <br /> .__ <br /> ��� ��.Y�, 2209 W. OKI.AHQMW� GRAfl� ISI.ANO, NEBRASKA 68803 �;: <br /> - _ �.L�,... .._r -- ----- (PropR�qrAadrnq �- <br /> �-�,...:::.. WI1NE38ETH: .. �- <br /> '< .:;_. ;_ �.;.., %�•� --- <br /> ' %,f .II%�C�". .s.:Y`�.{Y!�: -� _� <br />. � .-;. ,. .,.'����,,;. WHEEiEA8,Bonowa�aed Lender h�ve ap�eed that any �ent�u�d profits atlribut�bl�to tAo property e�oul�congttiu4e �t,�::.. <br /> , • '' �,. , �;;,;:;.�:! �dditlon�l aeounry to 1M L�ndor tor the paymant oi the Nota; t� : <br /> ,r_ n,` <br />-.�`b'tl'. AaL.�;, - <br />_.:bt.%•S'� .�f���.. <br />�;:.u;,�r„+:" � j I�OVI7,THEfiEFORE,lt Is a�reed lhat tlw Seourity Inst�wnerA shall ba amended heveby And deamad to includa t�a failowinp .... <br />"r.,lf< +h.. '`., !. ,.';�} •i `° p►ovlNona: �`., <br />+::_f��!r,'.ri� ' {' • <br />:;;,�,�;�„�;, .�,u��:n��.,a,:s.r', <br /> • a;r�;�,., • �f <br /> ,.iiiJr� ' � � '- 11..�:_. <br /> - •:��=::�� 1. Aeslanment of Rents and Lender Rentel Collectlon Ri hts.8or�ower hereby�bsolutaly and unaondltlonally asslpns all <br />._.-.`},-: �,�:;��.,. •:. . . a ��':::. <br /> reMe, Is�ues and proNts of tne props�ty to BeneOel�ry. lender sh�ll h�ve the ripM, powsr and authorlly d�xlnp the �� <br /> �°`��: � ' contlnu�nas of ths S�ourlty Mslrumsot to collsot the raMs�laeuas and proNts ot lhe property and of any pe�aon�l propeny �;�; <br /> �. , . ,'°,-�'�'• , looated thereon wNh or wNhout bklnp poeeeeslon of the property Nf�ot�d h���by. L�ndar,hovr�wr,h�rsby cons�Ms to �;. <br /> � ��i�` ' � Bonower'�coll�otlon and��hntlon af tuoh nnts,hw�s�nd proflta�a th�y acarw�nd b�con�pay�bta,so lonp as Borrower �; <br /> .'�"'�%.•'}i.�;•• 1�not,at suoh tlnN,In dN�Wt wllh rap�el ip pa�nt of�ny IndMNdnus Naur�d Mnby,o►In th�p�rlonnano�of aor =_ <br /> _ - � � �gnartwi+�t h�►��n�• =;- <br /> t����,,�i� Z. AeonlntnNnt o(R�oelwr_ II �ny�wM of Mlwlt In w�p�ot to 1M S�cu►Ity In�IrurtHnt shall h�w ocau�r�d and De <br /> � �'�: <br /> : � `�� .,;� aontlnul�p, I.�nd�r,��a matt�r of�Ipht�nd wlthout notic�to Barow�r a�nyon�cldminp undsr Bonow�r, and wllhoul <br /> '� �. • � °� np�rd ta 1M valw of tM trwt�st�t�or tM 1nt�r�st of tM Bar►aw�r lMaln,�h�ll baw tM rlphl fo apply to any coun h�vinp �.;. <br /> ;, . ..;:r;�.��,a:�?� � jurlsdlotlon to�ppolnt�r�cNwr of th�proputy. �� <br /> �'..,. .. <br /> ,,,;�;�,;,�..,�,:...,;, 3. e�oht to Po■ass.ion.In cns of dsfwlt tn the payment oi the e�ld prinolpsl Nots or Interest,or any pah thereof,as it �, <br /> '`���'�'� ^� a shdl matur�,or I�th�o�w of hllurs to ksep or pe�fom�my o1 the covdn�Ms o�• esmmts eontained�n the Securlty laet�u• <br /> ,, v:;:�,;�,: o► �` <br /> nNnt,tMn th� I.�nda, Its succsseors or aeslpna,ahaN be a�d Is heraby authorl:ed�nd empowered to take immedlate <br /> possesslon of the sdd pnmlui thoteln d�scrlbed md to aolloct tha�anb tlwrelrom,aad to apply th�Proceed4 theraof to the �, <br /> - '' p�ym�nt of ihs Note. <br /> �. <br />� � �1. Aonitostlon of Rsnte.lesues and P�oflta.All ronts collooted by Lender or the recelver shall bs applNd finR to payment �,,,. <br />-,= _ : -Y-�:�.:=�ti`•� ol th�eats of m�n�gerimsnt of th�propertv and coNsctioer aP+�Me.loeludlny.but not NmINd to.receiver'a feaa.�Keaniuma on = <br /> - -_—�-- . - - -_,_ <br /> .;;: : . r�lrar's bonda and reoeonable attorn�y's f�ts,and them 1�r 1As sums aecurod by lh�S�curlty Instrument. Lem��a+a�4fne <br /> � . r�coNax ahalt be Ilable to account only ior those r�nts ac9u�aco�r received. � <br /> , 5. �anst ru�8�i2�n o1•P�ovlslons.Each of the provlaions c¢�n1admied 1�tlh�s A►sslpnment W Reots Ride►and the Se�cuQily 1nelrtr �r <br /> �• :M��n � IR61fA1 ShflU, unlesa a9P�erwlse sp�cillcally�equi�ed,be co�sl.•�u�d in accordance wltfh Nebraska law, and Irr 1!�event eny �,�;� <br /> '='���` ------�°-.-�'. .p�czv�8�on fiarcln or thoroln contalned ahall be detem+ined��e r Mi�t��anm�tant)uriRdiction to bo unenfaa�ab ie.Itw�►ma =_ <br />-''��' :-� • ° ' s0�all De co�strued as thouqh such unentacoable provlslon were not a part hereof o►thereol. �- <br /> ... �4'i : • fa�`.�1 <br /> '�. .'•:�•� S • • • 8. •�pct of Rldyr.Except as speciflcatly nnorlilied by or Inconeletent wNh thls Aastynment oi Rent�W6de r ar by any othar • <br />;���a'i'i'�i ' � � Applicable rldar,all of 1M terms a�d provlsicsas cmnta3a�6d In the Seourity Inat�umont ahall continue in fw71 Y�+rae and effect. . <br />��e;�`"? I .:'.`...� • '•-'-*i ,. <br />-:�,..4:,"y� �;'s�'�`"'� � IN WdTIVE98 WHEREOF.QoPCOwer has executed this A �g ment of Rents fild�th date ffrat notetl r�bow�. L` <br /> �r,�ft`g '. K�,,.�.�_._�~ �Gr'o"",.�- ' - � - <br /> .�'^ �} ' Y .. • • ��t���,; pEAN R. TAAKL sOrrower �.. <br />_l� �` .Ir �)t1�• <br /> Q <br /> f1 <br /> ' � . d� ^ ' " �R. <br />_ .. _' , � ., eorrower =_. <br /> "' ` '"" "n `'1 3TATE OF NEBRA3KA) ` <br /> �' '.��?' :. .' k; (S8: <br /> =`r ` .-,.. �,_ . •- <br /> _ ;����`��.� ° ' ��'`' COUNTY OF HALL ) . <br /> • ,,�S'±�r..,.�,. I :. <br /> ?l��•'�• `,;,�v,•' On thle 25TH d�y p} JANUARY ,1g 93 �be9ore me,the underslpned,A Notary PubUc dWy commi�sioned and __,_ <br /> _ .�,�`�'�.'�, ,: �",y quelHledfo►saldcounty.Per4onpllycame nF0�1 p TAAKE,�ST*'�IF pFRSt'►N _ =�.• <br /> , �,,.. 1 . � . , <br /> � � � ' � �' .� ; ,to be Ihe Identical person(s)whose name(s)Isla�e aubscrlbed <br /> • f ;�' •���.� � �1 �•:,� to the fotepolnp Instrument,and helshelthey acknowledpa the executlon the�eof to be hla/heNthelr voluntary act and deed. ��." <br /> 1 GRA(VD I5LAN0 EBRASKA <br /> - �� Wltnees my hend end Notarlal Seal at �_ <br /> . , ' . ., . � � � , <br /> 4� ` ' . In id un the r I <br /> , '''' •.�� �r� ��� � j'�'! �, ��_ I, <br /> . . '�. ? Notary PubllC �,.. <br /> • � My Commlaslon explres: _.s� �j���' � <br />•;_ � � " ��oao�s� ,��Alr�d MnW F <br /> ia':� , . ��uu� ueya��.0 <br /> , � ' ' ,, ��+MI tanr�ExP Au�12.1996 � <br /> i � <br /> f.: <br /> ., <br /> , ; 4 <br />;���i'�`r'� ''� ��.:,S:, .1� • <br /> tS�t ;ti � ' .. ' '' ,i' yy'i'�r�,: ,� <br /> }t` ' ` ,�. ;�� ;°'.�`•�'?i , <br /> ���) <br /> � <br /> i ; ' . ' ;;i ,f . <br /> � � � <br /> f,.. • i <br />